I feel safe in your arms

My Idol Romance

"Tori-ah, guess what?" said Oppa's voice from the other end of the phone.


"I love you."

"I love you too, Oppa" I said, blushing a little bit as I was sitting in Hyo-yuen Halmeonie's cafe.

It had been like this since the week before Big Bang left for Japan. That was also the week Minho-ah confessed his feelings for me and started trying to win my "affection."

That week was hard on Bae and I. He and Big Bang were always at music shows and when they weren't, they were taking me shopping with them. Ji Oppa stole me the most by claiming that I spent too much time with Bae Oppa and not enough time with my best friend.

It was a good thing that the other girls of Morning Star had a vacation before we debut in either June or July. Of course, we don't know the word vacation, so they are actually working on choreography and wardrobe designs while they are in the States visiting their families.

I, however, don't really have anywhere to go besides my dorm and my house in Japan. It isn't really something that I want to talk about because it happened so long ago, but I guess not having a blood-related family makes me who I am. It taught me to love those around me like they are my family.

"So, how has the week been in Korea? YG hyung told us that Will.I.Am is there helping 2NE1 with their US album" questioned Bae, yawning a little bit.

"Oppa, go back to sleep. Just because I'm up doesn't mean that you have to sleep deprive yourself" I said, hearing how tired he was.

"I'm not sleep deprived. It's just the beds aren't as comfortable here as they are in Korea, and I'm not getting my daily energy dose since you're not here" replied Bae.

"How sweet? But really, you have to go to bed. I'm fine. Just call me later" I said, petting Boss who came up beside me.

I saw Ginger lift her head a little bit and put it back down as soon as she saw that I was just petting Boss' head.

"No I can't, because later, I'm going to be hanging out with the most beautiful girl in the world" said Bae, laughing a little bit.

"Hahaha, very funny. I know I'm not that pretty but you don't have to rub it in" I said as Boss turned his head to the sound of the bell on the front door of the cafe.

"I'm not being funny" replied Bae, as Boss started barking and jumping around.

I turned and saw that Bae Oppa had just come through the door of the cafe.


I ran straight into his awaiting arms and hugged him with everything I had while he crushed me into his chest.

"You have no clue how much I missed this in the last few weeks" I heard him say under his breath.

"Aw, YoungBae-ah! I thought you were in Japan until the end of the month" said Hyo-yuen Halmeonie, comnig from the back.

"We are. I just had to come back and see Tori. I missed her too much to not see her" replied Bae, holding me against his chest again.

Halmeonie laughed and teased us about being too cute and adorable. I unhooked Boss from the leg of the table and let him run over to Oppa. As I was unhooking Ginger, I heard Boss bark and then felt my feet leave the ground.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" said Bae as he spun me around.

"I think I have an idea, but can you let me down now? I have to get Ginger home before she falls asleep again" I said, looking at Oppa.

He laughed and put me down. I successfully unhooked my dog and we started off to the dorms after telling Halmeonie goodbye. It wasn't a long walk and not many people were out and expecting to see Bae Oppa since he was supposed to be in Japan, so we stopped by the convenience store for some snacks to eat later. 

After we left and finally got to the dorms, I let Ginger go and run to her bed while Bae Oppa looked around the dorm.

"When did you get all these flowers?"

"Minho-ah has been sending them at least twice a week since he sent that first one. Apparently, he heard about what you did and thinks he needs to top it" I said, putting the snacks in the kitchen.

"Well, has he topped it yet?"

"Not even close. I can't be won over by doing the same thing over and over again. I like surprises a lot more than I do flowers" I said, going to Bae Oppa.

"How about we just stay in today and watch movies? I don't feel like sharing you with anyone while I'm here" said Bae, pulling me to the couch.

I the TV and we watched everything from drama reruns (one just happened to be an episodes of IRIS) to crazy Info-mercials about useless products.

As I grabbed another handful of popcorn, Bae grabbed one and ate it. I laughed and let it go. We continued watching an episode of Playful Kiss when I thought of something.

"Oppa, when are you going back to Japan?"

