Lost Puppy

Love at First Sight

tumblr_m7n0qg1BLf1rwrxupo3_250.gif Jongup's POV:

Zelo and I were sleeping peacefully in our room when Daehyunnie hyung decided to take a shower and sing his high notes from No Mercy. Zelo was complaining about him, “Ahh, hyung is so noisy. Can’t sleep…” he put his pillow over his face and went back to sleep. I just pulled my blanket over my head and went back to sleep.

The next thing I know, Youngjae hyung came into the room and pulled our blankets off and I heard Zelo yell, “Ahh! Hyung! It’s cold!!!” Youngjae hyung just left our blankets on the floor, “Get up! I made breakfast~” He sounded happy when he said that, but Zelo wouldn’t get up, “But it’s so early! And we don’t have school today anyways…” he started drifting back to sleep again.

Youngjae just whistled as he walked towards the door, “Okay, fine. No blueberry pancakes for you~” I only shut my eyes for 2 seconds and Zelo started pulling on my arm, “Jonguppie hyung! Wake up! I want my blueberry pancakes!!” He kept jumping up and down and pulling on my arm like a little kid.
I remembered that today was Saturday, and I get to have some alone time with Gizelle! But Daehyunnie hyung told us that we have to stay in his room today… Oh well, at least I can go through Youngjae hyung’s ipad. He never lets me see it except for Daehyun hyung.

Are my eyes really that small? When I walked to the table, Mylinh asked me, “Jongup oppa! Why are you walking around with your eyes closed? You’re going to bump into things”. I heard Junhong (Zelo) laugh, but I was still too tired do anything so I just smiled and sat down at the table, then I rested my head on the table.

Everyone was still tired at the table, until Youngjae brought out the pancakes and Daehyun snatched almost the entire plate before running to the TV. I took a pancake and put it on my plate and started eating. It tasted delicious! Who knew Youngjae hyung could cook so well? I should ask him to make lunch for us from now on!

Youngjae hyung looked a little too happy today, because usually he would complain about Daehyun hyung eating all his ice cream and stuff. Youngjae hyung and Daehyunnie hyung always argue with each other. Many fans are even shipping them. I heard their ship name is Daejae… They really do look like a married couple… *gets lost in thought*

Mylinh started questioning him and the girls also asked him a lot of questions. Mylinh and Fatima found out that Youngjae hyung has a girlfriend and everyone started questioning him. I also got curious and asked him, “Hyung! Where are you going with your date?”

Youngjae hyung told us that they’re going to the mall to watch a movie. A movie? I want to go to the movies! Chris Brown should have a movie! I would love to watch it every day for the rest of my life. I want to watch a movie with Gizelle! That would be fun. But Youngjae hyung told Himchan hyung and Mylinh not to follow him… I guess maybe next time.

Youngjae hyung was getting ready in the bathroom while Daehyunnie hyung was banging on the door. Hyungs really like messing with each other… I wonder how they will ever get along. Hyungs keep complaining about each other. Now Youngjae hyung made Daehyunnie whale-scream over his extra extra soft toilet paper… They really do act like a married couple…

Everyone finished eating after Youngjae hyung left. Himchan hyung tried to get my attention, “Jongup-ah!” “Ne?” “Please clean up the table~” he smiled and held out his plate. I’m Himchan hyung’s assistant so I did as he told.

I left the plates in the sink and went into the living room. Himchan hyung was talking about following Youngjae hyung on his date, and he got angry at Junhong again. Himchan hyung and Junhong always tease each other and Himchan hyung is always the one to get mad.

I think I zoned out for the 20th time this week because I only remember Himchan hyung talking about following Youngjae hyung with Mylinh, then suddenly Han pushed me, Junhong, and Mylinh into my room and told us to pick out a disguise for her and left.

Junhong and I picked out different clothes for her to choose. Some of the clothes I don't even remember I had them... Mylinh went through the pile of clothes for a few minutes and came down to my grey striped sweater and Junhong's blue baseball jacket. "Which one should I wear?" she held up the sweater and jacket. I told her, "It's going to be cold outside so you should wear the sweater" "Okay" she wore the sweater over her clothes. "Wear this scarf too!" Junhong took a scarf from his drawer and gave it to Mylinh. He really is more fashionable than me. I don't wear a variety of clothes like he does.

