Jealousy is a vicious monster

My Idol Romance

It had been about a week since I got the "hate-mail" as Ji Oppa liked to put it. YG Oppa now has all of my mail coming to the YG Building so he and Teddy Oppa can go through the fanmail to see what I can and can't see. I know they mean well, but they are over reacting to it. I was able to spend a few days with Bae Oppa before I was shipped off to L.A. to film Criminal Minds. 

"Tori, are you ready for your make up?" asked one of the stylists as they popped their head in the doorway of my trailer. 

"Yeah, I'm coming" I said, getting up and walking out of the trailer. 

We were currently filming on location in the country side of California. It was a scene when I meet the BAU for the first time, so they said that they wanted it to be the first scene we shot because it would seem more realistic if it was the actual first time I meet the entire cast. 

The episode revolves around Kpop and the fandom that it has gained around the world and in America. My character is supposed to be a Kpop idol that lives undercover in America to get away from the celebrity life in Korea. But things go wrong when my character gets a stalker that just so happens to be killing girls from dance groups that cover Kpop songs for competitions. 

YG Oppa thought it was a really amazing way to get Kpop into the American public, but didn't really one aspect of the episode. I'm the romantic interest of Dr. Spencer Reid, so that means a kiss scene between the two characters. Let's just say that Bae Oppa wasn't too thrilled when he found out about it. 

"Tori, they are calling you to the set" said one of the many staff members as they came to me to the "set."

I came over and saw that they had a horse tacked up a little ways away while everyone else was doing last minute things before filming began. 

"Okay, in this scene, Tori's character, Clarissa, comes riding in on the horse from outside the shot to where the team is standing. That's when the dialog begins, but before Tori says any of her lines, she gets off the horse and a stable hand comes in and takes the horse from her. You got it? Let's try to get this in one shot before the sun decides to burn all of us to a crisp. Ready?....... Angle?....... ACTION" shouted the director. 

I ran over to the horse and got on while they were filming the team getting out of the vehicles and walking over to the fence with the stable director. The director gave me my cue, so I got the horse to a canter and stopped when I got to the fence.

"Hey y'all, what's up?"

"Are you Clarissa Hudson?" 

"Yup. How can I help you?" I asked, getting off the horse and handing it to the stable hand. 

"I'm FBI SSA Aaron Hotchner and this is the rest of my team from the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit. We would like to ask you some questions about your stalker. Would you mind if we talk somewhere private?"

"Uh... no, not at all. Let's head inside and cool off a little. We can talk in private there." 

"CUT! Perfect. We got it in one shot people! That's a first that I want to see happen again, now let's head to the house and film there" commanded the director as some staff people came over to us to fix make up and give water and towels. 

"Well, looks like our little Asian has a southern twang going on" joked Shemar, throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me forward a bit.

Ever since I have gotten here, I have gotten close with the main cast of the show, especially Shemar Moore and Matthew Gray Gubler.  They made me feel welcome when we first started script readings and go throughs of the different scenes. 

"I was born in the southeastern United States and started talking when I was living in South Carolina. Of course I have habit of using southern words when I talk" I joked back, hitting him with the back of my hand. 

In return he swung me up in to his arms and spun me around. To keep from falling, I wrap my arms around his neck. I heard the other cast members and staff laughing at us. Next thing I know, Matthew joined in and started tickling me while Shemar was holding me. 

"Come on. Let's finish this location so we can go back to the studio" shouted the director, laughing at us. 

Later that night, I was sitting in my hotel room waiting on Bae Oppa's call. I had been surfing the internet, looking at fanfiction stories involving Big Bang and other groups. Shockingly, I found some about Morning Star, so while I was reading on of them, the hotel phone started ringing. 


"Hey, Tori! It's Shemar. Me and the rest of the guys and girls were wondering if you wanted to go to the hotel restaurant and get a drink with us. My treat..."

"Sure, I will meet you down there."

I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans to put on instead of wearing the short shorts I had on right now along with my black Chrome Hearts tank top. After riding the elevator down, I meet A.J. and Emily at the front of the restaurant and they led me over to the table the guys were at. 

The rest of them were currently on their second or third drink while I was drinking sodas. I told them that I don't drink alcohol, and surprisingly they thought that it was a good thing. They all started joking about if I did drink, I would be more likely to get drugged or laid up because of my good looks. I don't agree with them, but what ever makes them laugh, I'm okay with. 

As I got my second glass of Mountain Dew, my phone started ringing. I grabbed it out of my pocket and saw that Bae Oppa was calling. 

"Sorry, I have to get this" I said, holding up my phone.

"Oh, of course. Go ahead" said David, drinking some more of his beer.

I moved away from the table a little so they wouldn't have to listen to me talking in Korean and be disturbed by my conversation.

"Hello? Oppa?"

"Tori, what are those pictures of you and another guy about?"

"Well, I miss you too" I said, laughing a little. 

"I'm serious. What are you doing in the arms of another guy?"

"What are you talking about?"

"There are pictures of you and another guy going around fan forums. One of them has the guy holding you bridal style and your arms around him."

I heard Emily calling me back to the table as they were all looking at the T.V. that was closest to our table. I went back over and saw what they were staring at. A Korean news show that was on had pictures of the incident with Shemar and Matthew from filming earlier. 

"That doesn't look good. What are they saying?" asked A.J.

"They are saying that I might be cheating on my boyfriend with Shemar" I said, collapsing in my chair as I watched and heard the reporter talking about how this was caught while we were filming and about my relationship with Bae Oppa. 

"Tori, I'm asking you what you were doing with another guy" said Bae Oppa over the phone. 

"He is one of my cast mates, Oppa. We were joking around and apparently some photographer got those pictures of us. I promise that nothing is going on" I said, not really caring about if I was getting weird looks from everyone.

"I'm not so sure that nothing is going on. These pictures don't look like you were just joking around."

"I'm telling you that was all we were doing. Just joking around. Don't you believe me?"

"I'm not so sure that I do. I'm sorry, I have to go to dance rehearsal now. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay. I love you."

"Yeah, bye."

I heard the call disconnect and I felt everything come out from under me. 

"What did he say?" asked Thomas.

"He didn't believe me when I said that we were just joking around. He hung up on me after I said that I loved him. I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't believe me" I said, putting my head down to try to hide the tears that were coming to my eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I mean, he is probably just upset like any guy would be. Even if you two do break up, there are plenty of other guys out there" said Matthew, not really getting the atmosphere that was taking place around me. 

"But none like him. I don't even notice other guys because they aren't him. He's the one, I know it........... I'm sorry. I will see you all tomorrow at the filming. Thanks for the drinks" I said, getting up and putting some money on the table. 

"Keep the money. I told you its my treat. Go get some sleep. Everything will clear up after a goodnight's sleep" said Shemar, handing me back the money. 

I walked back to the elevator and waited for it to open. When the doors opened, I went inside and when no one was watching I collapsed to the ground and let the tears flow. 

Unbeknownst to me, the BAU actors were watching me and saw as I cried my heart out alone. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))