Moon & Zelo

Love at First Sight



tumblr_m8b7n6ZYQM1qgysc6o4_r2_250.gif Zelo's POV:

We were in my room playing games on my ipad. Shannon sat on a chair and watched me play Temple Run. Stupid roots, I kept tripping over them and those hideous monkeys would catch up. I hate trees. And those random holes too, UGH! I kept losing! This game was getting too frustrating for me so I gave it to Shannon to play. She kept dying just like me. Ohmygawd why did Youngjae hyung download this game for me? It's so... it's even worse than Angry Birds! 
I got tired after a while - I didn't get enough sleep goshdarnit - I lied on my stomach on my bed and watched Shannon try to play Temple Run. I can tell when she loses because she cringes a little in disgust. She looks so adorable~ 

I fell asleep afterwards and Shannon lightly tapped my arm and showed me her score. Woah, she got more than 1 million! I could barely get past 100,000... Haha she's such an overachiever. She wanted to keep playing to beat her high score. How cute~ But I was getting hungry... "I want some cherry tomatoes" I stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. "We're out of cherry tomatoes..." she told me. What? Out of cherry tomatoes? Oh well, we could go to the market to buy some more. "Let's go to the market!" I grabbed my jacket and pulled her out of the room. "Wait, I have to go change first" she said and went to the girls' room.

I waited in the living room where Daehyunnie hyung was still watching his drama with Han. Oh yea! Didn't Yongguk hyung tell me about his plan that he got from one of his war movies? Is it a good time to go with the plan now? I should text Yongguk hyung and ask! I took out my phone and rapidly typed out my message and pressed send. After a minute, hyung didn't reply. Hyung, why weren't you replying? Shannon was gonna get out any minute! I panicked and sent him 20 other messages. I was going to send more, but Shannon was done changing and she came out. Yongguk hyung needed to answer me fast!

You wanna know what the plan was? Hehe it was the best plan ever! Yongguk hyung said that if we kept trying to make Shannon jealous, she might give up trying in the end. His plan was for me to show her that I still like her, so she would know that she still has a chance~ Isn't that great? I don't have to pretend I like Jenny noona anymore! And Yongguk hyung said that I can do anything I want! Yongguk hyung is the best~  

When we got to the market, Shannon went straight to the vegetable area to get some cherry tomatoes for me while I walked around and looked at stuff. I happened to walk by the chocolate section. I looked around and saw a box of ripe strawberries. Why was there a box of strawberries in the middle of Chocolate Land? It gave me an idea though. We could make chocolate covered strawberries! Ooh that sounded so romantic~ 

"Shannon! Shannon! Come here!" I waved my arms in the air as I jumped up and down. Behaving like a little kid is really fun! Shannon came over and I held out the box of strawberries and a bag of chocolate, "Can we make chocolate covered strawberries when we get home?~" She smiled and nodded, "Sure". I kept jumping around, "Yay!" I put the chocolate and strawberries into the basket and quickly hugged her before running to see other foods. 

I peeked around the corner and saw Shannon pinched her cheek. How cute. She thought she was dreaming. Ahh Yongguk hyung still hadn’t replied! I think he was mad about my spamming... ㅠㅠ Hyung needed to answer me quickly! 
After we paid for the food and got back to the dorm, Shannon went into the kitchen to wash the cherry tomatoes and strawberries. I melted the chocolates in the microwave to cover the strawberries later. Ohmygosh I can't wait! Ohoho and Himchan hyung isn't here to stop me! This is the best day ever!!! "IS THAT CHOCOLATE I SMELL???" I heard Daehyun hyung ask from the living room. "Yeah, but hyung can't have any! Naekkeoya!" I shouted back.

Jonguppie hyung came to the kitchen, probably for some water, because he looked in the cupboard for cups. "Oh, did you guys go to the market?" he asked when he noticed the cherry tomatoes and strawberries. "Yep! Does hyung want some chocolate covered strawberries?" I whispered so Fatty-Daehyun hyung wouldn't hear. Jonggupie hyung didn't know why I was whispering but he smiled and (thankfully) whispered back, "Sure, I can make Gizelle feed me again~" Haha why does Jonguppie hyung keep making Gizelle feed him food? Whenever she's not around, hyung makes me feed him... Hyung is weird sometimes... 

