Triple Date (2)

Love at First Sight

Shannon and Jimmy both looked through the gap between their seats to see Zelo acting innocent and eating his popcorn. Shannon smiled a little, Zelo is so cute when he’s jealous.

Jimmy was going to lean in again but Shannon turned away. She’s just shy~ he thought and kissed her cheek instead. Shannon blushed again, Why am I blushing? I can’t be blushing. No, Zelo! DAMMIT JIMMY you’re making me have conflicted feelings AGAIN. Jimmy giggled at Shannon’s confused expression on her face. She’s too adorable. No wonder Zelo likes her so much.

Halfway through the movie, Mylinh got up to go to the bathroom. Himchan stood up and followed her. Mylinh felt a presence behind her and turned around. Himchan stopped and looked at her. Mylinh crossed her arms and gave him a look, “What are you doing? I’m going to the bathroom.” she whispered. Himchan shrugged, “You might get lost~” Mylinh pointed to his seat, telling him to stay behind. Himchan pouted and dropped his head as he walked back to his seat.

After the movie, the group walked out of the theater. Jenny looked around and turned to Himchan, “Where’s Mylinh?” He just shrugged, “I don’t know. She went to the bathroom, and she hasn’t gone back since then.” Shannon took out her phone and tried to call Mylinh, “She’s not picking up...” Boyan pointed towards the bathroom, “We should wait around there and see if she’s going to come out.”

They’ve been waiting for ten minutes and Mylinh still hadn’t returned yet. They were all getting worried. Jenny looked at the time on her phone, “She probably went to the food court before we came here. We should go check.” Himchan threw up his hands, “Ahh, I knew she would get lost!”

Himchan walked in front towards the food court with Boyan following closely behind and the others in the back. They looked all over in the food court but still couldn't find Mylinh. Jimmy pointed towards the stores, "Maybe she went to the stores". Jenny gave him a look, "We're going to look for her in ALL the stores?" Himchan started walking towards a nearby store, "We can't just leave her. Let's go!"

Half an hour later, they got back to the food court. Zelo collapsed into a chair, "We should get some rest. My feet are killing me!" Shannon sat down next to him, "We've been walking around the entire mall for half an hour!"

Himchan hovered over them, "But we need to find her!" Jenny dialed Mylinh's number for the twentieth time, "Mylinh can take care of herself. She might come back here if we wait a little. It's no use running around to find her if she's also walking around looking for her." "We should get something to eat while we wait," Jimmy suggested.

Himchan shook his head, "What can we possibly eat in this situation?!" Boyan pointed at the sushi place, "We can have some sushi. They have a Buy-one-get-one-free special today too!"

Himchan's eyes instantly sparkled, "SUSHI?!- okay we'll eat~" Jenny and Boyan went to go order sushi. Jimmy had just finished wiping the table and Shannon immediately collapsed onto the table, "Aigoo I'm so tired..." she closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep. Zelo her hair as she took a nap on the table, She seems really tired...

Jimmy came and sat down next to Shannon, "Did she get enough sleep last night? She fell asleep a few times during the movie..." Zelo shook his head, "The girls stayed up until 5 in the morning. We woke them up after 10 am."

Jimmy looked at Shannon, who was still sleeping as Zelo her hair, She's probably not used to getting less sleep. Himchan gave Zelo a look, "Yah, Zelo, you didn't do anything to Shannon this morning did you?" he raised an eyebrow. Zelo innocently blinked at him, "I didn't do anything. Hyung was the one who wanted to go to the bathroom with Mylinh!"

Jimmy's eyes widened and looked at Himchan and gasped. Himchan slapped Zelo's arm, "Yah! I bet you crawled onto Shannon's bed and tried to do something! I KNOW IT!" Jimmy turned to Zelo with wide eyes and gasped again, Crawl onto her bed? AND DO SOMETHING?! WHAT?! Zelo's face turned red, "What?! No I didn't! I was just trying to wake Shannon up! I had to climb on her bed because there wasn't any walking space between the girls' beds!" he tried to explain.

Jenny sat down next to Zelo, trying to act like she didn't hear what they were saying, Shannon better watch out. She needs to stay away from Zelo from now on... Boyan came back with a tray of sushi. Zelo gently tapped on Shannon's shoulder to wake her up from her nap to eat.

