Hiding the Truth

Love at First Sight

At the hospital, B.A.P and the girls were waiting in the hospital room, waiting for Shannon and Mylinh to regain consciousness. Exo M and Exo K couldn’t stay with them because they had a tight schedule.

Daehyun was sitting in the corner eating the cake. Himchan looked at him, “How can you eat in this situation?” Daehyun shrugged, “The doctors said that they’ll be fine and that they’ll regain consciousness in a few hours. Besides, it’s just minor injuries”. Youngjae turned to ask Zelo, “Who were those girls? You said that they were in your class?”

Zelo nodded, “They’re two of the many fangirls in our school who hates Shannon and her group. I see them trying to become friends with Shannon so they can be introduced to us, but she refused and turned them down many times”.

Fatima added, “Today when we were leaving the cafeteria after eating lunch, we saw them again and they tried to find out where we usually eat lunch.”  Han also added, “Shannon seemed really annoyed about these fangirls acting nice to be our friends, but Fatima helped her deal with these problems by standing up for us.”

Gizelle looked around, “Speaking of Boyan and Sujin… Where are they?” Everyone in B.A.P stood up and searched the hallway. Yongguk hit the wall with his fist, “Dammit, they ran away”.

Himchan thought for a moment, “Since these girls have been causing trouble for you girls, how about Yongguk and I go to your school to set things straight with them?” he said as he hit his fist into his left palm. Yongguk liked that idea, “Yea we should pay them a visit on Monday”.

Fatima, Gizelle, and Han instantly refused, “NO! You guys can’t do that! Everyone will hate us even more!” Fatima added, “Another thing. I don’t think Shannon and Mylinh should know what Boyan and Sujin did to them. So we should keep quiet about all this, telling them will just make their heads hurt even more. Just tell them that they slipped and Mylinh hit her head on a wet floor sign or something”.

It was 4am in the morning and everyone fell asleep in their chairs. Jongup went to get some water. Shannon slowly regained consciousness and squinted her eyes open, What happened? Where are we? She looked to her side and saw Mylinh lying on the bed next to hers. Jongup came back to the room with a water bottle and saw Shannon awake, “Oh, Shannon’s awake!” he said.

The others woke up from their sleep. Zelo ran over and hugged her. Shannon looked around confused, “What happened?” Zelo looked at Fatima, who nodded at him, then turned back to Shannon, “You and Mylinh slipped and you hit your head on the floor”. Shannon tried to recall what happened, “Really? I don’t remember slipping…”

She tried to sit up, but her head started hurting like crazy. Zelo gently helped her lie back down and Yongguk told her, “You should try to rest. The doctor advised that you stay in bed until tomorrow afternoon.” Shannon looked over at Mylinh again, “What about Mylinh?” “She was bleeding from hitting her head onto the wet floor sign. The doctor said she’ll need a little more time to recover from her head injury,” Himchan said.

The nurse came in the room to check up on the girls. She gave Shannon some pills to speed up the recovery. Zelo helped her sit up to take her medicine. She swallowed a pill and suddenly she felt really dizzy. Zelo helped her sit stably on her bed. After she took her medicine, the nurse told her to rest and Zelo helped her lie down again.

The nurse was going to leave when Himchan pointed to Mylinh, “Mylinh’s waking up too”. Mylinh opened her eyes and saw Himchan and the nurse hovering over her. She almost had a heart attack, “What’s going on?! Where am I?!”

Himchan told her, “You and Shannon slipped and you hit your head on the wet floor sign.” Mylinh looked over to Shannon, who was still suffering from the dizziness. The nurse told Himchan, “Gently help her sit up. She needs to take her medicine.”

Mylinh finished taking her medicine and went back to sleep peacefully. Zelo asked the nurse, “How come Shannon’s still dizzy and Mylinh’s perfectly fine?” The nurse pointed out, “Shannon’s immune system is weaker than Mylinh’s, so it’s a little too weak to handle the medicine. But the effect is only temporary; she’ll be fine in several minutes”.
The nurse left and Yongguk yawned, “We should get back to sleep and let the girls rest”.

The next morning, Fatima, Gizelle, and Han went to get breakfast for everyone. B.A.P oppas were bored; they couldn’t make too much noise so Mylinh and Shannon can rest. Youngjae tried to make quiet conversation with Zelo and Jongup, “So… How’s school?” Jongup smiled, “The lessons are hard and I don’t understand a lot of things the teacher was saying”. Youngjae gave him a look, “How could you say that with a smile?”

