Back for Christmas

Love at First Sight

Mylinh shook Shannon violently. “SHANNON! WHAT’S WRONG? WHAT DID FATTYMA SAY?”  “We’re too late….” Shannon said between sobs.  Mylinh’s heart dropped when she heard those words, but she had to be strong for Shannon.  She put an arm around Shannon and tried to cheer her up, “Don’t worry. We’ll get to see them in two months! I’ll buy you some ice cream alright? Wait here, I’ll be back~” Shannon nodded as she watched Mylinh run off to find an icecream store.

Just then, someone slipped their hands over Shannon’s eyes.  Shannon closed her eyes tight, because she was very scared. Oh my god! I’m going to get kidnapped! She thought.  She was about to elbow the stranger in the stomach before she heard a familiar voice. “GUESS WHO?!~” the voice said.  Shannon’s heart nearly exploded because she knew exactly who it was.  She turned around and faced the stranger, “ZELO!!!” She screamed.

Zelo pouted, “Hey no fair. You turned around before guessing! That’s not how you play the game!” Shannon embraced him and squeezed him so tight. “Oh Zelo! I thought that you already left!” she exclaimed as she hugged him tighter.  Zelo tilted his head, “How come you don’t call me Jello oppa anymore?” Shannon looked up to him, “Well…. It’s because we’re a few months older than you and your name isn’t actually Jello.” Zelo pouted, “But I like being called Jello oppa.  I DEMAND YOU TO CALL ME BY JELLO OPPA.” Shannon laughed, “Alright Jello oppa… Why are you here? I heard that you guys already left!”

Zelo smiled and explained, “We told Fatima to tell you that because we wanted to surprise you by showing up~ Makes it more dramatic you know? Our plane doesn’t leave for another half an hour.”  Youngjae was laughing so hard, “We saw everything! It was so funny when you were all like “We’re too late….” Oh my gosh. You made it sound like we died or something!” Everyone turned to glare at him for ruining the moment.  Gizelle and Jongup elbowed him in the stomach and dragged everyone away to buy coffee.

Shannon burst into tears and embraced Zelo.  Zelo was shocked by the unexpected tears, “W-what. Why are you crying?! Did I do something wrong?” Shannon wiped her tears and sniffled, “It’s just that I thought that I would never get to say goodbye before you leave.” Zelo wiped away the remaining tears on her cheek and smiled, “You can say goodbye….or you can give me a goodbye kiss~” Before Shannon could choose, he leaned in and kissed her. Their kiss was cut short by Himchan pulling on the hood of Zelo’s sweater,  “ZELO DON’T DO THAT WHEN I’M AROUND. JUST EW.”

Zelo turned around in total shock, “Himchan hyung! I thought that you left with the others!” Himchan shook his head and dragged Zelo even farther away from Shannon. “Ah seriously is this what you guys really do when you’re alone?!” he scolded them.  Zelo tried to run back to Shannon but Himchan kept pulling him away.  “But hyung! We were just kissing! You know what that is. I bet you kiss-eu Mylinh all the time!” Zelo tried to defend himself.  Himchan smacked him on the head, “How would you know that!?”

Zelo laughed and teased, “So you haven’t kissed her yet?~~~” Yongguk walked up with Fatima and a coffee in his hand, “Himchan hasn’t kissed Mylinh yet?!!” Yongguk asked trying to sound shocked.  Himchan turned around and smacked Yongguk’s arm, “Of course we have! Stop making fun of me.....” Fatima looked around, “Speaking of Mylinh...... Where is she?” Himchan looked at the watch on Yongguk’s wrist, “It’s almost time for us to leave. Where is she?”

Zelo turned to Shannon and smiled, “It’s almost time for us to leave, I think I need another goodbye kiss~~”  Himchan pulled him away from Shannon, "Oh no you don't! You are not old enough to do these kinds of things!"

Yongguk made Himchan let go of Zelo and dragged him away, “Come on Channie~ Let’s go look for Mylinh.” Himchan glared back at Zelo and Shannon, “I’m watching you!!!! No funny business or ---“ Zelo rolled his eyes, “Yeah yeah I know.  Say goodbye to my life and blah blah blah.” Himchan gasped, “AH SERIOUSLY THIS KID!! YONGGUK WHY DID YOU RAISE HIM THIS WAY!?!”

