The Poképark

Love at First Sight

Today was their last day in Japan. The group wanted to do something special on the last day. Mylinh shook Youngjae’s arm, “THE BROCHURE! SHOW THEM THE BROCHURE!” Youngjae looked at her, confused, “What brochure?” Mylinh facepalmed and went to go find the brochure.
Jimmy suggested, “We should go to an amusement park”. Yongguk asked, “Which one?” Mylinh came back with a brochure in her hand, “THE POKEMON THEME PARK!!!!!”

Youngjae slapped himself, “OH! THAT PLACE!” Jimmy looked at Mylinh, “They have a Pokemon Theme Park?” She shoved the brochure in his face, “Look! Look!”
Zelo snatched the brochure and looked at it, “Wow, it’s free admission today, too, since it’s the last week of summer!”

Himchan jumped off the couch, “What are we waiting for? Let’s GO!!!!”, he said as he ran towards the door, still in his pajamas.
Jongup laughed and yelled after him, “Himchan hyung! You’re going to go in your pajamas?” Himchan turned and ran into the room, yelling, “I KNEW THAT”. Everyone laughed as they got up to get ready.

Mylinh was already ready to go, she was wearing her pikachu pajamas.


Himchan gave her a weird look, “Are you really going to the amusement park dressed like that?” She twirled around a few times and said, “Yup!~ Since we’re going to a pokemon themed amusement park, this is perfect for the occasion! Besides, I’m too lazy to change.....”

When they got to the Poképark, Mylinh was the first to get out.  “WOW!!!” she couldn’t contain her excitement. She was jumping around all over the place.  Shannon laughed and thought, She’s such a little kid... Youngjae was trying to stay far away from Mylinh.  He said, “Your pajamas are so embarrassing... It makes it look like you work here or something....” Himchan elbowed him and said, “I think she looks cute~” He grabbed Mylinh’s hand and said, “Well, what are we waiting for? LET’S GO!!~”.

Youngjae turned to Zelo, “I guess you’re my girlfriend today,” he said. Zelo gave him a look, “Girlfriend?! No! YOU’RE my girlfriend!” Youngjae protested, “Yah, I was Himchan’s girlfriend last time! Now it’s your turn!” Zelo started running towards the group, “See you at the entrance, GIRLFRIEND~”. Youngjae facepalmed as he walked towards the group.  

The group ran in and their jaws dropped. “WOW!!!!!” Jongup said, “This place is huge!” Zelo was pointing at the swing ride and said, “Let’s go there first!!!!!” Everyone raced to get in line.  Shannon and Jimmy got there first and sat down on a swing.  Shannon was having problems with her seatbelt, so she called Jimmy over to help her.  Jimmy made sure Zelo was looking in their direction before helping her with her seatbelt.  To make Zelo even more jealous, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to his seat.  

Mylinh was so excited that she couldn’t stay still in her seat.  She was swinging her seat from side to side, sometimes bumping into Himchan.  Jongup sat near Gizelle who was looking at the map and planning where they were going to go next.  Daehyun was looking around for some food stands to take Han to.  Fatima pointed to the roller coaster and said, “Yongguk oppa! We have to go there!” Yongguk nodded.  They tried to reach and hold hands as the ride started.  

During the ride, Fatima spread out her arms and started singing, “I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYYYYY~” Everyone laughed and soon joined in.  As Shannon was singing, her sandal fell off, “Oh!” She exclaimed. “My sandal!” Her sandal fell into a bush.  As soon as the ride ended, she went around looking for it.  “Looking for this?” Jimmy asked as he held up her sandal.  Shannon turned around and nodded.  

Jimmy walked over to her and got on his knee.  He lifted Shannon’s foot off the floor and slid her sandal on.  “There!~ For you my princess~” he said as he got up. Shannon stared at her sandal and said, “Uhh thanks..” Jimmy pouted, “You know, I should get a reward for finding your shoe!”  He tapped his cheek to show Shannon that he wanted a kiss.

Mylinh unintentionally saved her by grabbing her hand and dragging her to the next ride.  Gizelle ran up and exclaimed, “Wahhhh!~ Look at the pokemon train! It’s so cuteeeee!~” When the group got to the front of the line, the employee glared at them.  He said with a monotone voice, “I’m sorry, but this is a kid’s ride, you need a kid to ride this...”  Everyone frowned and started looking around.  