I dried the strawberries with a paper towel and dipped them in the chocolate, then put several of them on a plate for Jonguppie hyung. The rest were put on a tray, along with my cherry tomatoes and some melon ice cream; I carried the tray into my room quickly with Shannon following behind. Daehyunnie hyung pointed at us, "Yah! You do have chocolate!" Han laughed, "Hey, I want some too!" Shannon placed two chocolate covered strawberries onto a napkin and went to give it to Daehyunnie hyung and Han. Seriously, she is too nice. But at least she's not naggy and bossy like Himchan-Buttface-hyung~  

When she came back, I pretended to fall asleep by leaning back on my chair and softly snored with my mouth wide open. She giggled and sat down in the chair next to me. She took a cherry tomato and pressed it on my bottom lip, then softly said, "Junhong-ah~ If you're asleep then I'll give Daehyun oppa all your cherry tomatoes~" she pulled the cherry tomato away and stood up. I instantly opened my eyes and grabbed her arm, "Noooo! Don't give my cherry tomatoes to Fatty hyung!" I gave her my irresistible pout and puppy dog eyes. Shannon laughed and sat back down. Aigoo, she's such a tease >< I decided to get back at her when she bit into her cherry tomato. I pulled the tray away from her and glared at her while trying really hard not to laugh. It's so hard to hold in a laugh... I tried really hard not to laugh, "No. Cherry tomatoes naekkeoya!" Shannon gave me a look as if I was serious. But in the end... 
Totally ruined everything! But I have to admit, I'm such a cutie pie. Shannon laughed and patted my head, "Maknae is forever adorable~".

We finished the cherry tomatoes pretty quickly. Okay, actually I ate most of it. I was literally shoving them into my mouth because it's been a while since I got to eat some yummy cherry tomatoes~ Now on to the strawberries! I grabbed one and I was going to eat it, then I got an idea. Why don't I feed these to Shannon and she can feed some to me?~ I'm so smart!~ Smart maknae~ SO NICE~ I held it in front of her face and she blinked at me with a confused and surprised face. I acted like I was feeding a little kid: I opened my mouth and pretended to bite something, telling her to eat it. I must've looked really cute when I did that because she laughed and bit the strawberry. Ha! I bet Himchan hyung can't do that with Mylinh! Himchan hyung sometimes look scary and creepy when he tries to do aegyo like me... He fails at trying to teach aegyo to Yongguk hyung and Jonguppie hyung. But I think they did the aegyo better than Himchan-Buttface-hyung.

"It's so good~" Shannon swallowed her strawberry. "Now feed me~" I said, opening my mouth wi~de open. I bet I looked really cute! Because I'm a cute maknae! Shannon took a strawberry and held it halfway into my mouth. I took a bite of it and, ohmygash, it was so yummy! I can eat a whole tub of these! Shannon took another one to eat but I stopped her, "Let's play a game! Whoever feeds the other person the most wins!" She nodded, "Sounds fun." "Ready? One... Two... Three! Go!~" I pulled the leaves off the strawberry and fed it to Shannon as she did the same.

It had been a tie so far and we were down to the last strawberry. Shannon quickly took the strawberry and pulled the leaves out. I grabbed her hand just as she was going to feed it to me. She pouted, "No fair, that's cheating" she whined. I smiled, and bit half of the strawberry, "You win. Now here's your reward." I took the strawberry from her hand and held it in front of her face. She looked at me in confusion. "You don't want it? Okay, then." I ate the strawberry and stood up. Then I leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Did you like that reward?" I asked her with a smile. She was really confused and shocked. She just stared straight at the wall and I saw her face turn red. Aigoo, she's blushing~ Yongguk hyung's plan is daebak! 

I looked over at the tray and remembered that my melon ice cream was still there, slowly melting. "Oh! My melon ice cream!" I sat back down and took the bowl of ice cream, then I started eating a few spoons. I noticed Shannon looking down with her face still red. Hehe that little kiss made wonders~ Aww, so shy. I scooped some ice cream and held it out to her, "Want some?" I gave her an adorable smile. She just blinked at the spoon so I held the spoon up to her lips. Right when she ate it, Daehyunnie hyung almost knocked the door down, "Jello-ah! Do you have any more of those chocolate covered strawberries?~ They were delicious!" I scratched the back of my head and laughed nervously, "Ehehe... uhh... Here! Have some blueberry instead~" I bowed my head down slightly to show him my blue hair. Yup. I dyed my hair blue and blonde for our No Mercy album. I think it looks SO NICE~

