Love at First Sight

The next day, everyone woke up pretty early.  On the way to school, Shannon kept rubbing her cheek. Zelo saw this and was deeply concerned, “Does your cheek still hurt?” he asked pointing to her cheek.   Shannon shook her head and kept looking forward.  Every five seconds, Zelo would ask Shannon if she was okay or if her cheek still hurt.  Soon everyone was pretty annoyed by this.  Mylinh went up to Shannon and poked her cheek.  Shannon winced in pain and slapped Mylinh’s arm.

“AHA! So it does hurt! You’re not okay!” Zelo exclaimed pointing to Shannon.  Mylinh rubbed her arm where Shannon hit her, “I’m not okay either….ㅠㅠ” Shannon smacked her again, “That’s what you get for poking me!” Mylinh flinched and hid behind Gizelle, “Geez when did you become so violent.” She muttered to herself as Shannon turned to Zelo.  Zelo examined her bruise and smiled, “You know. I may not be a doctor, but I think this bruise needs some good old tender love and care!~” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and asked her, “Do you feel better now?” Shannon smiled, “Much better!~”

The rest of the way to school, Zelo would give Shannon surprise kisses on the cheek every now and then.  The rest were walking behind them.  Mylinh gagged each time Zelo kissed Shannon, “Ew how many times has he kissed her already? It’s getting really old… So cheesy..” Fatima, Han, and Gizelle all smacked her on the head. “Don’t say that! They look so cute together~” Han said dreamily.  Gizelle threw her hands in the air and exclaimed, “They’re like the cutest couple ever! Well after me and Jongho oppa of course~~” Gizelle grabbed Jongup’s hand and walked ahead of the others.

Mylinh was rubbing her head, “Why are you guys always hitting me? What did I do wrong?” Han and Fatima laughed as they linked arms with Mylinh.  “Come on. Let’s hurry. I think that the bell might ring soon!” Fatima said and started walking faster.

Boyan and Sujin were already in their seats with a bunch of people crowded around them.  Boyan pointed to the desks belonging to Shannon and the girls, “You know those girls that know B.A.P? Well yesterday we found out that they also live with B.A.P” A bunch of screaming and yelling filled the room.  Even a few students flipped the tables.  “IS THIS TRUE?!!?!” They were all crowding around the two girls.  Sujin nodded, “Yup.  We saw them with B.A.P yesterday! And they were talking about heading back to the dorm!” Boyan kicked Shannon’s seat, “We couldn’t believe it when we heard it.  Those losers don’t deserve to live with B.A.P. They don’t even deserve to know them! They don’t deserve anything! We are die-hard fans of B.A.P.  We deserve it more than they do!” All the fangirls could’ve torn down the whole school, but they all had to stop because the teacher entered the room.

When Shannon and her group walked into the classroom, all eyes were on them.  Shannon gulped as she walked past the students glaring straight at her.   Once she sat down, she could feel everyone staring at her.  She sunk down in her seat feeling really insecure, Did we do something wrong? Mylinh quickly ran to her seat and shielded herself from the stares with a book.  Fatima and Han weren’t really bothered by the staring, they just threw their hands in the air and tried to look intimidating, “What are you all looking at huh?!” Fatima yelled as she sat down in her seat.  All the girls quickly looked away because they were scared of Fatima, but they continued glaring when class started.

There was a really awkward tension in the classroom.  The teacher broke the awkward silence by announcing a group project, “Alright class, I’m going to be assigning you into groups for a quick group project.  I will explain the project and then I will assign you into groups.”  When the teacher was done explaining, he read out the names of the groups. All the girls were dying to be in the same group as Zelo.  Mylinh turned around to Shannon and whispered excitedly, “Ah Shannon! We’re in the same group!”

The class split up into different groups, unfortunately, Zelo was not in Shannon’s group.  Shannon and Mylinh were sitting at their desks when Boyan and a few other girls came to sit next to them.  Boyan put an arm around Mylinh, “I guess that we’re in the same group buddy~~” Shannon glared at her as she rubbed her cheek, remembering exactly what happened the day before.  Mylinh raised her hand and looked for the teacher, “Mr. Teacher! Can we please switch groups?” Boyan put a hand over Mylinh’s mouth and smiled, “What? You don’t want to be in a group with me? I thought that we were all friends here~”

Mylinh was going to yell at her for what she did to Shannon but a boy tapped her on the shoulder.  She turned around to see Jimmy standing next to her.  He smiled and asked, “Are we in the same group?” Mylinh slowly nodded as he pulled up a chair and sat next to her.  Shannon and Boyan were having an intense staredown as the other group members sat there awkwardly.  “Okay! What shall we do for our project? The teacher said that we could choose any topic we want.” Mylinh asked to break the silence.  Jimmy put his arm around Mylinh, “I think that we should make a poster!”  Shannon tilted her head, “A poster about what?” Jimmy smiled, “We should make a poster about Kpop idols!”

