Youngjae is a Winner

Love at First Sight

It was almost noon when Himchan woke up.  He ran into the kitchen and glanced at the clock.  “11:30!!!! I WOKE UP AT 11:30!” he screamed and rushed into the living room to see Daehyun and Youngjae on the couch playing with the Ipad.  He pointed at the two of them on the couch and accused, “You two! Why didn’t you wake me up this morning?!” Daehyun pointed the blame on Youngjae, “I was eating breakfast so I told Youngjae to do it!” Youngjae tried to explain, “I did try to wake you up hyung! But you were sleeping so peacefully like a big baby~” Himchan ran his fingers through his messy bed hair, “Hmm I don’t remember anybody coming to wake me up…”

“You were in such a deep sleep that you wouldn’t even budge! We even made Mylinh come and try to wake you up.  Still nothing! We tried everything! Pots and pans…. The vacuum cleaner….  Daehyunnie and I were even singing really loud. You still didn’t wake up so we thought that you were dead.” Youngjae explained. Himchan rubbed his neck, “Ah whatever. Is there anything to eat? I’m starving!” He patted his tummy and turned to the kitchen.  “There’s some leftover food from breakfast on the counter.” Daehyun pointed out.  Himchan nodded his head and shuffled to the kitchen. He grabbed a glass of water and tilted his head.  Hmm? Something’s missing… “Daehyun-ah! Where’s my Yongguk?” he called from the kitchen.

Daehyun popped up from behind the counter which almost gave Himchan a heart attack.  Daehyun grabbed a banana and answered, “Yongguk hyung is still sleeping.  We tried to wake him up too, but he just kept sleeping.  We thought that you guys died from old age!” Himchan tried to grab Daehyun but he was too slow, Daehyun was already on his way to the living room.  “Ah seriously. We’re not that old!” Himchan yelled after him.

“Kids these days…” he muttered to himself as he opened the fridge door. "What's this?" he said as he grabbed out Mylinh's hello kitty lunch box. He looked inside the fridge to see 6 other lunch boxes that belonged to the rest. They forgot their lunch at home! He thought.  As an instinct Himchan called, "JONGUP-AH!" "oh wait. That's right, Jongup's at school." he whispered to himself. "Youngjae! Come here!" he shouted for Youngjae to come to the kitchen. Youngjae strolled into the kitchen with his headphones around his neck. "Hey there boss~" he greeted Himchan happily. Himchan placed all the lunchboxes in a bag and shoved the bag into Youngjae’s hands.

“Here.  Go deliver this food to my children! They must be starving by now!” Himchan exclaimed turning Youngjae towards the door.  Youngjae was really surprised, “What?! Why do I have to bring it to them?!” Himchan gave him a look, “Do you want Daehyun to deliver it to them? He will probably eat it all himself and then my children will starve to death!” Youngjae pouted, “Good point….” But before Youngjae could say anything else Himchan shoved him outside and locked the door behind him.

Himchan turned around and sighed, “Daehyunnie, why didn’t you make sure that the children had their lunches before going to school?” Daehyun looked up from his Ipad and shrugged.  Himchan sighed and rubbed his neck, “Ah I’m going to go take a nap.” Daehyun gave him a weird look, “But you just woke up!” Himchan shrugged and headed for his room, “You wouldn’t understand.  I need my beauty sleep~” As Himchan closed the door to his room Daehyun scoffed, “Beauty sleep? Hah! He needs to hibernate!” He flipped his non-existent long hair like a sassy woman and got up.  I look the best~ he giggled to himself and skipped to the kitchen to raid the fridge.

Youngjae sighed and put his headphones on, What am I? A delivery boy?! Why do I have to bring them their lunch! Ugh I hate going outside. Oooh I hope fans see me~ Gotta love them fans. I hope they all die of happiness when they see me. I’m looking pretty good today. But jdshfjdshfj this bag is totally cramping my style! Stupid Himchan hyung is such a lazy . Waking up at noon and making me go deliver stuff.  He should do it!  I have better things to do like uhhhh going to the electronics store. Yeahhhh so much better than bringing them their food. Ah jesus! Why is it so cold today!? I’m going to freeze my off! I should totally tweet this.  He stomped out of the building muttering curses under his breath. “Now which way was it to the school again?” he asked himself.