"Aish, if you ate it all then just say so" Daehyunnie hyung pouted and left the room. Shannon laughed, "Poor Daehyun oppa. We should buy some more for him later" I just casually ate my ice cream, "Why? Daehyunnie hyung eats way too much but he won't exercise. He'll probably just stuff himself with those chocolate covered strawberries all day if you buy more." Shannon snatched my ice cream from me, "Then you can't eat melon ice cream either. You eat this all day even if it's in the middle of winter. It's not good for you~" she teased and ate some. Well, even if it was in the middle of winter, our dorm had a lot of heating so it felt like spring, or even summer. Suddenly, Shannon stopped eating. Her hand froze with the spoon still in . It looked like she remembered something. She slowly pulled out the spoon and pushed the bowl of ice cream to me, "Sorry..." she looked away with her red face again. Why was she blushing? What's wrong with- Ohhhhh... Indirect kissing. Ohoho Yongguk's plan is going so well~ 

After I was done eating, I stood up and took the tray, "You stay here. I'll go wash this" I told her and walked out the room. When I got to the kitchen, Daehyunnie hyung was searching the kitchen for something while Han sat at the table eating a banana. Why do they always eat bananas? I know it's a dirty joke, I think only Jonguppie hyung doesn't understand, Shannon probably doesn't either, I hope... But don't they get tired of eating bananas all the time? No hate against bananas though. "What is hyung looking for?" I set the tray in the sink and the water. "I'm trying to find some chocolate to melt and dip bananas in it". I tried not to laugh. I want to be the innocent maknae... "There's no chocolate at home. That's why we bought it at the market." Daehyunnie hyung pouted, "I want some chocolate dipped fruits..." I pointed at the freezer, "You can use chocolate ice cream" Daehyunnie hyung immediately took out the chocolate ice cream and spread it in the banana before taking a bite, "It's not as good... But it's better than nothing!" Daehyunnie hyung would eat anything... I didn't even mean it when I told him to use chocolate ice cream. I was just joking around...

After I finished washing the tray and bowls, I let them dry and turned around. Daehyunnie hyung popped up right in front of me, holding a banana as a mic, and asked me, "Seemed like you and Shannon had a great time eating those delicious chocolate covered strawberries. So tell me... What brand of chocolate did you use?" I laughed because I should've expected such a question from Daehyunnie hyung. What was even funnier is that he's using a banana as a mic and it was already peeled at the top... "I bought chocolate that was made from Germany!" I told him. "Waaah! German chocolate?! No wonder it tasted so delicious! I'll make Youngjae buy some later" he smiled and handed me the banana. "What's this for?" I asked him. "I just used it for a mic. You can eat it." "What? I thought hyung loved to eat bananas" "Do you want this or not?" he shoved the banana into my arms. "Okay okay I'll take it" I peeled the banana and took a bite as I walked to my room. Hehe German chocolate... I don't think it was even made in Europe. It wasn't even that expensive. I forgot what kind of chocolate it was but it was really cheap. I guess I was lucky because I just grabbed a random bag of chocolate next to the strawberries. I took another bite of the banana and closed the door behind me.


Shannon was lying on her stomach on Jonguppie hyung's bed while using my iPad. "What'cha doing there?" I came over to her and ate the last bite of my banana. She quickly flicked her finger on the screen and opened a blank Google tab, "Oh, I was just... looking up stuff..." "Yah, it's my iPad. You gotta tell me what you're doing with it" I teased. It really is my iPad so... and I was really curious of what she was doing. "It's nothing. Oh! Let's play another game!" she went back to the home screen and looked around at my games. I left the banana peel on my desk and took my iPad from her, "Let's play Unblock Me" "That game is hard..." she pouted. "But it's fun~ Let me pick a stage and you can try to solve it, okay?" I leaned against the headboard and faced Shannon so she couldn't see what I'm going to do on my iPad. She hesitated a bit, "Okay". She probably knew what I was going to do next.