When Zelo saw them drag Himchan around the corner, he turned back to Shannon.  “Now, where were we?~” he asked leaning in closer.  “Here’s your goodbye kiss~” Shannon said as she leaned in to kiss him.  When they were literally inches apart, they were interrupted by Mylinh running up to them with an ice-cream cone in one hand and a box of donuts in the other.

“SHANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she called out as she approached them.  She stopped when she saw Zelo, “Oh? What is Zelo doing here? I thought that Fattyma said that they already left.” Shannon smiled and explained, “B.A.P  oppas told Fatima to trick us so they could surprise us by meeting us here!”  She pointed to the donut box in Mylinh’s hand and asked, “Where did you get that?”  Mylinh twirled around, “Oh my gosh! You’ll never guess who I met at the airport! So so so I was trying to find us some ice-cream and it turns out that EXO was here too! And they like recognized me and stuff. And D.O. oppa gave me this box of donuts! And and and and oh my gosh Krisssssssssssssssssssss oppa bought me ice-cream!!!!!  and it was just AMAZING~”

She stopped hopping around when she noticed how close Zelo and Shannon were.  “Oh…. Did I interrupt something?” she asked awkwardly.  Zelo chuckled, “Yeah kind of….” Mylinh turned around and covered her eyes with the box, “Okay! Don’t mind me! You may continue!~” Shannon and Zelo laughed a bit before leaning in for another kiss.  Right when they were about to kiss, Mylinh shoved the donut box in between them.  She pointed inside and her lips, “Shannon! Which one should I eat? Ahhh there’s so many. There’s the chocolate one and the glazed one. And OOH! There’s one with sprinkles!” Shannon pushed Mylinh away,  “We’re kind of in the middle of something here! Go eat your ice cream!"

Just then, Himchan ran towards them screaming for Mylinh.  He stopped when he saw Shannon in Zelo’s arms.  He pointed to them and started screaming at Zelo, “YAH! CHOI JUNHONG! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!!! WERE YOU GUYS KISSING!?!?!” Zelo chuckled, “We were going to but Mylinh shoved this donut box in my face!”

Himchan turned to Mylinh with his arms opened wide, “THAT’S MY GIRL!~~ NOW COME HERE AND HUG ME I SAY!” Mylinh held up the donut box and ice cream and said, “My hands are full….” Himchan sighed and grabbed the box from her and shoved it into Zelo’s hands.  He reached for the ice cream that Mylinh was holding but she hid behind Shannon.  “Shannon! SAVE ME! He’s after my ice-cream!” she screamed as she used Shannon as a shield.  Himchan tried to chase Mylinh, “Mylinh-ahhhh!~ Give me a hug!!!”

Mylinh laughed and shoved Zelo into Himchan’s arms, “Maybe next time~” Himchan shoved Zelo off and pouted, “If you don’t want to give me hug, then give me a KISS~~~” Mylinh shook her head and hid behind Shannon.  Himchan pouted even more, “Are you really going to be like this!?” Mylinh stuck her tongue out at him and ran off, “YES~” As she was running away, she bumped into Fatima who grabbed her arm.  Fatima scolded her, “Ah why are you so difficult?! Just kiss him already!”

She shoved Mylinh in front of Himchan and giggled, “You two have fun!~” Himchan smiled at Mylinh, “Aren’t you going to give me a kisseu?~” Mylinh her ice-cream, “Sorry I can’t. I’m kinda busy eating this ice-cream ya know……. It’s going to melt…. ” Himchan smacked the ice-cream out of her hand and leaned his forehead on hers.  “Are you really going to be this way?” he whispered.  Mylinh smiled, “But it’s so funny when you’re mad.” Himchan chuckled and leaned in until their lips met. Fatima covered Shannon’s eyes and warned her, “Don’t do that.”

A few seconds later, they broke apart and Mylinh stared at the ice-cream on the floor.  She turned to Himchan and pointed to the ice-cream, “You owe me a new ice-cream cone!” Himchan smiled and wrapped his arms around her, “I’ll pay you back in kisses!~ They’re just as sweet!~” Everyone gagged at the cheesy comment.  The rest of B.A.P and Gizelle and Han returned with cups of coffee and a bag of cookies.  Jongup handed a cookie to Zelo and Himchan.  “Jongup oppa! I want one!” Shannon said as she held out her hand.  Jongup was about to hand her a cookie but Zelo stopped him, “She can share with me!~” He stuck the cookie in his mouth and gestured her to take a bite from the other side.  Shannon was about to take a bite until Himchan grabbed the cookie and broke it in half.  He handed the half to Shannon and smacked Zelo on the head, “Don’t try things like that!”

