The Plan (3)

Love at First Sight

Jimmy was walking with Mylinh. She was still a bit shaken up by the Haunted House ride.
Jimmy was trying to calm her down when he saw the Ferris wheel nearby, “Hey, let’s go to the Ferris Wheel. That’ll help you calm down,” he said. Mylinh turned away, and said, “NO. I WANT CORN DOGS FIRST!” Jimmy laughed, “You only think about food huh?” He grabbed her hand and led her to the corn dog stand.  Jimmy bought her many many many corn dogs, Mylinh ate them happily.  So all I have to do is by her food and she’ll love me forever? Jimmy thought. Just then, Zelo and Shannon were walking by to go to the Ferris Wheel, so Mylinh called out for them.

“ZELO! SHANNON!” She called out.  Zelo and Shannon turned around and waved at her.  At that moment, Yongguk and Fatima ran up to them. “Whadduppp?!”,they asked.  Daehyun and Han came soon afterwards.  Daehyun was holding a bunch of churros, Mylinh was staring at the churros and her lips. Gizelle and Jongup ran up to the group. “Hi guys!”,they greeted.  Youngjae and Himchan, saw that the entire group had gathered, decided to run up to them, hiding the fact that they’ve been stalking Mylinh and Jimmy the whole time.

Yongguk announced, “Well, since we’re all here, how about we go on the ferris wheel?”
Zelo and Shannon went on first, then came Yongguk and Fatima, Han and Daehyun, Gizelle and Jongup, Mylinh and Jimmy, amd Himchan with Youngjae. Himchan opened the door and told Youngjae, "Ladies first~". Youngjae gave him a glare before getting in as Himchan laughed.

Zelo and Shannon were sitting in their Ferris Wheel car. They were halfway to the top of the ride. Shannon took out her phone to make sure no one was going to call her and turned it off for now. Zelo did the same. Zelo took her hand and stared into her eyes, This time, there will definitely be no interruptions..., he thought. Zelo leaned his forehead onto Shannon’s as they smiled at each other. Zelo closed his eyes and leaned in closer; Shannon also closed her eyes and leaned in. After so many tries, and so many interruptions, they finally kissed.

They broke away a minute later when the ride suddenly stopped; they were all the way on the top of the ride. Shannon looked out the window and froze. She forgot that she was afraid of heights. She immediately turned to Zelo and held onto him, not letting go. Zelo was surprised by this, “What’s wrong? Did you see something?” “No. Well, yes, kinda. I’m... scared of heights...”, she confessed. Zelo laughed, “It’s alright, we’re fine,” but Shannon wouldn’t let go. She was too scared at the thought of falling, even though the door is locked until they get to the bottom.

In the next car, Jimmy and Mylinh sat across from each other. When the Ferris wheel started Mylinh got scared and held onto her seat. She is dangerously afraid of heights. Jimmy smiled and held her hand to comfort her. She looks so innocent when she's scared, he thought. He quietly turned to Mylinh and said, "You know, I really did have a lot of fun today." Mylinh tried to ease the awkward tension, "Uhh I did too. Thank you for buying me all that food" she slightly chuckled.
Jimmy held her hand and stared into her eyes. Why do I feel this way? He thought. I'm supposed to be in love with Shannon! But there's just something about Mylinh that just makes her so lovable. I can't help but feel like I'm starting to fall for her. A million thoughts were going through his mind.

Mylinh noticed that Jimmy didn't talk for a long time. "Jimmy, is there something wrong?" she asked. Jimmy snapped out of his daze. He shook his head and looked away trying not to show that he was blushing. He reached into his pocket and held out a tiny little gift box. Mylinh was surprised, "Where did you get this?"she asked. "I bought it at Chinatown when you weren't looking," he answered. Mylinh was still confused. "Why are you giving me this? Is this part of the plan? Himchan isn't watching you know," she said.

Jimmy opened the box and inside was a blue bunny necklace. He took it out and put it around Mylinh's neck. "Perfect," he said, "It looks great on you." Now Mylinh was really confused. She tried to take off the necklace and said, "I think you're giving this to the wrong girl. Isn't this supposed to be for Shannon?" Jimmy shook his head. Mylinh could tell that he was serious. What is up with him? Why is he acting so weird?  she thought.  

In the other car Himchan was trying to find Mylinh. He used his hand binoculars to look around. Youngjae was panicking, "Hyung! Stop leaning! You're going to tip this whole car over!" Himchan didn't listen, he just kept looking around for Mylinh. Youngjae was scared stiff, "Oh my god I'm going to die! I'm too young and beautiful to die! I have a gazillion fans! What are they going to do without me?! If I die, I want to give all the food in my fridge to Daehyun."

