Who's moving?

Love at First Sight

Zelo's POV:

We're having our tests this week so the group went to the library to study. I was looking for a physics book to study from when I saw Shannon and Jimmy sitting at the table behind the bookshelf. I grabbed a random book and sat on the stool to pretend to read.

They were whispering so I couldn't hear much of what they were saying. It had something to do with our upcoming vacation.

"I'm gonna leave with my family to America the day after we take our last test," Jimmy whispered.
"Really?" Shannon seemed shocked.
Jimmy chuckled, "But it's okay-"
"Junhong! Did you find the book you were looking for?" Jongup hyung spoke a little too loud to be a whisper.
"Yeah," I held up the book that I was mindlessly flipping through. Jongup hyung took a look at the title and scratched his head, "But you said you were looking for a physics book right? This is Biology for college students, Junhong..."

I peeked at the cover and mentally slapped myself, "Oh, mianhae hyung, I must've grabbed the wrong book," I laughed nervously and quickly got up to get a different book. "Okay, I'll be at the computers if you need me," Jongup hyung waved and left.

I found a physics book and quickly sat back down on the stool to continue listening in on Jimmy's conversation.

"Sure, I'd love to come with you!" Shannon giggled excitedly.
"Are you sure? What about your friends?" Jimmy asked.
"I'm sure they'll be fine without me. They have B.A.P oppas to look after them. I really miss America too," she admitted.

I froze, nearly dropping the book from my hands. She's going to leave to America? With Jimmy?! My heart shattered into a million pieces. I can't believe she's going to leave us. Even her friends. What am I going to do now...?

Shaking my head, I stood up. I can't let this bother me. I need to study hard for the tests this week! Maybe it's best for me to just move on...

I found myself staring at the page of the book. More like staring into space. I can't imagine living without Shannon. It's one thing that she's with another guy. But having her leave to America... It's just unthinkable!

For some reason, I grew mad at her. For making me love her so much. I'm a fool for chasing after her. Even after Jenny noona left, I tried to get her back. I even wrote a poem to her but she still chose to be with Jimmy, though she seemed a bit reluctant... What does he have that I don't have?!

I angrily slammed the book shut, put it back on the shelf and quickly went to get some fresh air.

Shannon's POV:

Jimmy and I were talking about the things we could do when we go to America. Suddenly, we heard someone shut their book violently behind the shelves. I turned around and saw Zelo walking off in anger.
Did he hear what we were talking about?

Jimmy glanced at Zelo and turned to me, "Are you really sure you want to go?" he took my hand in his, "It's alright if you stay, I understand."

I thought for a moment. I'm sure the girls wouldn't want to go to America after meeting B.A.P. But I really want to see my family there... Staying here wouldn't be such a great idea with this tension between me and Zelo...
"Yes, I want to come with you."



Everyone spent every day studying for the tests. In the morning, they would study in their rooms. At noon, they come to school for a few hours to take their test. Then after they come back, they study for the next test.

Even with the countless hours of reviewing and studying, the girls still managed to take some time to relax with their oppas. Except for Zelo and Shannon. They remain locked in their rooms and rarely come out other than to eat or go to the bathroom.



The day of the final test...

Shannon's POV:

Ahh, that test was so hard! At least we're all done with testing~ And it's finally our two week vacation! I can't wait to go to America with Jimmy! It'll be so much fun!

We were walking back to the dorm when Zelo tapped on my shoulder and asked me, "Are you... really going to America?" I guess I took it the wrong way, I smiled brightly and nodded, "Yup! It's going to be the best!" I instantly noticed his disappointed, "Oh, well, have fun," he said half-heartedly and caught up with Jongup and Gizelle who were skipping together in front.

What's wrong with him? I wondered. I already told everyone else about going to America. I didn't tell Zelo because he already heard at the library. They all were okay with it, but something seemed to be bothering Zelo. Maybe he was jealous?

No! I can't. I'm Jimmy's girlfriend now... I can't, no matter how much I still like Zelo...

The plane leaves in an hour, Jimmy will be waiting for me in front of the building, so when we got back, I quickly ran into my room to get my already-packed suitcase waiting for me on my bed. I was so excited that I finished packing the day that Jimmy told me about going to America.

I brought my suitcase to the front door and said goodbye to everyone. Himchan was holding the door for me. I saw Zelo walk out the kitchen and waved at him, "Bye, Zelo!" I said a little too gleefully. "Yeah, whatever," he grunted and went into his room without even a slight glance toward me.

I looked at Himchan oppa worriedly, "Oppa, please take care of Zelo for me." He nodded and close the door after I left.

I rolled my suitcase out the front doors and was greeted by Jimmy's hug. "Are you ready?" he motioned towards the direction of the airport. "Let's go!" I laughed.



Zelo's POV:

I was sitting at my desk, which was covered with books and papers, some were drafts of the song I was writing while taking a quick break from my studies. I've always wanted to be able to write lyrics and compose my own song like Yongguk hyung, but no matter how hard I try, the lyrics I write always remind me of Shannon, whom I've been trying to forget during the past week so I can focus in studying.

Everything suddenly hit me. The times I've spent with Shannon. The times when I'm watching Shannon enjoy herself around Jimmy. Shannon leaving us to go to America... with JIMMY.

