What's going on?!

Love at First Sight

Hey, guys! Sorry we haven't been updating in a while. We've been busy...


 Anyways~ We've been writing stuff for our story! So we're going to update the next chapter later today so please anticipate it~

P.s. There will be a big surprise for our readers soon~ (; Look forward to it!~

                                  -zeshanlolol and mychannie

P.s.s. Did you guys see Himchan in Chuseok Idol Wrestling? Such an embarrassment!





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Jenny’s POV:

I was trying to finish all my HW so I could go visit B.A.P's dorm today. My phone rang with Zelo's rap from No Mercy. My heart skipped a beat. What if it's Zelo calling me?! I knew you would fall for me one day Zelo~ I grabbed my phone off the table and check the caller ID. Oh. *disappointment* It's just Boyan. What does she want?


"Uhm Jenny, I carried out my part of the deal like last week, when are you going to fulfill your promise?"

Oh shoot. I forgot all about it. I was too busy enjoying how successful my plan has been going, that I forgot that I promised to get Boyan her Himchan time.

"I'm working on it. I'll call you back."

I slammed my textbook closed and dialed for Zelo. He actually picked up! Ohoho "Jenny noona? Why did you call?"

Because I missed you silly~ "Uh I was wondering if I could come over today."

"NO!" he practically screamed from the other end which startled me.

"Wae? Don't you miss hanging out with your noona?~~" I pouted and twisted a strand of hair between my fingers.

"Uh. No it's just that Yongguk, Himchan, and Youngjae hyungs aren't home right now. So yeah I can't ask them if you can come over."

"Oh? Where did they go?" Why can't they all just leave so I can have some alone time with my Zelo~~~~~~

"Yongguk Hyung is on a date with Fatima and buttface Hyung dragged Mylinh with him to stalk Youngjae Hyung on his date at the mall."

"Oh I see. Well I'll come over next time~ Will you think of me until then?~" hehe I sound so kyeopta~

"Yeah whatever." He hung up the phone.

That wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for... But I'LL TAKE IT ANYWAY. Technically, he did say "yes" so victory for me! I know you love me CHOI JUNHONG! You're just in denial for now~~ Once I get rid of Shannon, you'll be all mine!! I kissed the Zelo screensaver on my phone.

Oh that's right. I have to keep my promise to Boyan. Just then a brilliant plan popped into my head, I'm really good at this plan stuff. I reached for my phone.

"Hello?" Boyan answered.

"Okay. Listen to me very carefully, Himchan and Mylinh are at the mall. Go there and find them. Once you do, give me a call. I'll handle everything from there. Just enjoy your alone time with Himchan." I held the phone away from me because Boyan was like letting out pterodactyl screams from the other side. After a billion "thank you's" I ended the call and returned to my homework.


Mylinh's POV:

A dateu? What is he talking about?
Before I knew it, I was being pulled against my will into a nearby store. Himchan oppa pulled a shirt off the clothing rack and held it in front of his body.

"Do you think this will look good on me?" He blinked. Anything would look good on him really, but I cannot take him seriously when he's dressed as an old lady. I let out a stifled giggle instead and he took that the wrong way. He pouted and stuck the shirt back on the rack. He made me hold his 'satchel' while he rummaged through the clothes rack for something decent to wear.

I snugly adjusted the satchel on my shoulder as I followed Himchan oppa around the store. Why is this thing so heavy! I wonder if Jongup oppa packed any food in here. I opened the bag and peeked inside. Waaahh~ It’s like Narnia in here! How can someone fit so many things inside one bag? There was a note sticking to the inside of the bag. I pulled it out and it read:


I packed an extra pair of clothes for Himchan Hyung in case his disguise gets too embarrassing for you keke~ 

Please try to have a lot of fun at the mall with hyung! I know he can be bit of a handful sometimes. 

Love, J. UP OPPA b"d 

P.s. I also packed a bunch of snacks for you in case you get hungry. Remember to share some with Hyung!

I held the note in one hand and rummaged through the bag in the other. I pulled out bags and bags of cheetos, a few granola bars, several choco pies and a box of pepero. BLESS YOU JONGUP OPPA.  I ripped open a bag of choco pies and shoved one in my mouth. Himchan oppa came running back to me with a stylish suit with a matching tie. He beamed triumphantly at his choice. "Won't I look absolutely dashing in this?" he held it up.  

