Love at First Sight


                        * *  J  I  M  M  Y       I  S       G  O  I  N  G       T  O       D  I  E  * *




Zelo saw this and slammed his hands on the table. Everyone turned to look at him, they were completely shocked and confused.  Zelo stood up and walked over to Jimmy.  Jimmy looked up at him, confused.  Wow he’s tall..... he thought. Zelo took their plate of chow mein and practically dumped it all over Jimmy’s pants.

Daehyun was the first to scream, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What a waste of food!” he said as he was trying to pick up noodles off of Jimmy’s pants. Youngjae slapped the noodles out of his hand, “Yah, don’t eat that.  That’s nasty.” Jimmy was absolutely speechless.

Shannon turned to Zelo and screamed at him, “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” Zelo regretted what he did and rubbed his neck. “uhhhhhhhh.....” he dragged it on as he tried to think of an explanation.
Shannon glared at Zelo as she went to get napkins.  Jimmy looked at Zelo and said, “THE F*** BRO? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”
Zelo snapped at him, “I know that you’ve been trying to make me jealous all day!”
Jimmy scoffed, “So? You broke up with Shannon, why are you so hurt about it?”

Zelo immediately backed off, “Well.... uhm....” he stuttered. Jimmy was going to yell at him some more, but Shannon came back with a bunch of napkins.  She handed Jimmy the napkins and he began cleaning his pants.  Zelo sat back down in his seat and didn’t look up after that. Why did I do that? Stupid Zelo. he thought. The rest of the group just continued to eat their food because they did not want to make the situation even worse.

Next, Gizelle wanted to go on the merry go round.  Youngjae complained, “But merry go rounds are for little kidsssss. Not strong men like me!” He tried to look all manly but Daehyun slapped his flabby tummy and said, “Sooo strong~~ Come on, let’s go. The girls want to ride it.” Youngjae got all defensive and covered his tummy, but he followed the group anyway.  

Mylinh ran to the Suicune, “THIS ONE’S MINE!” she announced.  “So pretty......” she said as she the plastic Suicune.  Jimmy got on one of the pokemon and posed like a prince.  “Look Shannon!” he called, “I’m your knight in shining armor, you know, riding on whatever pokemon this is...” Shannon laughed and got on the pokemon next to Mylinh.

Himchan sat on the other side of Mylinh. He patted his pokemon and said, “I’m going to name you Kris. We’re going to be best friends.” Mylinh, Fatima, and Han instantly turned to each other and began singing, “AYO WHADDUP KREESE~ AYO WASUUPPPPP! DAH HEY DAH HEY DAH HEY. ROLL LIKE A BUFFALO. WHOOPS THEY ALREADY KNOW!~” (Exo’s Two Moons) The group laughed as the ride started.  

“This is so boring!” Youngjae said as he pretended to fall asleep on his pokemon.  Gizelle threw her shoe at him and yelled, “Stop complaining and enjoy the ride!” Jimmy was laughing so hard that he fell off his pokemon.  Everyone laughed and pointed fingers at him.   “My hero........” Shannon said sarcastically.

When the ride was over, everyone else got off the ride and began walking towards the next ride. Mylinh grabbed Himchan's hand as she led him to the exit.  Himchan noticed that she was holding his hand and asked her,"So does that mean that we're back together again?" Without thinking Mylinh blurted, "We never broke up in the first place." Himchan was confused, "But didn't you break up with me for Jimmy?" Mylinh's eyes widened because she totally forgot about Jimmy's plan.

She tried to change the subject, "I'm hungry. Are you hungry? I could really go for some pizza right now. Do you want some pizza?" She started to head towards the food stand, but Himchan held her back. He made her face him and said, "Tell me the truth." Mylinh was shocked by how close their faces were.  She couldn't answer him, let alone breathe normally. Himchan noticed that she was getting really shy and giggled. "Do I make you nervous?" he asked. "PFFT what? N-no…." she stuttered.

"Hmm then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I got closer~" he teased as he leaned in closer to her face. Mylinh nearly fainted. Her face grew as red as a tomato. Himchan laughed and sat down on a bench, patting the seat next to him. Mylinh sat down and he asked her, "Now tell me the truth. What happened between you and Jimmy?" Mylinh placed her hands on her cheeks, they were still red from all that blushing.

She replied, "Uhh to tell you the truth, Jimmy blackmailed me into going out with him as a part of his devious plan to split up Shannon and Zelo, so he can have Shannon all to himself.  He said that if I didn’t do what he wanted, he would ruin your image because he looks like you and all. He wouldn’t tell me his plan, because he is such a ." She said it so fast that it sounded like she was rapping, but Himchan heard everything. He finally figured it out and turned to Mylinh. He explained, "His plan was for you to break up with me so he can get me jealous. After the day we went to Chinatown and the carnival he called me to the cafe and told me that if I break up Shannon and Zelo, he would break up with you."

Mylinh was confused, "Well, did you try to break them up?"she asked. Himchan looked down,  "yes..." he said regretfully. "I hurt my friend and did a lot of things I regret. I had to be Youngjae's boyfriend for a day. That was not pretty.... but I'd do anything for you~" Mylinh smiled.  But then her sweet smile changed into devious one. She turned to Himchan and said, "You know what we have to do now right?" Himchan nodded and cracked his knuckles. They said it at the same time, "TIME FOR REVENGE!"

They snuck up on Shannon and kidnapped her from Jimmy. Jimmy turned around with a confused look on his face. He saw them drag Shannon behind the bathrooms. He just shrugged it off and followed the rest of the group. Mylinh ran back and grabbed Zelo too. Youngjae frowned and said, "My boyfriends always leave me..." He pretended to cry, but everyone else just slowly backed away from him.