Everyone in the group nodded and chattered in agreement.  Boyan piped up, “We should base our project on B.A.P oppas!” All the girls in the group were cheering really loudly! “YESSSSSSS!” they all screamed.  Mylinh bit her lip and looked to Shannon.  Shannon shook her head and said, “Uhmm I don’t think that’s a good idea….” All the girls complained, “Aww come on. Why not? You guys are really close to B.A.P right? We’ll definitely get an A on this project!” “Stop being so selfish.  Think about our grade!”

Shannon and Mylinh slowly sunk in their seats.  I don’t like where this is going…… Shannon thought. Boyan clapped her hands together,” Alright! Then it’s settled! We’re going to do a project about B.A.P! And even better, Jimmy looks exactly like Himchan oppa!~ I have tons of posters of B.A.P at home and I even have 2 cardboard cutouts of Himchan oppa! We need to use those in our project.” All the girls were nodding and jotting down ideas.  Mylinh’s eyes widened when she heard this.  She quickly sat up and whispered to Shannon, “My posters! My cutouts!” Mylinh turned around to glare at Boyan mentally strangling Boyan in her head.

Shannon put a hand on Mylinh’s shoulder and shook her head, “We can’t do anything right now or else we’re going to get into more trouble.” Mylinh sighed and crumpled up her paper in frustration.  Boyan turned to them and asked, “We should go to your house to work on the project!” I hope they say yes! Then we’ll be able to see B.A.P and their dorm! Boyan thought as she waited for an answer.  Shannon shook her head, “Sorry. You guys can’t come to our house.  It was trashed last week, so we moved.”  “Oh? Where did you move to?” Boyan asked trying to look curious as if she didn’t already know.  Mylinh butted in, “We can go to the library to work on our project!”

The girls glared at Shannon and Mylinh.  They’re not telling us the truth. They just want B.A.P oppas all to themselves.  They don’t want us to meet with B.A.P that’s why they keep changing the subject. They thought as they gripped their pencils.  Boyan pouted, “At least can you arrange it so that we can meet B.A.P? You know…. For our project.” Shannon still shook her head, “Sorry, but B.A.P oppas have a really tight schedule and they don’t have enough time to meet you guys.” Boyan clenched her fists, These losers don’t want us to meet B.A.P oppas. I’ve never met such selfish people.

Jimmy turned to Boyan, “You said that you have lots of B.A.P posters, we can use those in our project. What should we do with them though?” Boyan smiled and made sure Mylinh was listening, “I have a ton of posters at home!~ I can even bring in the B.A.P Power album! I got it signed by B.A.P themselves.  We can display it around the room or we can put some on the board. I have lots of B.A.P merchandise.” Mylinh was gripping her table so hard trying to stay quiet.

Boyan smirked then announced, “Alright! Since there are six of us, we should each choose a member of B.A.P to research on!” Mylinh quickly stood up and practically screamed out, “I want to research on Himch-“ Boyan shook her head, “Sorry. But I want to do Himchan.” Mylinh complained, “But that’s not fair. I called him first.” Shannon backed Mylinh up, “She stood up first and called him. It’s not fair.” Boyan slammed her hands on the table and screamed, “You know what’s NOT FAIR? It’s that YOU know B.A.P and we know that YOU live with them as well! It’s unfair for us fangirls.  So if you can have B.A.P, the least you do could is let me research on Himchan oppa!” Boyan quickly covered , Oops! I can’t believe I let that slip!

Shannon’s eyes widened when she heard this.  How did they know that we live with B.A.P? This is bad…. This is very bad…. Mylinh was going to continue arguing, but Shannon stopped her.  “Don’t make this any worse than it already is….” Shannon said quietly.   Mylinh slowly sat down and apologized to Boyan, “I’m sorry for causing trouble. Please forgive me for my rude behavior. You can research on Himchan oppa…” Boyan smirked and turned to the rest of the group, “Alright, we can meet at the library after school today.”

