Daehyun Day

Love at First Sight

Daehyun's POV 

Today was such a great day! It was like one of the best days eveur because I got to hang out with my Hannie~ Actually, today was a roller coaster of emotions but everything worked out in the end~ Let me tell you what happened!

Yesterday I set a bunch of alarm clocks so I could wake up extra extra early to watch my favorite drama! Turns out I set the alarm clocks a little bit too early, so I had about another hour until my drama plays. I decided to take a shower and I would always practice my awesome singing in the shower. I was singing like a total pro! I even went up 7 whole octaves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B028RsTpTec Han will be so proud of me~ I could've went up more but I let out like a pterodactyl scream instead because I got soap in my eye! That stuff hurts! I thought that I went blind for a moment.

Anyways I think that my singing has really improved, but I don't think that the others felt the same way. When I finally got out of the shower, everyone looked like they wanted to strangle me. They need to start waking up earlier seriously, the girls are always like late to school. Maybe I should make them wake up early and watch dramas with me, that will train them! Eh I just get kind of lonely sometimes because no one would watch with me ㅠㅠ

Today Youngjae made my favorite blueberry pancakes, I feel so special! It's not even my birthday.... I wonder why he's acting like this? He's all smiling and it's kind of creeping me out..... Oh forget that! My drama! I grabbed a reasonable amount of pancakes and ran to the tv to watch my drama. Today's episode was so beautiful, I almost cried. This day cannot get any worse!

Well Youngjae ruined my day for a minute because he used up all my extra extra soft toilet paper! How am I supposed to take a dump now? And those 294982129392 pancakes did not set well in my tummy..... It wasn’t pretty, I rather not say.. Yoo Youngjae you will pay for this! Maybe when he brings his girlfriend home, I'll show her his . Mwhaha Love you bunches Youngjae~~ serves you right for using up all my precious toilet paper. ಠ╭╮ಠ I will get you one day...

After that horrible life scarring experience, I grabbed some cheetos from the kitchen and sat on the couch.  Food makes everything better~ Trust me, I know everything~ I didn’t hear what was happening, but I think that we were supposed to wait for Himchannie hyung to come out in a disguise.

Himchan hyung walked out of the girl’s room and the whole living room boomed with laughter.  I looked up from my cheetos to see my very own hyung in a miniskirt and a tank top! OH MY GOOD LORD. WHY IS HE WEARING THAT. I choked on my cheetos and nearly died.  It was a pretty life scarring sight if I do say so myself, but Himchan hyung actually looked.... kinda hot.......

OH MY GOD. ew WHAT AM I SAYING. *cough* Anyways..... uhm Himchan hyung made Jonguppie help him change into something different and it was actually even more life scarring than the first disguise! Himchannie hyung looked just like an old lady! I turned to Fatima and pointed to Himchan hyung. “AH . What is he wearing?!”

Mamachan looks so beautiful~ But seriously why does Jongup even have these things in his room? I’m a bit worried about him......  Jongup even gave Himchan hyung a purse! OMG THIS DISGUISE IS PURE GENIUS.  I’m glad that I didn’t volunteer to go with hyung or I might be dressed up as the grandfather. Ugh. How is hyung ever going to get married looking like that?! LOL I should totally get the pictures from Shannon and show it to Himchannie hyung’s bride to be~ Man, I love plotting to ruin relationships~

After Himchan hyung and Mylinh left for the mall, Yongguk hyung told me that he was going to go out on a dateu with Fatima.  That means I’m in charge of this house now! I can make all the maknaes bring me food and stuff, I would be in TOTAL CONTROL! mwhaha~ Yongguk hyung told me not to mess up the dorm so I screamed to the maknaes, Zelo! Jongup! You two better not make any mess in the dorm!”

Before he left, I asked Yongguk hyung if I could borrow some of his war movies to watch in case I get bored, but war movies aren’t really my style..... I love the sad dramas that make people cry, those are so beautiful~  During one of my dramas, I thought for a moment..... Everyone else is going out on their dates, maybe I should take Han on a date as well.  It’s been forever since we went out on an official date.....

