She needs me... that's all that matters

My Idol Romance

"SOL-kun, are you still upset about that girl claiming she's your girlfriend? You should be happy that she finally got the idea that she isn't what you want" said Mirai, as I sat on the bus. 

I don't even remember what her job is with the tour, but apparently it is important enough for her to be put on the same bus as us and our managers. 

"Can I ask you a favor?" I asked.

"Anything" she replied smirking.

I can't tell you how much I hate that smirk.

"Leave me alone."

I walked away from where she was at the front of the bus and went back to the very back where Jiyongie was resting his sprained ankle. 

"She will not leave me alone. All because of her that Tori won't speak to me. All because of her I lost the girl I love. All because of that... stupid girl I can't even focus on the concert" I ranted as I sat down.

"I don't mean to rain on your pity parade, but at least you didn't sprain your ankle. It could be worse, Tori could have completely broken up with you instead of just saying that you two needed a break. By the way, I got a text from Minho-ah. He said that Tori called him to her house this morning and was crying her eyes out because of the article. You can read the last part for yourself. I didn't open it" said Jiyong, handing me the phone.

I opened the only unread text message. It read:

Taeyang hyung, if you ever cause Tori noona to cry like this again, I promise that you will not be able to see the sun again.

I read it multiple times before I erased it. She got so upset about it that even Minho-ah is upset with me. 

"My life is screwed over royally. Jiyong, you know her better than I do. What do I do to get her to see that she is the only girl for me?" I asked, laying down across from him.

"I've been thinking, and I think I came up with two solutions. The first is to show her that Mirai is doing everything, and the second one is to beg and plead and do whatever she says to get her trust again. I can't say that those two would work for sure, but they are a start. I would first get YG hyung to get rid of Mirai before she causes anything else to completely screw your life over."

"You're right" I said as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called YG hyung. 

It rang for a few times before I heard him pick up on the other line. 

"Hyung, can you fire one of the workers on the tour?"

"I was wondering when you would ask me to fire Mirai. She seems to be causing trouble in your and Tori's perfect little world. Tori looks to be getting sick because she is so upset over the article."

"You believe me, don't you? I would never in a million years cheat on her. I love her too much to even look at another girl the way I do her. You have to help me here, but first, please get that girl away from me. She is going to completely screw up my life if you don't."

"I should just leave her there to teach you a lesson for causing Tori so much pain, but I think you have suffered enough with all the messages I'm getting about how you are acting."

"What messages?"

"From different staff members, from the other members, and your manager. All of them are saying that you aren't focusing on anything, throwing yourself into work, and then when you are supposed to be sleeping, you don't and just stare into space. Almost sounds like Tori, except that she is being forced to take care of herself. But even when people watching over her, she is still getting paler everyday, but that could just be because of the blood clot."

"It was confirmed!!"

I couldn't believe it. Please say it isn't true.

"She went to the ultrasound with Minho-shii this afternoon. They found the blood clot in her leg. She is scheduled to get surgery within the next day or two. I would suggest you try talking to her before she gets it done. Don't worry about Mirai. The next time the bus stops, security has been told to remove her from staff."

"Thank you, hyung. I will try to get in touch with her again."

I waited for him to cut the line as I thought about the fact that again, I couldn't be there for Tori. First it was her experience at the photo shoot and now I can't be there when she is about to get surgery that could be the difference between life or death. 

"YoungBae-ah.... Tori still loves you more than anyone else. Don't give up on her."

YG hyung cut the line and I shut my phone. This was just too much to take in. First, I find out that Tori thinks I'm cheating on her. Then hyung tells us that she might have a blood clot, and now, it's confirmed and she will have to get surgery when I can't be there.

"Bae, what's up? What's confirmed?" asked Jiyong, as the other three came over.

"Tori's blood clot was confirmed by the ultrasound. She is going to get surgery within the next few days" I said, looking at the floor. 

Daesung let out a gasp, Seungri started asking questions about how this would effect her and Morning Star, and TOP hyung stayed quiet. Jiyong shut them all up and asked me the one question I didn't want to answer out loud.

"Are you going to see her?" 

I thought about it. If I go over there and see her for even a few minutes, it would be worth it. 

"I'm going. She needs me and that's all that matters."

A few minutes later, the bus pulled to a stop outside the hotel we were going to stay at for the next couple days before going back to Korea. I ran up to my manager.

"Hyung, I need to get to the airport. Tori is going to go into surgery soon" I said in a rush. 

He looked at me wide eyed for a second before he pushed me off the bus and went to go grab my luggage. 

"What are you doing YoungBae-ah? Get a cab to take us to the airport" yelled Boram hyung. 

I went to the street and hailed a cab as Boram hyung came with my suitcase. I told the driver to go to the airport as fast as possible. When we got there, I gave him what I owed and ran inside to catch the last flight to Seoul for the day. 

Please Tori, don't go before I get there. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))