Yup, I didn't open the game. I went to Safari to see what she was doing. I flicked through the tabs and saw a blue screen. I clicked on it and saw many posts with pictures of me and the hyungs from different users. There were also moving pictures too. Were those the animated gifs that Himchan hyung mentioned that one time when Youngjae hyung did 'aegyo'? Hehe I'm the aegyo king of the group without even trying! There were mostly pictures of me with my blue blonde hair. Of course, because I'm so cute and beautiful at the same time~ Even cuter and more beautiful than Himchan hyung mwahahaha. Gotta admit I look good~ 

But I don't think I've ever seen this site before. I scrolled all the way to the top, which was pretty far at the top, and saw 'Tumb1r'... How do you pronounce that? Tumb-one-er? Toomb-one-er? Why was there a number 1 in the name? American websites are weird... I was probably staring at it for a while so Shannon peeked over and panic ran across her face before she quickly snatched my iPad away. "What was that? Tumb-one-er?" I asked. She laughed but her face was pink, "It's Tumblr..." She closed the tab and grabbed Jonguppie's pillow and buried her head in it, "You weren't supposed to see that... How embarrassing..." I could barely hear what she was saying because the pillow muffled her voice." I laughed and took my iPad, then reopened Safari. I was going to type in 'Tumb1r' but the history had it listed, so I just tapped on that. This time I saw a picture just under the logo. It was probably her display picture. Hehe it wasn't even a picture of her. It was a picture of me when we were still promoting Power. I can totally rock pink hair!

On the right, I saw 'Liked 556 posts' so I tapped on that. I was overwhelmed by the number of posts with pictures of me with my blue blonde hair for No Mercy. We only started promoting this Thursday and we only had 3 stage performances so far. But all these fantaken pictures and fancams occupied so many pages. It took a while for me to finally scroll to our teaser pictures for No Mercy. I was really satisfied with my teaser pictures. Wait... Did they use the picture with my pants ripped?! It looked so obvious! Why? Why did they have to- ohmygad this is so embarrassing! Ohmy- dang I look good doing a one handstand~ Shannon was like rolling around on the bed, "Ahh, stop scrolling! It's so embarrassing..." she whined. I laughed, "What's so embarrassing about looking at tons of pictures and gifs of me?~" I showed her one of the pictures 
"Don't I look adorable?~" I tried to imitate my face in the picture. Shannon looked at me, then the screen, then back at me and giggled, "You don't even look like him" she pointed at my iPad. "What?" I looked at the screen to see what I got wrong. "You don't have your pink hair!" Shannon patted my blue hair. I laughed and continued scrolling down. Suddenly I saw this one picture of Himchan hyung at a fansigning and I started laughing all over the place. I zoomed in on his face and I fell back on the bed laughing. Ohmygad Himchan hyung looks so beautiful!

Shannon looked at the screen and started laughing, "I remember this!" I looked at the screen again and tried not to laugh. "I should try to make this face like Himchan hyung." I twisted my face in various ways that I can't imagine because there weren't any mirrors in the room, but I can never understand how hyung made that face in the first place. I love the Baby who took this picture! That Baby is awesome! Augh I can't make the face like Himchan hyung. I bet the faces I made just made me look even cuter. I know. I'm too cute~ I can make Himchan's derp faces look cute. 

We just kept scrolling through tumblr and looking at millions of posts from Babyz on the b.a.p tag. Many of them are... yeah... especially the ones in the 'Zelo' tag... pedonoonas...  but a lot of the posts are really funny. Like derp faces from our performances and the music video. I would try to copy all the derp faces that I see of the hyungs. I totally nailed them all and still managed to look cute and adorable! (I hope)

I have charms that not even Greasy Himchan hyung has. Hyung even said that he's jealous of my cuteness. Yeah, that's right! Be jealous! This is my way of revenge!

But it's okay. We get along sometimes~

but he is a greedy man! (or grandma~ keke) he won't let me play with Yongguk hyung!

and he'll always argue with me

and I'll be upset 

but Yongguk hyung doesn't understand me

and I would be like

but Himchan hyung would act like a dork, then it'll be all good~





Jongup's POV: 