We came out to the living room to wait for Himchan hyung. Daehyun hyung was eating my bag of cheetos so I came to eat some. Cheetos are my favorite snacks! Just like my cheetos~ I used to love exercising a lot. Now I try to exercise a little less because I can't grow any taller if I exercise... The girls don't understand why I'm not too happy about my height because they said I'm still taller than them. *gets lost in thought for the 21st time*

I suddenly heard everyone laughing and turned to see Himchan hyung standing there wearing a miniskirt and a pink tank top. I choked on my cheetos when I saw him wearing that outfit. Junhong and Mylinh were on the floor laughing. The others were laughing; Shannon was taking pictures and Yongguk hyung was literally dying of laughter, "It looks like his is being eaten from behind!"

I saw Himchan hyung run into the bathroom and screamed. Our grandmother is having a very hard time... Himchan halmeoni, uh, I mean, Himchan hyung came out and told me to help him change. As his assistant, I nodded and led him into my room and started going through the drawers in my closet that I have never opened ever since I moved into the dorm. I don't remember how and why I have them, but I gave my grandmother's clothes for Himchan hyung to wear. I gave him my grandmother's shawl and hyung gave me a weird look, "What's this weird blanket thingy for?" "It's a shawl. You wear it like this" I draped it over his shoulders after he got into the long dress that I gave him. I also remembered a wig that I had in one of the drawers. I still don't remember where I got it from... but I saw it while cleaning up the room one day. 


When I was done dressing up Himchan hyung, I pulled him out to the living room to show everyone his new disguise. "The new Himchannie hyung everybody!~" Everyone laughed even more and I thought I did a pretty good job! Himchan hyung looked at himself and it seemed like he wanted to strangle me, "JONGUP! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" Huh? I thought it looked pretty good on Himchan halmeoni~ hehe. I just shrugged and told hyung that I gave him a disguise because he asked for one. Well he really did ask for it. I did my best to be Himchan hyung's assistant! I couldn’t even recognize him! He looks just like my grandma~ "I look like an elderly woman!" Himchan hyung exclaimed. Well, that’s the point. You’re supposed to be wearing a disguise, hyung... That’s what disguises are for...

I was pretty proud of that disguise, "Yup! I got all those things from my grandma~ She has style don’t you think?” My grandma has great taste in fashion! Himchan hyung should know some fashion too because he's supposed to be the ulzzang of our group. I suddenly remembered the satchel that my grandma gave me. I ran into the room to grab it and put it on Himchan hyung. “WHAT THE HECK JONGUP?! IS THIS A PURSE?” He screamed. Oh, silly Himchan hyung, “Of course not.  It’s technically called a satchel.” The pink flower really made it look pretty! Himchan hyung looked so much like my grandma, I could just see it!

I just smiled at him. Himchan hyung gave me a weird look. The hyungs keep questioning me why I smile all the time. What's wrong with smiling? I don't get it. It's fun! Makes me look like a cute puppy~ All the fans love it, even Gizelle! Everyone says that I never get mad. If I can stand Himchan hyung then I can stand anything! Yongguk hyung said that I was mad while smiling once. Don't believe him. I don't get mad haha I'm always a smiling sunshine!

Wait, what is this? I went into the bathroom to get ready for my alone time with Gizelle and I find that my brand new hair gel is already half empty! Or is it half full? I'm an optimistic person so it's half full! But why is it already used? That's my favorite brand that I just bought few days ago! I saved it just for today... Did Youngjae hyung use it? His hair looked like he used a lot of hair gel... Nooooooo hyung! My hair gel... I should tell his girlfriend to get him hair gel next time.


tumblr_m80jbkWjE71qaqik6o1_500.gif Zelo’s POV:

I was having one of those lovely dreams with Shannon~ but omg Daehyunnie hyung ruined the moment by singing in the shower. Hyung is so loud! I put my pillow over my face, “Ahh, hyung is so noisy. Can’t sleep…” I managed to say before falling back to sleep.

My bed was so warm and cozy and my dream makes it even better! But buttface Youngjae hyung just had to ruin everything and pull off my blanket! It was so cold in the morning! “Ahh! Hyung! It’s cold!!!” I tried to keep myself warm by curling into a fetal position.

Youngjae hyung didn’t even care about us, that heartless hyung..., “Get up! I made breakfast~” he sounded way too happy. “But it’s so early! And we don’t have school today anyways…” I hugged my pillow for warmth and slowly went back to sleep.

