Getting in Trouble

Love at First Sight

The next day, everyone was already awake and they were eating breakfast. Mylinh kept complaining, “Ugh, I hate Mondays, I wanna go to sleep. Wake me up when it’s Saturday,” she said as she stood up to walk back to their room. Shannon stopped her, “You still have to go to school. No matter how much you hate school”. Mylinh pouted and sat back down to continue eating.

When everyone was done eating, they all went out the door to walk to school. Himchan yelled after Zelo, “I’m not going to be in school, but Jongup’s still going to keep an eye on you!!!” Jongup turned to him, “Wait, what?” Zelo laughed, “Bye umma~” Everyone laughed. Himchan turned to Yongguk. Yongguk walked away, “You’re NOT my wife”. Himchan went after him, “SO YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME?!”

The girls walked cheerfully to class, “I can’t wait to see Jenny unnie again~” Mylinh said. “But we just saw her yesterday,” Shannon pointed out. “So? Jenny unnie is fun to hang out with~” Fatima told her. Zelo asked Shannon, “So you’re not going to each lunch with me and Jongup?” Shannon frowned and looked at him apologetically, “I’m sorry, Zelo oppa. But they like having lunch with Jenny unnie. I can’t just leave them…” Zelo smiled, “It’s alright, you don’t have to apologize, we understand. Have fun with Jenny during lunch~”

Shannon looked over at Fatima. She looked really serious. What happened to Fatima? she thought. Then, she looked to the back of the room to see Boyan and Sujin normally conversing with their group. Fatima seemed like she was going to yell at them for what they did. Fortunately, the teacher came in the class and started the lesson.

When lunch started, Zelo and Jongup had already left to the roof, and Shannon’s group was waiting for Jimmy and Jenny to come eat lunch. Several minutes later, Shannon saw Jimmy peeking into the classroom, he walked in, but Jenny wasn’t with him. “Where’s Jenny unnie?” Mylinh asked. “She had to stay behind with her teacher to do some work,” Jimmy told them, “You girls can eat wherever you usually eat. I’m going to go to the cafeteria for lunch today,” he said as he walked out.

Shannon didn’t want to be rude, “Wait, you can still eat lunch with us.” Jimmy shook his head, “It’s alright. I have to go see my friends after hanging out with Jenny for a while now,” he said as he left. The girls waited for a few minutes before heading up to the roof. Gizelle took out her phone to text Jongup:

Jenny unnie is busy. We’ll go up there for lunch in a few minutes.

Jongup and Zelo had just started eating their lunches when Jongup’s phone lit up. He opened the message and read it. Zelo looked over at his phone, “Who’s it from?” “Gizelle,” Jongup said with a smile. “So the girls are coming up here?” Zelo asked, getting excited. Jongup nodded, “Yup. She said that Jenny is busy so they’re coming up here to eat with us”. Zelo was so happy, “YAY~ I can eat lunch with Shannon again~”

The girls arrived on the roof. Shannon and Gizelle were greeted by Zelo and Jongup with hugs. They all sat down and ate their lunches. "I really missed having lunch with you girls~" Zelo said. Jongup nodded in agreement, "Feels so lonely without you girls". Shannon laughed and pinched Zelo's cheeks, "It's fun eating lunch with you again".

Jongup suddenly gave Gizelle his lunch and opened his mouth wide. "What are you doing?" she asked, laughing. Jongup smiled, "Aren't you going to feed me?~" Gizelle rolled her eyes, "But you're old enough to feed yourself". Jongup pouted, "Please?~ Just once." Gizelle laughed and held up his spoon, "Okay". Jongup joyfully ate his lunch.

Zelo turned to Shannon and grabbed her lunch, then held up her spoon to feed her. "Not you too," she joked. Zelo laughed, "It's fun to feed you~" Shannon ate the food and Zelo would give her a quick kiss on the cheek as a "reward" every time she takes a bite of her food. Han, Fatima, and Mylinh sighed, "I miss Jenny unnie already..." Mylinh said. Fatima and Han nodded in agreement.

Near the end of lunch, the group walked back to class. Fatima went ahead to make sure Boyan and Sujin weren't already in the classroom. Luckily, they weren't. If they were, Fatima would've confronted them about trashing their apartment and gotten them in trouble. The bell rang, marking the end of lunch. The students and teachers returned to their classrooms and class continued. 

