First Day of Tutoring

Love at First Sight

The next morning, Shannon woke up early. Today I have to tutor Zelo and Jongup... she remembered. She got up to get ready and went to wake up the others.

It took forever to wake the girls up. “You guys shouldn’t have slept after midnight yesterday...” Shannon told them while trying to pull them out of bed.

Mylinh yawned, “But we had so much fun with B.A.P,” she said, still half asleep. She suddenly sat up, “MY NEW COMPUTER!!!! WE NEED TO MOVE INTO B.A.P’S DORM!!” she told Shannon.

Shannon shook her head, “No. If any of the girls in our school finds out, they’ll murder us and throw our bodies to wolves.” Mylinh pouted, “But my computer...”

Shannon left her room to make breakfast, “Go get ready. I’ll go make breakfast,” she said. Shannon walked by the sink, which was full of dirty dishes.

She sighed, We don’t even have any clean dishes left, she thought and started washing some bowls to get cereal for the group.

When the girls got to class, Boyan and Sujin were talking to a group of girls. One of the girls looked up and pointed to Shannon’s group. The rest looked up and gave them glares.

Shannon and Mylinh didn’t know what was going on, so they just went to their seats. Fatima, Han, and Gizelle didn’t make eye contact with them as they sat down in their seats.

Boyan and Sujin were talking to the others about them meeting EXO and B.A.P again.

Boyan spoke just loud enough for Shannon and Mylinh to hear, “You guys see those girls over there, the ones who know B.A.P?” she said, “Yesterday, three of them accused us of stealing the backstage passes from the other two girls. They even made up a story that EXO and B.A.P were only celebrating for their manager's daughters."

Shannon looked over at Mylinh, "What is she talking about?" she whispered. Mylinh looked over at Fatima, Gizelle and Han, they seemed mad. That Boyan is making everything worse, Fatima thought angrily as she got up and walked out of the room.

Shannon looked after her, then turned to Mylinh as they exchanged worried looks. Boyan smirked and told the group, "Excuse me for a minute," and walked out after Fatima.

Fatima was standing in the hall trying to calm down. Boyan came up to her, "Seems like you're still upset about losing from us," she said, trying to smile innocently.

Fatima glared at her, "You told them lies, and you're still lying to them! What do you want from us? Are you just doing this because we refused to be your friend when you planned to get closer to B.A.P? This needs to stop!"

Boyan simply replied, "Fine~" and walked back into class.

Fatima was confused. She was going to go back into class when Jongup saw her as he came to class, "Hi, Fatima. What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Oh I just thought someone called my name," she said. Zelo ran up to them, "Fatima, what are you doing out here? Let's go to class," he said as he walked to his seat. Jongup went back to his class and Fatima did the same.

Boyan was waiting for her to return so she could tell the group, "Well, they didn't want me to keep the truth from you, so I'll just tell you guys. Their group was given backstage passes from B.A.P themselves, and the celebration was for one of them".

Shannon's group and Zelo froze in their seats. What? How did she know? Shannon thought. She could feel the fangirls' eyes staring into their soul from behind.

Fatima was speechless, That little devil... she thought. Gizelle and Han glanced at Fatima, What did they talk about out there?

Mylinh just stared at the board, These girls can't possibly hate us any more than they do now... Zelo couldn't sit still in his seat, These girls are just asking for more trouble...

Shannon and her group couldn't concentrate during the lessons. They could still feel the stares from the fangirls.


It felt like forever, but lunch finally came. Shannon was relieved that they could have their peaceful lunch with Zelo and Jongup again. Zelo and Jongup had already left and the floor seemed empty, so the girls started heading towards the stairs.

Shannon felt a presence behind them and she turned around, but there was no one there. They continued up the stairs to the next floor.

Shannon had a feeling that someone was following them so she led the group down the hallway. She led them into a classroom and pretended to sit down and eat.

She sneaked a glance out the window and saw some girls peeking in. She stood up and pointed at them, "Yah! You were trying to follow us!" Mylinh and the others looked towards the girls.

