New Friend

Love at First Sight

The next morning, Shannon woke up and got ready for school.  She went to make breakfast just like she did for the girls back at the apartment, but Jongup was already in the kitchen making pancakes.  Jongup turned to her and smiled, "Good morning, Shannon~ You should go wake the others up".

Shannon sighed, "The girls have a hard time waking up. Especially Mylinh. You should wake up Gizelle, won't that be so romantic?~" Jongup laughed, “If I do that, then you go wake up Zelo”. Shannon smiled and said, "Deal!"

Jongup set the plate of pancakes on the table and ran into the girl's room.

Shannon walked to Zelo’s room and peeked in; he was still asleep. She kneeled in front of his bed and admired him for a while. Aww he looks so cute when he's sleeping. She leaned in to his ear and softly said, “Zelo oppa~ wake up~~” Zelo slowly opened his eyes and saw Shannon in front of him. He smiled and patted her head, “I think I'm in heaven. An angel has woken me up”.

Mylinh was standing in the doorway laughing at the two of them, “Oh my gosh that was the cheesiest thing Zelo has ever said." Shannon turned to Mylinh, "You're already awake?" Mylinh nodded, “Gizelle woke us up”. Shannon told her, “You should go get breakfast then”. Mylinh looked towards Himchan’s room, “First, I need a pen...” she said as she ran to get a pen from her backpack.

Shannon shrugged it off and turned to Zelo, “Get up, Zelo~ Get ready for school. Jongup oppa already made breakfast,” she said as she stood up to walk out. Zelo grabbed her hand, Shannon turned to him and he smiled, “Not until you give me a wake up kiss-eu~” he said as he puckered his lips.

Shannon laughed and leaned down to kiss him. “Now help me get up~” he told her. Shannon chuckled as she held onto his hands and tried to pull him up, “Zelo oppa is so heavy...” she said as she couldn’t pull him up. Zelo suddenly sat up, which made Shannon fall. He put an arm around her to prevent her from falling.

Gizelle walked by the door and saw this, “Aww you two are so cute~” Zelo helped Shannon stand up as she told him, “Can you wake everyone up? I have to eat breakfast”. Zelo nodded and headed for the bathroom. In about 10 minutes, everyone was sitting at the table enjoying their pancakes. Everyone except Himchan and Mylinh.

Shannon looked at the clock, "Where is Mylinh? It's almost time for school." Everyone shrugged and continued eating. Then, Himchan's scream filled the whole dorm. Everyone was shocked and in a few seconds Himchan was in the dining room with Mylinh. He pointed at his face, "LOOK WHAT SHE DREW ON ME!" Everyone looked at his face and cracked up. Mylinh drew a moustache and unibrow on his face while he was sleeping.

Yongguk chuckled, "I think that you look pretty good." Youngjae nodded, "Hyung looks great in a moustache." Himchan was enraged, "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE B.A.P's VISUAL WHEN I LOOK LIKE THIS?!??" Himchan turned to Mylinh. She awkwardly chuckled, "Love youuuuuuu....." He instantly smiled and hugged her, "Aww I can't stay mad at you~"

Fatima smacked Mylinh on the back of the head, "We're going to be late for school."  Zelo grabbed Shannon's hand and led her out the door. "We'll be going first! See you guys at school!" he said as he rushed out. Jongup held Gizelle's hand as they walked out. Daehyun handed Han a banana, "Eat it as a snack. Don't think dirty. I know youuuuu," he told her. Han laughed and shoved the banana into her bag. Yongguk gave Fatima a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "Have fun at school." Fatima said goodbye and dragged Mylinh out the door.

Himchan and Yongguk were standing at the door waving at the girls and Jongup leaving for school.  "Oh Yongguk! Look at our children! They grow up so fast!" Himchan joked. Yongguk scoffed at him, "I am not the father." He closed the door and went to sit on the couch. Himchan followed him and sat next to him on the couch, "So you're the mother then?"

