
Love at First Sight

The members of B.A.P were all hanging out in the living room, preparing for their dance practice in an hour.  The girls were in their room, finishing up their homework.  Shannon was in the kitchen making snacks with the help of Jimmy.  Jenny was sitting on the couch next to Zelo and Daehyun while the rest were stretching.

Jongup stepped into a lunge and looked at Daehyun who was eating his cheetos.  “Daehyun hyung! Aren’t you going to stretch? You might pull a muscle!” Jongup exclaimed as he changed sides. Daehyun popped another cheeto into his mouth, “Nah I don’t need to stretch, I need to fill up on food so I have enough energy to dance!”

Shannon and Jimmy came into the living room with a tray of various cut up fruit and vegetables.  She grabbed the bag of cheetos from him and handed him a banana.  She glared into the bag and frowned at Daehyun, “Daehyun oppa! You almost ate the whole bag! We just bought this bag yesterday and you’re almost done with it already!”

Zelo patted Daehyun’s stomach and laughed, “Daehyun hyung! You have to stop eating and start working out!” Daehyun opened the banana and shoved it in his mouth, “Hmmph. I don’t like to exercise.”

Everyone gathered around the tray and blissfully ate the healthy foods.  Jimmy held a strawberry in front of Shannon and grinned, “Shannon! Say ah!~” Shannon smiled and opened as Jimmy popped the refreshing fruit inside.  They giggled as they fed each other fruits.  Everyone else was too busy enjoying the snacks to notice what was going on, but Zelo saw everything.  

Zelo angrily shoved a cherry tomato in his mouth and glared at the two of them getting all lovey dovey.  It should be me feeding Shannon those fruits. We would look way cuter together.  He thought as he bitterly grabbed another cherry tomato from the tray.  He was about to pop the cherry tomato into his mouth, but someone grabbed his arm. He turned to see Jenny smiling innocently at him.  “Zelo-ah~Aren’t you going to feed me that?~” she said sweetly with a smile.  

Zelo shrugged and jammed the cherry tomato in his mouth.  “I only share cherry tomatoes with Shannon.” He explained to her.  Jenny sat there in total shock.  Himchan and Yongguk slapped Zelo on the head at the same time.  “ZELO! Don’t be rude to your noona, offer her some of your cherry tomatoes!” Himchan scolded.  Zelo sighed and handed a cherry tomato to Jenny.  She tried to bite it but Zelo gave her a weird look and pulled his hand away.  Jenny tried to act cute, “I’ll only eat it if you feed it to me!~”

Zelo shrugged and turned to Himchan and told him, “She doesn’t want one.” Yongguk and Himchan gave him an ‘are you kidding me’ look.  Yongguk scolded him, “Just feed it to her. You’re being so rude right now.” Youngjae poked Zelo’s arm and claimed, “I think our robot is malfunctioning!” Zelo slapped his hand away and sighed.  He shoved a cherry tomato into Jenny’s mouth and wiped his hand on a napkin.  Jenny smiled contently as she ate the cherry tomato and threw her arms around Zelo, “Zelo-ah~ Thank you! That was very delicious.”

Yongguk got up and grabbed a gym bag, “Ah it’s almost time to go.  Let’s get ready guys.”  Himchan laid on the floor and complained, “Can’t we invite the girls to come?  They’ve never seen us practice before and I don’t think I can last another moment without Mylinh!” Youngjae lightly kicked Himchan, “Ah hyung  we all know that Mylinh will just distract you from practicing.”

Himchan got to his knees and begged Yongguk, “Can’t they come just this once?! I’ll make sure that Mylinh won’t bother us!” Yongguk laughed, “Alright sure.  I want to show Fatima my awesome moves.” He patted Himchan on the shoulder and whispered, “Oh and it isn’t Mylinh that we’re too worried about.”  Himchan gasped, “Are you saying that I’M the distraction?!” Jongup and Daehyun ran to the girl’s room to ask the girls if they wanted to come to watch them practice.

In a few minutes all the girls except for Mylinh was ready to go.  Himchan looked around and asked the girls, “Is Mylinh coming?” Gizelle shook her head, “We begged her to go but she wouldn’t let go of her computer.” Han tapped her chin, “I think she said something about video chatting with somebody….. oh right! She was video chatting with Kris oppa!”  “WHATTTT!” Himchan screamed as he raced to the girl’s room.  He kicked down the door and tried his best to look betrayed, “MYLINH! YOU’RE TALKING TO ANOTHER MAN!?!” Mylinh looked up from her computer and waved, “Himchan oppa! Annyeong!~”

Himchan shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, “Are you coming to the dance practice with us?” Mylinh pointed to the screen with her video chat with Kris, “But I’m talking to Kris oppa…….” Kris laughed and waved, “Annyeonghasaeyo Himchan! How are you?” Himchan pointed at the screen, “I’m watching you….. Mylinh is MINE! So you better not be making any moves on her…” Mylinh gasped and lightly slapped his arm.  Kris chuckled as Himchan tried to pull Mylinh away from the computer.  She still refused to go and continued to talk to Kris.  After many attempts in getting Mylinh to come, Himchan returned to the kitchen where everyone else was looking defeated.