The girls panicked and ran. Shannon and her group ran after them. Fatima caught up to them and held them back. Gizelle and Han gasped, "Boyan and Sujin?!"

Shannon and Mylinh gave them a look, "You know their names?" Fatima tried not to mention the incident, "Oh, uh... We just heard it from the teacher".

Shannon pushed it aside and turned to Boyan and Sujin, "You two are trying to find out where we eat lunch, huh? Well, it's not happening.  Can't you leave us alone to eat in private?"

Sujin blurted out, "We know you eat lunch with Jongup and Zelo!" Shannon gave them looks.

Boyan added, "We saw you walk back to class with them before lunch ended yesterday. It was definitely no coincidence. You girls know B.A.P, so it's no surprise that you eat lunch with them too."

Sujin continued, "If you tell us where you eat lunch, then we won't tell anyone that Zelo and Jongup eat lunch with you".

Shannon scowled at them, "Why do you keep trying to make us look bad just so you can get close with B.A.P? This blackmail won't work on us. Do whatever you want, we'll never risk Zelo and Jongup's privacy just because of a little blackmail from people like you".

The group walked away, leaving Boyan and Sujin there alone. Sujin asked Boyan, "What do we do now?" Boyan deviously smiled, "I've got a plan".

Shannon and her group arrived at the rooftop. Zelo and Jongup were on their phones trying to contact the girls. "What happened? Why didn't you reply?" Jongup asked. Shannon and Gizelle took out their phones and looked at their screen

11 new messages

Shannon apologized, "Sorry, we had some girls following us. But don't worry, we got rid of them". Zelo looked at the girls, "Are you girls sure you don't need our teachers to help you get up here?" Shannon nodded, "we're fine. We can take care of ourselves~" They started to eat their lunch silently.

Jongup broke the silence, "Our offer about the dorm still stands, just so you know". Mylinh turned to Shannon, "MY COMPUTER!!!!" Shannon shook her head, "We can't... I don't even want to think about what the fangirls would do to us if they found out..."

Zelo shrugged, "If you change your mind then just know that you girls are always welcome at our dorm". Shannon nodded as they continued eating their lunch.

When they got back to class, Boyan and Sujin were already sitting in their seats. Shannon almost had a heart attack, Oh no..., she thought to herself.

Gizelle saw them and turned around to Zelo and Jongup, who weren't visible to the two girls in the classroom, "You guys should wait out here for a while until the bell rings. Those two girls can't see us going back to class at the same time," she whispered to them.

Jongup nodded and they went to the boys' restroom. The girls walked to their seats, trying to act natural. Shannon just stared at the board.  

Sujin spoke up, "Where are your Jongup and Zelo?" Shannon kept staring at the board, "We don't know. We told you, we don't eat lunch with them," she said, trying not to sound frustrated.

Boyan glared at her, "I bet you guys told them to wait until later to return to class".

The girls froze, Shannon turned and gave Boyan a blank expression, "For the last time, we don't eat lunch with them. Last time was just a coincidence. If you don't believe me, fine. Go tell the others whatever you want. That just means that you would stoop low enough to spread rumors about us just to feel good about yourselves," she said and turned back to the board as lunch ended and people returned back to class.

After school, when everyone cleared out of the room, Zelo turned to Shannon and asked her, “Is it okay if we come to your place at 5 for our tutoring?” Shannon nodded and put her books in her bag.  

Mylinh playfully joked with Fatima, “I bet that they’re not gonna get anything done.  Zelo will be too busy staring at Shannon.” Fatima giggled, “I know right.  Poor Jongup oppa is going to be like the third wheel.”

Gizelle and Han smacked the both of them on the back of the head. “Yah you know they can hear you.” Gizelle scolded.  

Mylinh and Fatima tried to hide behind their books as Shannon and Zelo stared into their souls.  “We’re just going to be studying. That’s all.” Shannon and Zelo explained at the same time.  Mylinh and Fatima giggled, “Okay whatever you say~"

Little did they know, Boyan and Sujin were listening from outside the door the whole time. Boyan turned to Sujin, “I can’t believe this.  B.A.P actually visits them?”

