Save Me

My Idol Romance


"Oppa? Can you hear me?" 

"Yeah, I had to go on the balcony to get signal. So, how are things up in Seoul?" 

"Pretty good. We're just doing music shows non-stop and I'm still planning the basics for our wedding with your mother. You know that your dad offered to walk me down the aisle in place of my dad" I said, sitting on the couch with Boss and Ginger.

"That is surprising. Are you going to take him up on it?" 

"I told him that I already had someone to do it. You remember Johnny Kitagawa? From Johnny's Entertainment in Japan?"

"Yeah. Is he going to walk you down the aisle?"

"He might. I'm still deciding between him, Teddy Oppa, and YG Oppa. Your dad said that it was fine, but  I feel bad for turning him down. Can you make sure I didn't offend your parents by saying that."

"Yeah, of course. Oh, Lyle and Lydia said hi."

"Tell them I said hi back. Anyway, Oppa, when are you coming back? I miss you."

"We will probably be back either tonight or tomorrow. Depends on if anyone wants to drive tonight" replied Oppa, laughing.

"Okay, that's a relief."

"Tori, what's a relief?"

"Oh, nothing Oppa. I've just been missing you."

"No, its not nothing. Tell me what is wrong?"

"There have been reports of a person breaking into the apartments around the building and also I'm pretty sure that I have a stalker outside the building."

"Well, go stay with the guys downstairs until I get there. And you have Boss and Ginger don't you?"

"Oppa, the guys are always at YG while I'm here and when I'm gone, I'm always stressed out because of the stalker. Even with Manager Oppa and the rest of the girls, I don't feel safe anymore" I said, starting to cry a little.

"Tori, I want you to get Jiyong to come and stay with you tonight. Have you told YG Hyung or anyone at the company about it?"

"No, not yet. I don't have any proof of the stalker and the building already has security doubled."

"Okay, I'm leaving as soon as possible, and am calling YG hyung and Teddy hyung about all this. Just stay there and I will get one of the guys to stay with you until I get there."

"I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, and Tori?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Bae Oppa disconnected the call then and I could tell that he was determined to get back here tonight, even though it was already 8:30 and it was a good 3 and half hour drive. I just stayed on the couch and watched the recording of the music show we performed on today and the ones from the past couple days. I have to thank Lydia and Lyle for the choreography, because it was so much better than when we performed it at the YG Family concert.

I liked watching the fan reactions and hearing the cheering on the shows when we performed. I loved watching the other performances from the other groups. Though, my favorite part was when we won the M-Countdown award. We were the underdog and were lucky to even get considered, but winning it was amazing! The fans were cheering as we did our encore and the other artists left the stage, congratulating us. Of course, when our YG Family came on stage, the fans got louder and Bae Oppa came up to hug me. 

I smiled remembering how amazing it felt to win awards on music shows as rookies, and to know that fans loved you even though you were in a relationship. Backstage, it was fun because Ji Oppa, Seungri-ah, and Bae Oppa introduced us to some of the sunbaes that we haven't met yet. SNSD still remembered us from when we met before we debuted, and were friendlier now, and then they introduced us to the Wonder Girls and IU. 

The recordings went off so I changed it back to the regular channels before searching for something to watch. As I settled on the Arirang station, my phone went off with a call from Ji Oppa.

"Ji Oppa? What's up?"

"Tori! Why didn't you tell us that you have a stalker?" shouted Ji Oppa.

"Because I have no proof that I do have one. I just think I do."

"Still, you tell us. It's even worse because there is a burglar in the building as well."

"I know, Ji Oppa."

"I want you to stay in your apartment until I get there. I will be there as soon as we finish with this track. It shouldn't take too much longer. I will see you soon."

"Okay, bye."


I went back to watching the Pops in Seoul segment and watching some of the other news shows they had on it. Finally, it went to a program that was pretty boring, so I switched over to some random music video channel. It wasn't long before I fell asleep on the couch. 

I woke up to some rattling from the door. I checked the clock to see that it was around midnight, so it could probably be Ji Oppa. He normally comes back around this time anyway. I got up and went to the door, not bothering to look through the peep hole. 

"Ji Oppa, I thought you were coming..."

I was standing face to face with a complete stranger who was smirking at me. My first instinct to close the door was stopped when he slammed the door open and then forced his way in. 

"You know, I thought you would be smarter than this, but luckily, you aren't. Now, I get to have you all to myself while no one is here to save you" said the guy, smirking at me and walking towards me.

I took a step back for every step he took forward. It wasn't long before I felt my back hit the wall, and he was already holding me there before I could run into the hallway to my bedroom. He leaned in, about to kiss me before he stopped and move back.