Zelo and Shannon were walking down the sidewalk holding hands. Zelo turned to Shannon, "It was really lonely at the dorm without you. And in class too". Shannon smiled, "But you have B.A.P oppas at the dorm. And we sit next to each other in class." Zelo laughed, "But I can't do anything with you around the fangirls and the hyungs always complain about missing you girls. Except Youngjae hyung... he complains about not having a girlfriend.." Shannon chuckled, “Poor Youngjae oppa~” Zelo teasingly frowned, “What about ‘poor Zelo’?” Shannon shook her head, “You already have a girlfriend~” Zelo smiled and leaned in to kiss her forehead, “There’s nothing more I can ask for”.

Zelo and Shannon are interrupted by Fatima and Mylinh running down the street. "Ooohh! We're going to be late!!" they screamed. Zelo looked at his watch and started taking off after them. "We're going to be late!!!" they all screamed as they ran towards the school. The bell rang right when they entered the classroom.

They were all out of breath when they sat down in their chairs. "Aigoo we need to start leaving earlier if we don't want to be late for school," Shannon scolded. Fatima laughed, "We would've been on time if Mylinh didn't trip on that bench~" Everyone laughed at the memory. Mylinh pouted, "It wasn't funny guys. I nearly died!" That made them laugh even more. The teacher turned around and scolded them, "Please be quiet and pay attention to the lesson”.

For at least 5 minutes, the girls and Zelo were trying to hold in their laughter. Gizelle pointed to the two empty seats across the room, "Boyan and Sujin are not here today”. "Obviously they were the ones that broke into our apartment. Maybe they're just waiting until we forget." Han said, it was obviously that she was angry because she was practically stabbing her paper with her pencil. "Calm down Han, we'll deal with this later. Just enjoy the fact that they're gone."

When it was lunchtime, the girls were waiting in the classroom waiting for the right time to head up to Zelo and Jongup. They were about to leave, until Jimmy stuck his head into the classroom and greeted them. "Hey guys! I haven't talked to you in a while." Shannon sighed. I guess that we won't be having lunch with Zelo and Jongup today. she thought. "There's someone I'd like you to meet." Jimmy said as he dragged someone into the room. "Everyone, this is Jenny," he showed off. "Uh hello! It's nice to meet you." Jenny greeted them.

"Wow! She's so pretty~" Han said. Fatima and Gizelle nodded in agreement. Mylinh asked Jimmy, "So is this your new girlfriend?" Jimmy was shocked by this question, "Ah. umm. No not yet." "How come we haven't seen her before? Is she in our class?" they were all bombarding him with questions. "You haven't seen Jenny yet because she is one grade higher than us." he explained. 

"Ooooohhh. I get it. Jimmy likes older women~" Mylinh giggled. "What. No it's not like that!" he tried to defend himself. "Like an movie~" Han imitated Daehyun. Jimmy went to cover immediately, "Don't say that! Where did you learn that from anyway!?" "From my Daehyunnie~" she beamed. Shannon turned and gave her a look, We don’t want her to know that we hang out with B.A.P.

Jenny was laughing, "Ah these girls are so cute!! How about I take you shopping this Friday?" Shannon looked at her, "Really?" Jenny nodded, "I would really love to get to know you better! You girls seem like a really fun group. I look forward to hanging out with you!~" Shannon sighed in relief, She probably thinks it’s a different Daehyun.

Jimmy and Jenny sat down to eat and motioned the girls to do the same. Shannon sighed as she sent a quick text message to Zelo:

We’re not going to go to the roof today. We’re eating in the class.

She received a text back almost immediately:

Are you stuck? Do you need us to call our teachers?

Shannon replied back:

No, we’re fine. We just met Jimmy’s friend and we don’t want to be rude.

Zelo wrote back:

Oh, okay. Have fun with your new friend (:

Shannon smiled and sat down to eat lunch with the others.

Jongup turned to Zelo, who was taking out his lunch to eat, “So, we’re not eating lunch with the girls today?” Zelo shook his head, “No, they’re eating with Jimmy’s friend”. Jongup pouted, “Aww I wanted to see Gizelle...” Zelo laughed and put a hand on Jongup’s shoulder comfortingly, “Don’t worry. The girls live with us now. You’ll have plenty of time with Gizelle back in our dorm. Besides, the girls need to make some new friends who aren’t just using them to get close to us”. Jongup smiled, “Let’s start eating then”.