When it was time for lunch, Zelo turned to Shannon and asked, “Are you eating lunch with Jenny noona today?” Shannon nodded and apologized, “Sorry! The girls just love hanging out with Jenny unnie.” Zelo smiled, “That’s alright. Have fun with Jenny noona!” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before catching up to Jongup.

Jenny entered the room and all the girls greeted her.  Fatima looked around and asked, “Jimmy isn’t with you?” Jenny shook her head, “He went to eat lunch with his friends.  It’s alright.  I just wanted to spend some time with you girls anyway.” She messed up Mylinh’s hair as she sat down.  Mylinh didn’t talk much; she was just stabbing her food.  Han looked at her, “Mylinh-ah what’s wrong?” She didn’t answer. Fatima looked at Mylinh who was still stabbing her lunch, “She barely ate anything.  Something’s definitely wrong.”

Shannon knew exactly why Mylinh was acting this way.  She turned to Mylinh, “Is it because of Boyan?” Mylinh slowly nodded.  Jenny put her arms on her hips, “Is it those two girls that you told me about? Are they bothering you again?” Shannon turned to Jenny and explained, “They were the ones that broke into our apartment and stole our stuff.  And now we get paired up with one of them for our group project and she’s going to bring Mylinh’s stuff to the presentation and she even stole Mylinh’s topic.  And they won’t stop bothering us! They keep spreading rumors so now everyone hates us. They even punched me in the face when we tried to confront them about it.”

Jenny sighed, “Oh you poor girls… Don’t worry, unnie will help you!”  Mylinh instantly smiled, “Really? Will you go all kungfu panda on them?” she asked as she karate-chopped the air.  Jenny laughed and patted Mylinh’s head, “Maybe~~ Only if you finish all your food first.” Mylinh cheered and shoveled all the rice into . “Beat them up good Jenny unnie!” she said with still full.  Shannon shook her head, “No Jenny unnie we don’t want you to get involved. We don’t want you to get in trouble. We’ll handle our own problems.” Mylinh almost choked on her rice, “Shannon why? I wanna see them get beat up!”

Jenny laughed and turned to Shannon, her face was now serious, “Don’t worry Shannon. Leave it all to me! I don’t want anyone to bully you girls ever again. You girls are like the little sisters I never had. And I have to protect my little sisters! It’s my duty as an unnie~” Shannon laughed, “Alright.  But be careful unnie! We got into a lot of trouble because of them.” Everyone cheered, “JENNY UNNIE FIGHTING!!!!”

After school, Jenny ran to F-14 as fast as she could.  She stuck her head inside the classroom and saw the girls gathered at their seats.  Gizelle turned around and noticed Jenny, “Oh Jenny unnie is here already!” The whole group ran to Jenny and pointed to Boyan and Sujin.  “Those two are the ones who won’t leave us alone.” Han complained. Jenny cracked her knuckles and said, “I got this.” Mylinh and Fatima looked at each other. “Ohohoho this is gonna be so good!” Fatima said as she rubbed her hands together in a devious way.  Mylinh looked in her backpack, “Aw I should’ve brought popcorn…..”

Sujin and Boyan were exiting the classroom when Jenny stopped them.  They gave her a strange look, “Who are you?” Sujin asked.  Jenny smirked and said, “You don’t need to know. Now do you know these girls?” she pointed to the five girls sitting on the bench. Boyan glanced at the girls and nodded, still confused about what was going on.

Jenny turned to Boyan and Sujin and said in a stern voice, “I heard that you girls broke into their apartment and stole their items.” Sujin and Boyan frantically shook their heads, “No we didn’t! We didn’t do anything at all!” they denied.  Jenny chuckled, “So if we were to file a police report, we won’t find any of your fingerprints on their belongings?” Boyan gulped, she was scared that Jenny might actually call the cops, “You won’t find any fingerprints, because you are bluffing! You won’t really call the police. You’re just trying to scare us.” She said confidently.

Jenny smiled, “I don’t know~ Breaking into someone’s home. Trashing their house.  Stealing.” She held up 3 fingers, “That’s three crimes that you have committed in that one day. You could get into a lot of trouble if we did call the police.” Boyan and Sujin were really scared now.  Sujin tugged on Boyan’s arm and whispered, “I think we should just confess or we’ll get into so much trouble if they do search the apartment!” Boyan shook her head and said, “Why would the police be bothered by a couple of high schoolers, they have more important things to deal with.  They won’t arrest us even if we did those things!”