Himchan was so excited to eat the sushi, "Ahh~ I love Japanese food!" Boyan smiled and held out a piece to him. Himchan happily ate the sushi and held out a thumb, "This sushi tastes great!!" Boyan laughed, Aigoo Himchan's so cute. Ohmygosh I can't believe I'm hanging out with him even though he's here with Mylinh but still ohmygosh I just fed him sushi!! Ahhh!!! she mentally fangirled.

Jimmy also held out some sushi for Shannon to eat. She ate it anyways because she was hungry. Shannon was still a bit tired from her nap so Jimmy kept feeding her sushi. Zelo was eating his plate of sushi when Jenny asked, "Zelo-ah, can you feed noona?" she asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Zelo rolled his eyes, Only Shannon's puppy dog eyes work on me... he ate another sushi, "Why can't you feed yourself, noona?" Jenny pointed at the chopsticks that she dropped earlier, "I dropped my chopsticks on the floor..."

Zelo shrugged, "Then go ask them for another pair" and ate some more sushi. Himchan pointed at him, "No, Zelo, just feed her. Don't be rude or I'll tell Yongguk to take your skateboard away." Zelo pouted and fed Jenny the last pieces of sushi.

Shannon saw the Kpop store and pointed to it, "Mylinh could be in there." They all threw away their trash and went in the store to look for Mylinh.

Jenny and Boyan went to look along the aisles. Himchan went to look near the B.A.P and EXO albums. Jimmy and Zelo stayed close behind Shannon as they walked towards the back of the store. Himchan's scream drew Zelo and Jimmy's attention. They ran towards him, "You found Mylinh?!" Himchan was looking through the B.A.P Photobook Take 2, "No, but I found a really handsome picture of myself!!" he claimed and showed them his picture.

Zelo rolled his eyes, "Hyung is always too confident in hyung's looks". Himchan pouted, "But I'm the ulzzang! There are no cameras in existence that can capture 100% of my beauty!" he said way too confidently. Jimmy laughed, "Then that goes the same for me too, since I look like you" Himchan nodded and put an arm around his shoulder, "No camera can capture our true beauty!" Zelo rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, hyung".

Shannon was walking in the back of the store, searching around for Mylinh, when she felt a shadow behind her. She turned around to see the same guy from last time, when Mylinh gave him a fake number when he asked for Shannon's number. He leaned onto the shelf and smirked, "Fancy meeting you here again".

Uh oh... Shannon turned to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and put his arm around her, "I think you still owe me your number from last time" he gave her another smirk. Shannon looked away, "No." "Trying hard to get, eh?" he leaned in. Shannon turned to see him leaning closer and closer to her, Is he trying to kiss me?! He doesn’t even know me! she turned away and tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

His lips were just an inch away from hers when Zelo and Jimmy came. "Get away from her!" Zelo yelled at him as Jimmy peeled his arms off of Shannon. Zelo pulled Shannon away and she held onto his arm. The guy smirked again, "Don't be selfish, guys, I just wanted her number, is that really hard to get?" "The only numbers you'll get are from counting the stars!" Jimmy held up his fist.  

Boyan, Jenny, and Himchan came up to them. "What's going on here?" Himchan asked. "This guy was trying to kiss Shannon!" Zelo pointed. "I was just trying to get her number, since her friend gave me a fake number last time!" the guy defended himself. Last time? So she met him once before?! Zelo thought. Boyan approached the man, "If you really want her number that bad, then I'll give it to you" she held out her hand.

The guy smirked and handed her his phone, "You better not pull any tricks". "Don't worry, I won't" she punched in the numbers and gave him back his phone. "What are you doing? Why would you give him her number?" Jimmy grabbed the phone away from her. "Just give it to him," she motioned him to return the phone. She turned around, "Come on, let's go, we still need to find Mylinh".

Everyone hesitantly walked out of the store. The guy smiled as he watched Shannon leave, Let's see if she'll pick up he dialed the number and waited for her to pick up. He was overjoyed when he heard the other side of the line pick up their phone, but he was disappointed of what he heard next, "Hello, this is Pizza Hut, may I take your order?"

