Jung Juri, are you going to perform with my boyfriend today?

My Idol Romance

I was currently sitting in a make up chair in the Strong Heart studio while Bae Oppa was sitting beside me, playing on his phone. We announced we were a couple about a week ago and YG Oppa finally decided that it was time for us to go on a variety show together. I'm happy he let us pick the show we went on for the first show together. To tell the truth, I was surprised to find out that a good bit of shows wanted us on their shows as a couple. It wasn't this bad when Jjong-ah and Shin Se Kyung were found to be dating or with Se7en Oppa with Han Byul Unnie. 

"Oppa, you trust Kang HoDong Oppa, right?" I asked. 

"Yes, everyone in Big Bang does. Why?" replied Bae Oppa, looking up from his intense game of collapse.

"Just making sure. If you trust him, I do too."

It wasn't really a good idea to have only Bae Oppa and I choose a program, because I didn't really know anyone in the variety business and Bae Oppa has had limited experience with it. So, we called in the rest of Big Bang to help. It wasn't a hard decision when they all noticed that Strong Heart was on the list. I guess its a program that a lot of YG artist like. 

For the past couple days I have been looking up different clips from Strong Heart and watching the episodes when SHINee, Big Bang, Se7en Oppa, Han Byul Unnie, or 2NE1 were on. All I know for sure is that if Jung Juri tries anything with Bae Oppa this time, I'm not sure how I will react. It was bad when I was watching the clips on YouTube or the episodes, but in real life, it is a different story.

"Jung Juri-shi isn't going to try another stunt, is she?" I asked Bae Oppa, as we were walking to the set.

"I don't know, but don't worry. I'm sure you can scare her enough to keep her from doing it with one question" joked Bae Oppa, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. 

"And what question is that?" I asked, hugging him while we walked.

"I don't know. You are the girl here. What would scare you from doing something?" asked Bae Oppa, laughing a little while we walked past a few other dressing rooms. 

I started thinking of things to say during the recording today, and hoped that I wouldn't make a fool of myself on my first appearance ever. I don't think I could take it if something bad happened and it was put on the air for the entire world to see. 

After another hour of waiting and getting seated, the recording finally began. 

"Welcome to Kang Shim Jang" shouted Kang HoDong Oppa and Lee SeungGi Oppa. 

"We have some wonderful guests with us today. Let's start off with some of the hottest people in the news: Big Bang's Taeyang and Morning Star's Tori!"

Bae Oppa and I introduced ourselves. I tried my best to hide my nerves from showing but I could tell that I was probably not doing a very good job at it. 

"It was surprising to hear that Taeyang-shi has a girlfriend, but it was even more surprising to find out that she was so beautiful" said  HoDong Oppa. 

"Thank you" I said, when he paused for a second.

"It must have been heartbreaking to your fanboys that you are taken. Has anyone said anything to you about it yet?" asked SeungGi Oppa.

"No. I actually didn't know that I had fanboys" I said, blushing a little bit. 

I heard a few people laugh when I blushed. 

"The Super Junior members are big fans of Tori-shi actually" inserted Leeteuk-shi. 

I turned and thanked them before facing the front again. 

"Taeyang-shi, how does it feel to have a girlfriend now?"

"It feels amazing. I don't know how I was able to get a girl like Tori-ah, but I'm happy everyday thanks to her" replied Bae Oppa. 

A few people in the panel and audience "aww"-ed at his statement. 

"Have you watched any episodes of Strong Heart before Tori-shi?" asked HoDong Oppa.

"Neh. It is actually one of my favorite shows to watch. Taeyang Oppa and I have watched it together a lot along with the other members of YG Family" I said, looking at Bae Oppa and then back to the MCs.

"Are you close to the other people in YG Entertainment?" 

"Neh. I'm actually childhood friends with G-Dragon Oppa" I said, nodding my head a little.

"Tori-shi, I'm just wondering, how old are you?" asked one of the woman sitting at the top of the platforms, Solbi-shi I think.

"I was born in 89" I said, turning to look at her. 

"What?! You don't look that age. You look like a teenager" returned the woman, as the audience and panel looked at each other. 

"Wow, I guess the lyrics to Taeyang-shi's song 'I Need A Girl' were on the spot" joked HoDong Oppa.

"Tori-shi, you said that you watched Strong Heart, right?" asked another woman at the top.


"Have you seen Taeyang-shi dance with Jung Juri?"

"Neh. I actually have a question to ask Juri-sunbaenim" I replied, looking at Juri-shi.

"Neh?" replied Juri-shi.

"Are you going to perform with my boyfriend today?" I asked, smiling but having a bit of an evil undertone to it.

I saw her eyes get wide and then start looking around while everyone laughed when she shrunk back into her chair. I turned around with a smile on my face. 

The show continued on without any problems. It was a good time and when it came time for people to normally show their talents, the audience started chanting for Bae Oppa and I to go on stage together. 

"What is the lovely couple going to show us?" asked Shindong, who was dressed as Snow White for some reason.

"We will do a couple dance" answered Bae Oppa, giving his usual eye smile.

We danced for a minute or two when we returned back to the place we started. It was then that the crowd started chanting "kiss,kiss,kiss" and soon the panel was chanting along with them. 

I looked at Bae Oppa for advise, and I could tell that he got the message that I had no idea what to do right now. It didn't take long for him to make up his mind because a few seconds later he started leaning in and in response I closed my eyes. That was when I felt him place a kiss on my forehead and pull me in for a hug. Everyone around us "aww"-ed again, and I buried my face deeper into Bae Oppa's chest, trying to hide the blush on my face. 

We walked back to our seats and I covered my face with my hands while Bae Oppa laughed at me. 

They continued on with the stories and when it came Bae Oppa's turn, he told a story about how Seungri-ah tried to get a girl's phone number while they were filming in Las Vegas. I told a story about my childhood with Ji Oppa. It was a story that involved us, rain, new clothes, and FRESH mud. A little while later, another newscaster was talking about how her ex-boyfriend had gotten her a present that turned out to be a prank box. We were all laughing when she turned to me.

"Tori-shi, has Taeyang-shi gotten you any presents since you two have been together?" 

"Neh. For Christmas, he actually got me a dog while he was in Japan" I answered, hearing immediate responses from the women in the room.

"Other than that, its just been clothes and jewerly mostly" continued Bae Oppa, making it sound like nothing.

"Has Tori ever gotten you a present?" asked SeungGi Oppa.

"She made me homemade chocolate for Valentine's Day, bought me more clothes than I can remember, and actually bought me this  ring" said Bae Oppa, showing the Chrome Hearts ring I got him for Christmas two years ago.

"You two don't have couple rings yet?" questioned HoDong Oppa.

"We do actually" I replied as both of us pulled out the chains that our rings were on.

"We have been wearing them as necklaces to not make it so obvious. When we perform, we don't usually wear them. That's why I wear this ring and she is wearing something I have gotten her" replied Bae Oppa, taking his necklace off and holding the ring up.

Nichkhun from 2PM said something along the lines of us being sneaky with our relationship. From there, everything continued until recording was finished. As Bae Oppa and I said goodbye to everyone and the staff, HoDong Oppa came up to us.

"Taeyang-shi, make sure you don't let her go."

"I will Hyung" replied Bae Oppa before HoDong Oppa left.

We were walking to our dressing room when I realized that Jung Juri actually hadn't tried anything when Bae Oppa was doing his solo routine.

"Oppa, why didn't Juri-sunbaenim try anything with you today?" I asked, wondering if asking that question really worked.

"I think she realized that messing with a taken man in front of his girlfriend is something even she can't do" joked Bae Oppa. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))