Jenny shook her head, “My father is a cop and my mom is the judge.  I can have you locked up just like that.” She snapped her fingers.  Boyan and Sujin cringed and Jenny smirked, “All you have to do is return their stuff and we can all forget about this.  If you don’t want to… then you’re going to be in whole lot of trouble.” Boyan panicked, What do we do? Himchannie oppa looked so beautiful on my wall…. I don’t wanna return it. I don’t want to lose to them! Sujin was holding on to Boyan’s arm so tight, that her fingernails were digging into Boyan’s skin. Boyan lowered her head in defeat and sighed, “Alright. We’ll return your things…..”

As Boyan and Sujin turned to leave, Jenny stopped them, “Where do you think you’re going? You still have to apologize to these girls for everything you did to them.”  Boyan and Sujin sighed, “We’re sorry for all the bad things we did to you.  We’ll bring your things tomorrow.” Jenny nodded and glared at them, “If I ever hear that you messed with my girls ever again, I won’t be as lenient as I was today.  If you ever go near them, if you even LOOK at them, you’re going to be in a whole world of pain.” Jenny cracked her knuckles which made Boyan and Sujin run away in fear.

All the girls crowded around Jenny cheering for her.  “WOW Jenny unnie is so scary!! You really showed them!!!” Mylinh exclaimed as they all hugged Jenny. “Jenny unnie is the BEST!~ Thank you!!~” Gizelle exclaimed. Jenny patted their heads, “Anything for you girls~ Now I have to leave, Jimmy is waiting for me! Bye~” She waved to them as she headed out of the school.  “BYE JENNY UNNIE!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!~” the girls all screamed after her.

After they were done celebrating Gizelle said, “Let’s go home, B.A.P oppas are going to yell at us again if we come home late!” Shannon shook her head, “Sorry, but we have to go to the library to work on our project. We’ll see you guys at home!” Shannon and Mylinh headed to the library while the rest headed for the dorm. Mylinh kicked a rock and pouted, "I can't believe that we're actually researching BAP for our project and I don't even get to do my part on Himchan oppa....." Shannon smiled, "I can't believe that they let me research on Zelo~~~" Mylinh pouted even more, "No faiiiirrrrr... I have to research on Jongup oppa instead." Shannon patted Mylinh's head, "Don't worry I'll help you research on Jongup oppa. He's a lot of fun too! You can ask Gizelle about him." Mylinh slightly smiled, "Jongup oppa is pretty cool... At least I didn't get Youngjae oppa, he would yell at me if I try to interview him." Shannon laughed and grabbed Mylinh's hand, "Let's go eat something before we head to the library!"

Fatima, Han, and Gizelle opened the door to the dorm and walked in to see B.A.P gathered in the living room.  Himchan pointed to the couch and told them, “Have a seat.” Han was confused, “Did we do something wrong? We tried to come home early today, but Jenny totally owned those two girls that were messing with us!” Fatima nodded, “It was so awesome! They were so scared.” Gizelle and Han giggled as they remembered the incident.  Fatima was all dancing around celebrating their victory with Han and Gizelle.  Han stopped dancing when she saw a whole pile of suitcases in the corner.  “What are those suitcases there for?” Han asked as she pointed to the suitcases neatly stacked on the other side of the room. The girls stopped celebrating and stared at the suitcases.  Gizelle jumped to conclusions, “Are you kicking us out?!”

Jongup grabbed Gizelle and pulled her in for a hug.  He giggled, “No that’s not it. We would never do that.”  Gizelle looked at him, “Then what are the suitcases for? What’s going on?” Himchan looked around and asked, “Where are Shannon and Mylinh?”  Fatima told him, “They’re at the library working on a project.” Yongguk whispered to Himchan, “Should we tell them now or wait until the others come home?” Han tilted her head, “Tell us what?” Yongguk turned to the girls and sighed, “We’re going on a 2 month tour around Asia.”

Fatima tried to look on the bright side of things, “When are you leaving? We should all hang out before you guys have to leave! We can go to the amusement park, the water park, the mall, and everywhere! Come on let’s go right now! I’ll buy ice-cream for all of us!” She grabbed Yongguk’s hand and pulled him towards the door.  Yongguk pulled his hand back and sighed, “We’re leaving tonight….” Fatima turned around in total shock.  She started slowly backing away from him, “So you waited until the last minute to tell us this?” Yongguk awkwardly rubbed his neck while Youngjae tried to explain, “Our manager didn’t want us to tell you at all, but Zelo made us tell because he wanted to say his goodbyes.”  Fatima pointed at Yongguk, “So you were just going to leave us here one day without even telling us?! How do you think we would’ve felt?”