Back at the food court, Himchan turned to face Boyan, “Why would you give him Shannon’s number?!” Boyan shrugged, “I just thought he’d love to have some Pizza Hut later” “Wait, so you gave him the number for Pizza Hut instead?” Jimmy tried to confirm. Boyan nodded, “Yes. I wouldn’t be able to give him Shannon’s number anyway because I don’t know her number...” She has changed a lot since we last saw her, Himchan thought.

Shannon smiled at her, “Thank you. I remember last time, Mylinh gave him ‘555-5555’”. Himchan laughed, “That’s my girl!” Zelo glanced back at the Kpop store, “I don’t think you should go back there...” Shannon laughed and lightly pinched his cheek, “You’re so jealous, Zelo~” Zelo pouted, “I have the right to be jealous! He was trying to kiss you” he pouted even more.

Jimmy put an arm over Shannon’s shoulder, “We came just in time~” Zelo pouted and looked away, I was the one who ran to her first...

Boyan reminded them, “We still need to go find Mylinh.” Himchan looked around, “Where should we find her? We’ve checked every store”. Boyan scanned around and pointed, “Except that one! Come on, let’s go!” she grabbed Himchan’s arm and ran to the store.



When they first got to the food court, Jenny searched around, “Mylinh’s not here.” Jimmy pointed towards the stores, "Maybe she went to the stores". Jenny gave him a look, "We're going to look for her in ALL the stores?" Himchan started walking towards a nearby store, "We can't just leave her. Let's go!"

Boyan pointed at another store, “Why can’t we go look for her in there?” she started walking towards it. Jimmy stopped her, “We shouldn’t split up. We’ll get lost just like her.” Himchan pulled Boyan into the smaller store, “That store is too big. It’ll take forever to look for her in there.”
Shannon rolled her eyes, “We’ve got to search in there sooner or later.”


They walked into the mattress section of the store. “Ahh, this store is huge!” Jimmy threw his arms out. “My feet are killing me! Again!” Zelo complained. Shannon pointed to a bed, “There she is!”

Himchan turned to see Mylinh taking a nap on one of the beds. “Ahh, Mylinh!! We’ve found you!!” he shouted as he ran to her. Jimmy tried to shut him up, “Shh!!! There’s people around!”

Mylinh instantly sat up when she heard his screaming, “Ahh, Himchan, you’re too loud!! I can’t sleep!” she complained as Himchan went in for a hug.

Jimmy gave her a look, “How did you get here?” Himchan pulled away and looked at her, “Yeah, how did you get from the movie theater to here? Did you know how worried we were?! We were looking everywhere for you!”

Mylinh laughed nervously, “Uhh, yeah,... I kinda got lost...” Himchan pointed at her, “I knew it! I knew you would get lost!” Mylinh lightly slapped his arm, “Let me explain!”


Mylinh came out of the bathroom and went to go back to the theater. “Wait... which theater did we go to...?” Mylinh looked around. She saw a theater down the hallway that’s showing the movie that they were watching, “Oh! There it is!” She ran into the theater and sat down at the back row. The movie was just starting in that theater. Wait... this is the wrong theater... Oh well, I’ll catch up with them later.

After the movie, Mylinh came out and waited around for 10 minutes, “Where are they? Did they leave me? I should go look for them in the mall.”

She came to the food court and was going to get food, but she forgot her wallet at home, “Darn it. I’ll just sit here and wait for them.” Mylinh sat down at an empty table and waited.

Meanwhile, Himchan and the others were on the other side of the mall. “Why would she be in this store?” Shannon crossed her arms. “Yeah, we never go to these stores when we go to the mall.” Jenny told him. Himchan pointed, “THERE SHE IS!” he ran over and turned the girl around.

Boyan started laughing, “Ahh, that’s not Mylinh!” The girl started squealing, “OH MY GOSH. IT’S B.A.P’S HIMCHAN! AHHHHH!~~~” Himchan immediately turned around and pushed the others out of the store, “RUN!!”