After school, Zelo and Jongup had to leave early because B.A.P's manager called and wanted to see them. Shannon and her group stayed behind because Mylinh wanted to wait for Jenny. They were still sitting in class.

Boyan and Sujin were talking with a group of girls, obviously fans of B.A.P. Fatima kept glancing over at them, each time, she would clench her fist even tighter. Shannon was really worried. She knew Fatima was really good at hiding her anger, but now she's struggling to control her anger. She must be really mad... Shannon thought. 

Mylinh wasn't really caring about what Boyan and Sujin were saying at first. But then, Sujin took out Mylinh's signed Power album from her backpack and told the girls, "We saw B.A.P the other day and they gave us this signed CD!!" The group of fangirls was very jealous of Boyan and Sujin. "Oh my gosh I can't believe you guys get to meet B.A.P!!" "I've always wanted a signed CD!" "B.A.P is so nice to you girls! First, the backstage celebration, and now this!!!"

Mylinh, Fatima, and Han were enraged. Shannon and Gizelle tried to calm them down, "We can't do anything with all these girls here," Shannon told them. Gizelle whispered to Han and Fatima and reminded them, "Remember the last time we tried to confront them in front of the crowd of girls?"

Fatima and Han calmed down a bit, but they were enraged again when they saw Boyan wearing Han's jewelry and Sujin wearing Gizelle's clothes. Fatima and Han were going to confront them, but Shannon held them back. "Let us go! They deserve it!" Fatima said only loud enough for the 5 girls to hear. "They messed with the wrong people," Han added. "You can't,"

Shannon tried to convince them, "If you want to, then wait until the group of girls leave."
Fatima and Han sat back down with a sigh. Fortunately for Han and Fatima, the group of girls were leaving. Boyan and Sujin went to drink some water before leaving. "Perfect!" Fatima whispered to herself.

"Ah, my throat is so dry from all that talking," Sujin said as she drank the water. Boyan turned and saw Han and Fatima walking towards them with angry expressions. "Let's go, Sujin," she said as she turned to walk away.

Fatima places her hands on their shoulders to stop them, "Oh, no, you don't. You're not going anywhere". Boyan turned around and gave them looks, "What do you want?" Gizelle spoke up, "We know what you did on Wednesday". Sujin tried to defend themselves, "What are you talking about? We were gone 3 days to go on vacation" "A vacation to our apartment to trash our place!" Han yelled.

Boyan crossed her arms, "We don't know what you're talking about". Fatima facepalmed, "Seriously...? You're going to keep this up again?" Again?... Shannon thought. Fatima continued, "Don't be acting like you don't know anything. We have proof that it was you two!" Sujin raised an eyebrow, "What proof?" Mylinh took out Sujin's card and held it out, "This. This is the proof".

Boyan smacked Sujin on the back of her head, You idiot, she thought angrily. "We want our stuff back!" Han said. Boyan scoffed, "Why would you need your stuff back? You already have B.A.P, what more would you want??" Shannon was mad, but she managed to calmly say, "What does that have to do with you two trashing our place and stealing our stuff?"

Boyan clenched her fist, "How could you say such a thing?! Knowing B.A.P and even hanging out with them means everything in the world for Baby’s! How could you take such a thing for granted?!" Shannon couldn't believe it. "Take such a thing for granted?!" Fatima angrily asked. Shannon continued, "This has nothing to do with B.A.P!! You just did this because we know them. All this because you were jealous? That's so cowardly"

Boyan lost it, she swung and hit Shannon across the face. Boyan was going to continue, but Fatima and Han stopped her. "How could you punch Shannon?!" Fatima yelled at her. “What she said was true!” Han also yelled. Boyan turned to Sujin, "What are you waiting for? Back me up!"

Shannon was standing in the back with Mylinh and Gizelle. "At least we know Fatima and Han would never stoop low enough to get into a fist fight," Gizelle tried to calm them. Mylinh and Shannon were still worried. "But we don't know how far Boyan and Sujin will go with this..." Mylinh told her. Shannon rubbed her cheek, "That really hurt..."

Boyan and Sujin were arguing madly with Fatima and Han. Boyan started swinging again, but Fatima held onto her wrists to stop the blows. Han did the same with Sujin. Boyan struggled to get free, she was also yelling at Fatima and the others.