He proceeded to do the same with Mylinh. “Mylinh-ahhh! ~ Share with me!” he said as he bit the cookie and held it out for her.  Zelo scoffed and ate his cookie, muttering, “Aish…. What a hypocrite..” Mylinh grabbed the cookie from Himchan’s mouth and broke off the part where he bit it.  She handed him that part and ran to Jongup for more cookies.  Himchan ran after her, “Wait Mylinh! That’s not how you do it! You’re supposed to bite it! That was not romantic at all! Come back here and do it again!”

Yongguk laughed and said, “Alright I guess that it’s time for us to go..” He turned to Fatima and smiled, “Aren’t you going to give me my goodbye kiss?~”  Fatima giggled and gave him a quick kiss on his lips before embracing him.  “Hurry back to me Yongguk oppa!” she said as she squeezed him tighter.  Yongguk laughed wrapped his arms around her, “I’ll be back soon!” All the couples were giving each other goodbye hugs and kisses while Youngjae was bitterly eating his cookies.

Mylinh ran up to Youngjae and gave him a big hug.  “Youngjae oppa! Good luck on the tour! I hope you find a girlfriend soon, because you are always like forever alone when we do these kinds of things….” Everyone gathered around Youngjae and wrapped their arms around him for a group hug.  “Youngjae oppa FIGHTING!!!!” the girls all screamed.  After they were done saying their goodbyes, the girls waved to B.A.P as they headed towards their airplane.

Mylinh turned to them, “I miss them already……” Shannon linked arms with her and said, “It’s only two months! Now let’s go, I’ll make us some delicious bibimbap when we get home!” The girls all cheered as they headed out of the airport.

For the past 2 months, Shannon and the girls have been hanging out with Jenny and Jimmy after school. The girls had a lot of bonding time with Jenny. Mylinh and Fatima are especially fond of Jenny, they couldn’t stop talking about how awesome she is. The other 3 girls agree, Jenny is like their sister now. 

At night, they would video chat with B.A.P, even for only a few minutes. Mylinh and Fatima always mention about Jenny to the guys. Jongup would be sad that Gizelle can't feed him food, so he would make Zelo feed him in front of the girls, and Zelo would feed the food to himself.

Daehyun always eats a banana in front of the screen, which makes Han laugh. He would tell her not to think wrong, but continues to eat bananas every time. Yongguk would show the girls pictures that he took on their tour. Zelo always asks how Shannon is doing and make hearts to her with his fingers in the background. Himchan would always kiss the screen at the end when they have to leave. Youngjae mostly just sits in the back playing with his iPad.

It was a few days before Christmas, and the girls were already up eating breakfast. Han kept glancing at the clock, “When are they going to be back?” Shannon shrugged, “They only said they’re coming back today.” Mylinh threw her hands up, “I can’t believe they’ve been gone for 2 months!” Gizelle nodded, “But it was fun hanging out with Jenny.” Shannon looked out the window, “I can’t wait to play in the snow with B.A.P oppas~” 

Mylinh rested her head on her arm, “But staying home and sleep is better”. Fatima playfully slapped her arm, “You’ll miss out on a lot of fun!” Mylinh looked at her, “And it’s going to be cold!” Gizelle laughed, “Himchan oppa can keep you warm~” Mylinh waved a hand at her, “Psh, he doesn’t need to do that when I have my warm bed!”

Fatima hinted with her eyes, “With Himchannie oppa with you~” Han laughed, “Like an movie~” Mylinh slapped them both, “EW!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!” Just then, Shannon got a text from Zelo:

Just arrived at the airport~

Shannon immediately threw their dishes into the sink and pulled the girls out the door. “Where are we going?” Fatima asked. “To the airport,” Shannon answered quickly. “But going home and sleeping is better,” Mylinh complained.