Jongup smiled again, “I like smiling~” Daehyun asked, “Has anyone ever seen Jongup mad?” Yongguk laughed, “I’ve seen him mad… when he was smiling.” Zelo laughed, “I’ve never seen Jonguppie hyung mad before”. Himchan asked Zelo, “How’s school for you?” Zelo shrugged, “Same as Jonguppie hyung, I don’t understand a lot of things. I get really tired from practice and all that”.

Yongguk shook his head, “You guys need to get some tutoring”. Youngjae turned to him, “Who would actually tutor them? All the fangirls would volunteer but I doubt they would actually get any work done”.
Daehyun laughed, “Like one of those movies?” Youngjae slapped his arm, “Yah! What are you saying? They’re still in high school!”

Fatima, Han, and Gizelle returned with food and heard what the guys were talking about, “If you’re looking for a tutor,” Fatima told them, “then you should ask Shannon. She helps us with homework all the time.” Jongup realized, “So that’s how you girls finished homework so fast when we came over to your apartment”.

Gizelle nodded, “Shannon is really good at math. We always have trouble with it, but her explanation helps us with homework a lot”. Zelo’s eyes lit up, “So I can have Shannon as my tutor~” he said as he started to daydream.

Youngjae snapped him back to reality, “She’s going to tutor Jongup too. So don’t get any ideas,” he said giving Zelo a suspicious look. “What? What ideas?” Zelo asked innocently. “Just like an movie~” Daehyun said.
Youngjae slapped his arm again, “Yah! Jung Daehyun! We still have high schoolers in here!”

Yongguk interrupted, “But we have to ask Shannon first if she would want to tutor you and Jongup”. Himchan asked, “But isn’t Jongup one grade higher than them? How is Shannon going to tutor him?” Jongup shook his head, “The math is pretty much the same. We just have some more formulas and other stuff.”

Youngjae agreed with him, “Yeah I saw their math problems already. They were pretty much the same. I think Shannon should tutor them, because apparently they still don’t understand anything when I try to help,” he said as he glared at Zelo and Jongup.

The maknaes laughed nervously, “Hyung explained it too fast”. Youngjae scoffed, “You two just don’t pay attention. Your heads are like all the way up in the clouds when I’m trying to explain the problem”.

Himchan’s stomach growled, “Aigoo I’m so hungry~ Let’s eat breakfast!” he said as he ran to the food that the girls bought. He opened the bag and frowned, “You only got us a plate of noodles?” Han got confused, “What? We got 4 plates of noodles. We bought fried rice and bread, too!” Youngjae laughed, “Look at Daehyun pigging out on our food.”

Everyone turned to look at Daehyun, who was sitting in the corner eating a plate of fried rice, with plates of noodles, fried rice, and bread all around him still unopened.
Daehyun looked up innocently, “What?” Yongguk snatched the plates away from him, “Finish your plate first before grabbing other plates!” Daehyun frowned, “But I was really hungry!”

Youngjae stuck his tongue out, “We need to save some for Mylinh and Shannon too”. Daehyun complained, “But they’re not even awake yet.” Jongup pointed out, “Actually they got up a while ago.” Everyone looked to see the girls turned to each other, talking and laughing.

Himchan asked them, “Are you girls hungry?” Mylinh and Shannon slightly nodded.  Yongguk and Youngjae helped the girls sit up as Zelo and Himchan took plates of noodles and started feeding the girls.

After they finished eating and taking their medicine, Yongguk asked Shannon, “So we were wondering if you could tutor Zelo and Jongup sometime”. Shannon looked up, “Tutor? In what subject?” “Math,” Youngjae told her. Shannon smiled, “Then that would be easy~”. Zelo punched his fist in the air in excitement, “YES!!”

Shannon looked at Jongup, “But you’re one grade higher than me”. Jongup shook his head, “The material is almost the same, so you don’t have to worry”. Yongguk said, “You just need to tutor them twice a week, an hour each day.” Youngjae asked, “How about Tuesdays and Thursdays?”
Shannon thought for a moment, “I think that works. Okay, but you guys should come around 2 hours after school ends. I don’t want anyone to see you coming to our apartment, they’ll murder us.”

