The Sleepover

Love at First Sight

The next day the girls arrived at Jenny’s house.  Jenny was laying a bunch of blankets on the floor in the living room, when the doorbell rang.  “Oh! They’re here already?” she asked herself as she ran for the door.  

She opened the door and the girls stampeded in, they looked around the house like a bunch of lost puppies.  “Wooooow! Your house is really big!” Gizelle said as she swung her bag around.  

Mylinh was already laying on the pile of blankets in the living room.  “Shannon woke me up really early this morning to pack” she complained.  Jenny patted her head, “You poor thing…” She pulled the blanket over Mylinh, “Here, you can nap a little bit before we start playing.” Mylinh nodded and fell asleep right away.  Fatima was staring at the huge flat screen TV in Jenny’s living room.

She wanted to get a closer look at it but she tripped over Mylinh.   Han and Gizelle jumped on top of Fatima, squishing Mylinh underneath.  “Ah seriously! I can’t sleep with you nut jobs around,” Mylinh complained as she hit them with her pillow.  

“OHOHO so that’s how it is!” They all screamed as they smacked Mylinh with their pillows.  Jenny got in between them, “Girls girls! We should save the pillow fight for later!” Shannon looked at her, “Then what do we do now?”

Jenny giggled, “Let’s play a bunch of fun games!” “Like what?” Gizelle asked.
“Let’s play a food guessing game! See, we split up into 2 teams and we make food and the other team has to guess what’s in it.” Jenny explained.  The girls shrugged, “That sounds like fun!” They all ran to the kitchen.  

Jenny clapped her hands together, “Okay! Let’s split into two teams.” “Influential team and Pabo team?” Han asked.  Before anyone could say anything she pushed Gizelle with Mylinh and Fatima. “We are the influential team,” Han said as she pointed to Jenny, Shannon, and herself.  “And you guys are the Pabo team!” she said as she pointed to Mylinh, Fatima, and Gizelle.  

“Wait WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!” Fatima exclaimed.  “No we are the influential team! Because we are- “ Han cut her off, “Let’s play shall we?” Fatima nearly flipped the whole kitchen counter, “LET ME FINIS-“

Jenny laughed and interrupted her, “We have to choose who is going to try out the food!”  Han pushed Shannon and exclaimed, “OH SHANNON! Thanks for volunteering! Shannon is going to taste food for the influential team~”  Shannon turned around, “What?!”

Fatima shoved Gizelle, “Gizelle is going to taste food for the Awesome team!” “What why do I have to taste the food?!” Gizelle complained.  Fatima elbowed her, “Just go with it.” Jenny handed Shannon and Gizelle blindfolds, “You have to wear these so you don’t know what we put in the food.”

“Alright then!  Are we all ready? Let’s start!” Jenny announced.  Mylinh quickly grabbed all the hot sauce and asian sauces out of the cupboard and reunited with Fatima on their side of the kitchen.  “So Fattyma, what are we making?” Mylinh asked as she placed all the ingredients on the table.  

Fatima took out a bag of chocolate, “Simple. We’re making chocolate!~” Fatima stared at all the odd ingredients that Mylinh brought to the table.  She gave Mylinh a weird look, “Why did you get those ingredients?” “I thought we were going to make something Asian….” Mylinh said.  “Well go put them away!” Fatima snapped at her and went to get some sugar.  

When Fatima left, Mylinh opened up the hot sauce and poured it in the chocolate.  Every now and then when Fatima wasn’t looking, she would add an odd ingredient into the chocolate.  

When they were done with the ingredients, Fatima heated it in the microwave and poured it into molds.  She stuck the chocolate molds into the freezer, “Goodbye chocolates~ See you soon!~” She waved to the chocolates and closed the door.  Mylinh stared at her, “What are you doing....”

Han and Jenny just finished making delicious cupcakes. Jenny stuck the cupcakes in the oven, and washed her hands.  Han was staring at the oven, “Wow Jenny unnie! These look great!  Can I eat one?” Jenny smiled and patted her head, “Of course you can! We’re all going to eat it after Gizelle guesses what’s in it.”  Han kept staring at the oven, “Ooooh! I can’t wait!”

About half an hour later, Jenny took the cupcakes out of the oven and placed one on a plate.  Fatima took the chocolates out of the fridge and placed a few on a plate.  They placed their plates in front of Gizelle and Shannon.  

Gizelle was the first to eat the cupcake.  She took a bite and praised Jenny and Han, “Wow this cupcake is really delicious! Uhm is there chocolate chips in it?” “Ding ding ding! You got it!” Jenny exclaimed as everyone clapped their hands.  Jenny handed everyone a cupcake, “Now we can all eat one!” They all ate the cupcakes happily.  

“Wow Jenny unnie! These cupcakes are delicious! You have to teach us how to make it one day!” Mylinh exclaimed as she reached for the whole tray of cupcakes.  Fatima slapped her hand away and said, “Now it’s time for Shannon to taste our food!” Mylinh shoved the plate in front of Shannon and said, “Please enjoy our food! We made it really tasty!” She giggled to herself, Ohoho Shannon is going to be so surprised~

Shannon popped a chocolate in and began chewing.  Everyone was anticipating what she was going to say next.  “Oh my god. What is this? What are you feeding me!!!?” Shannon screamed as she spit the chocolate onto the plate.  

