Christmas Day

Love at First Sight

**Note: Dec. 25th, 2012 is on a Tuesday and the students have a day off on this day**

On Christmas Day, Yongguk made everyone wake up early. “Ahh, it’s so early in the morning…” Mylinh said rubbing her eyes. “We need to set up the Christmas tree!” Yongguk excitedly pointed at the box in the middle of the living room. Himchan put an arm on Yongguk’s shoulder, “How about you set up the tree, and we go back to sleep. That sounds good!” he said as he started walking back to his room. Yongguk stopped him, “We’re doing this together.”

Mylinh started walking to the girls’ room, “Wake me up when you’re done~” Gizelle and Han stopped her, “You’re helping.” Mylinh pouted, “But it’s so early… I don’t even wake this early for school…” Himchan put an arm around her shoulder, “Mylinh-ah, let’s do it together~” Yongguk opened the box, “Let’s put up the tree first.” Youngjae pushed Jongup towards him, “Jonguppie should do it. He has the cheetos.” Jongup smiled, “Okay, I’ll do it.”

Yongguk stepped away so Jongup can take out the tree. “I’ll help you,” Yongguk offered. Jongup shook his head, “It’s okay, hyung. I got this.” Yongguk looked at the parts of the tree, “It’s going to be really tall…” Jongup shrugged, “You can help when it gets too tall for me,” he laughed. Daehyun looked at the table and saw a bag of candy canes, “Ooh! Candy canes!” he yelled out as he ran towards the bag.

Youngjae pointed at him, “No! You can’t eat them! We’re supposed to put them on the tree!” Daehyun pouted, “Only one?” he asked as he held up a finger. Himchan laughed, “Ah, sure. Just one.” Daehyun threw his hands in the air, “Yay!” he yelled out and ran to the bag of candy canes. Han followed after him, “I wanna try one”. Daehyun broke his candy cane in half and handed it to her, “Don’t eat it the way you do with bananas…” Han waved a hand at him, “Psh, try to stop me.” She said as she the candy cane and laughed. Daehyun facepalmed, “Ahh, seriously…”

Shannon and Zelo were looking through the ornaments in the box, “Where’s the star?” Shannon asked. “Oh, yea, we don’t have a star…” Zelo said, “We usually don’t have time to put up the Christmas tree, so we didn’t think we would need a star…” Mylinh laughed, “Aha! No star. We should just use paper.” Himchan took out some paper and crayons, “Here you go~” Mylinh took the crayons and started drawing a star.

The dorm was really quiet, so Gizelle took out the stereo and started playing Christmas music. Jongup and Yongguk had just finished putting up the tree and they threw themselves onto the couch, “Ahh it’s so tiring,” Jongup said. Yongguk closed his eyes, “I need a nap…” Fatima sat on the couch next to him and stretched, “I need a nap too~” she said and closed her eyes. Han pointed at her, “You didn’t even do anything!” Fatima waved a hand at her, “Ahh, but I’m so tired.” Mylinh pouted, “You won’t even let me go back to sleep.” “Shut up,” Fatima said as she went back to her nap.

Shannon and Zelo took out the ornaments and started putting them on the tree. Zelo held out an angel, “Look, Shannon! This is you~” Shannon laughed and Youngjae made a face, “Ahh, Zelo-ah. That’s so cheesy.” Zelo teased, “Hyung is just jealous because hyung doesn’t have a girlfriend yet~” Youngjae smacked the back of his head, “Yah! What if I wanted to be single? I don’t need a woman to make me happy.” Zelo laughed, “Whatever you say, hyung~”

Daehyun unwrapped another candy cane and stuck it in his mouth. Youngjae turned and saw a whole pile of candy wrappings, “Yah! Jung Daehyun! Are you eating all the candy canes?!” he yelled as he ran to the table. “Uhh… no…” Daehyun said. Han pushed her pile of candy wrappings to Daehyun’s pile and stood up, “I’m gonna go get some water~” she said as she ran to the kitchen.

Youngjae looked into the bag, “Aish, you guys ate more than half of the box already!” Daehyun reached in and took another candy cane and Youngjae slapped it out of his hand, “No! You’ve eaten enough!” he scolded him as he took the bag far far away from him. Daehyun pouted, “But I’m still hungry…” he said as he walked to the kitchen to find some more food.