Sujin pouted, “How unfair! I want B.A.P to visit me!” Boyan was boiling with anger, “Those losers don’t even appreciate the time they get with B.A.P”  “Maybe we should follow them home to see what their house looks like!” Sujin suggested.  

“Or we can find out where they live and totally trash it! So they can like go back to wherever they came from.  That will show them. they should've never messed with us in the first place." Boyan added.

"I dunno..." Sujin was unsure, "That seems kind of mean." Boyan rolled her eyes. "I bet their house is full of B.A.P merchandise that we can take."

Sujin nodded, "Oh my gosh! I've always wanted a B.A.P poster!" "We'll find out.... Let's follow them when they leave," Boyan said as she gestured Sujin to follow her. 

Shannon's group had to stay after for a few minutes because their teacher asked them to run a few short errands. When they walked out of school, they saw Jimmy. "Hey, it's been a while," he greeted them. Shannon didn't want to be rude, "Yea. Why are you still here? Waiting for someone?"

Jimmy nodded, "Yup. Jenny's still talking to her teacher about the lesson. We're supposed to go work on our assignment at the cafe near her house," he answered, "I should introduce you to Jenny sometime. She's a great person to be friends with".

"We'd love to meet her," Gizelle said. Suddenly something white-ish dropped on Jimmy's shoulder. Jimmy looked at it and made a disgusted face. The girls started laughing, Mylinh pointed to it, "Eww a bird pooped on you!~" Jimmy tried to find something to wipe it off, "Ugh this is the second time this week!" 

The girls continued laughing at him.  Shannon looked at the time on her phone, "We should be heading home now. Bye Jimmy," she said as they left.

Boyan and Sujin were lurking from behind a bush. "Good. They're still here. Sujin-ah let's go. And remember try to make as little noise as possible. We don't want them catching us again." Sujin nodded and pointed out, "They're leaving!" 

Boyan and Sujin immediately followed them trying to remain out of sight. The girls were peacefully walking home. When the girls got to the apartment building, Boyan and Sujin were dead tired. "Wow they live really far away from school," Sujin said as she sat down on a bench.

Boyan pulled her behind a bush. "Shut up. We still need to find out where they live." "But they're going into the elevator... How are we supposed to follow them? They're going to find out that we were following them." Sujin pointed out.

Boyan scrunched her face as she thought of something. She grabbed two newspapers off the stand and dragged sujin to the elevator. "Just follow my lead," she whispered to Sujin as she put up the newspaper. The girls were waiting for the elevator to come.

Once the elevator doors opened up, everyone went in at the same time. Mylinh accidentally bumped into Boyan. She immediately turned around and apologized. Boyan cleared and answered in a deep voice, "That's alright."

Shannon turned to ask them, "What floor are you going to? I'll press it for you." The two girls froze. Sujin saved the day, "Ohh! You don't have to do that for us! My! Kids these days are so polite!" she said in an elderly voice. Shannon just shrugged and stood with her friends. The elevator stopped at level 3.  

To continue with their lie, Sujin said, "Oh! We were going to go to floor 3 too! How convenient!" the 5 girls smiled and exited the elevator.

Boyan put down her newspaper and grabbed Sujin. "Let’s go. We still need to find out what room it is." Sujin nodded and the two girls exited the elevator. They tried to casually walk by with their newspapers while they glanced at the room number.

The five girls opened the door and went into the apartment. Boyan turned to Sujin, "Write this down. Their room number is 315. Got it?" Sujin copied the number down on her phone and nodded. "But how are we gonna get in?"

Boyan smirked, "Don't worry about it. At lunch, they left their backpacks there so I stole Mylinh's house key from her backpack. She probably won't notice because there's so much food in that bag...." "Ohhh alright" Sujin slowly nodded.
Boyan started heading for the elevator, "Come on. Tomorrow we'll come back here." 

It was 5pm. Zelo and Jongup came to the girls’ apartment for tutoring. Shannon led them to the kitchen table so they can have more room to work. Mylinh and Fatima had devious smiles on their faces as they watched Shannon, Zelo, and Jongup walk to the table.