The girls were happily conversing in the classroom. Jimmy, being the only guy there, felt left out at times. Shannon would see this and laugh, “Poor Jimmy. He’s the only guy here and he feels left out~” Jenny tried to pull him into their conversation, but after a short while, he’s left out again.

After lunch, Zelo returned to class and turned to Shannon, “How was lunch?” Shannon smiled, “It was fun. Jenny is a really nice unnie”. Zelo gave her a look, “Jimmy knows a noona in our school?” Shannon laughed, “Seems like they really like each other too~”. Zelo smiled at her, “At least you girls finally made a friend”.

After school, the group waited until everyone left. Then, Zelo took Shannon’s hand and turned to the others, “You guys can head home now. We’re going to go to the market to get some food for dinner”. Jongup nodded and held Gizelle’s hand as he led the 4 girls back to their dorm. Mylinh and Fatima yelled after Zelo and Shannon, “Don’t forget to bring the food home!” Zelo laughed and shook his head at them.


Shannon turned to Zelo, “I thought Daehyun and Youngjae oppa were supposed to go shopping today”. Zelo smiled, “I texted them that I would go”. Shannon asked as they got off school campus, “What are we having for dinner?” “Yongguk hyung wanted to eat some fried rice before we leave for Japan,” Zelo answered.

Shannon remembered that B.A.P had to go to Japan to perform over the weekend, “ that why you wanted to go to the market with me? To spend more time with me?~” she asked. Zelo blushed and stuttered, “Uhm... uhh... I... just thought that the hyungs should have some rest for tomorrow’s flight...”

Shannon chuckled at his excuse, “Do you want to help me make­­­ fried rice for dinner?”she asked. Zelo blushed a bright shade of red and Shannon had to keep from laughing at him. “Uhm... Y-Yes! I’d love to !” Zelo replied. His heart fluttered, My third time helping Shannon make food... Just wait, Shannon. One day, I’ll make a romantic dinner for us all by myself~ he started daydreaming about the romantic dinner.

Shannon snapped him out of his daze by reminding him, “Today’s Thursday, so you and Jongup oppa have tutoring with me when we get back from the market”. Zelo nodded and smiled, “I’ll work hard just for you, Shannon~”.

They arrived at the market and started walking around to look for ingredients.  Zelo was jumping up and down when he saw the cherry tomatoes. “Shannon! Shannon! Buy those cherry tomatoes for the fried rice!~” he said excitedly.

Shannon got back with a box of cherry tomatoes and Zelo hugged her in excitement, “YAY!~ Cherry tomatoes!~” Shannon laughed at his childishness, “Zelo oppa, you’re squishing me...” Zelo let go and laughed, “Hehe sorry...”

Mylinh popped out with a packet of Bi bi noodles and did the dance.


Shannon and Zelo almost had a heart attack. “Mylinh? What are you doing here? We thought you guys went back to the dorm,” Shannon asked. Mylinh shrugged as Fatima popped out from behind her and held out a box of pepero to Shannon, “Shannon! Buy some of these!~” Shannon looked at Fatima, “You’re here too?”

Han showed up with a pack of bananas, “Shannon! We ran out of bananas. We should buy some more~~” Zelo gave them a look, “Is Gizelle and Jonguppie hyung here too?” Jongup and Gizelle creeped up on Zelo and Shannon and they both yelled out, “BOO!” Zelo and Shannon hugged each other in fright, looking at Gizelle and Jongup.

Zelo gently slapped Jongup’s arm, “Yah! Hyung scared us!” Jongup smiled and held out a bag of Cheetos, “We need some more Cheetos too”. Shannon was curious, “Why are you guys here? Did you follow us?” Mylinh changed the subject, “Let’s go see if they have any cake!~” she said and the girls followed her. Jongup went to the bakery aisle to look around.

Shannon and Zelo exchanged looks, then shrugged and continued shopping for stuff to make fried rice.

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!