Youngjae placed the candy canes next to the box full of ornaments and looked up to see Jongup and Gizelle dancing to the Christmas music. He facepalmed at them, “Ahh, you guys need to help with the tree.” Jongup stopped dancing and looked at him, “But hyung isn’t doing anything either.” Youngjae gave him a look, “Aish, seriously, I’m putting up the ornaments.”

Jongup went back to dancing, “But hyung already has Zelo and Shannon to help~” Youngjae sighed and started putting up the candy canes on the tree. Daehyun snuck up behind him and reached out to get a candy cane. Youngjae turned around and slapped his hand away, “Yah! You’ve had enough already! Save some for the tree!” Daehyun pouted, and walked back to the kitchen.

Mylinh held up the star to Shannon, “Look, Shannon, look! Don’t you just love my star?~” Shannon laughed, “It’s pretty~” she said and took the paper. Zelo ran to his room, “I’ll get scissors and paper clip.” Shannon put the paper down and went back to putting up the ornaments on the tree. Mylinh was going to help her when Himchan called her name, “Mylinh-ah~ Turn around~” Mylinh turned around and saw Himchan holding up the mistletoe above them, “Not this again!” she yelled as she ran away from him. Himchan pouted and chased after her, “But you never gave me a kiss under the mistletoe!”

Zelo got back to the living room and saw Himchan chasing Mylinh around with his mistletoe. He grabbed the mistletoe and told Himchan, “Hyung! This is my mistletoe! Get your own!” Himchan snatched the mistletoe back, “No mistletoe for you. I’m going to put this somewhere that you can’t get to it,” he said. Zelo pouted and walked to Shannon to cut out the paper star. Yongguk looked at Himchan, “How are you going to put that where Zelo can’t get to it?” Himchan smiled, “You’ll see~” he said as he ran to get something from Zelo’s desk.

Youngjae put up the last ornament on the tree. Shannon stretched and laid on the floor, “Ahh, that took forever!” Zelo held up the star, “We still need to put up the star.” Jongup took out a stool and put it next to the tree, “You’ll need this.” Shannon pointed at herself, “I have to put on the star?” Zelo nodded, “Yup~” Shannon looked at the top of the tree, “But I don’t want to…” Fatima pointed at her, “Shannon should do it! You’re our unnie~ Don’t worry, Zelo will catch you if you fall~” she said with a wink. Shannon hesitated but she agreed in the end.

Zelo held onto her hand as she got up the stool, “I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”  Shannon nodded and started putting up the paper star using a paper clip. Himchan was still chasing Mylinh around with the mistletoe. Mylinh ran around the tree and Himchan chased behind her. Yongguk told him, “Aish, Himchan, you’re so persistent.” Himchan laughed, “I must get my kiss-eu!” he said.

Himchan was looking towards Yongguk so he tripped on the stool that Shannon was standing on. The stool fell under her feet and Shannon fell. Luckily, Zelo was there to catch her. “Aigoo! Zelo is a lifesaver!” Yongguk clapped. Zelo looked at Shannon, “Are you okay?” Shannon nodded, “Yup, I’m fine~” Zelo laughed, “I’m like a prince catching a falling princess~” Himchan laughed, “Aha, Zelo, that was so cheesy.” Youngjae pointed at Himchan, “She wouldn’t have fallen if hyung hadn’t chased Mylinh around all this time!”

Himchan tried to defend himself, “But I just wanted a kiss-eu…” Yongguk slapped the back of his head, and whispered, “How could you say that in front of Youngjae?!” Himchan waved him off, “Youngjae has had 3 boyfriends already. He should be fine~” Youngjae gave him a glare, “Yeah, and hyung was the worst boyfriend ever!” Himchan laughed, “I’m just too good for you~” Youngjae rolled his eyes, “Hyung was such an abusive boyfriend.”