Youngjae knew one of my weaknesses, “Okay, fine. No blueberry pancakes for you~”. BLUEBERRIES. I LOVE BLUEBERRIES (Especially in pancakes~). Not as much as cherry tomatoes, though, but still, Daehyunnie hyung got me into blueberry pancakes.

I immediately sat up and looked over at Jonguppie hyung. How is he still asleep when Daehyun hyung might be pigging on all of my blueberry pancakes?! I started pulling on his arm and jumping up and down, “Jonguppie hyung! Wake up! I want my blueberry pancakes!!”

After hours of convincing (well it felt like hours...) Jonguppie hyung finally got up and we went to the table. Mylinh asked Jonguppie hyung why he was walking with his eyes closed. omg I was laughing so hard. Hyung’s eyes are
really small. Sometimes I wonder how he sees where he’s walking... Jonguppie hyung didn't say anything, he just smiled and sat down... Why does he smile all the time? Even when he's in a really awkward situation, he still smiles. But it's okay, Jonguppie hyung is still cool!

I looked around the table and couldn't find any blueberry pancakes. Ahh Youngjae hyung lied to me! He didn't finish making breakfast yet! I'll just have a little shut-eye for a second while waiting................

"YAH! JUNG DAEHYUN! THERE’S BARELY ANY LEFT FOR THE REST OF US!” Youngjae hyung yelled. Omg hyung is so loud! I need to slee- wait WHAT?! MY BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!!! THERE'S ONLY A FEW ON THE PLATE!!  I instantly snatched a pancake right after Jonguppie hyung took one. Ohmygad it tasted like heaven! Well actually I don't know what heaven tasted like... But anyways, who would've expected a geek- I mean a... smart hyung like him would make such good blueberry pancakes! I have to admit it was better than me and Shannon cooking together. Oh yes, we should make blueberry pancakes together one day!

I was happily eating my delicious pancake when I heard the hyungs' conversation with the girls. I wasn't really paying attention because I was too busy eating. But then Himchan hyung, that buttface, interrupted my happy time by slamming his fork on the table! AHH HYUNG! You're ruining the table! That poor fork! What has it ever done to you?! Seriously, hyung needs to get some anger management. Hyung has serious anger issues...

When Youngjae hyung got up to leave, I noticed how messy he looked and pointed at him, “Youngjae hyung! You should go wash up and get ready for your date! Your clothes are a mess!” Youngjae hyung ran into his room to get ready, then went to the bathroom and locked the door.

I finally finished my fifth pancake and I was really full! Actually I could go for some cherry tomatoes and a little melon ice cream. CHERRY TOMATOES NAEKKEOYA~ My mouth started watering for cherry tomatoes when Daehyun hyung banged on the bathroom door. Why does Daehyunnie hyung like using his extra extra soft toilet paper so much? He won't even let anyone use it, but we use it anyway keke. But I still don't get it, it's just as soft as any other soft toilet paper... What am I doing... I'm talking to myself about soft toilet paper...

I don't know how long I was thinking about toilet paper.... (what am I doing) but I just heard Daehyunnie hyung's whale noises in the bathroom. Only Youngjae hyung can make Daehyunnie hyung whale-scream. Those Babyz were right. Daejae is real! Muahaha I must tweet this!- Wait, ew. No, nevermind.

Ahh, Jonguppie hyung is bein Himchannie hyung's assistant again and he's putting away the plates now. That butthead Himchan hyung should stop ordering us around. He's old enough to do his own chores! Wait, actually, Himchan halmeoni is too old to do chores~

While Jonguppie hyung was putting the plates in the sink, Himchan hyung was telling the others about following Youngjae. "Didn’t Youngjae hyung specifically tell us NOT to follow him?” I told him. He looked like he was going to run me over witha car and told me, “Zelo-ah now is not a good time to start listening to your hyungs.” Ahaha now I can some more~ Just like the good dongsaeng I am~ “Nah I always listen to Youngjae and Yonggukkie hyungs.  I just don’t listen to you.” I gave him an innocent smile. “YOU LITTLE!.... COME HERE!” tsk tsk Himchannie hyung has serious anger issues. Go get some anger management from Jonguppie hyung~ Yay, Yongguk hyung is protecting me again~ I'm Zelo. I'll never die. Kekeke.