Back in Jimmy and Mylinh's car, it was really awkwardly silent. Dammit Jimmy. What did you get yourself into?! Don't do this Jimmy, you're going to ruin the whole plan! It's Shannon that you want. Don't let for feelings for Mylinh get in the way. Jimmy mentally scolded himself. Mylinh held up the necklace that was still around her neck. She asked again, "Why did you get me this?" "It's because I really like you!" Jimmy blurted out almost inaudibly. He instantly covered his mouth.

Mylinh was shocked, she was about to say something but the Ferris wheel ride stopped and Jimmy got out and ran away. Yongguk saw this and asked Mylinh, "What did you do?!" Mylinh was too shocked to even speak. Fatima noticed Mylinh's odd behavior and asked, "Is there something wrong?" Mylinh shook her head and said, "Oh no. I'm just tired that's all.." She sat down on a bench and tried to comprehend everything that just happened.
Himchan sat next to her. She looked up and saw him staring at her but then he quickly looked away.  He tried to make small conversation because the atmosphere between them was really awkward.

"So how was your day?" he asked. Mylinh just shrugged, "It was fine I guess." Himchan stared at her. "So how do you like your new boyfriend?" Mylinh thought of what just happened. She didn't want to answer his question. Himchan frowned. "I guess you guys are really together huh." Mylinh turned to him and asked, "Does it bother you?" Himchan's heart was full of pain but he somehow managed to smile. "No of course not! I’m happy for you. I'm glad that you found a new boyfriend. I’m a free man now!"  he said a bit too enthusiastically. Mylinh's heart dropped and she looked away from him trying not to show how hurt she was. So he doesn't care about me anymore? She thought.   

Just then, Jimmy came back with Mylinh's stuffed unicorn. Mylinh didn't even look up. Jimmy held up Lay. "Look Mylinh! I brought you Lay!!!"Jimmy exclaimed.  Even Lay wouldn't be able to make her feel better. She just stared at the ground. Jimmy immediately noticed that she was feeling down and sat next to her. "What's wrong?" he asked. Fatima answered his question because Mylinh wasn’t in the mood to talk. "She said that she's just a little tired." Fatima explained.

Yongguk decided, "Let's go home then! It's almost 10pm.  I'm getting pretty tired too!" everyone started head out of the carnival, but Mylinh didn't want to get up. Himchan tried to convince her to get up. "Let's go home Mylinh." he said as he held out his hand. She didn't take it, she just pushed his hand away and reached for Jimmy. Himchan was so confused by this. Did I do something wrong? He thought. Jimmy held her hand as she tried to get up. She didn't want to walk either so Jimmy gave her a piggyback ride. Before they even got to the van, Mylinh was already asleep on Jimmy's back.

It was 9 a.m. the next day and Mylinh was still asleep. Jimmy continued with his plan. He took Mylinh’s phone and texted Himchan:

Meet me at the cafe across the street in half an hour.

Almost instantly, Himchan replied:

Sure, I’ll be there.

Jimmy smirked as he deleted the text messages and put back Mylinh’s phone on the table. He stepped outside to walk around a bit before meeting Himchan at the cafe.

Back at B.A.P’s hotel room, Himchan was running around trying to get ready to meet Mylinh at the cafe. Everyone was very confused, they thought he was just being hyper. Yongguk stopped Himchan on his way to the bathroom to change, “What’s going on? What are you getting ready for? I thought we’re just resting today,” he said, suspicious. Himchan tried to escape, but Yongguk kept blocking him.

He finally said, “I’m going to the cafe across the street”. Jongup curiously asked, “For what?” Himchan snapped at him, “Yah. It’s none of your business.” Jongup smiled, “Are you meeting a girl??~~~” Zelo popped up, “IS IT MYLINH?!” If Himchan was drinking water, he would’ve choked to death by now, but he wasn’t. He scolded Zelo, “WHAT NO! Why would you think that?!” Zelo shrugged, “Then who is it?” Himchan scoffed, “I’m going by myself”  

Yongguk chuckled and said, “That’s hard to believe....” Daehyun’s head popped out from the boys’ room, “CAN I COME?” Himchan panicked, “NO! uhh. I wanna go alone”. Daehyun asked, “Can you buy me a cup of hot chocolate then?” Himchan answered, “Sure, I’ll get hot chocolate for you guys,” and he went into the bathroom to get ready.