Some teachers came after hearing the noise, "What are you girls still doing here in school?" one of the teachers asked. "They started it! They went up to us first!" Sujin yelled, pointing to the 5 girls. Fatima shook her head, "No, they were the ones who swung at us! We didn't do anything!" The other teacher held out a hand telling them to be quiet, "Tell it to the principal," he said and led the girls to the office.

In the office, the girls tried to explain their side of the story to the principal and the teachers. "They came up to us and started all the trouble," Boyan calmly said. Han and Fatima tried to defend themselves, "But they were the ones who stole our things! They started all this mess! They were also the ones to start swinging at us".

The principal thought for a moment as the teachers discussed among themselves. The principal made a decision, "These two girls can leave. They're not in trouble". Fatima and Han's jaws dropped, "What? Why?!" The principal explained, "As the school policy, any stolen items are 100% your own responsibility. The school has no responsibility with theft happening in or outside of school. Also, you girls approached these two girls in the first place, landing the blame on you".

He turned to Boyan and Sujin, "You girls may go." he said and turned to Fatima's group, "There is going to be a staff meeting in a few hours. I want you to clean up all the classrooms on your floor by then, as punishment." he said and held out his hand, "Your phones will be confiscated for now so you don't call for any help".

The girls quietly gave in their phones and walked back to their class. Fatima and Han were really frustrated with Boyan and Sujin, "Ahh!! These girls have caused nothing but trouble!!!" Fatima threw her hands up. Mylinh and Gizelle were complaining, "How are they not in trouble? Why are we in trouble?!" Gizelle said. Mylinh went on complaining, "I don't want to clean. I'm hungry. I need food. I miss Channie oppa. I want to go back to the dorm. I WANT ICE CREAM".

Shannon was still rubbing her left cheek and sighed, "We have no choice, we can't disobey the principal". Mylinh looked around the floor, "People need to stop littering, it's making us do more work!" Fatima looked out the window from their class and saw Boyan and Sujin walking out from the school. "Those little..." she managed to say as she strangled them in her head, "They're lucky that Jenny unnie wasn't there..." "Let's get her help tomorrow," Han suggested.

Shannon shook her head, "I don't want to get Jenny unnie involved with our problems". Mylinh gave her a look, "Why not? Jenny unnie can help us! Remember when that girl tried to steal my Himchan cardboard cutout? Jenny unnie is the best!!~" Gizelle nodded, "She said she'd help us too". Shannon shrugged, "Let's just start cleaning so we don't worry B.A.P oppas too much". The girls nodded and started cleaning the classes and the hallway.

B.A.P had just gotten back from the meeting with their manager. They came in the dorm and saw that the girls were still not back yet. Himchan looked at the clock, "It's 5:30pm now. School ended one and a half hour ago. Where could the girls be?" he asked. Daehyun shrugged, "They could've went to the market to buy some food" "Or they're hanging out with Jenny," Youngjae said.

Yongguk went to the couch and the TV, "Let's watch some war movies while we wait!" Himchan smacked the remote out of his hand, "No war movies! Those scare me..." Zelo took out his phone, "I'll try to text Shannon". Jongup also took out his phone to text Gizelle. Daehyun just walked to the kitchen to get some food to eat.

Boyan and Sujin got back to their house. Sujin took out her books to start on homework while Boyan went to the kitchen to get snacks. Sujin searched her backpack and went to search Boyan's. Boyan came in and asked her, "What are you doing with my backpack?" Sujin kept looking around, "I can't find my book..." Boyan shrugged, "Do you really need it?" Sujin looked at her, "If I don't need it then why am I looking for it?"

Boyan shrugged again, "Just finish the other homework and we can go back to school to look for it later. We'll have to wait until after the staff meeting." Sujin nodded and went to take out her notebook from her backpack, then she looked up again, "I think I also left my notebook in school..." Boyan facepalmed, "Okay we'll eat first, then go back to school". Sujin nodded, "Okay~" Boyan smirked, 'Those losers should be done by then', she thought to herself.

Fatima looked up at the clock and turned to the others, “It’s 6 pm now. We should hurry. The staff meeting starts in an hour and we still have 2 classrooms left”. Mylinh was sitting on one of the desks taking a rest. “Get up, Mylinh! We need to finish cleaning fast!” Fatima yelled at her. “But I’m tired! I wanna take a nap! I’m hungry too...” Mylinh complained. “Don’t you keep snacks in your backpack?” Gizelle asked. “I forgot to put more this morning...” Mylinh said.