Fatima looked at her confused, "What? But we made chocolate..." Shannon took off her blindfold and looked at Mylinh, "You put in hot sauce didn't you?! I can even taste the hoisin sauce!!" Fatima hit Mylinh on the back of her head, "Why would you put those in the chocolate?!?!" Mylinh laughed nervously, "Ehehe, at least Shannon guessed right~ Yay Shannon~" she clapped and tried to escape to the living room.

Fatima stopped her and pointed to the chocolates, "For punishment, you're going to eat one of your chocolates!" Mylinh pouted, "No fair! You guys should all eat it with me~" Gizelle took a piece, "Okay, I wanna try and see what it tastes like".

Everyone took a chocolate and ate them while Shannon chugged on water, trying to get rid of the awful taste in . Fatima and Mylinh instantly spit theirs out. Gizelle, Han, and Jenny actually ate the whole thing. The other 3 girls looked at them with surprise, "You actually ate it all?!" Han smiled, "It was delicious~"

Jenny took out some milk. She poured some into 6 cups and gave them to the girls, “Here, drink some. It’ll get rid of the taste”. Mylinh finished drinking and looked at the empty cup, “I feel like having some milk tea now…” Shannon and Fatima nodded, “Yeah, we want some milk tea too…”

Jenny took out some tapioca pearls from the cupboard, “I can make some right now if you want”. Mylinh and Fatima squealed, “Yes! Jenny unnie please make some milk tea for us~” Jenny patted their heads, “I’ll show you how to make the pearls so you girls can make some at home”. “YAY~” the girls gathered around Jenny.

Jenny boiled some water and put in the pearls. She brewed up some tea and let it stand. The 5 girls stood around the pot of pearls and looked at the boiling water. “Wow it looks so simple!~” Fatima said. Jenny looked at the clock, “We have to leave it there for another half hour. Let’s go do something in the living room while waiting”.

Everyone sat on the blankets still on the living room floor. Mylinh pointed to the TV, “Let’s watch some TV~” Jenny the TV and gave Mylinh the remote, “You can choose the channels”. Mylinh took the remote and started flipping through the channels.

Half an hour later, Shannon looked at the clock, “Jenny unnie, are the pearls ready yet?” Jenny went to check on the pearls, “Yeah, they’re done”. Fatima turned off the TV and everyone went into the kitchen. Jenny drained out the water and scooped the pearls into 6 cups. Shannon took the tea and poured some in each cup. Jenny filled the cups with milk, covered with a cap, and placed a straw in each cup.  

Everyone drank the milk tea happily. They complimented Jenny on the milk tea a lot, “Wow, the milk tea tastes really good~” they all said. Jenny smiled, “Milk tea is really easy to make~” The girls sat on their blankets on the living room floor with their milk tea.

Fatima nudged Jenny, “Hey, Jenny unnie, tell us about Jimmy~~” Jenny smiled and blushed a bit, “Well, my teacher from last year is Jimmy’s teacher this year. I went to visit my teacher that day and met Jimmy. He’s a really nice kid and he knows how to treat a girl~” Jenny was practically squealing over Jimmy.

Fatima, Mylinh, and Shannon tried to hold in their laugh. Jenny kept going on and on about Jimmy, “We always have lunch together, and he would share some of his food with me~” Shannon couldn’t believe it, Jimmy was nothing like that in Japan…

When Jenny mentioned how romantic Jimmy is, Mylinh and Fatima started laughing. Shannon elbowed the both of them. Jenny gave them a confused look, “What is it? Was it something I said?” Fatima shook her head, “No, no, we just couldn’t believe the things you said about Jimmy”.

Jenny asked the girls, “So what about you girls? Got any guys yet?~” The girls looked at each other. “Uhm, no, not really,” Shannon lied. “We’re forever alone~” Mylinh said.

Jenny laughed and patted her head, “It’s alright. You girls will find someone one day,” she said and gave them a wink, “and if you do, don’t forget to introduce me to him. He’ll have to get my approval first~” The girls nodded, “Okay!” Jenny stood up and took the empty cups, “I’ll go put these in the sink”. Shannon stood up and helped her.

Mylinh was bored and she was playing with her pillow. Suddenly, she turned to Fatima and whacked her arm with the pillow. “Ow, what was that for?!” Fatima yelled holding onto her arm. “PILLOW FIGHT!!” Mylinh yelled out as she started hitting Fatima again. Fatima tried to block herself; she took a pillow and started hitting Mylinh back, “Revenge!!”

Han and Gizelle joined them. When Shannon and Jenny returned, they were immediately hit by the pillows. Shannon tried to run away but Mylinh and Fatima kept chasing her. She grabbed a pillow as she ran and turned to hit them back.

Soon, the girls were chasing each other around with pillows. They didn’t stop until Fatima’s hand slipped and she accidentally hit the lamp on the table, almost knocking it over.

Jenny turned to look at the clock, “It’s still pretty early to sleep, we should watch a movie”. She pointed to a cabinet next to the TV, “You can choose a movie from there while I go heat up our dinner”. “What are we having for dinner?” Shannon asked her. “We're having pizza for dinner,” Jenny told her as she went to the kitchen.

Mylinh held up a Kungfu Panda DVD, “Let’s watch Kungfu Panda~~”. Shannon put the disc in the DVD Player and started the movie. Jenny came in with the food halfway through Po's dream in the beginning.

When the movie was over, Jenny and Shannon went to put their plates in the sink. The group played a few rounds of Truth or Dare before going to sleep.

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!