The group started running away from a crowd of screaming fangirls. “AHH! ZELO!~” “CHANNIE OPPA!!” “WHERE ARE THE OTHER B.A.P OPPAS?!” “WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THOSE GIRLS?!” “ARE THERE 2 HIMCHANS???”

Luckily for them, the security came just in time to stop the girls from chasing them all over the mall. Jimmy pointed to a nearby store, “We should get glasses and scarves to hide ourselves.” Himchan and bought a pair of sunglasses and Zelo bought a scarf to wear and pulled his hood over his head.

Jenny pointed to the ice cream shop, “She might have gone in there for some ice cream.” “MELON ICE CREAM” Zelo yelled as he ran in ahead of the others.

On the other side of the mall, Mylinh was walking around in circles, “Ahh, I’m so tired...” she turned to see a large store in front of her, “Oh! This store has those beds put out for display! I’ll go take a quick little nap~” she skipped into the store.


Himchan facepalmed, “Mylinh-ah, you can’t just walk around like that. We were dying from walking around the mall!” “And you didn’t even turn on your phone!” Jenny told her. Mylinh blinked at her, “But I never turned it off” she took out her phone. “Oh... it’s out of batteries...” she laughed nervously.

Zelo, Shannon, and Boyan dropped their heads, “Mylinh, what are we going to do with you...”
Boyan looked at the time on her phone, “I need to go now. My parents are waiting in front.” Himchan and Jenny waved, “Bye~” Jimmy, Zelo, and Shannon also waved to her, “Bye, Boyan!~”

When she left, Mylinh asked Jenny, “Why was she here? She went alone. Was she supposed to go with a date? Shouldn’t it be a quadruple date then?” she was asking a million questions. Jenny tried to change the subject, “How about we go eat something before going back to the dorm?” “SUSHI!!!” Himchan yelled out and grabbed Mylinh’s hand and dragged her out of the store.

Shannon yawned. Jimmy asked her, “Are you tired?” She nodded and blinked a few times to try to stay awake. Jimmy smirked, “I know how to make you less tired.” “How?” She looked at him. Jimmy grabbed her hand and started running. Shannon tried to keep up with him, “Wait! You’re running too fast!” Jimmy turned but kept running, “Try to keep up~ That’ll wake you up.”

Zelo grumpily followed behind, hiding behind his scarf. Jenny slyly linked her arms with his. Zelo turned and blinked at her. Jenny ignored him and just kept walking, literally dragging him with her.

The group ate sushi and got ice cream before heading back to the dorm. “Why are you coming back to our dorm again?” Zelo asked. Himchan smacked the back of his head, “This kid. Why are you so rude?! Jenny and Jimmy are welcome at our dorm anytime!” Jenny smiled, “I just like hanging out with the girls~” Shannon pouted, Yeah, but Zelo isn’t a girl...

Mylinh asked, “Jenny unnie, why aren’t you walking with Jimmy? He’s feeling lonely back there!” Zelo turned around and saw Jimmy and Shannon talking and giggling with each other. He scowled and turned back around, then pouted behind his scarf. Jenny laughed, “Jimmy has Shannon with him. He’s fine~”

“Who cares about Jimmy. Don’t I look handsome today?” Himchan tried to pose for Mylinh. Mylinh rolled her eyes, “Who cares about you. Don’t I look beautiful today?~” she flipped her hair. Himchan laughed, “Ahh, who can resist you?~” he hugged her.

Jenny suddenly asked him, “Himchan oppa, what do you think about Boyan?” Himchan and Mylinh looked at her. He thought for a moment, “Hmm, I guess she’s pretty cool. She’s changed a lot though. I thought she was still one of those crazy fangirls.” Mylinh pouted, she still didn’t like Boyan because Boyan also likes Himchan. Himchan put an arm around Mylinh, “BUT I STILL LOVE MY MYLINH~”

When they got back to the dorm, Himchan opened the door. Everyone was in the living room watching TV. “Oh, you’re back already?” Yongguk asked. Zelo nodded and took off his scarf. “Where did you get the scarf and sunglasses?” Youngjae pointed at them. “We got chased by fangirls,” Jimmy told them, “They even thought there were 2 Himchans.” Jongup and Daehyun laughed, “You better be careful now, Jimmy, those fangirls can be really crazy!”

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!