Yongguk tried to calm her down by placing his hand on her shoulder.  She smacked his hand off, “I have homework to finish.  Have fun on your tour or whatever.” She stormed into the girl’s room and slammed the door.

Daehyun shook his head, “See Yongguk hyung? I told you that we should’ve told them before.” Yongguk glared at him, “Whatever, let’s start making dinner for the girls.” Daehyun put his arm around Han and told Yongguk, “Sorry hyung.  I’m kind of busy. I have to say goodbye to Hannie~” Yongguk looked at Jongup and said, “Okay Jongguppie~ Come help me make dinner!” Jonggup held up Gizelle’s hand, “We are going to need some time to say goodbye too!” Yongguk pointed to Himchan and demanded, “You’re my wife. Make me dinner.”

Himchan turned away from him and pouted, “No. You didn’t want to be my husband, so I’m not going to make you any dinner. And plus, I remember you saying that I’m not allowed to cook ever again.” Yongguk frowned and headed for the kitchen. “Geez I have to do everything by myself. They’re all a bunch of lazy butts.” He muttered under his breath. Zelo ran into the kitchen and Yongguk put his arm around him.  “Zelo-ah do you want to help hyung make dinner?” Yongguk asked.  Zelo shook his head, “Nope~ I just wanted to tell you that I want fried chicken for dinner!~” He giggled as he ran out of the kitchen.  “Remember to make it really tasty for me hyung!~~” he called from the living room.

At 6, Yongguk called everyone to eat. Everyone gathered around the table while Yongguk brought out a pot.  “Dinner is served~” he said as he opened the lid revealing a whole pot of ramen.  Zelo frowned, “Hyung, this isn’t fried chicken…..” Yongguk chuckled, “Well it’s a long story… I kind of set the chicken on fire so yeah this is what we’re eating today!” Everyone face-tabled.  “You’re just as bad at cooking as Himchan hyung.” Youngjae teased.  “Ahh whatever, now eat. We have to leave soon.” Yongguk waved his hand.  Himchan pointed to the girl’s room and asked, “What about Fatima? She needs to eat too.” Yongguk sighed and headed to the girl’s room.

He softly knocked on the door and asked, “Fatima can you please open the door?” There wasn’t any answer so he just opened the door and peeked in.  He saw Fatima laying face down on the bed.  He walked over to her and sat on her bed. He lightly her hair as he asked, “How are you feeling?” Fatima turned her head to look at him, “Why didn’t you tell us before? We could’ve had a lot of fun together before you had to leave.” Yongguk helped her sit up before explaining, “I’m sorry that we had to tell you at the last minute, but we weren’t allowed to tell you where we’re going…. We wanted to tell you but our manager didn’t let us.  But in the end we still told you anyways because I wanted to say goodbye to you and the girls. Besides it’s not that long, it’s only 2 months….”

Fatima wrapped her arms around him, “I’m going to miss you.” Yongguk put his arm around her and used his hand to push her hair out of her face. “You’re a strong girl, try to survive without me for just two months! I’ll do my best on the tour and hurry back to you okay?” He told her.  Fatima nodded and smiled, “Good luck on your tour Yongguk oppa!” Yongguk smiled and helped her up, “Alright now let’s go eat! I made some delicious ramen for us!”

When everyone was done eating, they went to the living room to watch a little bit of TV before getting ready to go.  About half an hour later, Himchan glanced at the clock, “It’s almost 8:30. Shannon and Mylinh still aren’t back yet!” Yongguk got up and turned off the TV, “It’s almost time to leave, I guess you can’t say goodbye to them. Sorry…” Youngjae gathered his suitcases and put his arm around Himchan, “Ah cheer up hyung! You’ll get to see them in 2 months!” Youngjae rolled his suitcase out the door, as Himchan followed him. “That doesn’t make me feel any better!” Himchan called after him.  Yongguk turned to Gizelle, Han, and Fatima and asked, “Do you girls want to come to the airport with us?” They all nodded and followed him out the door.

