Plan or No Plan?

Love at First Sight

Zelo was worried sick. Jenny and Yongguk tried to comfort him, "Zelo-ah, Shannon's going to be fine. Don't worry" "At least we know that she still has feelings for you"
Fatima returned to the table with Jimmy and Shannon following behind.

Without thinking, Zelo blurted out, "Shannon! Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Your eyes are red! What happened?" Shannon just blinked at him, What did he just say?

Himchan pointed at him, "Shut up. Stop right there." Jenny covered his mouth and Yongguk whispered, "Zelo-ah, don't forget about the plan". Zelo pouted through Jenny's hand, he pulled her hand away, "But... I made her choke on rice..." Yongguk patted his shoulder, "But she's alright now. And we're still not sure yet. She's probably just surprised. We're still going with the plan".

Shannon slowly sat down in her chair, What are they whispering about? Everyone started throwing questions at her, "Shannon! What happened?" "Are you okay?" "Why are your eyes red?" "WHAT DID JIMMY DO WHEN YOU WERE IN THERE ALONE?!" Shannon smiled a bit, "I'm fine. I just rubbed my eyes, that's all". Jimmy turned to Himchan and held up his hands as if he's being arrested, "I didn't do anything to Shannon! I promise!"

Himchan squinted his eyes at him, "I don't believe you... Fatima, did he do anything?" She shook her head, "Nope." Daehyun waved his hand to catch Shannon's attention, "Can I have some ice cream now? I'm done eating!" he held out his bowl for her to see. Shannon smiled and stood up, "I'll go get some cookie dough ice cream for you". Jenny followed her to get some melon ice cream for Zelo. Mylinh waved her empty bowl in the air, "Get me some too! I want strawberry!" "Strawberry Helado~" Fatima and Han laughed with each other. "You guys are not allowed to eat strawberry helados ever again!" Mylinh pointed at them. They blinked innocently, "Why?" Gizelle laughed, "You guys are so nasty when you eat those" "Yeah, you two are not allowed to eat any sort of popsicle ever again," Mylinh pointed at them.

Shannon and Jenny came back with ice cream. Youngjae shouted, "Yay you got me ice cream too!!!" he grabbed his green tea ice cream and started eating. Han and Fatima pouted, "Where are our strawberry helados?" "We didn't buy any..." Shannon looked at them confused. mylinh nodded, "Yeah, that's right. No strawberry helados for you!" Jongup stared at Daehyun's ice cream, "I want some cheetos..."

Shannon immediately stood up and went to get some cheetos for Jongup. Jongup happily took the bag and gave it to Gizelle to feed him. Gizelle rolled her eyes, “You really need to learn to feed yourself”.

Jimmy turned to Shannon and whispered, “You should let them get the food themselves. You’re not their maid or anything...” Shannon looked up and saw Zelo feeding Jenny his ice cream, “I’ll go wash the dishes!” she took her and Jimmy’s bowls and ran to the sink.

Gizelle stacked all their bowls and brought them to the sink. The others told her to go and ask Shannon, “Are you jealous of Jenny?” Shannon gave her a look, “Psh, no...”
“I know you’re just trying to avoid seeing Zelo and Jenny together”
“Why do you like Jimmy more than Zelo?”
Shannon glanced back to make sure no one was listening, “To be honest, I don’t like Jimmy that way. He was just trying to get Jenny jealous because she’s always all over Zelo.”

What? Jenny said that she’s trying to make Jimmy jealous by being with Zelo... Gizelle thought. “Oh... well, Zelo thought you were cheating on him with Jimmy, so he moved on and now he’s dating Jenny.” Shannon abruptly turned to her, “You told them about that kiss?!” Gizelle just shrugged, “He deserves to know”.

“Ahh. Dammit Jimmy. This is all your fault!” Shannon whispered harshly at the window in front of her. She still likes Zelo. I should tell the others, Gizelle thought, “Okay, well, do you need any help with the dishes?” Shannon shook her head, “Nah, it’s okay, I got it.”

Gizelle came back to the table and tapped Jimmy’s shoulder, “Shannon told you to go put away the ice cream.” Jimmy stood up and went into the kitchen to put away the ice cream and Fatima asked as Gizelle sat down, “What did she say?” Gizelle told them what Shannon said. When she was done, Zelo punched his hands up in the air, “Yes! She still likes me!” Jenny didn’t like this, No! The plan can’t end this fast! It’s only been a few hours... What?! “But we should make sure that she doesn’t have feelings for Jimmy.” Zelo stopped celebrating, “But she just said-” “What about Jimmy then?” Jenny cut him off, “We don’t know about him yet. Remember our plan is to get both of them jealous.”