Himchan oppa glanced at all the food crammed in my mouth and then at the wrappers in my hand. "Where did you get all that food?" I handed him the note and he read it.

He practically threw away the note and attacked the satchel. "YOU MEAN THAT HE HAD EXTRA CLOTHES THIS WHOLE TIME?! I DIDN'T HAVE TO DRESS LIKE THIS!?" Infuriated, he ripped the bag of extra clothes from the satchel and made his way to the dressing room.

I gulped on all the food. What am I supposed to do now? I aimlessly strolled around the clothing store admiring all the fashionably apparel being sold there. Truthfully, every outfit in this whole store would look great on Himchan oppa~

"Hey baby, did you miss me?~"

I could recognize Himchan oppa's deep voice and cheesy words anywhere. I turned around and almost fell over when I saw 180 cm of pure perfection standing right in front of me. Himchan oppa was wearing a super low v-neck and a glamorous red blazer with red pants to match. Several gold chains adorned his neck. His outfit was so simple yet so strikingly beautiful. Totally pimpchan.

"Well? How do I look?" he confidently twirled around for a 360 view of his outfit.

"Absolutely breathtaking~"
Satisfied by my answer, he took my hand in his and we were off on our date~

We were walking around the mall holding hands and swinging our arms. "WAH~ there's so many romantic things to do at the mall~" Himchan oppa exclaimed. I don't understand what's so good at the mall, there's so many people and they're so pushy! I rather be at home on my computer~

"There's nothing romantic about the mall," I simply stated. That didn't phase oppa's cheerful mood at all. "Oh? Let's go somewhere more romantic then! Perhaps to my bed~~~~~~" he mischievously hinted with his eyebrows.

"IN YOUR DREAMS!" I rolled my eyes and shoved him away. "I was just kidding!" he rebounded and grabbed onto my arm, pulling me close. I looked away in annoyance. He just acts super retarded when he gets all greasy.

"Aww is my little princess mad?" he puffed his cheeks. HIMCHAN NO. Stop acting so gosh darn cute. I want to smack your perfect face with a chair. "Or are you just hungry~" he slyly smirked and poked my cheek.  I hate it when people touch me, leaving germs all over my face yuck! I raised my hand to smack his away. Instead he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. Himchan oppa grinned at me. "Let's get something to eat alright? I know you're hungry~"

We sat down across from each other at some cafe. Himchan had already ordered drinks for us: one peppermint white chocolate mocha for him and one hot chocolate for me. Himchan oppa says that I shouldn't have too much coffee or else I'll get really hyper. What does he mean by that?

Anyways we retrieved our drinks and sat down again.  I took a sip of my hot chocolate and let me tell you it was BURNING HOT. It was like as hot as the surface of the sun! I made a face and tried fanning my tongue with my hand to get rid of the burning sensation.  Himchan oppa laughed at my reaction, "Wah~ you're so adorable!~" He pinched both my cheeks.

After a while, it got really quiet at our table. I found myself staring at Himchan oppa for longer than necessary. His suit was so eye-catching and his shirt was just so low... and so revealing..... I couldn't help but focus on his soft pale skin... *daydreams*

"Mylinh! Why aren't you talking to me? Is my outfit leaving you absolutely speechless?" he leaned back in his chair and ran a hand down the side of his blazer. I broke out of my daze and awkwardly took another sip of my hot chocolate while nodding shyly. To be honest, after a whole day of picturing oppa as an old lady, this new look was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

"Ah you got some whipped cream on your lip!" Himchan oppa pointed at me. "Where?" I asked searching for a napkin to wipe it off. Himchan oppa grabbed my hand and leaned over on the table. "I'll take care of it~"

"Himchan oppa!" a new voice called out to him. He looked over my shoulder and waved to our mysterious visitor. Who could it be?

I turned around to see Boyan walking towards our table. WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE. WHY IS SHE COMING TO US? I really hope that a bus crashes through the ceiling and like hits her so she will never ever make it to our table.

"Oppa, it's really fancy meeting you here!" Boyan friendly greeted him. Why is she acting all nice all of a sudden? Last time I met her she was like a demon!