Himchan took the stool and taped the mistletoe on the ceiling with the tape he took from Zelo’s desk, “Yeah, yeah, you can tell yourself that”. Zelo pouted, “Hyung, what are you doing?” Himchan got down from the stool and put it away, “I put the mistletoe where you can’t get to it~” Yongguk shook his head, “You’re such an idiot…”

Himchan turned to him, “What? I still want to use it with Mylinh~” he said as he went to get Mylinh, who was hiding in the girls’ room. Zelo smiled and pulled Shannon to stand under the mistletoe, “We’re under the mistletoe~” Shannon laughed. Zelo leaned in to kiss her, but Himchan stormed into the room and pushed Zelo away from her, “Yah! I told you no kisses!” Zelo pouted, “But hyung has been chasing Mylinh around all day long”.

Yongguk put an arm around Fatima and admired the Christmas tree.   “Ah we did such a great job on the tree!” Mylinh ran out of the girl’s room dodging Himchan on her way out and threw her arms around Gizelle.  “This tree looks the best because of my awesome star~” she said, pointing to the wonderfully decorated tree.  Himchan pulled Mylinh away from Gizelle and pulled her into his arms instead, “We should have a party to celebrate our first year together!” he exclaimed as he turned to Yongguk for approval.  Yongguk nodded and said, “That sounds like a lot of fun!” He turned to Fatima and the girls, “Did you want to invite any friends from school to our party?” Gizelle smiled and said, “We don’t have any friends! Everyone hates us!”

Jongup laughed, “How can you say that with a smile?” Gizelle blanked out and said, “I don’t ….know…” Jongup pinched her cheeks, “AHH SO CUTE!~” Gizelle laughed and tried to escape from Jongup.  Youngjae scoffed, “You guys really don’t have any friends? When I was in high school I was so popular!~” Daehyun cracked up and slapped Youngjae’s arm, “Then how come you still don’t have a girlfriend?~~” Youngjae slapped Daehyun back as revenge and explained, “I’m waiting for that right girl to come into my life!~” Han muttered under her breath, “You’re going to be waiting a loooooooong time then~” Youngjae looked offended and tried to change the subject, “So you girls aren’t going to invite anyone to the party?” Mylinh and Fatima exchanged glances before screaming, “JENNY UNNIEEEEEEEE!”

Shannon shook her head and explained, “Jenny unnie still doesn’t know that we live with B.A.P and I intend to keep it that way.  I don’t know but I have a bad feeling about inviting Jenny…” Fatima tried to protest, “But Jenny unnie is awesome!  She would never ever do anything bad! And she has the right to know because we’ve been keeping this from her all the time!” Mylinh fell on the couch and grabbed a pillow, “I miss Jenny unnie….” Shannon bit her lip, “But I don’t think that outsiders are allowed in the dorm right?” Youngjae pointed at her, “You girls are here aren’t you? I’m sure that Jenny can come.” Han gasped at Shannon, “You don’t like Jenny unnie?!!?!?!” Shannon frantically shook her head.  Gizelle gasped, “Do you think that Jenny unnie is an undercover spy that works for the government? And she is going to arrest us for living with B.A.P?!!” Mylinh threw the pillow at her, “Yah! Why would you even think that? Jenny unnie LOVES us, she would never do such a thing!” Everyone turned to Shannon for her approval.  “Sooooooo…. Can Jenny unnie come to our party?” Fatima eagerly asked. “Uhhhhh……” Shannon tried to drag it on until she could think of something.
Zelo grabbed her arm and begged, “Please Shannon! We’ve heard you girls talk about Jenny noona all the time and we haven’t even met her yet!” Shannon laughed and gave in, “Alright.  Jenny unnie can come!~” Everyone cheered and celebrated. Himchan stopped them, “Don’t celebrate just yet!” Fatima took out her phone and said, “Oh right! We have to call her first.”

After she finished the phone call, everyone was anticipating what she was going to say.  She turned to them and screamed, “JENNY UNNIE IS COMING!!!!” She threw her arms in the air and celebrated with everyone. Mylinh turned to her, “Is Jimmy coming too?”  Fatima looked at her, “Oh yeah I forgot to mention that. Yeah he is coming.” Mylinh jumped up, “Yay! MORE PRESENTS FOR ME!!~” Himchan wrapped his arms around her, “Oh no. I don’t want Jimmy anywhere near you! But I have to admit, he is really good-looking….” Mylinh smiled, “But Jimmy is our friend! We hang out with him a lot and he’s uhhh nice…. and I JUST WANT PRESENTS.”
Han looked to Shannon and demanded, “Shannon! You have to make us Christmas cookies! Your cookies are the best!” Shannon laughed and said, “Alright~ Only if Jello oppa helps me!” She turned to Zelo to see him nodding like there was no tomorrow. “I love cooking with you!” he called out as he eagerly ran to the kitchen.  Shannon and Zelo ran to the kitchen and began taking out the ingredients to make cookies.