After 3847239490389043029849038 minutes, Youngjae finally made it to the school alive. Youngjae was about to walk into the school, but he saw a girl sitting on the bench all by herself looking lost and lonely.  Huh? Why is that girl all by herself? Is she okay? Should I go talk to her? Youngjae thought, he felt really queasy all of a sudden. Youngjae hid behind a bush and deliberated whether he should go and see if she’s okay or not, totally forgetting that he had a job to do. He peeked over the bush and thought, She looks so sad. I would be a jerk if I just walked past her… Just then he got a text from Jongup, it said:

Youngjae hyung!
Himchannie hyung said that you were bringing us lunch!
Please hurry! Mylinh looks like she’s about to murder Jimmy for his rice.

Youngjae took a deep breath and decided to just walk past the girl sitting on the bench.  He ran out of the bushes and slowed his pace, so he wouldn’t look suspicious.  Once he walked past her, a wave of guilt washed over him.  Ah what am I going to do? Why am I like this?! I’m sure she’s just waiting for a friend or something. IDK oh my god. He couldn’t even think straight. Okay okay okay calm down Youngjae you gorgeous man. If she’s still there after I come back, I’ll talk to her ok?  Youngjae nodded proudly to himself and continued on forward.  He wasn’t looking where he was going so he walked straight into a lamp post.

He rubbed his head and started screaming curses at the lamp post.  He even started kicking and throwing punches at it.  He stopped when he noticed the girl on the bench staring at him with a surprised look on her face.  Youngjae’s face flushed a bright red and he made an attempt to cover his face.  He picked up his bag and sprinted in towards the school.  Ah Stupid! I made myself look so retarded in front of her! DFHDSHFJDSHKFHKDHFK I’ll never be able to live this down! *sobs* I really am going to end up a lonely cat lady with 37648237493 cats! And I’m not even a lady! What do I do?!

He opened the door to the roof and everyone ran to greet him.  Mylinh snatched the bag from him and rummaged through it to find her lunch box.  “Thanks Youngjae oppa!” Gizelle beamed as Mylinh handed her lunchbox to her.  “Yeah thanks Youngjae oppa for taking your time to come and bring us our lunch!” Fatima said sounding really grateful.  “Youngjae hyung! Did you eat lunch already?” Jongup asked curiously.  “You should eat lunch with us!” Han exclaimed.  Youngjae shook his head and made an excuse, “Ah no it’s alright, I have other stuff to do.  I have someone I need to meet.” Youngjae blushed a little bit as he said this.

“Youngjae oppa, why is your face all red? Are you meeting a girl?~” Mylinh teased and nudged Youngjae with her elbow.  “WHAT?! Pfft no.  Of course not! My face is all red because I had to run all the way here to deliver your food on time!” Youngjae said as he hid his face with his jacket.  “Now I have to go! Enjoy your lunch~” he messed up Mylinh’s hair and headed for the door.  Everyone said goodbye and sat down to eat lunch.

At the school entrance, Youngjae was hiding behind the door admiring the girl from far away.  She’s still here….. Uh should I talk to her?  He finally built up enough courage to talk to her.  He put on his hood and started walking in her direction.  With each step, Youngjae was feeling less and less confident and when he was a few feet away from her, he got really scared all of a sudden.  Oh my god I can’t do this!  He was about to turn around and walk back into the school and wait until she leaves, but he heard a voice.  “Are you okay?” Youngjae turned around to see that girl looking straight at him.  “Are you alright?” she repeated again.

Youngjae slowly turned around and said, “Uh yeahh…. I guess.” The girl smiled to herself, “Good.  I saw you run into that lamp pole earlier and it looked like it really hurt.  I’m glad that you’re okay.” Youngjae blushed a little bit and his heart fluttered for a second.  “Are you waiting for a friend or something? Is it alright if I hang with you for a while?” Youngjae asked while leaning his arm on a nearby lamp post in a sad attempt to look cool.

The girl giggled and scooted over on the bench for Youngjae to sit down.  “Nah I’m not waiting for anybody.  I’m just sitting here by myself eating lunch.” She told him as she held up her lunch box still full of rice.  Youngjae peeked at her lunchbox and frowned, “But you barely ate anything….” The girl sighed and closed the lid on her lunchbox. “I don’t really feel like eating…. ” she told him.  Youngjae looked at her and she could tell that there was something really wrong.  He didn’t want to ask about it because she might feel even worse.

There was an awkward tension in the air as the girl packed up her lunch and shoved it inside her bag.  “Ah sorry.  I should probably introduce myself. My name is Sujin, it’s nice to meet you.” She told him as she extended and arm out to him.  Sujin? Why does that sound so familiar? Youngjae thought as he slowly shook her hand.  Sujin….. Wait. Wasn’t she one of the girls that bullied Shannon and the other girls? Oh my god. What have I gotten myself into!?