Yongguk was leaning against the wall and turned to see Himchan, “Is Mylinh coming?” he asked.  Himchan sadly shook his head.  Yongguk pushed himself off the wall and disappeared into his room.  In a few seconds there was a scream from the girl’s room, and Mylinh came running out into Himchan’s arms.  “I changed my mind, I want to go to the dance room with you all!” she said as everyone else facepalmed.  Yongguk came out of his room looking very accomplished.  Himchan gave him a look and guessed, “You unplugged the internet huh….” Yongguk gave him a smile and nodded.

He clapped his hands together and announced, “Alright are we all ready to go?” Mylinh looked around and pointed out, “But Shannon’s not here….” Jongup pointed to the living room and explained, “Shannon is going to stay at home because she doesn’t feel well, but don’t worry! Jimmy is taking care of her.” They all started heading out of the dorm.  Jenny grabbed Zelo’s arm and lead him out the door, she turned to the others and announced, “We’ll be going first okay?”  The others looked at each other in confusion.  “What’s going on with them?” Youngjae scoffed and walked out the door.  Everyone shrugged it off and followed him.


Shannon was lying on the couch watching TV while holding her head.  I don’t know why, but my head hurts so much.  Jimmy came into the living room with a cup of tea.   Shannon sat up as Jimmy handed her the cup.  He patted her head and looked at her concerned, “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

Shannon put a hand on her head and blinked, “Yeah I think so….” She set the cup on the table nearby and laid down again.  Jimmy sat on the floor next to the couch and stared at the TV, stealing glances at Shannon every now and then.  Jimmy sighed and sat on the couch, leaning over Shannon.  

Shannon gave him a weird look, “Jimmy what are you doing? I’m trying to watch TV….” She tried to grab the remote but Jimmy put his hand over hers.  He turned off the TV never breaking his gaze with Shannon.  He smirked and leaned in a little closer, “There’s nothing good on the TV anyway.” Shannon could feel her face getting really hot.  What’s going on? What is he doing? Is he going to kiss me? A million thoughts were going through her mind.  

She squeezed her eyes shut as Jimmy leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. She opened her eyes to see Jimmy just inches on her face.  He smiled and asked her, “Feeling better?” Shannon shook her head, she didn’t really know what was going on and that added on to her headache.  Jimmy smirked and focused his eyes on her lips, “Alright then, how about we try again?”


Once the group got outside the building, Himchan facepalmed, “Uh I think I forgot my phone inside the dorm!” He started heading towards the dorm when Daehyun stopped him, “Wait hyung! I’ll go with you! I think I left my water bottle on the kitchen counter!” Jongup looked inside his bag, “Uh oh. I forgot my snacks!” Youngjae was jumping up and down, “I NEED TO GO PEE.”  

Yongguk sighed and looked at the time on his phone, “Alright, there’s still enough time. Let’s all go back and this time, make sure that we have everything before leaving the dorm okay?” Jenny grabbed Zelo’s arm and pulled him into the van. “We aren’t missing anything! We’ll be waiting for you in the van!” She called out as she closed the door.

Everyone else just shrugged it off and quickly ran back to the dorm.  Himchan opened the door to the dorm and peeked in, “It’s oddly quiet….. I think I left my phone in the living room.” He told the others.  They all nodded started walking into the dorm.  They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Shannon and Jimmy making out on the couch.  

Soon, the dorm was filled with Himchan’s screaming.  He quickly covered Mylinh’s eyes and pulled her behind him.  “SHANNON!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! YOU’RE CHEATING ON ZELO AGAIN!!!?!?!??!?!?!”  Shannon quickly shoved Jimmy off her and sat up.  She frantically shook her head, “No it’s not like that!”

Yongguk was screaming at Jimmy, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!?!! ARE YOU MAKING A MOVE ON SHANNON AGAIN!? I THOUGHT WE SETTLED THIS LAST TIME!” Yongguk was screaming many profanities as Himchan covered Mylinh’s ears.  Fatima, Han, and Gizelle were not making things better.  They were screaming threats at Jimmy and attempting to kick him where the sun does not shine.  

               Himchan's reaction:                                                                Yongguk's reaction: 


Daehyun, Jongup, and Mylinh were really confused about what was going on.