It was Monday, and the girls walked into class, with Zelo and Jongup following behind. Boyan and Sujin were bragging to the others about meeting B.A.P and EXO backstage. “Yongguk was this close to me!” Boyan told them as she leaned in close to Sujin, trying to imitate Yongguk. Fatima was annoyed by this as she dropped her backpack and sat in her seat angrily.

Sujin started telling them about EXO celebrating when they came in, “They surrounded us and threw confetti and sang to us!” Han couldn’t keep in her anger as she slammed her notebook on her desk. All the fangirls were really jealous. Some of them didn’t want to believe Sujin and Boyan, “How did you guys get backstage passes?” one of them asked suspiciously. Boyan flipped her hair, “Zelo gave them to us~”

Zelo froze, That lying little... Everyone gasped and looked at Zelo, Why didn’t he give us passes? they all thought to themselves. Shannon and Mylinh were confused, Zelo gave them passes? I thought they gave the only 5 passes to us... Gizelle, Han, and Fatima were really mad by then. Their anger was shown clearly on their faces.

Shannon and Mylinh looked at them and then to each other, “Why are they mad?” Mylinh whispered to Shannon. Shannon shrugged, “I don’t know... Something might have happened yesterday when we weren’t there” she whispered back.

During lunch, Zelo, Jongup, and the girls ate on the rooftop again. Shannon tried to ask Fatima, “What happened on Friday when Mylinh and I weren’t backstage?” Everyone froze, they didn’t think about an excuse for what happened. Zelo and Jongup tried to make up a scenario. “We were just worried about you guys,” Gizelle finally staid.

Shannon was still confused, “Then why did you guys look mad when those two girls were talking about it?” Fatima quickly finished her lunch and changed the subject, “I’m done with my lunch! How about we start heading back to the classroom? I still need to finish those problems on the worksheet.”  Everyone jumped up and nodded.

Mylinh and Shannon were still sitting on the floor, they were really confused about what was going on.  The others started heading back to the classroom leaving Shannon and Mylinh alone to eat their lunches.  “I wonder what they’re hiding....” Shannon sighed.  “I bet it had something to do with my surprise birthday party! They still owe me one because I had to spend my birthday in a hospital... how fun..” Mylinh said.  Shannon patted Mylinh’s head, “I’ll make you some cake later today okay?” “Alright!” Mylinh responded as she went back to eating her lunch.  

Their teacher finished the lesson early so he gave the class free time for the rest of the day. Shannon and Mylinh started on their homework, while the rest of the class sat around talking. Fatima, Gizelle, and Han were trying to think of something to tell Mylinh and Shannon so they don’t find out about Boyan and Sujin. Shannon was helping Mylinh with homework as she tried to finish her own homework. Zelo looked over at her paper, Wow, she’s almost done with her homework already. So smart~

Mylinh and Shannon finished with their homework with plenty of time left in class. Mylinh looked over at Fatima, Han, and Gizelle. They froze, they still couldn’t think of anything to tell them. Mylinh asked them, “Why were you guys mad this morning?” They hesitated, “Um, well...” Fatima stuttered.

Mylinh interrupted her, “It was because we ruined the surprise, right? Because we slipped in the restroom, and those two girls over there came in and you guys thought it was us, right?” Fatima thought, Good, at least we didn’t have to make something up, and smiled, “Yup! We planned a whole surprise party for you!" “Thanks for ruining the surprise,” Han played along sarcastically. Mylinh laughed, “It’s alright. Shannon’s making me cake later. But you guys still owe me~” Gizelle laughed, “Okay, we’ll get you presents over the weekend.” Mylinh smiled, “YAY~”. Shannon smiled, Glad nothing serious happened when we weren’t backstage with them, she thought.

The bell rang and school was over. Shannon and Mylinh stood up, “We’re going to go to the market to buy food. We’ll see you back at our apartment after.” Shannon told Fatima as they left. Fatima waited until they were gone before turning to Gizelle and Han, “Let’s go teach Sujin and Boyan a lesson,” she said with a smirk.
Gizelle and Han nodded as they went out to the hallway to wait.

Sujin and Boyan were just exiting the classroom with a whole group of people following them. One person asked them, "Boyan! Tell us more about meeting EXO and B.A.P!!!" Boyan chuckled, "Alright I'll tell you." Boyan and Sujin sat down on a bench and the group of students gathered around them. Fatima, Han and Gizelle joined the crowd of people to listen in. "What lies are gonna come out of their mouths now. This is gonna be good." Han whispered to the other two.  

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!