Jongup retrieved a blanket from his room and put it around Gizelle.  He sat next to her on the couch and leaned her head on his shoulder.  Gizelle yawned and asked, “Jongho oppa what are you doing?”  Jongup patted her head and said, “You worked really hard on the tree, you deserve to rest~” Gizelle smiled and closed her eyes for a quick nap.  Mylinh jumped into the living room, “We’re taking naps now?! ALRIGHT!” she yelled as she fell to the floor and immediately passed out. Himchan crawled next to her and giggled, “It’ll just be like Sleeping Beauty~ The prince. That’s me. Will wake up the princess!~~” As he puckered up his lips and leaned in to kiss her, Yongguk walked by and smacked him on the head with a rolled up magazine. “YAH Kim Himchan! You shouldn’t take advantage of Mylinh when she’s sleeping!” Yongguk scolded him and smacked him again.  Himchan shielded his head with his hands, “Ah it’s not like that! I just want my kiss!!”

Yongguk and Fatima snuggled up next to Jongup and Gizelle on the couch.  Yongguk put his arm around Fatima as she wrapped her arms around him.  “What are you taking a nap for? You barely did anything!” Yongguk teased. Fatima playfully slapped him, “It’s tiring looking at you guys putting up the tree. Besides, this is so romantic~”  Han walked up to them and looked around, “There’s no more space for Daehyunnie oppa and me to sit…..” She then proceeded to sit on Fatima and Yongguk’s lap.  “Perfect!” She said as she gestured Daehyun to come sit next to her. Daehyun went to get a banana instead.  Fatima shoved her to the floor and yelled, “YAH! Fatty get off of me! You totally ruined our romantical moment!”  Han laughed and stuck her tongue out, “You’re the fatty! Taking up all the space on the couch! If you want to do those kinds of stuff then GET A ROOM!”

Fatima gasped, “Ah N-no! We weren’t doing anything!”  Han laughed and crawled next to Mylinh on the floor.  “I know you~ Oh my gosh I wish I had a banana right now to show an example of what you two would be doing~” she teased.  Daehyun choked on the banana that he was eating and slowly threw it away.  “Ew.” He said trying to get rid of the images that Han implanted in his head.  Han threw her hands in the air, “WHAT A WASTE OF A PERFECTLY GOOD BANANA! I could have used that as an example!” Daehyun swallowed and sat down next to her, “That is not a good idea….” Han laughed it off, “Ah whatever, Fatima and Yongguk should go to their rooms and GET IT ON in there so we can have the couch! Sleeping on the floor hurts my back.” Fatima and Yongguk glared at her.  Yongguk looked at Fatima and hinted with his eyebrows. “AH SERIOUSLY.” Fatima scoffed as she got up and ran to the girl’s room.

Yongguk got off the couch and followed her, smacking Himchan on the head with a magazine on the way.  Daehyun and Han cheered as they gathered on the couch.  “Comfy~” they beamed as they got comfortable on the couch.
In a few hours, Shannon and Zelo were finished making cookies.  Zelo set the cookies on the table and looked at the rest all passed out on the floor.  He laughed and pointed to them, “Look at all these lazy bums.” He lightly kicked Himchan’s , “Awww Himchannie hyung looks so adorable~” Just then, the doorbell rang and Shannon called from the kitchen, “Jello oppa! Can you get the door? I’m washing the dishes!” Zelo smiled, “Anything for you~~~” and ran to open the door.

Zelo opened the door and bowed to Jenny, “Jenny noona! Annyeonghasaeyo! Welcome to our home!~” Jenny gasped when she saw the handsome boy in the doorway.   Who is that?! He is so pretty! He’s even prettier than Jimmy! He’s taller too……  She thought.  She couldn’t help but stare at him.  Zelo stepped away from the door, making room for their guests to get in, “Would you like to come in?” Jenny snapped out of her daze and walked into the dorm. She turned to Zelo and asked him “Uhm could I know your name?”