Himchan oppa smiled at her, "It's been a while, how have you been?" "I was just walking around the mall and I noticed that you were here. Mind if I sit down? I have all this sushi and no one to share it with!" she held up a box full of delicious sushi.  Oppa really loves his sushi, so he couldn't possibly decline that offer. He delicately pulled out the chair next to his for her to sit down. Since when did they become friends? What is even going on?

I was thoroughly confused at the moment. Himchan oppa called for me, "Mylinh! Why don't you greet our guest." Boyan extended her hand to me, "Mylinh, it's nice to see you again." I wouldn't dare shake her hand. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair.  There is no way I’m letting that she-demon touch me.

She awkwardly pulled her hand back and cleared . Himchan oppa noticed this and scolded me, "Mylinh! Why are you being so rude?" "It's okay oppa. I understand if she wants to hate me forever. I did some bad things, but I assure you that I'm a much better person now. Can't we overlook our horrible past and at least try to be friends?"  Boyan pleaded.

Himchan oppa leaned his arm on the table and smiled admiringly at her. "You know Mylinh, once you get to know her, she's actually super nice!" Boyan giggled at the compliment. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW. This is a bunch of BS. Oppa, are you really falling for all this?

I was about to open my mouth to protest, but my phone rang. It was Jenny unnie.

"MYLINH-AH~" she sang, "Can you come over and play with me? I'm so bored!"

I bit my lip and glanced over at Boyan and Himchan oppa talking nonstop, not even noticing my presence anymore. "Uhh I'm sorry unnie, but I'm kinda in the middle of something...."

"But WAE? No one wants to play with me today... So I made milk tea for nothing!" She pouted.

I looked back at Himchan oppa. He was like in his own little world with Boyan. "I'll be right over." I hung up the phone and picked up my drink.  Oppa didn’t even notice that I was leaving.  “I’ll be leaving first,” I told no one in particular. Boyan blinked at me, “Oh? You’re leaving already?” “Yeah.  Jenny unnie wants me to come over,” I nodded.  “I’ll see you at home okay oppa?” I dishearteningly looked towards Himchan oppa who just casually nodded his head to acknowledge my departure. I sighed and started heading for the door.        


I turned around with a tiny bit of hope that Himchan oppa would tell Boyan to beat it so we could continue with our lovely date. To my disappointment, he tossed me the satchel and told me, “Could you return this to Jongup later? I don’t wanna carry it.  It might cramp my style ya know~” The bag fell right at my feet, I lost all motivation to catch it.

“Okay.” I picked it up and left.

I just got home from Jenny unnie’s house.  It was really fun hanging out with unnie and all, but I wish that I could’ve at least finished my dateu with Himchan oppa.  Speaking of oppa, I wonder if he’s home yet. It’s getting pretty late....

I placed my hand on the doorknob and stopped when I heard an excessive amount of shouting from inside the dorm. What's going on?

I could hear Yongguk oppa shout. The front door opened revealing a very distressed Youngjae oppa. He gave me a weak smile and fixed his jacket before exiting the dorm.

I creeped inside the living room to see everyone [except Han and Daehyun oppa, Fattyma told me that they were watching dramas on my computer during all this. How did they find out my password?!] quietly crowding around Yongguk oppa. He was sitting on the couch rubbing the sides of his head like he has a major headache. "Oppa, I'm home," I greeted him. He looked up and smiled at me. "Did you have a great time at the mall?" he asked me. I bit my lip and tried to avoid the question. "Yeah. But oppa are you okay? You seem kind of tense...."

Yongguk let out a long sigh. Fatima squeezed his hand which made him relax a little bit. "It's about Youngjae oppa isn't it?" I took a wild guess, but I knew that I was right on. Yongguk oppa let out another sigh, he didn't really want to talk about it.

Fatima did the talking instead, "Youngjae oppa... Brought home his girlfriend." "Really? Why would he do that?" I looked shock. Zelo looked at me, "We don't know why he would do that. He obviously doesn't remember what those girls did to you."

Yongguk oppa clenched his hand into a fist. "What did you guys do?" I asked curiously. "We sent her home. And after she left... Yongguk hyung just... exploded," Jongup oppa said quietly. I looked at Yongguk oppa in disbelief.

He looked at me and ruffled my hair. "That's okay, when Youngjae comes home, we'll talk about it. This doesn't concern you so there is no need for you to get all stressed about it." He's right. Besides I had other problems to worry about.