He turned to the group and scolded them, "HELLOOOOO? I’m a damsel in distress. Anybody want to help me?" He started walking towards Daehyun with his arms wide open.  Daehyun ran away and hid behind Han.  Just then, a little boy was walking by with his mother. The boy pointed to Youngjae and turned to his mom and said "Mom! This Pokepark is the best! They have a talking pineapple!" The mother looked at Youngjae from top to bottom. She scoffed and said, "Foreigners are strange....." and dragged her son away.

Behind the bathroom, Himchan was telling them everything. After he was done, Zelo was incredibly mad. He stood up and kicked a tree, "DAMMIT JIMMY! You're going to pay for this!!!!!!" Shannon tried to calm him down, but she still wanted to know why Zelo broke up with her. She asked, "Why did you break up with me? Was that a part of Jimmy's plan too?"

Zelo turned to Shannon and said, "No. I did it because I didn't want to be a problem in your life. I wanted him to protect you like he did from the bus. He took better care of you than I ever did. He deserved it, but not after breaking up Mylinh and Himchan!" Shannon was completely touched. She went to hug Zelo and said, "You'll always be number one to me. You may not be perfect, but I love you just the way you are. I actually don't deserve you; you actually care for me and my happiness. If you're willing to give me up so I could be happy, then you do care much more. I will always love you." Zelo was touched by her words and returned her hug.

Himchan and Mylinh were gagging at the romance going on between the two. "Oh my god. That was so cheesy." Himchan said as he started laughing. Mylinh mimicked Shannon, "Himchan oppa, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU." she exaggerated as she flung her arms around him.  He pushed her off and said, "Yah! What are you doing!?" Mylinh laughed and answered, "I'm trying to be romantical~" Himchan gave her a hug. "Promise me that you'll never ever do that again!" he said as he hugged her tighter.

Zelo and Shannon were not amused. Zelo said, "Now if you guys are done making fun of our relationship, how are we gonna get back at Jimmy?" Himchan replied, "Well first, we need to get everyone in on the plan too!"

They caught up with the group and Shannon told Jimmy, “Jimmy, could you go get me a water bottle? I’m so thirsty…” Jimmy playfully pinched her cheek, “Anything for my princess~” he said as he went to buy a water bottle at a vending machine far enough from the group. Himchan and Mylinh told everything to the rest of the group.  When they were done, Yongguk cracked his knuckles, “Respect or no respect. This guy is going down for all the trouble he did!” Himchan tried to calm him down and told them their plan for revenge.

The group continued walking to the next ride as Jimmy came back with Shannon’s water bottle, “Here you go my princess~”. Shannon innocently smiled, “Thank you~” and reached out for the bottle. Jimmy pulled it back, “I think you owe me 2 rewards~” he said as he tapped his cheek.

Mylinh ran back and intentionally interrupted them and pulled Shannon away, “Let’s go! We don’t wanna wait in line!” Jimmy pouted, Darn it, she interrupted my reward twice…, he thought as he caught up with the others.

They had to wait in line. Jimmy put an arm over Shannon's shoulders, "You can choose which car we're gonna drive in~". Fatima cut in between them, "Oh sorry Jimmy, but Shannon's driving with moi~" she lied. Zelo thought, "Hehe she's gonna be with me~". Youngjae butted in, "Hey Jimmy, we can drive together~".
Jimmy gave him a weird look, "Umm sure...," he said as he walked over to Shannon and tried to put an arm around her again, but this time, Mylinh cut in between Shannon and Jimmy, “Nice weather we're having~" she said, acting innocent. Jimmy nodded, "Umm... yea..." he was confused with what was going on, Why aren’t they letting me get near Shannon? he thought.

He waited until it seemed like no one is paying attention to him, then he slowly went behind Shannon to hug her from behind, but Han pulled Youngjae in between Jimmy and Shannon, so Jimmy hugged Youngjae instead.
Gizelle pulled Shannon away as if she wanted to show her something on her phone. Youngjae pretended to get mad, "Yah! What do you think you're doing?! I'm already taken by Zelo!" Jimmy apologized but Fatima interrupted him, "I'm watching you. If I see any funny business, I'm gonna kick you where the sun don't shine".

Jimmy's eyes widen, Why do they start being overprotective of Shannon NOW? he thought. When it was finally their turn on the bumper cars, Jimmy went to the car right in the middle of the area. Jimmy thought Youngjae was following behind him, but when he looked up after getting in the car, Youngjae was already sitting in a different car, sticking out his tongue at him. Jimmy was really confused, Did I miss something...? he thought as the bell rang, starting the cars.

He was surprised when he saw all the cars going towards him, The entire group yelled, "GANG UP ON JIMMY!!!!" Jimmy panicked as he tried to drive away, but he was too slow, their cars collided into his one by one. Youngjae kept screaming, "Dai dai dai!" as he bumped into Jimmy's car multiple times.

Shannon was sitting in Zelo's car. Jimmy was really confused at this point, I thought Fatima was going with Shannon... And Youngjae said he'll go with me... What's going on??? Why do they keep bumping into me?? Why did they scream 'GANG UP ON JIMMY'??? he thought. The bell finally rang, telling everyone that their turn on the bumper cars was over.

Jimmy ran out of the place when he saw Yongguk and Himchan running towards him. He was blocked by Daehyun and turned around, "What's going on? What are you guys doing?" Yongguk went up to Jimmy, towering over him, "You know exactly what you did. Breaking up Mylinh and Himchan and using them to break up Zelo and Shannon so you can get Shannon all for yourself. If you hadn't saved her from the bus, you would've been dead by now". Jimmy's eyes widen, "The plan...? How did you guys-" Himchan crossed his arms and interrupted, "You didn't think we'd find out sooner or later?"

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!