I decided to play some games with Gizelle on Youngjae hyung's iPad. Wow, Youngjae hyung has a lot of games on here... Too bad he doesn't have Starcraft... I was playing Fruit Ninja while Gizelle watched me play. I was in the middle of slicing 5 bananas in a row (which reminded me of Daehyunnie hyung for some reason. I don't get why Han and Fatima keep laughing about bananas... Is it supposed to be a joke?) when I heard Daehyun from the living room yell something about smelling chocolate. I got distracted and sliced a bomb... but I got thirsty, "I'll go get some water" I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Junhong and Shannon were in the kitchen, too. I saw the cherry tomatoes and strawberries so I assumed that they just gor back from the market. Junhong whispered, "Does hyung want some chocolate covered strawberries?" I didn't know why he was whispering. Probably to hide it from Daehyunnie hyung, so I whispered back. The chocolate covered strawberries look yummy. I can make Gizelle feed me again~ I like it when Gizelle feeds me. It's fun and I feel like a little kid again. Junhong doesn't like it when I ask him to feed me though, he thinks I'm weird for asking him to do that.

I poured a cup of water just as Junhong handed me a plate with some chocolate covered strawberries. They smell so nice~ SO NICE. Junhong always says that now for some reason. It's kind of like how Yonggukkie hyung always say WASSUP BABY.

I came back to the room where Gizelle was going through the songs on Youngjae hyung's iPad. I set the plate of strawberries down and drank my water. "What's that?" Gizelle pointed at the strawberries. "Junhong and Shannon bought strawberries and covered them with chocolate." I held out the plate to her, "Want some?" Gizelle smiled and nodded at me, "Sure!" she took the plate and tried one, "Mmm it tastes so good!" I put down my cup of water and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Ahh" I opened my mouth for her to feed me. "Jongho oppa, you should feed yourself!" Gizelle crossed her arms and giggled. I laughed, Gizelle always mistake my name with 'Jongho' for some reason, but I don't mind. It's like Gizelle's nickname for me now. I'm sure Gizelle knows my real name, she's probably either just used to calling me Jongho or she's just messing around. I pouted and complained, "But Jongho oppa's hands are tired from exercising. Gizelle should feed Jongho oppa so Jongho oppa's arms can rest!" I smiled at her. Gizelle can never resist my smiles~ I'm always smiling! I'm a smiling puppy.

Gizelle laughed and gave in, "Okay, fine. Jongho oppa's arm needs lots of rest, okay?~" she patted my cheetos hidden under my tshirt sleeve and fed me a strawberry. It really was delicious! The chocolates tasted like they were made in Europe. I forgot which country in Europe makes good chocolate... Is it France? Wait, no... Turkey? I don't remember. But this chocolate, together with this strawberry, tasted so good! I understand why Daehyun liked to eat so much now. Actually, not really...

Gizelle snapped me out of my random thoughts, "It's good, isn't it Jongho oppa?" "Yup! It's so delicious!" "I should buy some later" "I love you" "I- wait what?" "What?" Gizelle gave me a look. Why do I always do that? I always make things a lot more awkward than it should. Normally the hyungs and Junhong would cover the awkwardness by changing the subject, but no one else is here except me and Gizelle... Oh darn...

After a long-ish awkward silence, Gizelle and I just finished the rest of the strawberries as if nothing happened. I set the plate on the desk and sat back down on the bed. Why is it so quiet now? All we hear is the music coming from Youngjae hyung's iPad. And it's playing Dancing in the Rain now. It sounds like a fun, upbeat song, but the lyrics... I don't know what to say about the lyrics... I looked around the room and saw a remote control. "Let's see what's on TV" I the TV and flipped through the channels.

I went through half of the channels on the TV (Youngjae hyung got more than 1000 channels) and my hand was getting tired and starting to cramp a little, but I still couldn't find a channel to watch, so I handed the remote to Gizelle, "Ahh, my hand is getting tired. You can pick something". Gizelle took the remote and switched a few channels. There literally wasn't anything interesting on TV so she just turned it off. "Let's play a game!" I said a little too loud and sudden, it made Gizelle jump. "What should we play?" she asked. I looked around the room for something entertaining. Youngjae hyung and Daehyun hyung are too neat and organized.

There's nothing lying around on the floor like in Junhong's and my room. We always have something on the floor like Junhong's skateboard or my books and pens or sometimes our paper airplanes. I sat down on the floor for some reason I forgot, but I happened to glance under Youngjae hyung's bed and saw his laptop. Youngjae hyung never lets me or anyone use his laptop, even if I needed it for an assignment that counts for 90% of my grade and all the laptops and computers in the building were broken and the streets were completely covered in 5 feet of snow so I couldn't go to a nearby internet cafe to use a working computer.