Shannon threw Mylinh’s jacket at her, “Remember to wear your jacket. It’s going to be really cold outside.  Let’s hurry.” Shannon picked up a bouquet of flowers and gestured everybody out the door.  Mylinh was putting on her jacket when she noticed the flowers in Shannon’s hands, “Shannon! Are those flowers for Zelo?~” Shannon smiled at the flowers and nodded. Fatima held up a gift bag, “I also got a present for Yongguk oppa!” All the girls crowded around it, “Oooooh. What is it!?” Gizelle asked.

Mylinh tried to look inside the bag, but Fatima slapped her hand away.  “It’s a surprise!” She told them. Han crossed her arms, “Girllllll if you don’t tell me then I’m going to assume that there is underwear in there or something.” Fatima gasped, “No! There’s no underwear in here.  I made cupcakes for Yongguk oppa.” She opened the bag and held out a cupcake neatly wrapped in a box.  Gizelle slapped it out of Fatima’s hand and she would’ve dropped it if she didn’t have cat-like reflexes.  Fatima smacked Gizelle’s arm, “What did you do that for! I worked all night to make this!” Gizelle laughed and asked, “Where’s my cupcake?” Fatima stuck out her tongue, “YOU DON’T GET ONE.”

Han held up a wrapped present in the shape of a banana, “I GOT DAEHYUNNIE OPPA A WONDERFUL PRESENT.” She held it in front of Mylinh’s face, “Mylinh! Mylinh! Try to guess what it is!” Mylinh was not amused.  “Oh gee Han I don’t know…..” she said sarcastically.  Han practically shook her, “You have to guess!!!!” “Is it a banana?” Mylinh asked.  Han jumped in joy, “Yes! As a matter of fact it is!” Gizelle laughed and nudged Mylinh, “How did you know?~”

Shannon noticed that Gizelle was also holding a gift bag.  “What did you get for Jongup oppa?” she asked Gizelle.  She reached into the bag and pulled out a Chris Brown CD, “He seems to really like Chris Brown…… He told me that he really likes to dance.  So I bought him this CD so he can dance to it! I want to see him dance one day! Aw I bet that he’ll look so cute dancing~ ” Shannon and Mylinh exchanged worried looks, they know how Jongup dances, they’ve seen a bunch of videos online.




“Uhhhhh….. I don’t think that’s a great idea……..” Shannon said as they both awkwardly tried to get rid of the images.  Gizelle was confused, but she changed the subject, “Mylinh! Did you get anything for Himchannie oppa?” Mylinh ran into the room and came out with a huge stuffed bunny and a gift bag.  “This is for Channie oppa!” she said as she held up the bunny.  “And this is for Youngjae oppa.  He doesn’t have a girlfriend so I thought I should get him a little something~” She said as she held up the bag.  Shannon shoved them all out the door, “Let’s go or else we’re going to be late!”

When they arrived at the airport, they saw that it was full of fans.  They couldn’t even get in through the front door.  Mylinh was shivering, “It’s so cold out here, why can’t we just go home?!” Shannon looked at her, “We are going to meet B.A.P oppas! They’re really important to us!”  Mylinh rubbed her eyes and hugged the bunny tighter, “I think that sleep is more important.” Fatima pushed them all into the airport, “Come on! All we have to do is push past all these fans!” Fatima shoved them past a whole wall of fans as Gizelle and Han followed behind.

Mylinh saw a penny on the floor so she proceeded to pick it up, “Oh look a penny! I’m going to be rich!” As she was picking up the penny, everyone moved out of the way to make way for B.A.P.  Mylinh stood up and looked around to see that everyone moved away from her, “Huh? What happened? Where did everyone go? Fattyma? Shannon?” She looked around for them until she noticed Himchan running straight in her direction.   Himchan picked her up and spun her around a few times screaming, “Oh my gosh Mylinh! I missed you so much!!!!!”  She looked past him to see that the others already reunited with B.A.P.

Shannon was giving her flowers to Zelo.  Zelo sniffed the flowers and said, “They’re lovely~ Thank you! Now give me a hug! I can’t believe that it’s been two months already!” Shannon smiled and gave him a big hug, “I missed you so much!” she said as she hugged him tighter.  Zelo laughed and squeezed her even tighter.  “Ah Jello oppa, you’re squeezing me too tight!” Shannon giggled.  Zelo gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and led her in front of everybody.