I got furious in my thoughts. Out of the blue, I was on my feet, panting furiously as I stood over the messy pile of paper that I swept off my desk, and onto the floor.

Something caught my eye in that pile. It was a pink box. Curiously, I reached for the box and examined it. It was a sparkly blue box, with a cute sky blue ribbon on top. "To: Zelo," the tag read.

I wondered who this is from.

Inside were pretty blue shaded star origamis. Buried in the many stars, was a pretty picture frame with a note covering where the picture should be.

The note read:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Jello-oppa! I told you I have a gift for you on this day~ Did you think I forgot about you? Nonsense! Haha, anyways, I know you've been dreaming of being able to compose songs and write lyrics like Yongguk oppa. But I'm too poor to buy you any equipment that might help you with that. So I thought, maybe I can give you motivation! You'd like that, right? So here's your motivation! It took me a long time to pick out this pretty picture frame (I'm really picky! Haha) Good luck~

Love, Shannon! b"d

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I completely forgot about the present that she mentioned to me that day! Curiously, I removed the note from the picture frame to reveal...

Another note! This one said:

I'll always love you, Jello oppa, no matter what! <3

I almost melted. But I need to know what the picture frame holds!

Peeling that note exposed... another note?!

Jello oppa must be really annoyed by these notes, right?~ keke Okay, proceed!~

Ripping off that note, my eyes widened to see a beautiful picture of me and Shannon. Many pictures, actually, a collage. There was a picture of when we were in Japan, that the festival when the photographer secretly took pictures of us. There was one where we were looking out at the lake holding hands, and another of us sitting on the bench, under the cherry blossom tree, my arm around her shoulders.

Other pictures were of us on my birthday. When we were trying to get back at each other by smearing cake on our faces.
But the best picture, was when we were playing in the snow. One of the staffs took a picture of us standing in front of Yongguk hyung's abused snowman. Shannon had her arms wrapped around my waist and was smiling adorably at the camera, while I also had my arms around her, with my lips pressed against her forehead.

On the bottom right corner, she signed her name and wrote, "I'll always love you no matter what, Jello oppa!"

That was when I really hated myself. For getting mad at her. For ignoring her. And worst, for letting her leave with Jimmy without even a goodbye. I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door while stumbling down the hallway trying to put them on as I hopped down the hall.

"I guess he finally found Shannon's gift under all that junk," Himchan hyung flipped through his magazine. "Hopefully he gets there in time," Youngjae laughed from his iPad.



Somehow I got to the airport on foot in just fifteen minutes. It's so easy running around with my long legs. I frantically searched the crowd for Shannon. It was really hard because many girls started to surround me and ask for an autograph. I wish I was smart enough to bring a disguise before running out of the dorm like that...

I can't see over all the commotion that the fangirls were making. I started to shout out Shannon's name, hoping that she would be able to hear me, and not caring about the cries from the girls begging me to shout their names instead.

I managed to slip out from the crowd of fangirls and disguised myself with my scarf by covering my head with it, like a shawl.
I found the board with the list of all the planes. "Plane 528, going to America, departure at 5pm!" I asked the lady at a booth nearby to let me into the gate to get a friend.

Knowing I was an idol, she immediately led me to the gate where Shannon and Jimmy are going to wait in line to get on the plane.

When we got there, the line had only a few dozen people left. I saw Jimmy, and Shannon standing next to him! They were next to get onto the plane. I quickly ran towards them, yelling Shannon's name.

She stopped and turned to give me a surprised look, "Ze- I mean, Jello oppa?! What are you doing here?!" I stopped in front of her, held onto her arm and said between pants, "Shannon, please, don't leave me. I was stupid, and I've been a jerk to you, but please, don't leave. I need you here. I love you," I pulled her into a hug, not wanting her to leave. "You... you love... me?" she sounded so confused. I don't blame her. I begged her, "Please don't go. I can't possibly live without you. I don't know what I would do if you left us forever to go to America." I hugged her even tighter. Shannon chuckled softly, "Jello oppa, we're only leaving for 2 weeks." I looked at her, shocked, "What? I thought-" "But I'll stay, with you," she smiled. I looked at Jimmy in disbelief, "What?"

Jimmy explained, "Well, it's true that I'm going to stay in America, but Shannon was only going to stay for two weeks before coming back to Korea. She said she didn't want to leave you guys."

I was definitely in a loss for words. Shannon admitted, "Truthfully, this trip is like a goodbye to Jimmy. He said he loved me and everything, but he knows how much more you cared. So before I come back to Korea, Jimmy and I would be friends, and I'll be with you". She pecked my cheek.

"So... I guess I'm going alone then," Jimmy giggled. "Mianhae, Jimmy," Shannon pouted. "It's all good, at least we can still be friends," Jimmy gave her one last hug and nodded towards me before heading onto the plane.

I was still silent when Shannon giggled, "Jello oppa looks like Himchannie oppa." What's she t- ohh my scarf... I took it off and smiled, "Shannon, I'm-" I was cut off when she leaped on me and kissed me. I was so surprised, but genuinely happy at the same time. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms tightly around her. I've finally got my girl back.



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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!