Zelo was extra sad; he was looking down the whole time on the way to the van.  Yongguk put an arm around Zelo, “Zelo-ah what’s wrong?” Zelo stared at the ground and pouted, “I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Shannon..” Yongguk messed up Zelo’s hair, “Don’t worry! We’ll video chat with them every night! I know that Himchannie will spam video calls to Mylinh everyday.  We’ll ask to talk to Shannon.  Besides, 2 months isn’t that long!~” He said cheerfully as he hopped on the van.  Zelo followed him and sat next to Himchan on the van.  Maybe two months isn’t that bad….

It was almost 9 when Shannon and Mylinh got out of the library, holding many bags of their stolen items that Boyan gave to them. Mylinh was dragging the cardboard cutouts behind her. She stretched her arms and said, "They took forever on that project! It's almost 9 and I'm starving!" Shannon looked up to the sky and tapped her chin, "I wonder if everybody ate already...." Mylinh rubbed her tummy, "Forget about everybody. What about me? I haven't eaten in forever!!!!" Shannon patted Mylinh's head, "I'll make you some fried rice when we get home alright?" Mylinh adjusted her bag and grabbed her cutouts, "Well what are we waiting for? LET'S GOOOOOOOO!~" She ran down the street dropping a bunch of Gizelle's clothes on the street. Shannon picked them up and ran after her, "Yah wait for me!!! You're dropping stuff!!!! WAIT UP!!"

Shannon held the door open as Mylinh lugged all their stuff into the dorm.  “It’s oddly quiet around here. Is everyone sleeping already?” Mylinh asked as she threw all their stuff into the living room.  Shannon ran to check in all the rooms, “No one is here….” Mylinh took out her phone and dialed for Fatima.

Fatima was in the van next to Yongguk when her phone rang.  She picked up her phone, “Hello?” Mylinh was practically screaming into the phone, “FATTYMA! Where are you guys? Are you lost? Are you in trouble? Did you die? Is Channie oppa with you? There’s no one at the dorm! There’s no food in the fridge!  What’s going on!!?!?!?” Shannon sighed and grabbed the phone from Mylinh, she calmly asked Fatima, “Where are you guys? There’s nobody here, did you go somewhere?”

After Fatima explained everything to them, Shannon immediately ran out the door.  Mylinh ran after her screaming, “SHANNON! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? ARE THEY IN TROUBLE?! MY PHONEE!!! Oh my gosh my stomach. I’m starving….” Mylinh ran back into the dorm and grabbed a banana and looked in the fridge.  Shannon ran back into the dorm and grabbed Mylinh’s hand, “THERE’S NO TIME TO EAT! WE HAVE TO GET TO THE AIRPORT NOW!” Mylinh grabbed a bunch of crackers from the counter and shoved them in , “B-but why?!”

Shannon ran out of the building and called a taxi.  When the taxi arrived, she shoved Mylinh in the back seat and scooted in.  Mylinh was eating her banana, “Now why you’re in such a hurry to get to the airport?” Shannon turned to her, she was still out of breath from all that screaming and running, “B.A.P oppas are going to leave on a two month tour and they’re leaving RIGHT NOW.”

Mylinh almost dropped her banana, “OH MY GOD. WE HAVE TO GET TO THE AIRPORT RIGHT NOW!!!” The taxi driver awkwardly scratched his head, “I’m sorry ladies but we are in the middle of a huge traffic jam! It’s going to be a while before we get to the airport…..” Shannon and Mylinh choked when they heard this.  “But we need to get to the airport! Or else we’ll never get to say goodbye to B.A.P oppas…” Shannon said as she frowned.  The driver pointed to the street nearby, “The airport is just a few blocks from here, if you run you might be able to make it!”

They both got out of the taxi and handed money to the driver, “Thank you for helping us!” Shannon said as she ran after Mylinh.  When they got to the airport, they were all out of breath and really tired.  Mylinh laid down on a bench and complained, “I’ve never exercised that much in my entire life!” Shannon collapsed on the bench next to her and pulled out her phone.  She proceeded to call Fatima.  When Fatima answered the phone, Shannon was trying to catch her breath. “We’re at the airport already. Where are they?” she asked between gasps.

Fatima sighed and answered into her phone, “I’m sorry Shannon, but they’ve already boarded the plane….” Shannon’s phone slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor.  She sat there frozen and confused as Mylinh shook her.  “Shannon Shannon! What did Fattyma say? Are you okay?”  She asked her.  Shannon didn’t answer her; she just sat there frozen as tears started to form in her eyes.  I didn’t even get to say goodbye…..

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!