Yongguk oppa changed the subject, "So where is Himchan? He didn't come home with you?" I gulped, Yongguk oppa would be so furious if I told him that Himchan oppa was out with our other mortal enemy. One was bad enough. He was probably outraged  when Youngjae oppa brought Sujin home, but imagine what he would be like when he finds out that Himchan oppa was hanging out with Boyan. He would probably explode into a bajillion pieces.

"I don't know. I had to leave early because Jenny unnie called me," I simply replied.

"Okay. Hmm it's getting pretty late. Did you eat yet?" he gave me one of his gummy smiles and led Fatima off the couch and into the kitchen. "No. What are we having?" I followed them to the kitchen. He held up a box marked "NAEKKEOYA!" in Zelo's handwriting. "RAMEN." he beamed. Zelo walked into the kitchen and gasped when he saw that his personal stash of ramen has been discovered. "NOOOOOO Hyung! You can't eat that! That's mine! Can't you read?!

We all laughed at the adorable maknae and watched him cry as Yongguk oppa violently tore open the box.

Youngjae oppa made it home in time for dinner, but Himchan oppa was still nowhere to be found. I'm starting to get a bit worried.

The mood was tense when Youngjae oppa re-entered the dorm and joined us at the table. We all looked to Yongguk oppa for his reaction. To our surprise, he just ate his noodles and calmly said, "Welcome home Youngjae. Would you care to join us for dinner?"

Youngjae oppa cautiously sat down. Shannon handed him and extra bowl.  Yongguk oppa didn't bring up the subject of Youngjae oppa's girlfriend for the rest of dinner, he would never want to make a scene when we were around.

After dinner, we all gathered in the living room to watch tv. Himchan oppa still wasn't home yet and the whole situation was just so nerve-racking. Han crawled next to me on the couch and stared at me. Her eyes were like staring into my soul, I felt really uncomfortable. "What?" I backed away from her accusing eyes.

"SPILL. Where is Himchan oppa?" She poked my cheek several times believing that by doing so, it would get me to talk. "I told you guys already. I don't know," I slapped her hand away in annoyance.

"What if he's out with another girl?" She looked straight at me with her wide eyes. I shrugged despite the fact that he IS out with another girl. "What if he has two girlfriends?" Fatima joined in. "NO." I gave her a look telling her to stay out of this.

"What if he brings his other girlfriend home?" Gizelle asked. Not you too Gizelle! I shook my head to get rid of the image of Himchan oppa bringing Boyan home. That won't happen right?

"What if he dumps you for her?" Daehyun oppa joked, thinking that his comment was the slightest bit funny. I let out a small gasp as a response and everyone giggled.

I grabbed a pillow from the couch and buried my face in it. "Guys... Seriously. You're making me feel bad." I mumbled into the pillow.

"What if they're doing the 'deed' right now as we speak!?" Youngjae oppa exclaimed. "You know Himchan Hyung is a man and a man has needs and when- OH MY GOD!" his sentence was cut short because he had to dodge a pillow to the face courtesy of yours truly.

Jongup oppa was just staring into space during all of this, maybe he's thinking of an amazing plan or something. Then he finally spoke up after his 'thinking', "Hey guys." We all looked to him with anticipation. Everyone was at the edge of their seats waiting to hear what he had to say.

"What if Himchan Hyung brings his new lady friend home?"

Everyone facepalmed. The moment of truth was a big disappointment. "Jongup-ah....Gizelle already said that," Yongguk patiently told him. Jongup oppa blinked at him, "Really? She did?"

Jongup oppa. You're so cute, but sometimes I don't know where your head's at....

He creased his eyebrows together as he thought some more. He looked like he was having a hard time thinking of something. Don't hurt yourself oppa!

"So... if Himchan Hyung brings his lady friend home," he got up and ran into the kitchen, his voice trailing behind him. He returned with the ricecooker in his hands. "When she leaves, we can throw this out the window and maybe it will hit her! And then she'll either fall into a coma or die, but either way, we won't have to worry about her anymore!"

He triumphantly held up the rice cooker so that it gloriously shined in the light of the living room. His smile was brighter than ever because he believed that he had just composed the most supreme plan of all time.

