V-Day Disaster

Love at First Sight

Jimmy and Shannon were still sitting at the couch. Mylinh and Fatima peeked their heads out to the living room and asked them, “Jimmy! Did you give Shannon the present yet?~” Jimmy shook his head, “I did but Himchan and Yongguk hyungs interrupted us. Mylinh pretended to be disappointed, “Oh darn.” Fatima continued, “Well, Jimmy, you should move on to your last surprise then!” Just then, Shannon’s stomach growled and Jimmy laughed, “Perfect timing”. She gave him a look, “What?” “I’m going to make a romantic dinner for us!” He smiled.

Mylinh ripped out a coupon, “No! You’re cooking for all of us!” Fatima nodded, “We’re starving. Go make us food.” Jimmy’s jaw dropped, “But I never made-” Mylinh interrupted him, “We knew something was missing so we added that in. Now go make food! We’re starving.” Jimmy pouted and went to the kitchen. “Jongup, Himchan, go help Jimmy make food,” Yongguk told them. “Ne!” they both saluted and ran to the kitchen.

“You girls need to go finish homework,” Yongguk told the girls. Fatima and Mylinh pulled Shannon into their room, “But I already finished mine,” Shannon pouted. “We haven’t! You need to help us with homework, Shannon!” they both said. Han and Gizelle followed them into their room while Jenny stayed behind, I can’t let them split Jimmy and Shannon up!

Yongguk and Zelo went into the storage room and brought out a large white tablecloth. They spread the tablecloth over the table with Jenny’s help.

Han came out for a glass of water just as Daehyun came out to check on dinner, "Is dinner almost done?" "No. Daehyun. Dinner isn't done." Han gave him a stern look and poured water into her glass. Daehyun pouted, "Han, how many times do I have to apologize? When are you going to forgive me?" he frowned. "When you see how ridiculous you behave when it comes to food! Food isn't the only thing in the world, you know!" she yelled and stormed back into her room. In the room, Shannon heard what happened and saw Han sit down in her seat angrily. She sighed, Han is still mad at Daehyun. When are they finally going to make up? Same for Mylinh and Himchan...

Daehyun frowned and sat down at the table, "Why am I so stupid?!" he moaned and banged his head onto the table. "Daehyun-ssi! Don't do that!" Jenny stopped him. "How am I going to get Han to forgive me?" He pulled on his hair in frustration. "She probably just needs some time to get over it," Jenny tried to comfort him. "But it's been a week! And she seems to be more angrier at me each day!" he slumped in his chair. "Maybe I can talk to her," Jenny started, "She'll open up to me easily". Daehyun's eyes sparkled, "Really? You'd do that for me?"

She shook her head, "I'm doing this for Han. You're on your own after I'm done talking to her. You need to stop thinking about food so much, that's your problem in the first place. Also, girls hate it when you interrogate them for forgiveness. So lay off on the questions." Jenny stood up to go to the girls' room and Daehyun grabbed her arm with both his hands, "Thank you so much, Jenny! Without you, I probably wouldn't be able to talk to Han ever again! How would I live?!" he was frightened by the thought of never being with Han again. Jenny smiled and nodded, "I would do anything for the girls" and she went into the room.

Himchan yelled out from the kitchen, "Daehyun-ah! I need help opening this jar! Not even Jonguppie can open it with his cheetos!" Daehyun ran into the kitchen, Weaklings...

Yongguk and Zelo placed the food on the table. Jenny shook her head, "Shannon and Jimmy are going to sit with us? Unacceptable!" Zelo blinked at her, "Why not?" "They should have some alone time while enjoying their romantic dinner!" Jenny pointed to the smaller table nearby, "They can have their romantic dinner there". Jongup came out with another white tablecloth and spread it over the table. Jenny tapped her chin as she thought for a moment, "I think it needs something more... Like a flower vase?"

Jongup and Zelo looked at each other. "We have a vase but not a flower..." Zelo shrugged. Jongup got an idea, “Oh! I know! Give me a sec,” he said and ran off to somewhere. “What about candles?” Daehyun asked. “We can’t! Not with what’s going to happen to Jimmy...” Himchan chuckled.

Daehyun gave him a look, “What is going to happen to Jimmy...?” “Nothing~” Himchan and Yongguk snickered to each other. Jongup ran back out to the dining room. He held up a piece of paper with a drawing of a flower, “Here’s the flower!” he smiled proudly at himself. Yongguk took the piece of paper and stuck it in the vase, then stepped back to look at the nicely set table, “This is perfect for their romantic dinner!”

Everyone sat in their seats getting ready for dinner while Jimmy was still in the kitchen. Jongup and Himchan passed out the plates of food to each person. Himchan placed down Jimmy's plate and tried to hold in a snicker. He placed down Shannon's plate and went to sit at the table.

