The Mall

Love at First Sight

The next day, the girls were eating lunch with Jenny and Jimmy since Zelo and Jongup weren't here. It was awkwardly silent until Jenny spoke up, "You girls are still coming to the mall with me after school right?" All the girls smiled and nodded. "Wah! It's going to be so much fun!" Mylinh jumped out of her seat. Han nodded, "We haven't been to the mall in forever!" "We still need to buy new clothes." Gizelle added.

Fatima smiled, "I can find a lot of cute guys at the mall~~" Mylinh smacked her arm, "Ooh! I'm totally telling Yongguk oppa that you said that!" "YOU WOULDN'T!" Fatima gasped. Mylinh stuck out her tongue as she got up to throw away her trash. Shannon saw Jimmy sitting outside the group, "Jimmy, would you like to come with us to the mall?" Jimmy scoffed, "Nah I'll pass. Why would I go with a bunch of girls? I bet that you'll probably give me a makeover. I cannot handle 6 girls."

Jenny giggled, "Alright then. Maybe next time we can go somewhere, just the two of us~" "Oooooohh! Jimmy has a date!" the girls cheered for him, making him blush. The bell rang so Jenny had to leave. "Meet at the front of the school right after school ends alright?" she said before exiting the classroom. "Yes!" the girls called out after her. "I can't wait!" Gizelle couldn't sit still. Truthfully, the girls were all really excited that they couldn't even concentrate on their work for the rest of the day.

When the bell rang, the girls practically ran to the front of the school. A few minutes later Jenny walked up to them with Jimmy. She laughed, "Wow you're fast! Did you have to wait long?"  Shannon shook her head, "We didn't want you to wait so we tried our best to get here quickly!" Jenny giggled, "You girls are too cute!" She messed up Mylinh's hair. Mylinh pouted as she fixed her hair.

"Let's start heading to the mall then!" Jenny announced. She started walking in the direction of the mall, but the girls didn't follow her. Jenny turned around, "Well aren't you girls coming?" Mylinh pointed to Jimmy, "You didn't give Jimmy his goodbye hug yet!"

Jenny laughed and gave Jimmy his hug. "Let's go" she said as she grabbed Mylinh's hand and led her away. All the girls turned around and waved to Jimmy, "Bye Jimmy!!~~ Love ya!~" Jenny facepalmed, "Seriously, you guys are so embarrassing!" Fatima smiled at her, "Thanks! We get that alot~"

When they got to the mall, Gizelle and Han were running around everywhere looking through the windows. "Wow! This dress is so pretty!" Han exclaimed as she pointed to a dress being displayed in the store. "Look at all these stores! They have such pretty clothes!"

Gizelle was running in and out of all the stores. Mylinh and Fatima were not amused. "Ew I hate shopping for clothes." Fatima complained. Shannon elbowed her in the stomach, "Shh Jenny was nice enough to take us here. Don't be all butthurt and just enjoy it."

Mylinh turn to Jenny, "Jenny unnie, do you know where the food court is? I want to eat ice-cream." Jenny patted Mylinh on the head, "I'll buy you ice-cream later okay?" Mylinh jumped for joy, "Jenny unnie is the best!" Jenny laughed and pointed to a store, "Do you want to go in there?"

Han and Gizelle ran into the store faster than lightning. They were already picking out outfits off the hangers and choosing jewelry. Shannon and Jenny were browsing the aisles for anything they might like.

Mylinh and Fatima were trying on high heels. "Okay whoever falls down first has the buy the winner icecream." Mylinh said as she strapped on a pair of high heels. They both stood up and began walking around the store.  "Ohoho Shannon! I'm taller than you now~" Fatima said as she compared their heights. Shannon looked at her, "What are you doing!?" Fatima pointed to her high heels, "What does it look like we're doing?"

Just then Mylinh walked by, Fatima stuck out her leg in an attempt to trip her. They both fell down with a huge thud. Shannon smacked both of them on the head, "Take those off! People are starting to stare." Fatima laughed, "You're just jealous because you can't work it like we do." Shannon laughed, "Whatever" She went back to browsing for clothes.

Han ran up to them with a dress in her hands. "Oh my gosh! Look at this dress! Won't it look great on me?" Fatima waved her hand, “Psh anything looks good on you~”
Han pointed at them, “You two need to get dresses! I rarely see you wearing anything other than tshirts and jeans. Especially Shannon and Mylinh!” The 3 girls shook their heads, “No!! We’re fine with not wearing dresses!”

Jenny dragged them to the dress section, “Come on~ You can buy anything. At least get a dress that you can wear on a special occasion~” Fatima, Mylinh, and Shannon shook their heads, “It’s alright, we’re good. You don’t have to get us anything~” Jenny patted their heads, “You girls are so adorable~” she said and went to walk around the store. Mylinh and Fatima still had the high heels on.