“Uh….. by any chance, would you be the Sujin that hangs out with that Boyan girl and bullied Shannon and her friends?” Youngjae asked out of curiosity.  Sujin dropped her head and sighed, “Uh yeah. That’s me, but I’m done with all that bullying stuff. It just wasn’t right you know?” Youngjae was intrigued, “And what about Boyan? What happened to her?” Sujin let out an even longer sigh, “She’s still bullying Shannon and her friends.  She wanted me to help her, but I didn’t want to, so she said that we’re not friends anymore.”
Youngjae was enraged, “WHAT!? That’s so not cool! Breaking a friendship over a silly thing like that!” Sujin slightly smiled, “It’s alright… I guess.” They talked for quite a while and Youngjae could feel that Sujin was a really nice girl.  They were going to talk some more, but Youngjae got a text from Daehyun telling him to come home.  Sujin looked at his phone and told him, “You should go. It was really nice meeting you!”

Youngjae nodded and stood up.  He took off his one of his jackets and draped it over Sujin’s shoulders.  “It’s pretty cold outside, and you’re wearing such a thin jacket! You might catch a cold!” he said.  He turned to leave but Sujin stopped him.  “Hey, I never really caught your name.  What is it?” She asked with a warm smile.  Youngjae pulled off the hood to his second jacket and smiled at her, “My name is Yoo Youngjae it was nice meeting you~” he turned and was off on his way.

Sujin couldn’t help but stare at him in absolute shock.  YOO YOUNGJAE?! OF B.A.P!??!  WHAT!!! How come I couldn’t recognize him? What!? Oh my god. She was spazzing so hard until Youngjae’s jacket fell off her shoulders.  HIS JACKET.  OH MY GOD HIS JACKET IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. IT EVEN SMELLS GOOD. OMG I’M SUCH A FREAK. Wait does this mean I can keep his jacket!?  She grabbed his jacket and took off after him.

“WAIT!” She screamed.  Youngjae turned around with his hands in his pockets, still an attempt to look cool.  “Yes?~” he sang.  “Your jacket.  How am I supposed to give it back to you? I might never see you again!” she asked holding up his jacket.  Youngjae thought about it for a while and grinned.  “You can give it back to me on our date this Saturday~” he said with a wink.  And with that he turned around and started heading down the street.  Oh my gosh Youngjae you’re so smooth~  he smiled at his accomplishment.

Sujin staggered onto a bench and held Youngjae’s jacket really close to her body.  What just happened? I have a date with Youngjae of B.A.P?! What!? Oh my god. This day just got so much better! I can’t believe it! OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I could die right now and everything would be okay. *whale screams* She giggled to herself and spazzed all over the place.  But then she stopped spazzing when she realized something.  Wait. Where are we going for our date? He didn’t even tell me when and where it was…. She pouted and hugged Youngjae’s jacket. How am I supposed to even contact him?

Just then Youngjae came running up to her, absolutely breathless.  He handed her a piece of paper with his number on it and smiled.  He was still trying to be cool so he gave her a wink before walking off.  He stuck his hands in his pocket again and strutted away.  Sujin watched him leave and watched him trip over a rock too.  Youngjae stumbled over a rock and started yelling profanities at it, which made Sujin laugh.  Stupid rock! Totally ruining my style! Jesus I bet I looked so retarded again!  he thought. Youngjae was so angry that he picked up the rock and threw it into a bush.  “HA! You ! CAN’T TRIP ME NOW CAN YOU!? THAT’S RIGHT! NO ONE MESSES WITH ME! HOO!” he screamed in the direction of the rock with an unnecessary hip .  Sujin was laughing so hard that her sides hurt.  Youngjae looked really embarrassed and chuckled slightly.  He waved to her before disappearing around the corner.  


Hi everyone! 

Sorry we haven't been updating alot lately.  We were really caught up with the Mnet voting! Wouldn't it be nice if B.A.P won on Mnet? 

Anyways aren't you guys really happy for Youngjae?!~ After 50 something chapters he finally might possibly have a girlfriend~ 

But seriously, who wouldn't love him? He's super cool and really fluffy :3 


P.s. Did you guys see the No Mercy performance on Inkigayo the other day? 

SJHDFJSHDOMG I had to cover my eyes for a good 5 minutes to maintain my innocence, but still...... 


Jenny is indeed a loser :D 


                                      ~ zeshanlolol and mychannie 

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!