Zelo smiled and held out his hand, “My name is Zelo. It’s nice to finally meet you Jenny noona!” Jenny shook his hand and smiled.  Zelo….. What an odd name…. But it’s his name so I LOVE IT~  Jimmy ran in between them and screamed, “YEAHHH~ Let’s get this party started!” He looked around confused, “Where is everybody?....” Zelo laughed and pointed to the living room. Zelo closed the door and turned to Jenny, “Everyone else is in the living room, you can go meet them there.  I need to help Shannon put away the dishes.” Before Zelo could leave, Jenny grabbed his arm.  He turned around, shocked by the sudden contact.  “Uhm… Could you introduce me to everyone? I’m kind of shy around new people…..” she said shyly.  Zelo backed away a little bit, she isn’t being shy with me at all…but I don’t want to be rude.

Zelo awkwardly nodded and led her to the living room.   Everyone was still asleep on the floor when they walked in.  Jimmy looked at him in disbelief and scoffed, “Some party this is…” Fatima ran out of the girl’s room screaming for Jenny.  “Jenny unnie! You’re here!” she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Jenny. Yongguk followed Fatima and greeted Jenny, “Ah you must be Jenny, the girls have been talking about you non stop. It’s nice to meet you.” Jenny grabbed Zelo’s arm and chuckled awkwardly.  Zelo cringed at her touch but remembered that he was supposed to introduce her, “Oh Jenny noona, this is Bang Yongguk. He’s our leader!”

Han and Gizelle woke up and happily greeted Jenny.  “Jenny unnie!!!!” they exclaimed, squeezing Jenny with a hug.  Daehyun fell off the couch and instantly stood up. “Is food ready yet?!” he blurted.  Han smacked his stomach and harshly whispered, “Greet Jenny unnie!” “Hi Jenny.” He quickly said as he ran to the plate of cookies on the table. Han laughed, “You are seriously unbelievable” and joined him in devouring the whole plate of cookies.

Zelo pointed to Daehyun, “That is Daehyun hyung.  He is one of our main vocals and the best eater out of all of us.” “And I’m proud of it!” Daehyun exclaimed with his mouth stuffed with cookies.  Youngjae went over to the table and picked up the plate. He pointed an accusing finger at Daehyun and Han, “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ATE THIS WHOLE PLATE OF COOKIES!” Daehyun and Han laughed and ran away as Youngjae was scolding them.

Zelo pointed to Youngjae, “That is Youngjae hyung.  He is the other main vocal.  He does not have a girlfriend.” Youngjae smacked Zelo on the head, “Don’t tell her that!” Zelo laughed and pointed to Jongup who was being woken up by Gizelle. “That is Jongup hyung.  He is the dancer of our group and I think that he’s in the same grade as you noona!” Jenny tapped her chin, “Hmm I don’t think that I’ve seen him around.  I think that he’s in a different class.” Jongup smiled and bowed, “Jenny annyeonghasaeyo!”

“And this….” Zelo said as he kicked Himchan on the floor, “is Himchannie umma. He is the lazy buttface of the group.” Himchan immediately sat up and grabbed Zelo’s leg.  “AH SERIOUSLY THIS KID. How can you say those things about me?! I am the visual of course~” he said trying to look cool.  Mylinh woke up next to him and rubbed her eyes.  “Himchannie umma, are my cookies done yet?” she asked in a sleepy voice.  Himchan shoved her away, “Ah seriously.  Go back to sleep!” Mylinh grabbed his arm, “But I want to open presents!”

Shannon walked into the living room, drying her hands with a towel.  “No Mylinh. We can’t open presents yet. We have to eat first.” she explained. Fatima tried to look inside the bag that Jimmy was holding and complained, “But I wanna see what Jenny brought us!” The girls crowded around Shannon and begged.  Jenny laughed and turned to Shannon, “It looks like they all want to open presents. Can we Shannon? I don’t mind.” Shannon sighed and gave in, “Alright let’s open presents.”

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!