Mylinh turned to Fatima, “Let’s race again!” Fatima nodded, “Yeah! Let’s go!” Shannon stopped them, “Take them off. The employees are watching. They’re going to kick us out.” Mylinh waved a hand at her, “Puh-lease. They’re just jealous~” she said and ran off to race with Fatima. Shannon sighed, What am I going to do with these two..., she thought and went to Jenny to look around.  

After Jenny paid for Gizelle and Han’s clothes, she took them to the food court to get some ice cream for the girls. “You girls can order your ice cream, me treat~” Mylinh and Fatima jumped up and down, “REALLY?!! YAY~~~ Jenny unnie is the BEST!!” they screamed and ordered their ice creams.  

Everyone sat down at a table to eat their ice cream. Han and Fatima were the ice cream on their spoons in a nasty fashion. Shannon was facepalming at them. Mylinh kept telling them, “You guys are nasty!” Jenny laughed, “You girls are fun to hang out with~” Gizelle just continued eating her ice cream.

Shannon pointed at a Kpop store, “We should go there afterwards~” Mylinh couldn’t wait, “We need to get a Himchan cardboard cutout for me!!” Jenny looked at the store, “I’ll buy one for you”. Han shook her head, “You don’t have to. We can just steal it~” Jenny gave her a look, “Steal? Why can’t I just pay for it?” Mylinh laughed, “It’s expensive. Besides, stealing it is more fun~”

Han nodded, “Yeah. But I wasn’t allowed to go to the other mall ever again because I stole one for Mylinh”. Jenny laughed and shook her head, “Be careful or you’ll be banned from all the malls in the world.” Shannon rolled her eyes, “You can’t keep these girls from getting themselves in trouble. Trust me, I know.”  

The girls finished their ice creams and Mylinh ran to the kpop store, “Let’s go!!!!” Fatima ran after her screaming, “I feel so badass!~” Shannon ran after them, “You guys, stop running and screaming! People are looking!” Han, Gizelle, and Jenny walked behind them. “They’re so embarrassing...” Han said. Jenny laughed, “But they’re fun~” Gizelle nodded, “They could even tear this entire mall down. Shannon’s the only reason they haven’t done so yet~”

Mylinh was looking around for a Himchan cutout, while Fatima was looking at albums. Shannon was looking for B.A.P’s new photobook. Han looked at EXO posters. Gizelle just followed Jenny. “Why don’t you look around for something?” Jenny asked her. Gizelle shook her head, “I’m not into Kpop as much as the others. I’m kinda new to it.” Jenny smiled, “I’ll go look at Big Bang items, then.” Gizelle nodded, “I’ll go with you”.

Han walked up to Jenny with an EXO album and lots of posters. Jenny looked at all the posters, “Wow, you chose a lot~” Han smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for them.” Jenny waved her hand, “No, no, it’s alright. I’ll pay for them”. Fatima came back empty handed, “I still have a lot back home, so I don’t need to buy any~”

Shannon had just found the photobook when Mylinh dragged her around the store, “Shannon! Help me find Himchan’s cutout!”  Shannon gave the photobook to Jenny to pay for the items before following Mylinh.

Jenny and the 3 girls waited outside for Mylinh and Shannon after they finished paying for their stuff. “What’s taking them so long?” Han asked. “Mylinh’s looking for Himchan’s cutout,” Gizelle told her. “They still didn’t find it?” Fatima asked.

Inside the store, Shannon and Mylinh were looking all over the place for a Himchan cardboard cutout.  “There!” Shannon pointed to a cutout in the corner.  Mylinh grabbed the cutout and she was about to make a break for it, but an employee, who looked around their age, stopped her.  “You ladies need any help finding anything?” he asked them.  

Shannon shook her head and said, “No, but thank you anyways.” “Okay, just let me know if you need any help~” he said with a wink.  Mylinh tried to hold in her laughter until he walked away.  She turned to Shannon and said, “I think he was trying to flirt with you~” Shannon scoffed, “What? No. He was just being a good employee. Now put that cutout back, we can’t run off with it because there’s too many people here.”  

The employee showed up again and gave them a deal, “Tell you what, I’ll let you have that cardboard cutout for free if I can get your number~” he pointed at Shannon.  Shannon was confused, “Huh me? But I don’t want to... I have a boyfriend!” Mylinh put her hand over Shannon’s mouth and turned to the employee, “I know her number. I can give it to you~” Mylinh wrote Shannon’s number on a piece of paper and folded it.  

