Jenny's Dark Side

Love at First Sight

Daehyun's POV

It was almost 12. I just woke up and went to go to the kitchen to get some lunch. I haven’t eaten anything all day yesterday because I didn’t want to make things worse between me and Han. I came in the kitchen and saw the counters covered with burnt food. “What the- Hyung, what are you doing? Why is there so much burnt food?” I asked as Himchan hyung looked at his burnt eggs frustratingly.

“I’m trying to make a romantic dinner for Mylinh when she comes home from school.” He said. I took a chopstick and poked a burnt piece of chicken, “What is hyung trying to make for dinner?” Himchan hyung shrugged, “I don’t know. I just want to make something that Mylinh would like for dinner...”

“Does hyung need any help? I can be Hyung’s ‘Jongup’ for today,” I laughed. Himchan hyung gave me a look, “Since when did you cook?” “Today, if hyung lets me help,” I shrugged. “Okay, then, Daehyun, you can assist me with making my romantic dinner,” Himchan beamed.

“What about this one?” Himchan hyung pointed to a roasted chicken recipe as I was scrolling down on Youngjae’s laptop. He’s totally going to kill me later for using his laptop, but oh wells~ It’s for a good cause! “But hyung, we don’t have any chicken at home...” I continued scrolling.

“Then what about that one?” he pointed to an exquisite looking filet mignon, “I’m getting hungry just looking at it...” hyung his lips. “Hmm, it’s pretty easy to make. We can just send Yongguk hyung to go get some filet mignon from the market while we make the desserts for hyung’s romantic dinner.”

Unexpectedly, the front door opened and we heard Youngjae, “I’m back!” I quickly shut off his laptop and tossed it on his bed where I found it, “Oh! Youngjae! Perfect timing, we need you to go to the market and get some meat for Himchan hyung’s dinner with Mylinh.” I came out to the living room where Youngjae had already settled on the couch and the TV. “What? But I just got back from the store to get you the ice cream you wanted,” he held up the bag of ice cream that was on the couch next to him.

I instantly snatched the bag of ice cream from him, “You didn’t even bother putting the ice cream in the freezer!” I handed the bag to Himchan hyung to put it away, “Just go to the market for a bit and get us some filet mignon, okay?”

I didn’t even let him answer and shoved him out the door, “Kay thanks!” I slammed the door in his face before he could say anything. “Let’s go make something for dessert!” I skipped into the kitchen where Himchan hyung was laughing nervously while Yongguk hyung blinked at all the burnt dishes on the counter.

Youngjae’s POV:

Ugh, that Daehyun, slamming the door into my golden ratio face. He seems a bit suspicious... He better not have touched my electronics! Oh god what if he was using my laptop? My precious laptop is not supposed to be used by anyone else but me! Hmmph like last time when Jonguppie used my laptop and blamed Daehyun for using up its batteries.

My one-hour-lecture clearly did not go through to Daehyun... I need to give him another lecture! He’s dead once I get back... I walked down the hall as I checked my wallet if I had enough money. 1... 2... 3 thousand won... That’s not enough... I came back and knocked on the door.

Daehyun opened it and I told him, “Hey, I’m short of money, I need a couple more wons to get the meat-” “WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO YOUR LAPTOP. IT’S ALL YONGGUK HYUNG- wait what...” He stopped mid-way when he realized what I said and shoved some money from his pocket into my flawless face before slamming the door again. How dare he?! Daehyun you , I’m going to kill you when I get back!



At school...

Jenny was standing, facing Zelo on the roof. Everyone else was sitting in a circle, waiting.

"What did you want to talk about?" Jenny asked, worried about what Zelo might say.

"Noona, why did you do that?" Zelo started out calmly.

"Do... what?" Jenny pretended to not know.

Zelo took a deep breath and took his time, "We all know how noona tried to split me and Shannon up so noona can have me."

Jenny remained silent.

"Why did noona do that?"

She stayed hushed.

Zelo was slowly losing his temper, he grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her, "Noona! Why aren't you answering me? Tell me why noona did that! Noona was supposed to be our friend. But now noona isn't any different from the other girls." Zelo let his arms drop to his sides, "Noona betrayed us." And now I lost Shannon to Jimmy "It's over." Zelo turned to go eat.

Jenny's heart sank. She half-heartedly felt guilty. But she was more angry at whoever showed the letter to the girls. Zelo scoffed, "We were never together in the first place anyways".

She didn't want to keep standing there like an idiot. She kept her dignity, somewhat, "Hmph, you weren't being a good boyfriend either. Such a kid," she jeered and left.

Shannon glanced at Jenny then back at Zelo, Never together in the first place? What did he mean...?

Zelo was just relieved that he doesn't have to deal with Jenny anymore. Now there's just Jimmy... he sneaked a glare at Jimmy, who was too busy stuffing his mouth with food to notice.

Sujin was sitting at a bench in front of school again. She always eat lunch there now. There were times when Youngjae would successfully sneak out from the dorm to see her. But now that they're allowed to see each other, Youngjae is most likely to come visit today as well.

