Aegyo attack!!!

My Idol Romance

"You're not coming with us?" asked Ji Oppa.

"I don't really see why we should. We aren't a part of the front team for YG Family.... well at least, not yet" I replied, looking at the computer screen where I was currently writing lyrics for a new song.

"Hey, what's going on? Why did I need to get over so fast when I was already on the way?" asked Oppa, as he walked into the studio Teddy Oppa, Ji Oppa, and I were in.

"Tori's not going to Japan with you tomorrow" shouted Ji Oppa, standing up and pointing at me.

I swear he acts like a little kid with a drama problem at times. It's funny when he does as long as the drama isn't exclusively about you, because if it is, expect to be annoyed to death by none other than G-Dragon. 

"I already told you that I can't go because I have to stay here. I would go if I could, but I can't."

"Tori-ah, why can't you go? What is keeping you here and away from me?" asked Oppa, trying his hardest to sound sad and childish.

"Good God, stop with the aegyo. It doesn't work on you. I have to stay here. Let's just leave it at that" I said, leaning back in the chair. 

"Does this have anything to do with who you would have to visit when you go back to Japan?" asked Teddy Oppa, looking at me. 

At first I wondered how he knew, but then I remembered that I told him when we went out to eat while the others were in Singapore. I nodded to Teddy Oppa and then put my head on Oppa's shoulder. He pulled me closer and then put me on his lap.

"Who would she have to visit?" asked Ji Oppa, getting irritated that he was out of the loop.

"Her parents" responded Oppa, looking down at me to confirm he was right.

"What? But her parents are.......... Oh........ Yeah, I wouldn't want to go either if I was in your place" said Ji Oppa, looking down at the floor.

"It's not that I don't want to go, but that its hard to go and visit them when I barely knew them. I mean, I have done everything in my power to get to know them from the outside, but I never knew how my mom would act at home or how my dad would write his music or if they would sing my to sleep or play me a lullaby when I would cry at night. This year is their 25th Wedding Anniversary, and I don't think I could take it" I said as tears started streaming down my face.

"Shhh, it's alright. I'm right here" whispered Bae Oppa. 

After that, Ji Oppa decided that it would be good to get me out of the building and go get something to eat. Ji Oppa, Bae Oppa, Teddy Oppa, and I all decided to go to a restaurant a little ways away from the YG Building so we could have some peace and also not have to worry about running into really crazy fans. 

"Oppa, if you have a big SUV like this, why is Ji Oppa taking his car when we are just going to come back to the same place?" I asked, holding Oppa's hand while he drove out of the parking lot.

"He likes to drive his car and also, I think he meant to leave us alone for awhile" replied Oppa, squeezing my hand.


The rest of the ride was filled with the radio going on and the two of us talking about anything and everything but going to Japan. 

"Tori, I was wondering if you would be against us celebrating your parents' wedding anniversary?" asked Oppa, as we were close to the restaurant.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned, looking at him.

"I thought that since I don't get to meet your parents like a normal boyfriend would do and like you have met mine, that I would help you celebrate their lives. I know it probably doesn't make since but it was the only way I could think of getting you closer to them without going to a cemetery" explained Oppa, bringing my hand closer to his side of the car.

"I don't mind, but you really want to celebrate it?"

"Yes. It is important to you and I want to celebrate it with you. Besides it gives me an excuse to get away and spend a day with you and away from everyone else" said Oppa, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the entrance where Teddy Oppa and Ji Oppa were waiting.

We all went inside and got a seat towards the corner of the restaurant that was blocked from view from a good part of the windows. The guys ordered a big enough meal that I didn't actually have to buy any food. While we were talking before the food came out, I saw someone come closer to us out of the corner of my eye. 

"Oh, I called TOP hyung and told him to come meet us. He said he would be here in a few minutes" said Ji Oppa, drinking his water.

"Oppa, there is someone coming closer to our table. Do you know who it is?" I asked, turning and looking at the door.

We all looked and watched as a group of 7 guys walked in. It was funny because after the guys finally decided that they weren't a threat to us, I saw the group look over at us and went wide eyed for a few seconds. 

"They look familiar. Do you know them?" I asked Ji Oppa. 

"No, but here comes TOP hyung. Why don't you go get him Tori?" said Ji Oppa, smirking while throwing me into the lion's den.

"Fine, I'll go get TOP Oppa" I said, getting up and walking to the front.

I was surprised that the group hadn't moved from the doorway since they had been in here for a couple of minutes. As I got closer I heard them arguing about where to sit and if they should sit close to us or farther away. I started to laughing quietly and decided to have a little fun with them.

"TOP OPPA! There you are!" I shouted as I jumped onto TOP Oppa and gave him a hug.

The group of guys went wide eyed again as they watched me hug TOP Oppa and him hug me back and then pick me up off the ground. 

"How is my favorite dongsaeng doing?" 

"I'm doing great, but Oppa, I'm hungry" I said, doing aegyo along with it to continue playing with the group some more.

"Well, come on and let's eat" replied TOP Oppa, laughing when I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the table with us. 

I was laughing when we got back to the table and sat down next to Oppa. Ji Oppa explained what I was doing to TOP Oppa while I started to grab some of the food. By the end of Ji Oppa's explanation, all of us were laughing and then started the nonstop teasing of me using aegyo. 

"Why don't you ever use it? When you do, no one can tell you no" said Ji Oppa, looking at me while eating.

"Because if I over use it then that won't happen anymore" I replied. 

"No it won't. I have seen you use aegyo so many times since we have known each other and I still can't say no. I remember one time when we were what 10 I think, I dared her to use aegyo for an entire day while we were out shopping and eating or whatever. By the end of it, she had a huge amount of bags of stuff that she didn't pay any money for. All of it was bought by either me or some other guy that fell victim to it" replied Ji Oppa, laughing along with the guys.

"Why don't you try it on YoungBae here? Let's see this magic aegyo in action" said Teddy Oppa, pointing to Oppa beside me.

I agreed and then started making another little lettuce roll with the meat and rice inside. 

"Oppa, say ah" I said, putting a good amount of effort into being cute.

He opened his mouth and I fed him the food. While he was eating, I was talking and using aegyo to keep occupied while he finished eating. When he was done with the food, I looked at him and did the one thing I knew would get him. 

"Oppa, saranghaeyo" I said, while making a heart with my hands and tilting my head to the side with an eye smile.

I heard the other guys all start acting like they were dying and I looked to see Bae Oppa hiding his face while his ears turned red. I noticed that the group of guys had sat down a couple tables away from us and had seen my little aegyo episode. All of them were blushing and looked embarrassed when they saw that I noticed them. 

After everyone calmed down, I looked over at Oppa and noticed that he was looking at me too. The others were busy talking about some thing else, so they didn't get to see Oppa make a heart with his hands and smile at me. Now, it was my turn to blush. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))