Shannon had already started on her homework while waiting for the boys to come. Zelo looked at her paper, “You’re almost done with homework already?” Shannon laughed, “Yeah”. Jongup took out his book and pointed to a page, “Shannon, could you explain to me all this?”

Shannon read over the page a few times and explained the lesson to Jongup. Zelo blinked at the page, How does Shannon understand all this? He thought as he took out his paper and book to start on homework.

He did the first few problems without trouble. Then, he got to number 6. Zelo stared at the problem for five minutes, This is so hard…, he thought.

Shannon looked over and saw that Zelo was stuck and asked, “Zelo oppa, do you need help?” Zelo looked up and smiled, “Uhh, yeah…” Shannon started explaining to him.

When she was done, Zelo exclaimed, “Wahh, it looks so simple when you do it! You’re so smart~” Shannon blushed and smiled, “I just have a lot of practice, that’s all”.

Jongup shook his head, “But you even understand my math book. It’s not like you practice with this book too,” he laughed.

Zelo gave Shannon a hug, “Aigoo, you’re such a smart cookie~” Han and Gizelle looked out from their rooms and squealed, “You two are so cute~”. 

It was almost 6pm. Shannon was still helping Zelo with homework at the kitchen table when Mylinh and Fatima peeked into the kitchen giggling.

Shannon glared at them and told them, “Go finish your homework”. The two girls held out their books, “We’re stuck on the last problem, we need your help~”.

They came over and sat down on either side of Shannon and Zelo. Shannon started explaining how to solve the problem. When they got the answer, Mylinh and Fatima both stood up and pushed Shannon and Zelo into each other before running back to their room. Shannon glared after them as she went back to work.

Just as everyone was done with all their homework, Mylinh and Fatima ran out from their room, "SHANNON! WE'RE HUNGRY! MAKE US FOOD!!" 

Shannon went to get stuff from the fridge to prepare dinner. Zelo and Jongup went to the living room and waited on the couch. 

Mylinh pushed Zelo off the couch and Gizelle sat in next to Jongup. "What was that for?" Zelo asked Mylinh. She smiled innocently and pointed to the kitchen, "Go help Shannon make food~"

Zelo just stood there. Fatima came and pushed him towards the kitchen. "Okay, okay, I'll go," Zelo said as he went in the kitchen. 

He walked up to Shannon, "Uhm do you need any help?" She turned and smiled, "Yeah, could you make the rice for me? The bag of rice is over there," she said pointing to a plastic box in the corner of the counter. 

"So, what are you making for dinner?" Zelo asked as he rinsed the rice. "Fried eggs" Shannon answered. Zelo smiled, "It's the first time I've eaten fried eggs in a long time".

Shannon smiled, "It's also the second time you've helped me prepare food," she said as she cracked the eggs onto the pan. 

Zelo remembered that day, when they prepared bibimbap together. I like helping you cook. You should move in to our dorm. We can cook together everyday, he thought. 

The others were peeking around the corner. "They're so cute together~" Gizelle whispered. 

Everyone sat at the kitchen table as Shannon and Zelo served them fried eggs with rice. Mylinh looked at her and said, "My. Computer."

Shannon laughed, "I don't know how many times you've said that today". Zelo and Jongup laughed, "So that's her reason to move in to our dorm?"

Mylinh nodded, "And to see Himchan oppa of course~". Fatima swallowed her food before saying, "I miss Yongguk oppa, too~" Han joined in, "And Daehyunnie oppa too~". They all turned to Shannon, "We must move in with them!"

Everyone looked at Shannon. Truthfully, Shannon also wants to move in with B.A.P, but she's afraid of the fangirls at school. She tried to make an excuse, "I don't want to be a burden to B.A.P oppas".

Jongup and Zelo shook their heads, "Burden? No way! We'd love you girls to move in with us. It'll be like at the hotel again~"

Shannon just nodded and continued eating. I'm just scared of what the fangirls would do to us once they find out..., she thought to herself. 


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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!