She heard footsteps and immediately ran to the entrance, "Youngjae oppa!!" she squealed as she jumped into his arms. "Ah! You scared me!" Youngjae dramatically held a hand over his chest.

Sujin giggled, "Oppa is so funny~" Youngjae smiled, "I'm glad you found that letter, otherwise Yongguk hyung would keep intimidating us with his scary glares."

Jenny was just walking by in the hall when she heard this. She turned to see Sujin and Youngjae standing at the entrance. She immediately hid behind the lockers and tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.

After Youngjae gave Sujin a goodbye kiss and left, Sujin skipped back to her bench to finish her lunch. She suddenly stopped when she saw a shadow behind the lockers. She tilted her head and tried to make out who it was.

Jenny saw that there was no escape, so she stepped out. "J-Jenny?!" Sujin gasped. She was afraid that Jenny might have overheard their conversation.

"Hello, Sujin," Jenny crossed her arms and leaned against the post, "Nice weather today".

Sujin gulped, "What do you want?" she took a step back when Jenny pushed herself off the post and walked towards her. "I just wanted to go out for some fresh air," Jenny shrugged. She stopped a few feet away from Sujin, "I heard you found the letter that Boyan wrote."

Sujin was shaking, "H-how did you know?" Jenny tapped her chin as if to think, "Hmm, I remember hearing Youngjae say, 'I'm glad you found the letter'." she took another step forward as Sujin stepped back again.

"So what if I did?" Sujin tried not to sound scared. "You do not know how hard I planned and worked to finally get Zelo to myself." Jenny held up a fist as she stepped towards her, "Everything was going great. And it would stay that way if only you hadn't found that letter." Jenny was holding Sujin by the collar against the wall.

Sujin's heart was beating rapidly. She was wishing that someone would come help her before Jenny does anything. She saw the vice principal walking nearby and shouted, "That's what you get."

The next thing she knew, she was on the ground with a strong, numb feeling on her cheek. The vice principal ran over and had Jenny follow him to the office, and sent Sujin to the school nurse.

Jenny was yelling threats at Sujin as she was being pulled away. This side of her was very shocking for the vice principal, because he had known her as the top student of her class. Sujin gathered her belongings and headed to the nurse's office.

The girls were shocked when they returned to class to see Sujin holding an ice pack against her cheek. "What happened?!" They all ran to her. "Jenny... punched me for finding the letter," she looked away. They all gasped. They never knew Jenny would be so violent!

"Did you tell Youngjae hyung yet?" Zelo asked. "No," Sujin shook her head. "What do we do now?" The girls were worried of what Jenny could do.

All of a sudden they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Everyone held their breaths. They were worried that if it was Jenny, she might do something horrible. Everyone was relieved to see it was only the vice principal, "Sujin-shi, could you come with me to the office? You're not in trouble, don't worry."

Sujin stood up and left with the vice principal. The group looked at each other with worried expressions.



Daehyun’s POV:

"Hyung! Don't eat that! There are raw eggs in there!" I slapped Himchan hyung's finger dipped in the brownie batter away.
Himchan hyung pouted, "But the chocolate smells so good..." he stuck out his tongue to his finger and I shoved his face away while wiping his finger clean, "No, hyung, you're going to get a stomach ache and there will be no romantic dinner for Mylinh," I crossed my arms. /sigh/ Himchan hyung is like a 5-year-old sometimes...

There was a knock on the door and Yongguk hyung went to get the door. Youngjae came in and yelled, "Jung Daehyun! You're dead for touching my precious and delicate laptop!" "Oh! Hey! You got the filet mignon! Thanks, Youngjae! Here's a brownie," I shoved the plate with his brownie and took the bag from him as I ran back into the kitchen.

It was a good thing that Youngjae had enough money to buy 2 packs of the filet mignon because the first pack that we prepared was overcooked. I decided to trust Himchan hyung with watching the meat cook while I went to the bathroom for a bit. That was a terrible idea. Himchan hyung ended up getting distracted by the brownies on the cooling rack so the meat was left on the stove for too long. So I had Himchan hyung set his table while I remade the filet mignon.



After school...

Sujin had returned to class within the last 15 minutes of school. Fatima turned to asked, "What did they do?" Sujin put down her ice pack, "They asked what happened that made Jenny punch me during lunch. I told them everything, that's why it took so long, and in the end they decided to expel her from this school. Although she was a top student, they didn't want any violent incident to be in the school record."

Zelo was literally celebrating on the inside. No more Jenny! Less things to worry about! he stopped celebrating and slowly turned to glare at Jimmy. Now it's just Jimmy... He's going dooowwwn.



Daehyun’s POV:
We finished setting up the table with a white cloth covering it, some candles lit at the center, having the soothing scent of lavender, two plates of my delicious filet mignon (with the help of Himchan hyung kind of) and some salad on the side, two smaller plates with the brownie (which Himchan hyung surprisingly did not burn), and two fancy glasses of apple juice.

I gestured Himchan hyung to his room, "Hyung should dress fancily for the romantic dinner. Also hyung has some brownie stains on hyung's shirt...." I pointed to the huge stain. Himchan glanced at the clocked and ran into his room, "OMG! They'll be back in 10 minutes!!!"