Zelo pouted, “Oh... yeah... okay...” Jenny stood up, “We should continue with the plan.” Everyone nodded, “Okay.” and they went to go watch TV. Jenny and Zelo were sitting on the couch with Himchan and Mylinh. Yongguk pushed Himchan off the couch, “We should leave this spot for Jimmy and Shannon. We want to make sure that Jimmy and Shannon get really jealous.” Himchan threw his hands up, “Aish, so bothersome.” he grabbed Mylinh’s hand and sat on the floor.

Ten minutes later, Jimmy and Shannon went into the living room. Youngjae pointed on the couch, “You guys should sit there!” Jimmy led Shannon to the couch and she sat down next to Zelo. Yongguk gave him the cue, and Zelo put his arm on Jenny's shoulders as she leaned on his shoulder.

Jimmy kept glancing over at Jenny, while Shannon hugged her knees as she tried to take her mind off of things and watch TV. Jenny kept smiling with Zelo's arm around her. However, Zelo was a bit uncomfortable, and he kept stealing glances at Shannon.

It was 11pm; Jimmy and Jenny had already left half an hour ago. The group was in the middle of watching a Korean drama that Daehyun wanted to see. At one part of the drama, Daehyun paused it and tried to do his sad acting, "S-Sujin ahh! Uhh!"  
Everyone started laughing at him. Han lightly slapped his arm, "Ah, seriously, I like the original version better" she took the remote from him and pressed play. Daehyun pouted, "I think my version is better~" Youngjae rolled his eyes, "You can't even cry right. It takes you 27 minutes to cry about a part in the drama". Even after the scene went by, everyone kept laughing at Daehyun's version.

Zelo was laughing at his hyung when he felt a light weight on his shoulder. He turned to see that Shannon had fallen asleep and accidentally leaned on him. Yongguk turned and saw this, "Zelo-ah, you should take her to her room to sleep." Zelo nodded and carried her up. Himchan tugged on his shirt as he walked by and whispered, "You better not do anything. Watching you..." Zelo laughed and teased, "Umma can't even get a kiss from Mylinh" "Yah! This kid! I did get a kiss from Mylinh!" Himchan's shout made Shannon squirm a bit in Zelo's arms. Yongguk smacked the back of his head and whispered, "Yah. We can't wake her up. She can't find out that Zelo still likes her." Himchan rubbed his head and pouted, "This plan is so complicated..."

Zelo went into the girls' room and gently placed Shannon on her bed. He quickly kissed her forehead softly and silently walked back out to the living room.



Boyan peeked from behind the wall. The teacher walked in the class with a folder. Minutes later, the teacher walked back out empty handed, and he walked downstairs toward the teacher's lounge. Boyan waited to make sure no one else was near, then she stealthily tiptoed towards the teacher's desk. She opened the folder and looked through the papers for the seating chart, at the same time, she tried to listen for any footsteps walking down the hallway.

She found the seating chart and carefully took it out of the folder. Boyan smirked and took out a pen. She crossed out Shannon's name next to Zelo's name and wrote her name in the seat next to Jimmy. Then, she wrote Jimmy's friend's name where Shannon's name was crossed out. Boyan smirked,
My job here is done. Jenny still owes me Himchan. Ahh~ can't wait!!!~ she started fangirling as she put back the seating chart into the folder.

When class started, the sub did roll call. He called Jimmy's friend's name. Jimmy's friend, Ren, stood up, then sat back down. The sub looked at him, then the seating chart, then back at the boy, "Ren, why are you in the wrong seat?" Ren gave the sub a confused look, "But I've been sitting here all year". The sub pointed towards Shannon's desk, "On the seating chart, it shows that you sit here," he pointed to Shannon's seat, "where this young lady sits. Why did you switch seats?"

Shannon blinked at the sub and turned to give Mylinh a confused look. *What? Wrong seat?* Mylinh shrugged and Fatima raised her hand, then stood up after the sub nodded towards her, "But, Shannon has been sitting her since school started." The sub shrugged, "I wish I could believe you, but I can't ignore this seating chart. Your teacher switched their seats around." he held out the seating chart for the class to see. It showed pen marks scratching off Shannon and Ren's names on the seats, replaced by each other's names on top. Zelo's eyes widened,
Why would our teacher move Shannon away? All the way to the back? She's not one of the talkative students... And she actually pays a lot of attention in class...

The sub sighed, "You should ask your teacher once he comes back, but for now, Shannon, Ren, please go back to your seats according to this seating chart." Fatima, Mylinh, Gizelle, and Han looked at Shannon and pouted, Our teacher isn't coming back for another 4 weeks... Shannon turned to her group and pouted before taking her backpack and heading to the back of the class. As they walked by, Ren gave Shannon a smile, So this is the girl who Jimmy likes and Shannon looked up and gave him a shy smile. Ren sat down in Shannon's seat and smiled at Zelo, trying to be polite. If I'm stuck here for a month, then I might as well make new friends.

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!