Everyone stared at Jongup who was standing in the middle of the living room smiling like an idiot. Only Gizelle cheered for the poor puppy. Fatima faced me, "Spill it, I know something's wrong. Gurl, you can't hide anything from me!" I continued to deny that anything was wrong, and everyone just kept interrogating me. In the end, I just told them everything, otherwise they would've made me feel even worse by teasing me about Himchan being with another girl (even if it's true).

After telling them everything, they all looked at me with shocked expressions. "Himchan oppa better get rid of that bish and come back here right this instant!" Gizelle exclaimed. "I'm going to kick him where the sun don't shine once he gets home!" Fatima kicked Himchan's imaginary 'place-where-the-sun-don't-shine'. "Poor Mylinh," Shannon hugged me. "It's okay, Mylinh! We got your back girl! Himchan is going to regret ditching you for that bish!" Han tried to comfort me. "Don't worry, Mylinh. If she ever comes here, I'll throw this rice cooker at her when she leaves!" Jongup oppa beamed. I swear Jongup oppa can never be not cute.

Well, no matter how much they try to make me feel better, I just feel even worse knowing that Himchan oppa would actually ditch me for that Demon!

Han and Fatima were trying their best to cheer me up. All of a sudden, Daehyun oppa blurted out, "Hey, why don't we have some cake and think about how to deal with Himchan later?"
Cake sounded like a good idea. Although I wasn't in a mood to eat anything.

Han was furious by his statement, however. She abruptly turned to him and crossed her arms, "Jung Daehyun! Mylinh is having a hard time with Himchan and all you can think of is cake?! What's with you and food? Don't you have a heart? Can't you see how dejected everyone is right now? Especially Mylinh! I can't believe you can still think about food at a time like this!"

Yongguk's POV:

The room fell silent. The atmosphere suddenly became tense. After what felt like hours, Daehyun finally uttered a word, "But-" "Never talk to me again," Han spat at him and pulled the girls into their room, slamming the door behind her. "But I was only trying to help..." Daehyun muttered. "Why did hyung mention cake though?" Jonguppie tilted his head questioningly.

"A lot of people say that eating helps them get over depression better, especially sweets such as cake. I was just trying to help, I didn't mean to sound like a food addict..." Daehyunnie frowned. "Guess you should've thought about that sooner," Youngjae taunted. "Hey, at least I didn't..." Daehyunnie trailed off, "Nevermind," he got up and left to his room.

Jonguppie scratched his head, "Everyone's going to bed already? Maybe we should go too, it's getting late, let's go, Junhong," he peeled Zelo from the TV and tugged him towards their room. "Hyung should go to bed too," Youngjae stood up, "I'll wash the dishes." "It's alright, I'm going to stay up and wait for Himchan to come back." I just stayed seated on the couch, not even moving a muscle to help Youngjae with the dishes. Psh who needs to do chores, I'm supervising! I need to be paid for doing my job as supervisor. Youngjae gave me a disheartened look, but sighed and went to wash the dishes.

It was well past midnight and Youngjae had gone to bed a long while ago. My head was bobbing up and down because I kept dozing off and waking myself back up. Where in the world is Himchan? I sent him way too many texts already and he still hadn't replied yet. It was getting too late and I couldn't keep myself awake any longer. In a short while, I was already in a deep slumber...

The next morning...

I was woken up by something hitting me hard on my head. Actually it didn’t hit me, I just fell off the couch and landed flat on my face.... It was only 5am and even if I only slept for a couple hours, I couldn’t go back to sleep so I went to get breakfast.  

I was watching the news on TV while enjoying my coffee when Himchan came in while talking to someone. "And this is B.A.P's dorm. Feel free to take a tour around. It's the least I can do for you after you let me stay at your place yesterday," Himchan led the girl in. She looked really familiar, I just don't remember where I saw her... "Oh! Yonggukkie, you're awake. This is Boyan. I'm sure you remember her. She's a friend of ours now so please be respectful!" he nagged.

I stared at Boyan which made her really uneasy. I can't believe it... isn't this the person who bullied the girls?! Why would Himchan be friends with her? Why would he even bring her here?! "Himchan, may I have a word with you in the kitchen?" "Sure, Yonggukkie~ Be right back, Boyan!" He waved at that girl and followed me to our room.

I closed the door behind me so the girl wouldn't hear us, "Himchan... Why did you bring her home? And what were you doing at her place yesterday? Do you know how long I stayed up to wait for you? I can't lose sleep over little things like this, Himchan! We barely get enough sleep because of our schedules!"