"I will save that for last. This look of pure horror on your face is really " said the guy, moving towards my neck.

Thank God he hadn't covered my mouth yet. Just as he was close to my neck, I started screaming loud enough to alert the entire floor, if not the entire building. I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and a hand cover my mouth.

"You think you can get away with screaming like that? Just wait, there will be a report of an idol committing suicide in the morning if you don't shut up" said the guy, running his hand along my side and to my leg.

I shut my eyes tight and started crying. Bae Oppa, come save me! Please! Anyone please! BAE OPPA!! I could feel the pressure of the guy squishing my body between his and the wall, and then there was nothing. I dropped to the floor and stared is shock as I saw that the man was on the floor, having the beating of his life from Bae Oppa. I heard Ji Oppa and and the other Big Bang members along with Teddy Oppa. Daesungie and Seungri came over to me and tried to get some response from me while Ji Oppa, TOP Oppa, and Teddy Oppa were trying to pull Bae Oppa off the intruder.

"Bae, you hurt him anymore and he'll die" said Teddy Oppa.

"He deserves it for touching Tori. He deserves to go to..." shouted Bae Oppa, as I continued to stare in shock.

"YoungBae... YoungBae... YOUNGBAE! He isn't important! Tori is! Go to her, we'll take care of him" said TOP Oppa, pushing Bae out of the way as the police came into my apartment.

I could see the anger and pure hatred fall from Bae Oppa's eyes as he heard what TOP Oppa said. He looked around the room and saw me with Daesungie and Seungri. Walking over to me, he knelt down to my level and pulled me into his embrace. That was when the floodgates opened and I was crying and sobbing as hard as I possibly could into his shoulder.

"It's okay. Everything's fine. I'm here now. You're safe" chanted Bae Oppa, rubbing my back soothingly. 

I don't remember everything that happened after that, just a basic outline and a few details. I was too dazed from the events and still in shock. The police told me to tell them everything that happened, and that they would get the security camera footage from the camera across the hall from my door. Bae Oppa stayed with me as the medics checked me over to make sure I didn't need to go to the hospital for a panic attack or for shock. As everyone left, the police told Bae Oppa that he wouldn't be charged for assault and that it would be kept from the news. YG Oppa had been alerted when the police had come and was now, at my apartment along with some of the YG Family. Se7en Oppa and Han Byul Unnie were here, 2NE1 had come when the police had arrived, Jinu Oppa was here with YG Oppa while keeping Sean Oppa and the other members of YG Family updated through texts and phone calls. It wasn't until the police had left that the rest of Morning Star arrived and attacked me in massive hugs. 

"Our maknae! Why would someone do something as horrible as this?" said Samantha, crying. 

The guys of Big Bang calmed them down while Bae Oppa pulled me over to the couch. YG Oppa came and sat across from us. I could tell that he was stressing about this happening. 

"YG Oppa, I will perform tomorrow. Then, you can decided what to do tomorrow. I'm sorry for causing this trouble. Even though the police said it won't be in the press, it will probably come out in time."

"You had nothing to do with causing anything! Do I make myself clear? Right now, the press are probably having a cow since they picked up on almost all of YG coming to the dorms. We will deal with it and if you think you're up to it, Morning Star will continue to perform. However, I want you to take at least this week off. Also, I never thought I would say this, but YoungBae, you are moving in here with Tori. It's too dangerous for her to be by herself right now. We are changing the locks in the morning. Now, let's all get some sleep. I will see you all in the morning at the building" said YG Oppa, walking out the door, probably going to the police station to handle everything and to talk with the press.

"Tori, we're going to stay here for the night, okay?" said Maria, talking for the girls of Morning Star.

"Same here" said Dara, while the other girls nodded their heads. 

"You all can, if you want. Jiyong, you know where all the extra stuff is, right? I'm going to take Tori back to her room. She needs to sleep" said Bae Oppa, leading me back to my bedroom.

He laid me down before getting out of his jeans and walking over, in his boxers, to his chest-of-drawers for some pajama pants. As he sat on his side of the bed, he took off his shirt and tee shirt before getting under the covers and wrapping his arms around me. I moved so I was facing him and molded myself into his body. 

"Are you cold?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just finally feeling safe."

He chuckled before pulling me closer and started to hum his song "You're My."

"Oppa, thank you for saving me."

"Anytime, Tori. I love you."

"I love you too."

He looked at me for a second, before moving closer to me. I moved to him and kissed him. It was a sweet, innocent kiss, but it was enough to know that he was there for me no matter what. As we relaxed, he pulled me even closer and rested his chin on top of my head. I remember falling asleep to the sweetest smell and the perfect lullaby.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))