Himchan grabbed a random little girl from the line and said, “This is my kid! Can we go on the ride now?” The employee laughed a little and continued, “Sir, please put that little girl down, she is not your child.” Himchan protested, “This is my child!” he grabbed Mylinh’s hand and continued, “and this is my wife! We made this baby!” Just then the mother of the little girl smacked Himchan in the face with her purse.  She muttered something about him being a e and led her child away.  

Mylinh and Fatima shoved Gizelle towards the employee and said, “This is our kid! Look how short she is!” Gizelle turned to glare at them and they gave her an apologetic look.  To their surprise, the employee opened up the gate and said, “Okay you may go in, enjoy your ride~”  

Jimmy led Shannon to the very back, as the group ran to the front.  The seats were very small so only one person could fit in each car at a time.  There wasn’t enough seats for Shannon so she decided to wait for the next one, but Jimmy came up with a solution.  He called for Shannon, “Shannon! Come here, you can sit on my lap. That way you don’t have to go on the next ride all by yourself!”

Zelo froze in his seat, he didn’t like that idea at all. Shannon shook her head and refused.  Yongguk offered to let her take his seat, but she refused and just decided to take up Jimmy’s offer.  She walked over to Jimmy’s car and sat down on his lap.  Jimmy wrapped his arms around her and smiled. He looked over to Zelo staring straight at them.  Zelo then turned around and didn’t enjoy the ride at all.  

When the ride was over, the group got up to leave, except for Himchan.  “Uhhhh guys?” Himchan called for them.  The group turned around to find Himchan stuck in the car, and they completely cracked up.  Mylinh and Yongguk turned towards the exit and , “BYE~~” “YAHHH!!” Himchan screamed after them, “COME BACK HERE AND HELP ME!!” Mylinh and Yongguk high-fived each other as they ran back to help Himchan.  

Everyone grabbed his arms and tried to get him out, but he wouldn’t budge.  The employee was facepalming the whole time, he even offered to help them.  After a lot of pulling and pain, Himchan finally got out.  Fatima pointed to the roller coaster and said, “We have to go there next!”

As the group walked towards the line, Shannon hesitated, she’s really scared of roller coasters. When they were standing in line, Shannon looked tense, so Jimmy asked, “What’s wrong?” Shannon looked away, “I’m... scared to go on the roller coaster...”. Jimmy chuckled, “Don’t worry, I got you~” he said as he put an arm around her shoulders. Shannon looked down when she felt Zelo’s eyes on her.

Zelo was also dealing with a problem, Youngjae kept tugging onto Zelo’s shirt while making excuses, “Zelo! I’m hungry! Let’s go get food!” Zelo turned around, “Youngjae hyung, if you’re scared to go on the roller coaster then just say so...” Youngjae stiffened up, “S-Scared? Pfft. I’m not scared of a little roller coaster! Pfft You’re hilarious, Zelo-ah”. Zelo rolled his eyes, “If you say so~”.

When it was their turn on the roller coaster, Jimmy dragged Shannon to the very front. Shannon tried to resist his pull and complained, “But I scared! I wanna sit in the middle! Seems less scarier there!” Jimmy wouldn’t listen as he kept pulling her towards the front. Shannon was too weak for him, and they sat all the way in front. She couldn’t stay calm, her grip on the handlebar was so tight, her knuckles were all white.

Jimmy tried to comfort her and took her hands off the handle and held her hands. Shannon calmed down a bit, until the car started to move, then Shannon immediately wrapped her arms around Jimmy for her life. Zelo saw this, It could've been me comforting Shannon..., he thought and scowled as Youngjae was holding onto his arm.

As they got to the peak, just before the first drop, Shannon’s grip around Jimmy tightened. Jimmy smirked as he felt Zelo’s stare from behind.
They dropped, and Shannon screamed with her eyes shut tight and her arms around Jimmy tightened even more. Jimmy put an arm around her as his heart fluttered.
She's so cute when she's scared, he thought to himself.

Zelo was staring into Jimmy’s soul until Youngjae squeezed the life out of him while screaming into his ear. “Youngjae hyung! You’re suffocating me! I can’t breathe!” Zelo cried out. Youngjae yelled out, “YOU WOULDN’T BE SUFFOCATING IF WE WENT TO GET FOOD INSTEAD!” “YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU WERE AFRAID OF ROLLER COASTERS!” Zelo yelled back as Youngjae continued to scream into his ears and squeeze the life out of him.

At the end of the ride, Jimmy helped Shannon out of the car as she was still shaken up by the ride.
Zelo walked towards the exit with Youngjae's arms around his neck. He was literally dragging Youngjae, "Hyung, you can walk now, we're still alive, you're hurting my shoulders..." he said. Youngjae instantly got back on his feet, but he was still a bit unstable from the ride, he cleared his throat, "Now let's never talk about this to anyone else".