Youngjae was eating ice cream and accidentally spilled some on Himchan’s shirt when he came out of the bathroom. “YAH!” Himchan screamed at him. “YOO YOUNGJAE! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY SHIRT!” Youngjae tried to explain, “but-” Himchan cut him off, “I’m breaking up with you! We’re OVER!” Youngjae got on his knees and held onto Himchan’s leg. “NOOOOOOO! HYUNG! please! You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me! You’re my whole world! I LOVE YOU.” He pretended to cry as he continued to eat his  ice cream. Himchan rolled his eyes and went to get another shirt to change into.


Jimmy was sitting in the cafe drinking his hot chocolate until Himchan walked in. Himchan looked around to look for Mylinh. Jimmy smirked and gestured Himchan to come over to sit.  Himchan was really confused and disappointed at the same time.  UGH. What does he want now? he thought as he walked over to the table. He slowly sat down and asked Jimmy, “Where’s Mylinh?” “She’s still asleep in my hotel room,” Jimmy answered.

Himchan’s face contorted just by the thought of Jimmy and Mylinh being a couple. Jimmy knew this was the perfect opportunity to get Himchan on his side. “Tell you what,” Jimmy continued, “If you help me break up Shannon and Zelo,” Himchan looked up in surprise, “then I’ll break up with Mylinh. That way, you can get back with Mylinh, and I’ll have Shannon. Deal?” Jimmy said as he held out his hand.

Himchan didn’t want to hurt Zelo, but he definitely didn’t want Jimmy to be with Mylinh either. Ohmygod what should I do? I don’t want Yongguk and the others to be mad at me for breaking Zelo’s heart, but I can’t sit around and let this Jimmy guy go out with Mylinh... THINK, HIMCHAN, THINK!, he thought.

Jimmy waited as Himchan was struggling with himself, “Uhh, I think you should take the deal before you hurt yourself...” Himchan gave it a second thought before looking up at him, “Okay. Deal,” and shook his hand. Jimmy smirked, Everything is going according to plan, he thought. Himchan frowned at himself for agreeing to do such a thing to his friend.


When Jimmy got back to his hotel room and saw that Mylinh was still sleeping, he started to have conflicted feelings, My plan to get Shannon is working... but why am I still attached to Mylinh...? This is not part of the plan..., he thought.

At B.A.P’s hotel room, the guys were asking Himchan a million questions, “What did you do at the cafe by yourself? Did you meet someone? Why so serious? WHERE’S MY HOT CHOCOLATE? HIMCHANNIE-YAH I’M SORRY FOR THE ICE CREAM; TAKE ME BACK?” Himchan waved them off as he went to his bed and lied down, using the excuse, “I’m tired”.

Shannon tiptoed into his room to get some stuff. It was the perfect opportunity for him to carry out Jimmy’s plan, I really don’t want to do this. Sorry Zelo, he thought. Himchan made his move.  He put his arm around Shannon and said, “Hey there beautiful~ Did you come to see me?~” Shannon gave Himchan a look, “Umm no... what are you doing...”

Zelo walked into the room.  He almost choked on his water when he saw Himchan’s arm around Shannon. “HIMCHAN HYUNG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!” Shannon stood up to break away from Himchan’s embrace, but he pulled her back down, “You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line”. Shannon gave him a confused look, What is Himchan doing? Doesn’t he still like Mylinh?, she thought.

Shannon turned to see Zelo looking at her, also confused, so she held out her hand so Zelo can help her out. Himchan pulled her arms back as Shannon struggled to get free, “Himchan, what are you doing?!”, she exclaimed. Zelo agreed, “Yeah, Himchan hyung, what are you doing?!” I’m sorry, Zelo. I hope you’ll forgive me later..., he thought as he puckered his lips and kissed Shannon on the cheek.

Both Shannon and Zelo’s eyes widened, they couldn’t believe what Himchan was doing. Shannon froze, she didn’t dare look at Zelo, she was afraid of how he would react to this, she knew that she’d be extremely mad and jealous if she was in his place right now, seeing the person he loves being taken by his own friend. Suddenly, Shannon felt Himchan's grip on her loosened.

She turned to see Himchan looking away as if he regretted what he did. Then she turned to Zelo, who just stood there, frozen solid, his heart shattered into a million pieces. Shannon went up to Zelo and took his arm, "Zelo-oppa... are you okay?" Zelo snapped out of his daze and looked at her with confused eyes, "I don't know..." She gave him a hug to reassure him that she still loves him and walked him to his bed. Shannon gave Zelo a kiss on his forehead and told him, "Don't worry. Himchan's just sad about Mylinh. You'll always be number one in my heart Zelo-oppa~" Zelo half-smiled before closing his eyes and went to sleep. Shannon gave Himchan a quick glance before leaving the room. "I'm sorry... " he thought as he lay down and fell asleep.

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!