Jimmy came out to the table and placed 2 glasses of apple juice on the table. Shannon took a sip from her glass. "That better not be wine," Himchan gave him a look. Shannon immediately spit out the juice. Jimmy shook his head, "No! It's not! It's just apple juice". "Watching youuu," Himchan squinted his eyes at him.

Zelo's POV:

I kept glancing over at Jimmy. Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung agreed to put a plastic spider in Jimmy's plate. So when Jimmy is eating and sees the spider, he'll spit his food on Shannon's face (mianhe Shannon~) and scream like a girl while trying to kill it. That will make Shannon so mad that she'll leave Jimmy forever! This was a wonderful plan! But Jimmy seemed to be halfway through with his plate already. Where's the spider? Did hyungs put it all the way at the bottom? I wanted to see Jimmy's reaction so bad...  

Suddenly Shannon screamed off the top of her lungs and fell off her chair. Everyone turned to see what happened. That's when Daehyun hyung girl screamed, "AHHHH IS THAT A SPIDER?! OMG SOMEONE KILL IT BEFORE IT CRAWLS ON MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" "Stop being such a wimp," Han glared at him and went back to her food.

Daehyun hyung frowned because he just made things worse for hyung and Han. Poor Daehyun hyung. Han is still mad at him and he just makes things worse with everything he does.  Jimmy took an empty bowl and covered it over the spider in Shannon's plate.

I was so upset because I didn't get to see Jimmy freak out and girl scream at the spider. Yongguk hyung glared at Himchan hyung, who chuckled nervously, "Hehe my bad..." Gosh Himchan hyung always ruins everything.  Shannon smiled at Jimmy, "My hero!" she gave him a hug and sat back in her chair, pushing her plate farther and farther away from her.  

Without thinking, I got up, went up to their table and completely flipped it over. The plates and food covered the floor. The fake spider somehow was knocked out of the plate and onto Jimmy's arm. He picked it up and his eyes rounded, "This is a fake spider?!" I just stood there like an idiot. What did I just do... This was like the time when we were in Japan and I dropped the plate of chow mein on Jimmy's pants. That did not end well... And Shannon got mad at me...

I nervously turned to Shannon and saw that she was completely shocked. Whether it was because I flipped the table or the plastic spider, I didn't know, but I never expected her to come up to me and slap me across the face. "How could you?!" She was consumed with anger, "Why did you-- Was the fake spider your idea? Was all this just because you were jealous of Jimmy?" I was speechless. I had no idea I would make her this mad. Now I really hated myself for mindlessly flipping the table.

I turned to the others for help but they looked upset as well. Shannon lowered her voice and tried to speak calmly, "Zelo, I just don't get it. Why do you have to be so confusing? One minute you're spending time with me and another minute you're with Jenny unnie. And now, you're jealous of Jimmy even though you told us that you and Jenny unnie are official." I tried to apologize, "Shannon, I'm-" "Don't talk to me!" she yelled, pushing me away as she ran into her room and locked the door behind her.

I was completely shocked. What have I done? I was so confused. I was mad at myself for what I did but I was also mad at her for making me the one at fault here. How was all this my fault? I never asked for Jimmy and Jenny noona to come and ruin our relationship. "Zelo..." I heard Yongguk hyung's voice, "We'll have to talk later".

I could hear the disappointment in his voice. I didn't know what to do. Shannon was mad at me and Yongguk was disappointed of the mess I caused and the others probably were too. I couldn't take it anymore. Everything was falling apart. "I need some fresh air," I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door.

Yongguk's POV:

Jenny was going to follow Zelo but Himchan stopped her, "We should give him some time for himself". I sighed as I got up to go to my room and clear things out of my head. Then I noticed that something, or someone, was missing. I looked around at the rest of the people who were still at the table, "Where's Youngjae?" Everyone blinked at the empty seat. "Dammit did he sneak out to see his girlfriend?!" I slammed my fists on the table.

How could he?! After all the trouble those two girls caused, and after Himchan and I deliberately told him never to see her again, he decided to sneak out with his so-called girlfriend. Fatima put her hand over mine to comfort me, "Yongguk-ah, I think we should just let Youngjae spend time with Sujin. I know we all don't like her for what she did, I don't like her either, but Youngjae can't go against what his heart wants, and we should respect his decision."

That didn't help at all. Comfort me? That made me even more mad than ever, "Let him be with her?! Do you hear what you're saying?! Did you forget what those girls did to you and your friends?! How could you just let Youngjae go out with her like that?! He's going to be so depressed when she breaks his heart in the future, and whose fault would that be?!" I didn't even try to contain my anger.

