I love you.... though I never knew you

My Idol Romance

It was about 5 minutes before the ceremony started, and everything was going flawlessly. All the guests have arrived, the church was decorated beautifully, Bae Oppa's family has come to show their respects to my parents, and now, I was having the last minute touches to my make up done. Ji Oppa was, of course, the best man while the other Big Bang members and a few of the producers from YG were standing as groom's men, and Morning Star were my bridesmaids.

Teddy Oppa was keeping track of everything and kept on alerting us of when it would be time to go and get set. He came in and told us that it was time to go get ready to walk in. As the other girls went out the door to get ready, I took a little time to let it all soak in.

"Tori, you okay?"

"Yeah, just trying to soak in the fact that I'm renewing my parents' vows for them. It's weird, but it feels good. Sort of like I'm closer to them by doing this."

"I know how you feel. Everything is set, so all you have to do is walk in like we practiced last night" said Teddy Oppa, patting my shoulders.


"Teddy, do you know how a bride is supposed to walk down the aisle? I mean, I've seen it done before, but I've never seen it done solo before."

"It's pretty much the same I guess. Why?"

"Because I'm scared that I will go too fast or trip or something crazy like that."

"Well, here why don't we practice for a little bit? I'll lead you and then you can try it solo" said Teddy, standing up and walking me through the wedding march.

We practiced in the recording studio for a good two hours, just walking back and forth. He had to look up wedding videos to know what we were doing right and wrong, but it helped to have someone else there teaching me what to do.

*End Flashback* 

"Come on, we need to get you set to walk in before I take my seat" said Teddy, starting to walk to the door. 

"Teddy, can I ask you a huge favor?" I asked, stopping him before he got out of the door. 

"What is it? Do I need to get one of the other girls?"

"No. I was wondering if you walk me down the aisle. I mean, since I don't really have anyone to do it and you are a person that I consider family. I can't think of anyone else to do it. So, do you mind?" I asked. 

"It would be my honor. Now, let's go get ready to make your grand entrance" said Teddy, leading me out the door and to the main doors of the chapel. 

I don't think I've ever been as nervous as I've been now. The girls were checking to make sure the dress was perfect and the flowers were all in place. Teddy straightened his suit and started dusting imaginary dust from it. I laughed at him and waited for the other girls to enter before we finally took our place in front of the door. 

Both of the doors opened to reveal a room full of Kpop idols and producers and managers as well as people I've known since birth. They all stood and faced the back of the chapel towards me. As the music began, I took Teddy's arm and we started down the aisle. I looked ahead and saw Oppa standing at the front smiling at me. 

Everyone was whispering as I walked past saying things like "she looks just like Mariah did on her wedding day","she looks like an angel", and "I want a dress like that for my wedding." Teddy walked me to the alter and gave me away just like an older brother would. As he took his seat, Oppa and I faced each other as the ceremony started and the minister began to speak. 

"We are gathered here to celebrate the 25th marriage anniversary of Keichi and Mariah Hinatsu. Unfortunately, they are not able to be with us today, but instead, we have their spirits with us in this place as their daughter and her significant other take their physical place in front of you all today. Today, the two people you see before you share the same love that Keichi and Mariah did when they were married, and are willing to forget their own pride to honor the parents' that could not be with them on this Earth.

"As this ceremony is in honor of their anniversary, both have decided to recite the vows of Keichi and Mariah. In this way, their memory will be with us and we will treasure this moment as it shows the love of a daughter to the parents she never knew and the love of a man to a woman and her family. Now if you would recite the vows to one another." 

"I know that we haven't been together long, but I know that this time with you has been the happiest time of my life. I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the man I am today without you in my life. You were first the person I thought I would compete with, then you became the person I gained ideas from. Then you were the person I shared my problems with, and now you are the person I would give my life for. When you smile, I see everything good in the world, and I want to be the reason you smile. As I take you to be mine today, I want you to know that I have and always will be yours" recited Bae Oppa, not once looking at the paper he was holding. 

"Without you, I'm sure that my life wouldn't be as happy as it has been. You were my first love and my first kiss. I can remember every detail of every single time we spoke to each other. I know how to make you smile. I know how to make you laugh. I know everything about you, but I want to know more. Because without you, I'm nothing. As we get older and become better musicians, I can't imagine any other person I would rather do it with. I've actually tried to imagine my future without you, and in the end, I always found you. I can honestly say that you are my other half. You have stolen my heart and part of me along with it. Now, I take you to be my husband, my life-long partner, and only have one final secret to share with you and the people here. You are and forever will be my one and only love" I said, having memorized the words weeks ago. 

The minister continued on with the ceremony and went through the timeline of my parents' married life. Bae Oppa and I never broke eye contact. We were speaking to each other without words, and I knew that even if these were my parents' vows, they applied to us as well. He was my first love and first kiss and he is the only person I see myself spending the rest of my life with. 

"To seal the memory and to make the renewal of the vows official, the groom may now kiss his bride."

Bae Oppa lifted the veal before giving me a sweet kiss. The crowd clapped and cheered as we went back down the aisle. I looked to the sides to see people in tears and other smiling and clapping for us. As we got to the front doors, we speed up to get to the dressing rooms faster before we could get caught by the reporters that were hanging around outside. 

When we finally got to the dressing rooms, we stopped in the hallway to wait for the others. 

"I don't think I have ever been that nervous before. Even when we debuted, I wasn't that nervous" said Oppa, leaning back against the wall.

"You're telling me. I was trying to not to cry the whole time" I replied, laughing.

"Well, now its time to go to the party. Are you ready to face all those idols out there? The guys told me that almost all of your biases are here today" joked Bae Oppa, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"As long as you are there, I'm ready for anything" I said, kissing him on the cheek. 

"Same here" replied Oppa, giving me another kiss just as sweet. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))