          Daehyun's reaction:                                                                                   Jongup's reaction: 



Yongguk, Himchan, Fatima, Gizelle, and Han would’ve murdered Jimmy, but Youngjae shoved them out the door.  “Let’s go guys. LET THEM HAVE THEIR ALONE TIME~~~” he said as pushed them to the door.  He turned around and gave Shannon and Jimmy a really creepy stare.  “You two can continue whatever you were doing~~~~~” he giggled and shut the door.

                                            Youngjae's reaction: ohoho


Shannon quickly ran to the kitchen and began making dinner in an attempt to forget what just happened.  Jimmy followed her and wrapped his arms around her waist.  “Now that we’re all alone again~” he smirked as he leaned in for a kiss.  Shannon shoved him away and turned to the fridge.  “We have to prepare dinner for them before they come home!” she barely managed to say.  

Jimmy pouted and leaned on the fridge door, “But they just left! Come on just one kiss~” Shannon laughed and shoved a bowl of vegetables in his face. “No. Now help me cut these, I need it to make dinner.” She told him.  Jimmy pouted, “Alright.  But after I’m doing cutting these,  can I get a kiss?~” Shannon glared at him and demanded, “JUST CUT THE DANG VEGETABLES JIMMY.”

Outside the dorm, things were a little more chaotic.  Everyone was huddled outside the door in a circle looking around at each other, not knowing what to do.  Himchan and Yongguk were cracking their knuckles, “OHOHOH JIMMY IS SO GOING TO GET IT!” Yongguk exclaimed as he reached for the doorknob. Youngjae smacked his hand away, “No hyung. We’re going to be late for our practice! Manager hyung will be really mad if we’re late again!”

Yongguk sighed and told everybody, “No one tells Zelo about this got it? It will break his heart.” He put his arm around Fatima and said, “Okay let’s go to practice. All that dancing will probably get our minds of the topic.” They all nodded and started heading for the van.  Fatima looked up to Yongguk, “I still want to kick Jimmy where the sun don’t shine!” Yongguk patted her head, “That’s my girl~”

Everyone rushed into the van and tried to forget what they just saw. Yongguk kept glancing at Zelo who was sitting next to Jenny with his headphones on.   Zelo was mouthing the rap to the song he was listening to, which made Yongguk smile. Aw this kid is so adorable.  Why would Shannon even choose Jimmy over him? Something is wrong here…. He was deep in thought until he saw Jenny wrap her arms around Zelo and trying to talk to him.  “Zelo-ah~ I’m so bored! Play with me!” Jenny said trying to act cute.  Zelo flinched and tried to turn up his music so he wouldn’t be able to hear Jenny.

Yongguk tilted his head and thought, Zelo’s with Jenny now? When did this happen? So….. Shannon is cheating on him with Jimmy and he’s cheating on her with Jenny? WHAT. What is going on? He shook his head in disbelief and tried to tell himself, I’m sure it’s nothing.  Nothing to worry about. He was going to turn to the others to discuss, but the van pulled up to the dance room.  Himchan grabbed Mylinh’s hand and dragged her out first.  “Mylinh-ah~ You’re going to see my awesome moves~” he exclaimed as he tried to do hip s. All the girls shielded their eyes and told him to go away.  Yongguk shook his head as he stepped off the van.  “Yah Kim Himchan! You can’t do that! They’re still under aged!” he scolded Himchan and threw his bag at him.  Youngjae pointed and laughed at Himchan, “Ah hyung you can’t even do it right!” He demonstrated his hip with an UNF face and everyone laughed.  Daehyun placed a hand on Youngjae’s shoulder, “And this is why you don’t have a girlfriend…..” (you all know what hipthrusts we're talking about right?~)

Gizelle turned to Jongup and beamed, “Jongho oppa! You have to show me your dance moves! Mylinh was always telling me about how you dance so well!” Jongup patted her head and led her into the dance room. “You’re going to be pretty surprised~” he said with a wink.

Everyone chatted with each other as they headed to the dance room.  Yongguk saw Jenny trying to hold hands with Zelo and frowned.  He furrowed his eyebrows as he thought, I don’t know what’s going on, but all I know is that I don’t like it…. Fatima turned to him and frowned, she could tell that there was something on his mind.  “Are you still worried about the Shannon and Jimmy thing? It’s been bugging me too…..” she whispered in a low voice just so he could hear. Yongguk broke out of his chain of thought and smiled at her.  “Nah…. I’m sure that it’s nothing. Let’s go! I need to show you my totally cool moves that are so much better than Himchan’s.” He held out his hand for Fatima to take it.  She giggled and took his hand, “You’re not going to hip like Himchan oppa are you?” Yongguk laughed and led her to the dance room, “I don’t know~ You’re just going to have to find out~~~”

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!