I sat at the couch and watched the drama that Daehyunnie hyung left on the TV. Why does he like watching sad movies and dramas? i don't get it. Especially after his sad acting, 'SUJIN AHH!! UHHH!!' AHAHAHA omg it's still so funny! Wow why did that girl follow that stranger? I know he's the main character but seriously, he looks like a hobo that has a job... How did that attract her? What the? This movie makes no sense. I only have 30% batteries left!

Suddenly, Han pulled me off the couch and pushed me into my room along with Mylinh and Jongup hyung, then told us to find a disguise for Mylinh before she left. What? A diaguise? What for? Is Himchan hyung really going to follow Youngjae hyung? That nosy . Ah, oh well, I'm good with fashion! Coming up with a disguise would be fun~

I think the pile of clothes that I chose from my closet was twice as big as Jonguppie hyung's. Don't worry, hyung, you're still fashionable and cool to me~ Mylinh held out his grey striped sweatshirt and my blue baseball jacket and asked which for her to wear. I was also going to pick Jongup hyung's sweater went he chose it for her. After she put it on, it felt like something's missing.... Ah! A scarf! I have a whole drawer full of scarves and masks! Daehyunnie hyung keeps sneaking in and taking my property! Property of Zelo! Hmmph. Oh well, hyung has great taste!

Anyways, after we got Mylinh's disguise, we went to the living to wait for Himchan hyung's disguise. kuku I wonder how he'll look like~ Omg I can imagine him wearing a short red sparkly dress with a pink boa and high heels... OHMYGAWD I need someone to take pictures! Hmmm who should I ask... Shannon. Yes, she's perfect for the job! "Shannon, get your phone camera ready" I told her. She looked at me, ahh she looked at me straight in the eyes~, "Hm? What for?" "You'll see~" I smiled and sat on the couch and continued to watch Daehyun's drama that was still on the TV. Why is this drama so boring? I don't like watching dramas. I like watching war movies with Yongguk hyung! Those are the best!

I immediately turned my head when Himchan opened the door from the girls' room. OHMYGAWD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN I IMAGINED. A MINISKIRT?! HE LOOKS PREGNANT WITH THAT PINK TANKTOP OMG IM DYING. I don't know when or how I ended up rolling all over the floor laughing. BUTTFACE HIMCHAN HYUNG IS WEARING A MINI SKIRT OMG he just needs to put on some makeup and AHAHAHA I CAN'T EVEN. OMG I CAN'T BREATHE.

Himchan ran into the bathroom, probably to look at himself, or apply some makeup HAHAHA but anyways, he [girly] screamed and had Jonguppie hyung help him choose a different disguise. Wow, hyung would go so far just to follow Youngjae hyung and his date... Well, I don't care, I had a good laugh. Oh yes! The pictures! I came over to Shannon who was looking through the pictures and laughing to herself. I took a quick peek at the picture of Himchan and I immediately fell on the floor in a laughing fit again. If only I could post all those pictures on my twitter... Babyz would love them so much! We are worldwide! (WEEYAH DAH BEEAYPEEYUH)

What's taking them so long? I can't wait to see Himchan's new disguise. I wonder if it has anything to do with that long dress that I happened to see in one of Jongup's drawers... Hyung... where in the world did you get that... why would hyung even have that... And that purse too... I should've never gone through Jongup hyung's closet... scary stuff in there...

Several minutes later, I almost died of laughter when Jongup hyung dragged Himchan hyung out of the room. I was right! It was that long dress! What?! Omg. That wig! I thought it was some hideous spider in our room that one day!!! I couldn't sleep for weeks! I needed my beauty sleep... Where on earth did hyung get that from?! Himchan-buttface-hyung looks like a grandma! Himchan halmeoni~ I still think he should put on some make up. Especially some REALLY THICK red lipstick.

Jongup ran in the room and came out with what he calls a 'satchel' and put it on Himchan hyung. That pink flower! I saw that man purse in his closet that time! I thought he had a girlfriend and somehow brought that home and kept it forever... I thought hyung was one of those clingy crazy boyfriends... I'm sorry Jonguppie hyung! Please forgive me! You're still cool and awesome!

But really, Himchan halmeoni looks awesome. So beautiful~ Such an ulzzang~ An ulzzang with a short temper! kekeke I love messing with Himchan-buttface-hyung and calling him 'buttface' all the time. Love you, hyung~ <3 hahaha when Himchan hyung and Mylinh left, I was the one who yelled, “If umma gets too tired you should sit down and rest! Old age isn’t something to joke about!” hehehe Himchan hyung receives way too much love from me~ I'm such a good maknae :3

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!