Han threw her hands in the air, “Ugh! I hate Mondays!” Shannon came back from washing the towel rag for the chalkboard. Fatima pointed at the bruise on her cheek, “Are you okay? There’s a bruise forming on your cheek...” Shannon touched her bruise, it hurt, but she didn’t show it, and nodded, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me”.

Back at the dorm, B.A.P were waiting worriedly for the girls to return. “Where are they with my ice cream?” Youngjae asked. Zelo and Jongup were still looking at their phones, “They didn’t reply to our texts or answer our calls,” they said. Himchan looked at the clock again, “It’s going to get dark soon. We should go find the girls”. Yongguk raised an eyebrow, “Where are we going to look for them? They can be anywhere!”

Daehyun pointed in the direction towards the market, “Let’s go to the market first! They could be there buying food~” Youngjae gave him a look, “You just want to get food”. Daehyun stuttered, “Uh... No! No, of course not~” Jongup asked, “What if they’re still at school?” “Or maybe Jenny’s house,” Youngjae said. Himchan frowned, “But we don’t even know where Jenny’s house is!”

Zelo started walking out the door, “We should go see if they’re still at school first. Then, we can look around for them”. Himchan ran after him, “Yah! Don’t get lost!” Youngjae laughed, “Himchan hyung is such an umma,” he said and turned to Yongguk. Yongguk glared at him, “He’s NOT my wife!!!” Himchan yelled from the hallway, “SO YOU ARE CHEATING ON ME!!”  

It was a quarter to 7 pm, and the girls were finished cleaning up the last room on the floor. They heard footsteps walking down the hallway. “The teachers are coming,” Fatima told the others. They walked out to greet the teachers, but they were met by B.A.P instead. The boys screamed and ran towards the girls and hugged them.

Boyan and Sujin walked up the stairs. Boyan stopped right at the corner and whispered to Sujin, “Wait. I think I hear people”. Sujin peeked out from the corner, her eyes widened as she tried to speak, “It’s B.A.P!” she whispered a little too loud. Boyan smacked a hand over and they crept into their classroom to get Sujin’s book and notebook before peeking out again. Boyan almost punched the wall when she saw the 5 girls standing with B.A.P.

Himchan was scolding the girls, “Why didn’t you tell us you were staying late at school? You should’ve called us, or texted us, or told Zelo or Jongup!” Fatima was going to protest but Yongguk stopped her. He whispered, “Don’t talk back to Himchan when he’s in the middle of scolding someone or else he’s going to go crazy and kill you.”

Zelo noticed the bruise on Shannon’s cheek, “What happened? Are you okay? Who gave you this bruise?” he was asking a million questions, he even tried to kiss it better. Shannon grabbed his hand and started walking towards the office, “We’ll tell you later. First, we have to get our phones back from the principal”. Himchan kept scolding as they walked, “You girls have a lot of explaining to do when we get back to the dorm!”

Boyan couldn’t believe what Himchan said, They... live together?! Sujin was a little bit confused, “What did Himchan say? ‘Back to the dorm’? Did those girls get into TS too?” Boyan smacked Sujin in the back of her head, “No, dummy. It means that the girls are living with B.A.P in their dorm”. Boyan and Sujin were going to flip tables, “WHAT? I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!! TRASHING THEIR APARTMENT WAS TO DRIVE THEM FARTHER AWAY FROM B.A.P NOT CLOSER!!!”

Sujin looked at Han’s necklace that Boyan was wearing, “So... what about their stuff?” Boyan gave her a look, “We keep them of course” “What if they try to get it back again?” Sujin asked. Boyan laughed, “HA! I’d like to see them try. They’re probably gonna get themselves into more trouble”. Sujin asked, “What are we going to do about them living with B.A.P?” Boyan smirked, “Everyone deserves to know,” she said as they left.

B.A.P and the girls were got back to the dorm after getting back their phones from the principal. The girls were going to go to their room to do their homework, but Himchan stopped them and pointed to the couch, “We still need to talk”. He seemed really mad, and the girls were even scared of him, but they did what he told.