I looked out the window to see it snowing outside.  Ew I hate the outdoors, it’s so cold and full of PEOPLE...... Then a great idea ran across my mind. A PICNIC~

I locked the maknaes in their rooms and threatened to end their lives if they ever got out and mess up my date. I found a neat picnic basket in Jongup’s room (seriously, we need to talk about some of the things he has in his room.....) and shoved all the contents of the fridge into it.  I set it on the couch and ran to my room to grab a blanket for us to sit on.  

After all my hard work, I ran into the girl’s room and told Han to follow me.  I placed both my hands over her eyes and lead her into the living room.  “Daehyun oppa! Where are you taking me?” She kept asking me the same question.  I should’ve taped shut, the living room isn’t that far, but I think she asked that question like 84173937927094 times already..... “Shhh It’s a surprise~” I told her.

I released my hands and showed her the totally transformed living room.  “We’re going to have a romantic picnic!” I announced with my arms stretched out wide.  

Han laughed, “Wow Daehyun oppa, did you do all this for me?” “Of course! Now come sit down,” I said and pointed to a spot on my blanket for her to sit.  I gently guided her with my hand and then grabbed a banana from the basket.  

I stood in front of her with the banana close to my mouth as if I were using it as a microphone.  

“It is now time for a romantic audtion to win over Han’s hearteu~” I announced into the banana.

“First contestant! Jung Daehyun! Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Jung Daehyun and I will sing and dance for this lovely lady in an attempt to win her heart,” I smiled as Han giggled with her hands covering her face.  

I think I sang beautifully because Han looked like she was about to burst into tears.  My glorious angel voice has touched her heart~ And she kept laughing her head off when I started dancing.  I’m good at dancing right?

Of course I am, look at them hips go~ After I was done dancing, Han’s face was so red.  “WOW oppa, you can dance!” she exclaimed, but I wasn’t done yet~ I decided to rap as well because girls love guys who can rap..... right? Everyone loves Yonggukie hyung..... Eh it was worth a try. Han will love me no matter what I do~ http://bap-in-motion.tumblr.com/post/28623940912/rapper-daehyun-1-2-3-dl

After I showed off my awesome rapping skills, I blew Hannie a little kisseu~

Omg she nearly fainted, I thought that I gave her a heart attack for a moment there...... She was fanning herself with a magazine, was I really that good?

I kneeled in front of her and took her hand in mines.  “So, was I able to win over your heart?” I asked with a slight smirk.  I planted a kiss on the back of her hand and smiled at her.  “Ah-- I uhh oh my god....” she was stuttering so much, I guess I did a great job~ ◕‿◕

I giggled as I opened a banana and took a bite.  Once Han calmed down she pointed to the ceiling.  “Daehyun oppa, what are those for?” she asked pointing to the drawings of clouds I taped to the ceiling.  I laid down next to her and pointed to one,  “That one looks like a bunny...” I’m not really good at drawing, but I guess my clouds looked decent.....

You know those cliche moments in the dramas when a couple are like laying down on the grass and looking up at the sky and pointing to the clouds? Yeah that’s what I was going for, but since it’s the winter, there’s like no clouds in the sky.  That didn’t stop me though~ I’m creative.

Han laid down next to me and rested her head on my arm.  “That one looks like a cheesecake!” she exclaimed pointing to another one of my awesomely drawn clouds.  I wrapped my arm around her and we admired my clouds for a while.  It was pretty romantic~

Well it was pretty romantic until Zelo and Shannon came home from the market.  They were making stuff in the kitchen and they wouldn’t share with me! Those butts.  Han shifted under my arm and crinkled her nose, “Something smells weird.” I took a whiff of the air and immediately knew what it was.