She handed the paper to the employee and grabbed Shannon’s hand. “RUN SHANNON!” Mylinh screamed as she ran out of the store.  The employee was a little bit confused by Mylinh’s odd behavior, but he smiled at the piece of paper in his hand.  Hmm I should call her right now~ he thought as he took out his phone.  He unfolded the paper and instantly frowned.  On the paper, Mylinh wrote:

Call me~~
loser (;

Shannon and Mylinh ran out of the store and saw the others waiting for them.  “RUN RUN RUN!” they yelled as they pushed the rest of the girls towards the exit.  Han started singing, “YOU RUNNIN’ AHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU SCREAMIN’ AHHHHHHHHHH YOU LIKE THAT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Mylinh smacked her with the cardboard cutout, “Now is not the time to sing!”

Han pouted and said, “But this is the perfect time for this song!” Mylinh shrugged and joined in, soon they were all singing while running.  When they were pretty far away from the mall, they all fell over in laughter.  “What did you do?!” Fatima asked Mylinh.  Mylinh explained the whole thing, trying not to laugh while telling her story.  When she was done, the whole group burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

Gizelle got up and pointed to a park nearby, “Let’s play there!” Mylinh and Fatima were the first to get there.  They both got on the swings and called for the others, “Shannon!! Jenny unnie! Come here! Gizelle! Han! Walk faster! This is not a fashion show! Don’t walk like you’re on the runway!!”

Mylinh was swinging around on the swings and kicking her feet, “Jenny unnie! Come push me!” Jenny set the Himchan cutout on the bench nearby and pushed Mylinh on the swings.  

Fatima called out, “Shannon! Come push me!” Shannon tried to push Fatima, but she didn’t budge at all.  “Oh my gosh I can’t push you. You’re too heavy!” Shannon said as she tried to push Fatima.  

Gizelle and Han came over and tried to push Fatima.  “OH MY GOD. YOU ARE TOO FAT!” they screamed.  Fatima got off the swing and pouted, “You guys are just too weak! Hmmph. I’m just going to go on the slide.”  

Mylinh yelled after her, “No! Don’t! You’ll break the whole thing~~” Fatima glared at her and went on the slide. Shannon looked at the slide, “I don’t know, Fatima. The slide looks pretty small...” Fatima screamed out, “I don’t care, ‘cause YOLO”. Shannon facepalmed.

“Don’t come crying to us when you get stuck,” Han told her. Fatima waved her hand, “Don’t worry, I got this~” She pushed herself down the slide and got stuck halfway. Everyone cracked up.

Mylinh pointed and laughed, “Why you gotta be so FAT, Fattyma?” Fatima yelled at her, “I’m not fat!! The slide is just small!!” Han rolled her eyes, “Sure, tell yourself that~” Fatima held out her hands and pleaded, “Shannon! Gizelle! Help meeee!!”

Shannon and Gizelle went to take her arms and pulled her out of the slide. “I told you the slide is too small,” Shannon scolded her. Fatima ran to the monkey bars, “I still don’t care, ‘cause YOLO!~” Mylinh yelled at her again, “Stop, Fattyma! You’re going to break the monkey bars!!!” “SHUT UP!” Fatima yelled back.

The girls were too busy laughing at Fatima that they didn’t notice a stranger stealing the cardboard cutout.  Jenny turned around and noticed a girl reaching for Mylinh’s cutout.  

She ran up to the stranger and told her nicely, “Please do not take this, this is not yours.” The girl didn’t listen.  She grabbed the cutout and ran down the street. Jenny immediately ran after her.  “My cutout!” Mylinh screamed as the rest of the girls ran after Jenny.  

The girls got really tired after a while and decided to stop and sit down.  Down the street, they could see Jenny beating up the girl and safely retrieving the Himchan cutout.  Mylinh ran up to Jenny and hugged her, “JENNY!~ MY HERO!!!~ YOU’RE THE BEST!!!!” Jenny laughed and handed her the cutout, “Here you go~”

Mylinh hugged the Himchan cutout, “Don’t you ever leave me again!~” The other girls were complimenting Jenny. “Wow Jenny~ You’ve got moves~” Fatima said. Jenny smiled, “Let’s go eat dinner at Tofu House. I’m hungry~” Mylinh and Fatima were excited, “Jenny unnie, you are the best unnie ever!!!!”

While they were eating, Jenny asked them, "Would you girls like to come over to my house tomorrow for a sleepover?"  Everyone turned to Shannon for her approval, "Can we Shannon? Can we?" they all asked her.  Shannon laughed and nodded, "Sure, it sounds like fun!" Jenny clapped her hands, "Oooh! I can't wait!"  

She paid for the food and got up to leave the restaurant, "I'll be going first! I have to go and clean up the house so you girls can come over tomorrow! See ya~" "BYE!!!!" They all waved at her as she walked out of the restaurant.  "I like Jenny unnie~" Mylinh said as she hugged her cardboard cutout.  

Shannon nodded, "Let's go everybody, it's getting pretty late." Everyone got up and started heading for B.A.P's dorm. The girls video chatted with B.A.P before going to bed. That night, no one could sleep because they were too excited for Jenny's sleepover. 

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!