I couldn't control myself, but I can't just bottle everything up. Himchan placed his hand on my shoulder, "Yongguk, calm down, things are getting messed up and complicated around here but we can't afford for you to lose your temper." I calmed down, a bit, but Fatima wasn't. Clearly she was shocked at all the things I said earlier, "Are you trying to say this is all my fault?!" I lowered my head but didn't make any attempt to fix anything.

She continued, "Fine. You're the oldest around here. Go ahead and boss us around and tell us who to date and who not to date without listening to who we think is our best match because you're the magnificent matchmaker," she sarcastically said. I was in the wrong, I knew that perfectly, but my pride would be destroyed if I backed down. That was a stupid mistake. Fatima stood up and stormed into her room and slammed the door shut.

I couldn't believe everything was falling apart. Shannon and Zelo were upset at each other. Han had been mad at Daehyun for a week now. Mylinh was mad at Himchan, too. Youngjae was going out with a demon while my temper and pride ruined my relationship with Fatima. Things just can't get any worse. Everything just happened to fast, it all collapsed at once. I couldn't stay calm anymore and tried to calmly walk into my room before I could do anything stupid.   

---No one's POV---

Everyone was quiet at the table now. Not even Jongup could smile. Himchan sighed and stood up, "Come on, Jongup-ah, let's clean this up," he kneeled down next to the mess on the floor and picked up the plates and utensils. Jongup took out a bag and put on plastic gloves to pick up the food. Everyone else cleaned up the table and went to help Himchan and Jongup clean up the mess, as well as the broken vase.

Youngjae's POV:

I knew it was a really bad idea but I just had to go see Sujin. I didn't want to leave her alone on Valentine's Day. I pulled my hood closer to my face as I ran in the cold weather towards her house. Yongguk hyung is definitely going to murder me once I get back, but it's all worth it, because I get to spend my last day with Sujin.

My numb finger pressed onto the doorbell and I stood in the cold, shivering as I wait for Sujin to open the door. A minute passed by, a full 60 seconds of shivering in the cold, Sujin finally opened to door with a shocked expression, "Youngjae oppa? What are you doing here so late at night? You're going to get a cold!" she pulled me in and closed the door. Oh sweet heaven it was so warm in her house! I hugged Sujin and pecked her forehead, "I just wanted to spend a little time with you on Valentine's," I smiled. "Aww, Youngjae oppa is so sweet!" Sujin wrapped her arms around me, "Would you like some hot chocolate?"

I walked back to the dorm at 11 pm. It was so late, and the hyungs are going to kill me once I get back. But who cares, I spent my last hours with Sujin and it was the best time of my life! The cold didn't even bother me anymore. Seeing Sujin warmed my heart so much that I could even live in the South Pole with no problem at all! Except there wouldn't be wifi...

I stopped right at the door to our dorm. I was a bit nervous to see what's waiting for me behind this door. Probably Yongguk and Himchan hyung waiting to stab me. Or Daehyun wanting to annoy me to death. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door with my key. I winced, preparing for whatever that's going to hit me right in my beautiful flawless face...

Nothing. I opened my eyes to see no one in the living room. That's odd. It's not like Yongguk hyung to go to bed before making sure everyone is in the dorm.

I took off my shoes and noticed that Zelo's were gone. Strange... where would he be at this time of night? I closed the front door and went straight to my room.

I opened the door to my room and almost screamed when I saw Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung sitting on my bed. Daehyun was on his bed faced down on his pillow.

"Did you have fun with Sujin?" Yongguk hyung asked with his intimidating deep voice, "It must've been so memorable since today is such a special day for lovers," his voice strained on the last word. Himchan hyung had a concerned look on his face. That doesn't seem good at all... "Sit," Yongguk hyung motioned me to sit at the chair in front of him. I sat down and fiddled with my fingers. I really disappointed hyungs this time.

Yongguk hyung took a really deep breath, which scared me because he only does that whenever he's super angry, like he's about to explode. "What do you see in that girl?" he asked calmly. "I don't know... She's different from the other girls. There's something about her that makes her special. I can't really put my finger on it but I know she's perfect for me," I couldn't help but smile at the image of Sujin's beautiful smile.

Himchan hyung asked, "But are you sure this is safe? I'm sure you remember what those two girls did." I shook my head, "But she has changed, hyung. She's not like the Sujin who follows Boyan and her schemes, she's her own person now. She loves me for me." I could feel my face light up at the mere thought of Sujin. She brings me joy no matter what situation I'm in. If that's not love then I don't know what is.

Yongguk hyung sighed, "Youngjae-ah, you know we're just trying to protect you, right? We're just worried that there could be a motive behind Sujin's relationship with you. We don't want her to break your heart... Are you sure about this?" Sujin may have done horrible things, but that is in the past now, I know she changed, and I know she loves me for who I am. "Yes, hyung, I'm sure."