Himchan shrugged, "I doubted her at first too but she changed. I'm serious, she helped us a lot that one day when we went to the mall. And she took me to this late night festival since the weather was cool at night, but we stayed until late at night so she offered me to sleep at her place. In case you were wondering, we didn't do anything, I swear. Also, I'm a grown man, Yongguk! I can take care of myself. You don't have to stay up and wait for me."

I crossed my arms, "Weren't you with Mylinh at the mall yesterday? Why would you leave her for... That?! Don't you realize how heartbroken Mylinh was yesterday? I can't believe you, of all the members, would act so immaturely. And the other thing. I stayed up to wait because I don't want anything to happen to you or any of our members. We're a family now and I can't afford to lose anyone else... also, what happened to your phone? We tried calling you and you never picked up."

Himchan started spacing out so I snapped my fingers at his face, "Yo Himchan, you there?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. Well, if it would make you feel better, I'll tell Boyan to leave..." he looked as if he was challenging me. Doesn't matter, I'm the leader so I make the decisions here, "Yes, I would like that-" "Yongguk!" "What?" "... Nothing. I'll go tell her to leave then." He stormed out of the room. What's up with him? I don't get it at all. But Mylinh needs to be told of everything once they get up from bed.

"He what?!" Fatima and Han were furious. "I knew we shouldn't have approved of him!" Gizelle crossed her arms. Jongup massaged her shoulders to calm her down. Mylinh was staring at the floor. "Mylinh, are you alright?" Shannon asked her. "No.." Mylinh shook her head and whispered. Himchan was sitting at the chair in front of everyone with his head down. I kicked his chair and gave him a look that said "Go apologize".

Himchan understood and walked up to Mylinh. He held her hands between his and looked at her in the eyes, "Mylinh-ah, princess, I'm sorry I ditched you like that and not even come home yesterday. I was a jerk. Will you forgive me? *puppy dog eyes*" Mylinh looked away, "Hmmph!" and yanked her hands away to cross her arms. "Mylinh-ah, please don't be like this, Channie is sorry," Himchan continued.

Mylinh didn't say a word. She just stood up and silently walked to her computer. The rest of the girls glanced at Himchan before following her to their room and closed the door. Himchan dramatically crawled on the floor, "What have I done?! I'm so stupid! Why do I have the looks but no brains?!" I kicked his leg, "You're the only one to blame for all this. Zelo, Jongup, go to your room and do homework". "Ne!" Jonguppie dragged Zelo, who wanted to watch TV, into their room.

Youngjae and Daehyun were going to leave too but I stopped them, "You are staying." Himchan tried to sneak away but I stepped in front of him, "You too." I made them sit on the couch while I stood in front of them. "Daehyun, you will be the witness. Himchan, Youngjae, as punishment for befriending the two girls who caused so much trouble, you are never to see them again. I don't care if she's your girlfriend or just a friend. They have done horrible things and there's no telling what they're going to do in the future." Youngjae crossed his arms and muttered something about this not being fair.

"I want you to know, Youngjae, that I'm doing this because I love you all. I fear that when you get too attached with the girls, they're going to do something horrible and shatter your hearts in pieces. That's what I'm trying to avoid." Himchan pouted, "Now Mylinh's mad at me..." "That's what you get, hyung," Daehyun pointed and laughed. "Don't think you're not in trouble either, mister. You need to fix things between you and Han too." I arched my eyebrow at him. "Working on it..." Daehyun trailed off. "Wait, what happened?" Himchan scratched his head in confusion.

Youngjae told him what happened and Himchan pointed at Daehyun laughing, "Ha! She thinks you're a fatty~" I kicked him, accidently 'there', "It's all your fault. If you hadn't gone 'missing', Daehyun wouldn't be dragged in this mess." "Ha!" This time it was Daehyun. "You're to blame too, Daehyun. I'm going to give most of our food to charity. From now on, you're going to eat a Decent amount of food just like the rest of us."

Daehyun was making whale noises while Himchan was still on the floor with his hands between his legs rolling from one side to the other, "Yonggukkie why would you do that?! It hurts like hell, don't you know that?!" He started nagging and lecturing me again so I the TV to drown out his voice. Man, I love torturing Himchan :D


To: xfatimaisrandom 

Thanks, Fatima!~ Love you too~ <333

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!