Right when Himchan hyung closed his door, the front door open, and the girls and the maknaes came in. Hehe great timing, hyung.

"OHMYGOSH WHO MADE THIS LOVELY DINNER??" Fatima and Han's eyes sparkled in amazement. Yongguk hyung turned off the TV and got up, "Daehyunnie helped Himchan make a romantic dinner for someone~" he winked and went to get Himchan hyung.

"Oohhh~ Mylinh is so lucky~" Gizelle nudged her. "Wait what..." Mylinh seemed amazed and surprised at the same time. Himchan hyung came out wearing one of his suits. A stunning black suit with a professional-looking tie. It made hyung look like he's going to his own wedding. Hyung left his hair down so he looked really handsome and cut- wait what am I saying...

Yongguk dragged everyone to their rooms so Himchan hyung can have his dinner with Mylinh.
I was going to go into my room when Han stopped me, "Daehyun oppa, did you really help Himchan oppa make that dinner for Mylinh?" I was surprised, did Han really call me 'oppa'? "Yeah," I smiled. Han grinned and hugged me, "Oh, Daehyun oppa, I knew you had a heart not only for food!" I wrapped my arms around her, "Does this mean you forgive me?" I whispered in her ear. She giggled and pecked my cheek, "Of course, silly, how could I ever stay mad at you?"

I instantly smiled and wrapped my arms around her, "Oh, Han, I missed you so much!" I leaned in to give her a kiss. But before I was even inches away from her, Fatima swooped in and slapped her hand over my face. "What are you- What was that for?" I rubbed my nose. She could've broken my nose! How would I be a visual with a broken nose?! Fatima laughed it off and dragged Han with her, "If you'll excuse us, we need to do homework!"

Himchan's POV:

Dinner was going great!! Mylinh loved the filet mignon (Bless you Daehyunnie, may you have a limitless supply of food for the rest of your life). Youngjae even sang in the background to make it more romantic! But he's playing on his iPad at the same time so he keeps getting distracted... Gosh I should have gotten Daehyun to sing instead. But then again he already made the food and he'll most likely just eat the food himself while he makes me and Mylinh sing for him... Yeah I should've had Jongup sing instead. That boy would do ANYTHING for me~

I looked back down at my plate to eat some more. For some reason my plate seems to have more salad every time I look back at my plate. And why does Mylinh's plate not have any vegetables? Oh my gosh Mylinh eat your vegetables! But oh well, more vitamins for my flawless skin~

"Mylinh-ah~ Do you like the food so far?" I asked cutely. Mylinh nodded while still chewing, "It'fth fthe beftht!" she spoke with full. "Gosh woman, don't talk with your mouth full!" I nagged, "It's not good for you- Ow!" Youngjae threw a pillow at my head, "Shut up hyung and just eat." Calm down, Himchannie. You're the most beautiful and flawless man in the universe, no need to get angry over that Jaebutt...

We finished our main course. Then we ate my brownies! My beautiful, delicious and flawless brownies. "How's the brownie?~" I made another cute face. Mylinh still had her cheeks stuffed with the brownies so she gave two thumbs up. b"d Yay! She likes my cooking~

Mylinh swallowed and asked, "This food is delicious! Where did Channie oppa buy it? I want to buy this food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday!!" she squealed. Ohoho she called me oppa!! I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was, "Mylinh-ah, Channie made the food~ With Daehyunnie's help," I whispered the last part between coughs.

She looked somewhat shocked. Probably because of my incident with the burnt cake... Mianhae Mylinh! I can't be a perfect cook... I'm already flawless visual-wise. GOOD ENOUGH. "Ahh, thank you Channie oppa! The food was Daebak!" "Sa keon~" I laughed at myself. "What's this though..." Mylinh eyed the two glasses of apple juice in front of her. I chuckled, "Don't worry, they're just apple juice. Mylinh-ah knows that I won't ever drink alcohol! It's bad for my skin~" I my cheek which is super soft if I may say so myself and managed to make Mylinh laugh.

Success! Mylinh's not mad at me anymore! But just to make sure... "Princess," I used her adorable pet name, "You forgive Channie now, right?" I put my hand over hers on the table. She smiled cutely and nodded, "Yup! Channie is really lucky. If Boyan hadn't moved, I would've stayed mad at you forever and ever and ever~" SUCH A TEASE. But I can't ever stay mad at her because she's too adorable!

We ate all the brownies on our plates so Mylinh got up to get some more. I followed behind and wrapped my arms around her. "Can Channie get a kisseu for making dinner?~" 

tumblr_madq81uuqh1rylok1o4_250.gif*ignore Yongguk*

Mylinh teasingly shook her head, "But Daehyunnie made dinner too~" "Aish, well Channie made the brownies!" "But I like the meat more~" she stuck out her tongue. 

Ugh such. a. tease. Seriously this girl. I just surprised her with a kisseu on the cheek. Hehe she turned red like Zelo's cherry tomatoes! "Enjoy the brownies~ Channie is gonna go take a nap now. /Yawn/ Cooking is so tiring!" I stretched as I walked into my room. Keke I've got my Princess back~


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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!