The Plan (2)

Love at First Sight

On the van, the entire group was dead silent. The awkward silence was never broken by any sort of conversation. This made it really hard for Jimmy to tell Mylinh his plan. So, he took out his phone and wrote messages about his plan to Mylinh instead.

As the van pulled over, the entire group hopped off and walked to Chinatown. Jimmy and Mylinh were walking in front, followed by Zelo and Shannon, then Himchan and the others.

Daehyun immediately spotted a small Chinese restaurant and pulled Han in to get some food to eat. “But we just ate breakfast,” Han told him. Daehyun laughed, “I’m still hungry. Besides, it’s already been an hour since I had breakfast”.
Gizelle and Fatima saw a street vendor selling small stuffed animals and dragged Jongup, Youngjae, and Yongguk over to buy some. Gizelle and Fatima exclaimed at the same time, “They’re so cute!!!!~” and made the guys help them pick out one for each person in the group.

Jimmy pointed to a small food shack and yelled to Mylinh over the street noise, "Let's try those foods over there!" But Mylinh didn't need anyone to point it out for her, she was already there before Jimmy even took a step forward. The shack sold chow mein. The lady was being super generous that day, so she gave a free order of chow mein to couples.

Jimmy took a plate of chow mein and started to feed Mylinh. She refused to eat at first and told him, "I can eat by myself you know..." Jimmy whispered through his teeth, "Just eat. This is part of the plan" Mylinh silently sighed and opened to eat the fried noodles.
Zelo saw the chow mein and pulled lightly on Shannon's hand, "Look! Look! Chow mein! We should try some too~", he said, and went to get the free chow mein. Himchan saw Jimmy feeding Mylinh the fried noodles and thought,
DAMMIT JIMMY. THAT COULD’VE BEEN ME FEEDING MYLINH THOSE NOODLES, he sighed and went to get some noodles for himself.

As they continued walking, Jimmy accidentally spilled some noodles on his shirt. Mylinh laughed at him, pointing at the stain. Jimmy looked around, embarrassed, and found a t-shirt shop nearby. He pulled Mylinh into the store and they came out wearing matching t-shirts.
Mylinh crossed her arms to cover the matching picture on her t-shirt, but Jimmy pulled her arm away and whispered, "Remember, this is just part of the plan. If it succeeds, you won't have to do all these cheesy couple stuff with me any longer. I don’t enjoy this any more than you do". Mylinh let out a sigh as Jimmy held her hand.

Following behind them, Zelo pointed at them and turned to Shannon, "We should get matching t-shirts like them too!~". Shannon laughed as she was pulled into the same t-shirt store that Mylinh and Jimmy went to. As they came out also with matching t-shirts, they see Himchan standing in the middle of the busy street, looking towards where Mylinh and Jimmy were. Dammit Jimmy! Feeding her food, wearing matching T-shirts, and now holding hands?! You're going to regret stealing my girl!, he thought, his facial expression clearly shows how upset and frustrated he was.

Zelo saw this, "Himchan hyung, are you mad and jealous of Jimmy?" Himchan turned to Zelo abruptly, he couldn't control his anger, "Well how would you like it if Jimmy stole Shannon from you?!". Zelo looked at Himchan, shocked.

His grip on Shannon's hand tightened, “I guess... I’d feel the same way...”. Shannon nervously stole a glance at Zelo and thought, Dammit Jimmy! Why am I also jealous like Himchan? Ugh you need to give Mylinh back to Himchan and just leave us alone!

Mylinh sighed as she was walking with Jimmy. Jimmy turned to Mylinh and whispered in her ear, "At least make it look like you're having fun." Mylinh glared at him.
Jimmy then spotted a waffle shack. "How about I buy you some waffles? The coconut ones are my favorite!" Mylinh instantly smiled and nodded.

She took Jimmy's hand and ran over to the stand. Jimmy asked, "So how many waffles do you want?" Mylinh put up all 10 fingers, "THIS MANY!" she exclaimed.
Jimmy laughed and turned to the lady, "We'll take 20 please."
Mylinh stared at Jimmy with sparkling eyes. "OHMYGOD I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU~" she exclaimed as she hugged him.