Yongguk stared at me for a moment before responding, "Alright, you may spend time with her as you please. But that doesn't mean that we've forgiven her for what she had done with Boyan. She'll have to earn our trust." Yongguk hyung stood up and left my room. I sat there smiling like an idiot. I can't believe Yongguk hyung actually let me date Sujin-ah. But something seemed a bit off. "Why did hyungs agree?" I asked Himchan hyung.

"Well, while you were gone, Yongguk kind of got into a fight with Fatima about you dating Sujin." "Oh..." I felt bad that I caused them to fight. I didn't think sneaking out to see Sujin would cause all this trouble for Yongguk hyung... "Oh, I didn't see Junhong's shoes at the door. Did he go somewhere?"

Himchan hyung was silent for a minute, "Shannon got mad at Junhong for several reasons. And Yongguk was disappointed that Junhong would flip the table out of mere jealousy. Then he just ran out for some fresh air and he hasn't gone back yet... I'm starting to get worried." What's going on? Why is everyone getting mad at each other? This isn't a good time! Just when I finally got a girlfriend, everyone else is on the verge of splitting. But still... I'm also getting worried about Junhong, "Maybe I should go look for him... He's a really stubborn kid so I don't think he would come back on his own."

"No, Youngjae-ah, you can go get ready for bed. Jonguppie already went to go look for him. I'm going to wait until they come back." "Okay..." I went to change and went straight to bed. Himchan hyung went to wait in the living room. I hope they'll come back soon... "Daehyun" "What" "How did it go with Han?" Daehyun raised his head from his pillow and stared at the floor, "Not so good..." "She's still mad?" He nodded. "Well, we'll find some other way to fix this. You should go to be now. Good night" "...Good night, Youngjae..."

Zelo's POV:

I was walking back to the dorm with Jongup hyung. He found me in front of a cafe after they kicked me out for closing time. Just when I finally got my mind off things, everything just crashed back when we were standing in front of TS building. Jongup hyung turned back at me, "Aren't you coming in? You'll get a cold if you stay out here any longer." "What if Yongguk hyung sends me back home..." I thought aloud.

Jongup hyung looked surprised, "Send you back? Why would he? Yongguk hyung would never do such a thing!" I frowned, "But I've been causing nothing but trouble. Especially tonight..." Jongup hyung placed a hand on my shoulder, "I wouldn't worry about it. Yongguk hyung is very forgiving. I would be more worried about Shannon though..."

"I'm not apologizing to her," I blurted out. He gave me a shocked look and frowned, "Junhong-ah, I don't think you should be worried about your pride, like Yongguk hyung..." he trailed off. "What happened?" I couldn't help but wonder, did Yongguk hyung do something bad? "It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it right now. We should just get back and go to sleep. We still have school tomorrow." I silently followed him to the elevator.

Shannon's POV:

Jimmy had already left with Jenny unnie an hour ago. It was almost 1 in the morning and Zelo still hadn't come back yet. I hope Jongup oppa found him. My eyes were closed and I was trying hard to go to sleep. I just couldn't go to sleep. Every minute felt like hours knowing that Zelo was still not back yet. A pang of guilt hit me every time I think about what happened during dinner. I was just so mad... I would never forgive myself if something happened to Zelo.

All of a sudden, I heard the front door open. I instantly sat up. I wanted to come out to see if he's okay, but my legs wouldn't move. My hand was holding onto the gift that I was supposed to give him later. I didn't even have anything for Jimmy. I'm such a bad girlfriend... I don't know whether or not I should give Zelo his gift. If I did, it would've been a bit awkward because of what happened. But if I didn't, then I wasted an entire month trying to find a gift for Zelo on Valentine's. While I was contemplating, I fell asleep...

Zelo's POV:

Himchan hyung was trying to stay awake on the couch when Jongup hyung and I walked through the door. "Where's Yongguk hyung?" Jongup hyung asked. I didn't want to face Yongguk hyung at the time. I disappointed him too much today. But it still pains me that he's not here. It's like he doesn't even care anymore...

"Yongguk went to bed already. It's really late. You two go get ready for bed. You still have to wake up early in the morning for school." Himchan hyung stood up and walked heavily towards his room. Jongup hyung patted my shoulder, "Let's go to bed. It's really late now," he said and walked to our room. I glanced at the girls' door. I wonder if Shannon and I would ever be back to normal again... With a sigh, I followed Jongup hyung into the room.


P.s. Zelo hates Jimmy.

tumblr_mb5kodlOK21qjudfbo1_r1_250.gif   -Zelo



                                            -zeshanlolol and mychannie

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!