"Tomorrow morning. They wanted me back tonight, but I wanted to spend the night in a bed and with you. Would you mind if I stay here tonight?"

"Not at all. It just means more time with you and I'm completely okay with that" I said, snuggling into Bae's side.

Bae chuckled and put his arm around me as he was surfing the channels. It turned out KBS Music Bank was on.

"You know that a lot of that stuff with KBS isn't real. We don't really like the way they do their charts, but we wouldn't refuse to perform without a very good reason."

"I know Oppa. Why did Big Bang have to back out anyway?"

"You. It was when you were having a stress breakdown. Both me and Ji couldn't focus enough to know where we were much less perform. It probably would have been a disaster if we left you alone, on both of us."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. People just have to remember that you're human and have had a lot of things happen to you. You can't do everything" replied Bae, kissing my forehead.

We were watching when Block B came on with their song "Don't Move" (or "Freeze" or "Just Stop" or whatever it is). I could tell that Bae liked it a little bit as he started tapping his fingers on my shoulder.

"You like them, don't you?"

"I think I might, but they have a good beat for the song."

"You know they were produced by Cho PD. The guy who kept bashing Big Bang."

"I know. I also happen to know that he copied our training system, and that there are a good bit of similarities between Big Bang and Block B. We kind of let it go already and are just letting it handle itself."

"Oh, B1A4! They are one of my favorite rookies."

"Nice. But who is your favorite idol?"

"Hmmmm.... for SM, it's Super Junior's Leeteuk and Eunhyuk and SHINee's Minho. For JYP, it's 2PM's Taecyeon and Wooyoung. I also like U-KISS's Kevin and Dalmatian's Day Day. For YG,.... Ji Oppa."

"Sure it is. Let's see about that" said Bae, pulling me closer to him.

He kissed me and I responded. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he put his forehead on mine.

"I miss you. Everytime you leave, I miss you more and more and I don't feel safe until I'm back in your arms."

"I will be back after this tour is over."

"Then you will go back after the summer. Oppa, when are you going to stay with me?"

Bae hugged me into his chest, just holding me. I forgot how safe I felt when I was in his arms.

"I don't know. I truthfully don't know. What's got you like this?"

"You know when YG oppa sent me to Japan to do that photo shoot, and the earthquake and tsunami happened. That's when it started.

It was just a normal day when we started shooting. I was in Japan and at my favorite place in the world, the beach, so I was happy. About halfway through the shoot, we got the alert that a tsunami was coming. Everyone started running as we saw the water start retreating more and more with each wave. I guess everyone was worrying about themselves that they forgot about me and the person who was assigned as my body guard.

When everyone drove away, he pulled me through traffic to a building that was on the outskirts of town and we ran up to the top floor. As we watched the ocean get darker and start decreasing, more people came into the building. All the children were scared and the parents were praying. I started trying to get the children to come down, so I started singing songs and keeping them entertained as the parents continued praying. When the storm was over, everyone left to go survey the damage. The body guard led me down to the street and we went back to the beach to see what had happened and to wait for someone to come get us. As we got closer to the beach, we saw bodies of people who were running away but didn't make it.

I never thought that I would witness so much destruction in one place. The only thing I wanted to do was come back here, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything to help. I couldn't do anything to make it better. I was helpless and I was still in the most unsafe place in the world.

I wanted to run straight to you and hope everything would just be a dream, but it wasn't. People I had passed earlier that day and saw were on the beach... dead. I wanted to be with you, but you weren't there. You weren't there."

Bae wiped the tears that were coming out from my eyes. He kissed my cheeks and held me closer as I continued to cry.

"I'm here now. You're safe and we're together. That's all that matters. I'm here now" said Bae, as he held me close and just rocked me.

The two of us fell asleep like that. In each others' arms, just content with the fact we were together after a long time apart. I saw him off to Japan the next morning. No one noticed us since it was very early in the morning. Before he got on the plane, we had one last kiss. I watched as the plane took off and knew that as long as I have Bae Oppa.... I'm safe, no matter where either of us are.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))