Everyone laughed at their food loving little princess. Yongguk admitted, "You know... They do look pretty cute together." Everyone nodded except for Himchan. He was glaring into Yongguk's soul. Yongguk was going to defend himself but Jimmy and Mylinh came back with two plates piled with waffles. 

Jimmy and Mylinh went around offering them waffles. Jimmy offered some to himchan, but he refused. He looked like he wanted to flip the whole plate into Jimmy's face. Truthfully, coconut waffles were his favorite too, but he wanted Mylinh to offer him some. Instead she just stood there eating her waffles peacefully. 

After they were done with their snack, Daehyun pointed to a flyer saying that there was a carnival just a few blocks down. "I want to take Han to the tunnel of loooove~" he said and winked at Han. Han laughed and playfully rolled her eyes. "I swear, you are just as greasy as Himchan." Daehyun smiled and grabbed her hand, "I learned from the best!!!"

Daehyun held Han's hand as they ran towards the carnival. Zelo grabbed Shannon's hand and ran after Daehyun. Jongup followed with Gizelle. Yongguk and Fatima held hands and ran after them. After Mylinh finished her waffle Jimmy took her hand and followed.

Youngjae noticed that only he and Himchan were left and that everyone was holding hands. He held his hand out to Himchan. Himchan slapped it away "Why would I hold hands with you?!" Youngjae sighed and put his hand down, "We need to get girlfriends...." Himchan sighed and put his arm around Youngjae's shoulder. "Let's go, you're my girlfriend for today." Himchan teased and then ran off. "Hey!" Youngjae chased after him, "Why do I have to be the girl?!"  

When everybody got to the carnival, Yongguk asked, "Do you guys want to split up or stay as a group?" everyone decided to stay together except for Shannon and Zelo, they wanted their alone time.

Fatima took Yongguk’s hand and pointed to the rides, "Let's go on that one Yongguk oppa!" Yongguk laughed as they ran towards the really scary looking ride.
Gizelle called for Jongup, "Jongie oppa! I wanna go on that ride too!" Jongup nodded and raced her to the line.

Daehyun dragged Han to the snack shacks and then to the tunnel of love. Soon, it was just Jimmy and Mylinh all by themselves.
"Oh? Where did everyone go? I thought that we were going to stay together…", Mylinh asked as she looked around. Jimmy shrugged and grabbed her hand. "You know you don't have to hold my hand, Himchan isn't here." Mylinh said suspiciously. Jimmy shrugged again and led her to the carnival games.

Himchan and Youngjae were behind the bushes watching Jimmy and Mylinh. Youngjae complained,"Hyunnng I want to go on the rides." "Shhhhhhhh." Himchan put a hand over Youngjae's mouth. "Why do we have to watch them anyway?" Youngjae couldn't stop complaining. Himchan didn't answer him; he just got up and followed Mylinh and Jimmy.

At the carnival games, Jimmy won Mylinh a big stuffed unicorn. It was literally bigger than Mylinh herself. "WOW IT'S SO FLUFFY! I COULD DIE!!" Mylinh exclaimed as she showed off her new stuffed animal. She twirled around with it and laughed, "I love it!! Thank you~~" Jimmy smiled and thought, She's so adorable. Like a little princess~ He took her hand and pointed to the haunted house, “Let’s go there next!”

Mylinh stopped jumping around and looked at Jimmy; her face was full of fear.  She made a ton of excuses because she didn’t want to go. “I have to go to the bathroom! I have to eat a churro! I have to take care of Lay!” She exclaimed.  Jimmy gave her a weird look, “Lay?” “Yeah.” She held up her stuffed unicorn, “I named him Lay. He’s just a child so I have to stay here and take care of him!”  

Jimmy laughed and took Lay away from her.  He handed it to the carnival employee “Can you please hold this for us until we get back?” he asked.  The employee nodded and took the stuff animal.  “NOOOOOO LAY!” Mylinh dramatically got on her knees “HE WAS SO YOUNG! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!”