The girls sat on the couch while the guys stood in front of them. “Now, tell us what happened,” Himchan said with a stern voice. Shannon and Mylinh looked at each other. Han nudged Fatima to talk. Fatima nudged Gizelle, and Gizelle nudged Fatima back. Fatima sighed and told Himchan what happened.

When she was done talking, the guys were really mad. “These girls have been nothing but trouble!” Yongguk yelled. “They need to be punished for all the things they did!!” Himchan also yelled out. Zelo joined them, “How dare they hit Shannon!” Everyone turned to Shannon, who was out of the conversation, quietly rubbing her cheek. She turned and saw all eyes on her.

She was a bit confused, “Hm? What are you guys looking at?” Youngjae pointed to his cheek, “Does it hurt a lot?” Shannon shook her head, “No...” she lied. It hurt a lot, but she didn’t want to worry them. “Are you sure?” Zelo asked, walking to her, examining the bruise, “It looks painful...” he said as he grabbed her hand and went to get an ice pack. As Zelo placed the ice pack on her bruise, Shannon tried not to wince, she kept her face expressionless.

She rested her head on Zelo’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Zelo wrapped his other arm around her shoulder. “Why did you lie to me?” Zelo asked suddenly. Shannon looked up in confusion, “What?” Zelo looked at her, “Your bruise. A bruise less than half its size still hurts. This is almost the size of an apple. How can it not hurt at all?” Shannon looked away, “Sorry, I didn’t want to worry anyone...” Zelo softened, “Tell me the truth, does it really hurt?” She slowly nodded. Zelo’s hand was getting cold from holding the ice pack too long, so he put it back in the freezer.

Shannon touched her bruise again. Her cheek felt really cold. It was numb at first, but a few seconds later, it started to hurt again, and made her wince. Zelo grabbed her hand, “Don’t hurt yourself”. Shannon looked at him, “But shouldn’t I massage it to make it better?” Zelo shook his head, “I don’t want to see you in pain”. Shannon smiled, which hurt, and kissed him on the cheek, which also hurt anything she does that involves using her cheek muscles hurt.

Himchan turned to the others, “Aish, all this wouldn’t happen if Jenny had come to help them like she said she would!” Mylinh tried to calm him down, “But Himchan oppa, Jenny was busy with work. And it was kind of our fault for confronting Boyan and Sujin ourselves in the first place.” Himchan shook his head, “No, no, it’s not your fau—” Youngjae interrupted, “See? It’s all your fault! Now go to your room to do homework, you girls are grounded for the rest of the week!!” Himchan smacked his stomach, “Shut up, Pineapple, this is my job.” Youngjae gave him a look before grabbing Daehyun, “We’re going to the market to get some ice cream and food”.

Himchan waited until Youngjae and Daehyun left the dorm before turning to the girls. The girls were all sitting quietly on the couch with their heads lowered in shame.  He slightly smiled and walked over to them.  “Look, I know that it wasn’t all your fault.  Fangirls can get really jealous sometimes and that can sometimes lead to bad things.  All that matters is that you’re okay, but next time you should tell us if you get in trouble.  We were worried sick when you girls weren’t home when we got back.   You know that we’re here to help you with anything.  We’ll always be here for you.  We’re like a family now.” He said as he patted Mylinh’s head. 

Yongguk tried to hold in his laughter, “Oh my gosh Himchannie~ You DO sound like a mom!” Himchan smacked Yongguk’s arm and yelled at him, “YAH! Bang Yongguk! I was trying to sound all sentimental and stuff.” Yongguk laughed, “Ah whatever.” He turned to the girls and pointed to their room, “You girls should go start your homework, while Jonguppie makes some dinner.”  The girls nodded and headed for their room as Jongup got up and walked to the kitchen. 

Himchan and Yongguk flopped onto the couch as soon as the girls left.  Himchan turned to Yongguk, “Yongguk-ah I’m worried about our children, they’ve been getting into a lot of trouble lately….” Yongguk got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, “I told you! I’m not your husband!” Himchan followed closely behind him, “So you want to be the mom then? You’re going to be one violent mama, I don’t think that’s good for our children…” “AH SERIOUSLY,” Yongguk exclaimed as he grabbed an apple from the counter and tried to escape from Himchan.  Himchan grabbed a banana and followed in pursuit, “Are you sure you don’t want to be my husband?!” 

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!