Zelo rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, hyung~" he said as he looked over at Yongguk and Fatima who were laughing at Youngjae. Youngjae scoffed, "You are the worst boyfriend ever!" he said as he stormed away. Zelo teasingly yelled after him, "Aww don't be like that, hyung~".

Shannon was still walking unstably from the roller coaster, so Jimmy asked her, "Should I piggy back you?" She gave him a look as he turned around and kneeled. Shannon sighed as she slowly got on Jimmy's back and he stood up. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her head rested on his back.

Zelo turned around and saw Jimmy giving Shannon a piggyback ride. Jimmy looked at Zelo and saw him staring into his soul. Jimmy smirked at him and Zelo scowled. Shannon saw his expression and frowned. Zelo noticed Shannon looking at him and looked away, he didn't want her to know how jealous he was. Shannon misunderstood this, Zelo's still mad at me..., she thought.  

It was noon and the sun was burning hot. Daehyun kept complaining, “OHMYGOD IT’S SO HOT. I’M GONNA DIE. I NEED WATER”. “Let’s go on a water ride!” Han said as she dragged Daehyun to the closest water ride.  The rest of the group followed them. Mylinh sat on the outside and started playing with the water.  Fatima sat in front of her and Shannon sat behind her.  The rest sat in the middle because they thought that the middle would get the most wet.  Daehyun was fanning himself and said, “I hope I get soaked! It will help me cool down!”

When the ride started, everyone was so excited.  The ship swinged high up in the air.  Shannon grabbed Jimmy’s arm and didn’t let go.  “We’re up so HIGGGHHHHH!!” she yelled.  Youngjae was holding on to Zelo again.  Zelo tried to push him away, oh my god. not this again..... he thought. The ship then crashed into the water with a big splash, everyone screamed as the water splashed everywhere.

When they got off the ride, Jimmy, Mylinh and Fatima were walking funny because they were absolutely soaked.  “What the heck?!” Mylinh exclaimed as she pointed to everyone else who were abnormally dry, “Why are you guys still dry?” Himchan shrugged and answered, “We didn’t want to get wet, it might ruin our hair~”  Fatima started running towards Yongguk and exclaimed, “Yongguk oppa!~ I’m going to give you a bigggggg hug!~” Yongguk tried to run away from her while saying, “Ew no! You’re all soaked and icky!”

Shannon was standing on the side, trying to avoid getting hugged. When Shannon wasn’t looking, Jimmy creeped up on her hugged her from behind. Shannon jumped, “EW, YOU’RE ALL WET,” she screamed as she tried to escape. Jimmy laughed as he picked her up and swirled around. Zelo pretended that he didn’t see anything. He looked around, Where’s Youngjae hyung?, he thought to himself.

Out of nowhere, Youngjae threw a water balloon at him. Zelo turned around, surprised, “Hyung! Where did you get those?” Youngjae pointed to the group of kids, “I got some from them. They have bucket loads of water balloons”. Zelo went over and asked for one, then turned around and threw it at Youngjae.

Eventually, the whole group went to get the water balloons from the kids and threw them at each other. In the end, everyone was all soaking wet.

Daehyun dumped his last water balloon on himself, “Now that we’re all cooled down, LET’S GO EAT!!!” he exclaimed as he pointed towards the food court.

Everyone sat at a table while Daehyun and Youngjae went to get food for the group.
At the table, everyone was trying to dry off their soaking wet hair. Jimmy was playing with Shannon’s hair as he twisted her hair to get the water out. Zelo sat with his head resting on his arms on the table as Youngjae ruffled his hair to make it dry. Mylinh and Himchan were flinging water drops at each other with their hair. Fatima kept messing up Gizelle’s hair and Gizelle would try to do the same, but her arms weren’t long enough to reach Fatima’s hair as she leaned back.

Daehyun and Youngjae came back with chow mein. “Why did you only buy 6 plates?” Han asked. “So you guys can share~” Youngjae answered. Zelo hated that idea, But I wanted to share with Shannon... he thought. Jimmy held up his fork full of chow mein and tried feeding it to Shannon, “say ahh~~” Shannon refused to eat it and she picked up her fork and began eating by herself.  Jimmy pouted and began eating as well. Shannon was looking the other way while she was eating so she didn’t notice that she was eating the same noodle as Jimmy.  When she turned around, Jimmy gave her a kiss on the lips.  

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!