Jimmy chuckled at Mylinh being so over dramatic. I swear, this girl….   Jimmy took her hand and smiled, “Okay let’s go!~~” Mylinh tried to pull him back, “NOOOOO PLEASE JIMMY! I DON’T WANT TO GO. IT’S A BAD PLACE.” Jimmy laughed and dragged her there.
Mylinh was trying to hold onto everything to prevent Jimmy from taking her to the Haunted House. Mylinh was embracing the light post as Jimmy tried to pry her away from it.  They finally went inside because Jimmy promised Mylinh that he would buy her some corn dogs afterwards.

When they came out, Mylinh was holding on to Jimmy for her dear life.  She was hugging him so tight that he couldn’t breathe.  Anybody could tell that she was extra scared.  Jimmy was laughing so hard at her reaction, “Aw come on, it wasn’t that scary~” Mylinh didn’t let go of him; she was too scared to even speak.  Jimmy then noticed her arms around him, his heart fluttered and he started blushing.  She is just too cute…. He thought as he put his arms around her to comfort her.

Himchan saw everything from behind the bush.  “DAMN. IT. JIMMY!!!!!!” He said as he kicked a trashcan.  Youngjae came back with churros, he held one out to Himchan.  Himchan didn’t notice Youngjae and when he turned around he accidentally knocked the churros out of Youngjae’s hand.  Youngjae stared at the churro on the floor and said, “I don’t know why I chose you as my boyfriend.  You’re such an abusive man.” Youngjae walked away.  Himchan followed him, “WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!”


Zelo and Shannon had just gotten off a spinny ride, so they were sitting on a bench trying to get through their dizziness. With her hands on her head, trying to stop the dizziness, Shannon told Zelo, “This is the last time I’m letting you pick a ride to go on”. Zelo pouted, “Aww, but it was so fun~ I haven’t been on a ride like that in so many years! I feel like going on it again~” Shannon protested, “If you want your girlfriend to be alive then we’re not going on that ride again. EVER.”

Zelo laughed, “So you hate spinny rides, scary rides, and roller coasters… How will you ever have fun at an amusement park?” Shannon gave him a glare, her hands still holding onto her head. Zelo laughed again and put his arm around Shannon’s shoulders, “I’m just kidding~ don’t be mad at me~”

Shannon tried to act mad. She crossed her arms and looked the other way. Zelo frowned, “Aww don’t be mad at me. Okay, after this, we can go on the Ferris wheel. Will that make you feel better?” Shannon immediately turned around, her mood changed completely, and she really looked like a little kid being excited for candy. She smiled, her eyes lit up, and she nodded her head excitedly like a little kid, “YES! I would feel MUCH better~”.

Zelo smiled and looked into her eyes. Shannon was still in her “kid state” so she didn’t notice Zelo looking at her. Zelo thought, I’ve never seen this side of Shannon. She’s so cute this way. But it’s also the perfect opportunity..., and without thinking, he leaned in closer to her.
Shannon snapped out of it as she saw Zelo slowly getting closer and closer.

Their faces were inches apart when they heard children’s laughter. They turned to see a little boy, around 5 years old, standing there, pointing at Zelo’s hair, laughing, “Mommy! Mommy! Look! This hyung has PINK hair!”

Zelo put his head down, embarrassed, because a little boy was making fun of his pink hair, and that they were interrupted, again. Oh no, not again! When are we going to finally have our kiss-eu???, Zelo thought.
Shannon knew what he was thinking, so she stood up and turned to face Zelo with her childish smile again, “Don’t be sad~ Let’s go! To the Ferris Wheel!~”, she said as she pulled on his hand.

Zelo wanted to again, and crossed his arms, “No! I’m still mad,” he said as he pouted. Shannon caught on with his teasing and sat next to him, “Fine, then. No kiss-eu on the Ferris Wheel for you~,” she teased.
Right away, Zelo took her hand and stood up, “What are we waiting for? LET’S GOOOO~~~”. Shannon smiled and thought,
This time, there will be no interruptions~

WARNING: It gets really cheesy from here! XD Just wanted to let you know that. 

Thank you to all our subscribers and readers.  

How are you liking the story so far? We're trying to update everyday so look forward to it!!~~~ 


        ~zeshanlolol & mychannie <3

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!