“IS THAT CHOCOLATE I SMELL???” I screamed to them.  “Yeah, but hyung can't have any! Naekkeoya!” Zelo yelled back at me.  How dare he make chocolaty treats and not give me some! I will ground him later.  Do you hear me Choi Junhong! I will end your life if you don’t give me some of that! I should just jump him later and steal all his chocolate. yes. that’s a good plan. maybe I will.....
Once they were done making chocolate whatever, Zelo and Shannon were trying to sneak back into their rooms like nothing happened, but I caught them in the act.  “Yah! You do have chocolate!” I accused. Han joined me and asked for some chocolate covered strawberries.  “Hey, I want some too!” she cried.  

That Junhong didn’t want to share, but Shannon was nice enough to give us some strawberries.  Shannon is the best!

I fed the strawberries to Han and she fed it to me.  So romantic, don’t you think?~ Han smiled as she finished eating her strawberry.  “Wah it was so good!~” she exclaimed.  I nodded in agreement as I bit the last part of my strawberry.  “I kinda wished that we had some more...... it was really good,” Han said as she got up to throw away the trash.  

I grabbed her hand and smiled, “Don’t worry my dear, I will get some more for you!” I ran and kicked down the door to Junhong’s room.  I think that they were doing something *nasty* because they looked at me with wide eyes when I walked into the room.  ~awkward~ Eh but I was here on a mission! “Jello-ah! Do you have any more of those chocolate covered strawberries?~ They were delicious!” I asked them.  Sadly those fatties ate all of the strawberries by themselves.  

I hung my head and walked back into the kitchen.  I looked inside the fridge to find some more food to eat as Han sat at the table to eat a banana.  Zelo came out with a tray full of empty bowls.  Those monsters! I bet that they ate all the food. I’m going to starve.  And then the evil maknae tricked me into eating fruits covered in chocolate ice cream! He said that it would taste the same as eating chocolate dipped fruits.  Such a liar.

After we were done eating, I held out 2 badminton racquets.  “After all that eating, we need to exercise with some fun park activities!” I shouted.  Han got up from the table and laughed, “You really planned everything out didn’t you?” I nodded in excitement and handed her a racquet.  Actually not really.... I just follow all the romantic stuff that happens in my dramas...... but I guess she likes it~

Han looked around and asked me, “Uhm where’s the birdie thingy? You know the thing that we hit?” I went into the closet and pulled out one of those huge body balls.  “We lost that thing years ago, so I guess we can use this,” I told her and rolled the ball towards her.  She stopped the huge ball with her foot and gave me a weird look.  

“Are you sure it’s safe to use this? The living room isn’t exactly the place to play this and this isn’t exactly the correct ball.....” Han scolded me.  I waved my hand, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She shrugged, “Okay whatever you say.....” She lightly hit the ball in my direction with her racquet.  

It was a lot of fun playing with her because she would always chase after the ball. She’s so cute~ She hit it to me and I accidentally swung my racquet too hard and the ball knocked over Yongguk hyung’s collection of war movies.  Soon there was a huge mess of war movies all over the floor.


Yongguk hyung is going to murder me! Well I lived a good life ㅠㅠ Han is so good in situations like this, she’s like my hero! She knelt down beside the pile of movies on the floor and tried to put all the movies back on the shelf.  That won’t work though..... Yongguk hyung likes to sort his war movies in alphabetical order.  That will take us forever and Yongguk hyung might be home soon!!!!

I smacked the movies out of her hand and started shoving them under the couch.  Han looked at me confused, “Daehyun oppa What--” “Forget these movies, we’ll just blame Junhong for this!” I panted still shoving movies under the couch.  Han laughed and joined me.  Once we were done, I grabbed her hand and told her, “Let’s go watch dramas on Mylinh’s computer!”

We skipped out of the crime scene living room like nothing happened and enjoyed the rest of the day watching dramas on Mylinh’s computer.  What a magical romantical filled day~


Sorry if we haven't been updating as often lately. We're writing but we still need to add things here and there. Please be patient for our next update!~

Also, school is starting soon. In 3 days to be exact. So we're going to go on hiatus once our homework start to stack up. 

We're still not sure how long we'll be away, but at the latest, until next summer (after June 6th). Hope you guys will wait for our updates~

                    ~zeshanlolol mychannie <3

For now, enjoy some Himchan and Youngjae~~~



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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!