Making Chocolates... and finding out ideal types?

My Idol Romance

"Key-ah, please come in the kitchen" I said from the opening to SHINee's kitchen.

Currently, I was in SHINee's dorm in their kitchen cooking homemade chocolate for all the guys I know and the girls at YG. Of course if I do it anywhere around YG dorms or in Morning Star's mansion, it would all be gone before I'm able to give it to them later at the studio for the Valentine's Day party.

Anyway, Taeminnie-ah had somehow snuck in and ate some of candy hearts I had laying out. He is now a little Energizer bunny until his sugar rush wears off. He's cute but his hyperness is a little too much.

"What is it Tori-noona?" asked Minho-ah, coming to the door before Key-ah appeared.

"Could you take care of Taeminnie for me? I don't know how to handle him when he is like this yet" I said, pointing to the boy in the corner who was playing with the wooden spoons they had.

"Key Umma, you're son is on a sugar rush again" shouted Minho-ah, earning a yell from Key-ah and Taeminnie to stop everything.

"NO! Why did you have to tell Umma on me? You know I'm not supposed to have sugar until after the Valentine's party tonight" said Taeminnie, pouting and using his aegyo to try to get out of being caught.

"Taemin, why did you eat sugar? I already told you that if you eat sugar..." ranted Key-ah, as he pulled Taemin down the hall to their bedrooms.

This left me and Minho-ah in the doorway outside the kitchen, looking towards the now closed door and praying that Taemin will calm down before Key-ah does something serious.

"So... wanna help me finish the chocolate?" I asked, hoping to get the atmosphere back to normal.

"Sure. Anything to help Tori-noona" said Minho-ah, smirking a little bit when he walked into the kitchen.

It was an inside joke that I didn't enjoy but he seemed to love. When I came over a few weeks ago, I had trouble doing everything because I was worried I would do something wrong and be kicked out and never allowed to see them again. So, I was nervous and no matter what I did, I always needed help doing the simplest things. Luckily, Minho-ah caught on and would help me out until their manager left and the nervousness went away.

"When will you stop teasing me about that? If you weren't one of my favorite dongsangs I would just stop talking to you all together" I said, getting the now cool chocolate out of the molds.

"Aw, I'm one of Noona's favorites. That's nice to know" replied Minho, trying to steal one of the chocolates.

"YAH! I'm about to make SHINee's batch now, so just hold on or else you don't get any" I said, smacking his hand away.

"Really? Then who are those for? The ones made with the heart molds?" asked Minho, pointing to the ones I am currently working on.

"These are for YoungBae. I'm wanting to make our first Valentine's Day special" I said, starting to put decorations on them.

After that, Minho-ah just helped me decorate all the chocolates and start putting them in bags or wrapping them in plastic. It went on like this for a few minutes but it felt like hours to tell the truth.

"Noona, what is your ideal type?" asked Minho-ah, looking up at me.


"Your ideal type of guy. What is it?" he asked again.

"My ideal type... would be YoungBae Oppa" I said, looking at him, confused.

"No, I mean what is your ideal type, who? Do you like younger or older guys? Do you like a tough guy or a sensitive guy? Like that" said Minho-ah, looking at me.

"Oh, well I've never really thought about it. Well, I have never really been with anyone other than YoungBae, but if I had to say... I probably want someone who I could connect with but still feel safe with" I said, leaning on the island in the kitchen.

"Connect with but still feel safe?" asked Minho-ah looking confused.

"Someone I could talk with and do things with and have fun. Just be myself around them, but feel safe around them. Like if anything happens, I could run to him and everything would get better just by being with him. Is that too confusing? Well, it's like they would protect me but he is also the person who I could talk about anything with without worrying about him judging me."

"What about looks? What do you want him to look like?"

"I don't know, I've always had a thing for guys who pull off long hair well. But there are also a lot of short-haired guys that are really good looking as well. I don't think it would really matter, because when you're in love, your point of view changes. But one thing is that they must be healthy, not a body builder with too much muscle but not a stick with no strength whatsoever. Don't you tell anyone this but I think I have a weakness for abs. I don't really know why, but that is how I judge if a guy is in shape or not."

"So you like a guy that is healthy, in shape, and has abs? Is that it?"

"I think so, because all the guys I like from the different companies all look different and have different personalities. So, I can't really base anything off personality" I replied, looking at the cieling in thought.

"What about age? Do you only like guys who are older than you or do guys younger than you have a chance?" asked Minho-ah.

"What are you? A reporter? I don't think age would matter as long as I love them, but I mean, it would be weird to date someone who as old as my father should be or how could pass for my son. I think I would but the age limit at about 10 years older and 5 years younger" I said laughing a little.

"Really? So you would date a guy younger than you" asked Minho-ah, looking at me.

"Yeah, I would, if I was asked by one I liked and I was available at the time" I said, continuing to pack the chocolates.

"So, just for example, if I asked you on a date, would you say yes... if you weren't already dating Taeyang-sunbaenim?"

"If I wasn't already dating YoungBae... I probably would. But I might not considering the amount of fans like the thought of you and Yuri-shi being together" I said, joking with him.

"I wish they would just give up on me getting together with Yuri-noona. We are just friends" sighed Minho-ah, putting his head on the table.

"Haha, it's okay Minho-ah. Here, take a piece since you are so sad about it" I said, holding out the plate of chocolates.

"Aren't those for Taeyang-sunbaenim?"

"He doesn't have to know about it, but even if he does find out, I'm sure he won't mind me giving one of our favorite dongsangs one piece" I said, putting a piece of it in his hand.

"Thank you Noona" replied Minho-ah, popping the chocolate in his mouth.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))