I wonder why Youngjae hyung is so stingy about his laptop. I stared at it for a while so Gizelle asked, "What is it?" "Huh? Oh, nothing," I took out the laptop from under his bed and turned it on. "Is that Youngjae's laptop?" Gizelle asked as she sat down on the floor next to me. "Yeah, but shh, don't tell anyone that I took it out, Youngjae hyung would kill me" I put a finger to my lips. Gizelle nodded and watched me try to figure out the password. I clicked on the password hint, but it didn't even help, "No password hint available," Youngjae hyung is clever to not put a hint for himself.

I tried to type in different words for his password: password, Password, passworD, PassworD, paSSword, pAsSwOrD, drowssap, daehyun, youngjae, starcraft, laptop, getoffmylaptop, mypreciouselectronics, jongupisthebest. Gizelle laughed at the last one I typed in, "Let me try". She took the laptop and typed in the password. I was surprised when she finally logged in, "Woah, what did you type?" "Ice cream," she pointed to a tiny ice cream sticker on the bottom right corner of the screen, "I saw this so I just typed in 'ice cream'. I never thought it would actually work though..." Honestly, I think hyung should've used 'Jongupisthebest' for his password. That's the best password ever!

I turned the laptop to face me and looked at the desktop. It was completely empty except for a folder named 'Stay away'. "What do you think is in that folder, oppa?" Gizelle asked. I just shrugged, "I don't know." "Click on it," Gizelle pointed to the folder. I double clicked on it and a window opened up, showing tons of games that were sorted alphabetically. "Wow, Youngjae oppa has a lot of games on his laptop..." Gizelle looked at the many game icons on the screen. Wah! Youngjae hyung has Starcraft! “I wanna play this game!" I double clicked on the icon and the game started. Gizelle laughed, "Jongho oppa knows how to play this game?" I nodded, "I love this game!" I used Youngjae hyung's user account that was already logged in and started playing.

It's been so long since I played any video games so I kind of forgot how to play. "I wanna try~" Gizelle took the mouse and played the game. We ended up playing the game for several hours before Youngjae hyung's laptop had only 10% battery left. Ohmygosh hyung is going to kill me for this! I plugged in the laptop to recharge after I turned it off. "Youngjae oppa sure has a lot of games on his laptop," Gizelle said. "Yeah, but I still don't understand why he wouldn't let anyone use his laptop" I scratched my head. Gizelle laughed and leaned her head on my shoulder, "Oppa really likes to play Starcraft, don't you?" "I like playing with you more" I laughed and tickled her. Gizelle jumped and tickled me back, "Tickle war!" 

After we settled down, I leaned a bit towards Gizelle. I was going to hug her, but I don't know why I just stopped and patted her shoulder instead. It was so awkward... Even Gizelle just slightly nodded a few times and looked away.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked to get rid of the awkward silence. Gizelle smiled and nodded, "Okay, what are we gonna watch?" I shrugged and grabbed the nearest disc case from the movie cabinet. "How about Step Up?" I showed her the movie cover. She laughed and nodded, "Okay."

I sat back down after starting the movie. I tried to remember what Himchan hyung taught me. There was the yawning trick. I pretended to yawn and stretch out my arms, then put my left arm over Gizelle's shoulder. That's what was supposed to happen. But instead, when I stretched out my arms, I accidently bumped my wrist on Gizelle's head. "Oops, sorry," I patted her head where I hit and tried to remember something else. Himchan hyung also told me how to steal a kiss. I waited until the beginning credits ended before leaning over to kiss her cheek.

But just as I leaned in, Gizelle reached down to grab the remote on the floor to raise the volume. Well, that didn't work either... I can't remember any other tricks that Himchan hyung taught me so I improvised. I tried to think of something romantic to do and saw her hand resting by her side. I slid my hand into hers and interlocked our fingers. Almost immediately, Gizelle leaned her head on my shoulder. It was the best movie I've ever seen because I watched the entire movie alone with Gizelle.

I didn't notice that the recharger for Youngjae hyung's laptop wasn't plugged all the way in so hyung's laptop died... I'll just blame it on Daehyunnie hyung.


Youngjae and Sujin's date coming up next! With Himchan and Mylinh too~ Are you guys excited?~ :D


(We're going to take a while before we update... Sorry in advance)

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!