Fatima gave Yongguk the gift bag and he looked inside.  He took out the cupcake and curiously asked, “Did you make this yourself?” Fatima nodded and pouted a little bit, “It took me forever to make it! I stayed up late yesterday to bake it for you!”  Yongguk patted her on the head, “It looks so delicious! You have to share it with me alright?!~” Fatima nodded as he grabbed her hand and led her after Zelo and Shannon.

Jongup hugged Gizelle so tight, “Oh Gizelle! I missed you so much! Zelo still won’t feed me! You need to feed me when we get back to the dorm! I almost died of starvation but then I remembered you and told myself that I have to live to see your beautiful face again!~” Gizelle laughed and lightly slapped his arm, “When did you get so cheesy?!” Jongup looked at the gift bag in her hand and asked, “Did you get me a present?” Gizelle handed him the bag and he looked inside.  He squealed with excitement, “OH MY GOSHHHH!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE CHRIS BROWN?!” He embraced Gizelle and didn’t let her go, “Thank you so much!” he exclaimed.  Gizelle laughed and said, “I’m glad you like it!~” Jongup took her hand and followed Yongguk and Fatima.

Han held the wrapped banana in front of Daehyun.  “Daehyun oppa! I got you a totally awesome present! I know that you’re going to LOVE IT!~~” she exclaimed.  Daehyun laughed and held up a banana with a ribbon on it, “I got you a present too! I know that you’re going to love it SO MUCH!~” The two exchanged gifts and laughed.  “Oh gee I wonder what this is!” Daehyun said sarcastically as he unwrapped the banana. He tried to look surprised when he finished ripping all the wrapping paper off the banana.  “OH MY GOSH! A BANANA! I DID NOT EXPECT THAT! Thank you Han~ I love it!” he exclaimed as he threw his hands around Han. They both held hands and ate their bananas while they followed Jongup and Gizelle.

When Himchan was finally done twirling Mylinh, he put her down and pointed to the giant stuffed bunny, “Is that for me?~” Mylinh shook her head, “No. This is for me! I brought it so I can smack fangirls out of the way!” She proceeded to smack Youngjae in the face with it as an example.  Himchan smiled and pulled her in for a hug, “That’s alright. All I need is you~” Mylinh shoved the bunny in his face, “Alright then! This is for you, so you will stop hugging me all the time!”  She ran out of his arms and ran to Youngjae.  Himchan pouted and stared at the bunny in his arms. “I think I’ll name you Mylinh! I’ll bring you everywhere with me. And the other Mylinh will get all jealous and love me even more! hehe” he said as he hugged the bunny.

Mylinh handed the gift bag to Youngjae.  Youngjae slowly took it and gave her a weird look, “Why did you get me a present?” Mylinh smiled, “Because Youngjae oppa doesn’t have a girlfriend. And I thought that you would feel left out if you didn’t get a present!” Youngjae reached into the bag and pulled out a stuffed cat.  Mylinh giggled and explained the reason for her gift, “Youngjae oppa is always complaining that you’re going to end up dying alone with three hundred cats, so I got you your first cat! It’s a start~” Youngjae facepalmed but appreciated the gift anyway.  “Thanks for the gift.” He said as he the stuffed cat.

Mylinh linked arms with him and dragged him over to Himchan. She linked arms with Himchan as well and called out to the others, “YAH!!! Wait for us!!” The three of them ran after the others and ran quickly to their van because they couldn’t wait to be home.

When B.A.P and the girls got back to the dorm, everyone waited in the living room watching TV while Shannon and Gizelle made hot chocolate after being in the cold. Youngjae looked out the window, “Whoaa~ There’s a lot of snow today. We should go play in the snow!” Zelo jumped up from the couch, “Oh! I need to get something!” he said as he ran into his room and closed the door behind him.

Shannon and Gizelle had just finished making the hot chocolate. They came in with a tray and distributed the cups to the group. “Where’s Zelo?” Shannon asked, holding his cup. Himchan pointed to his room, “He went to his room to get something”.

Shannon started heading towards Zelo’s room. Himchan yelled out after her, “Yah! Don’t be doing anything suspicious! I’m watching you!!” Shannon opened the door and peeked in, the room was dark, “Jello-oppa? Are you in here?” she asked as she closed the door behind her and the lights. Zelo appeared in front of her, holding a mistletoe above them, “You’re standing under a mistletoe~” he said with a smile.

Shannon laughed and held up his cup of hot chocolate, “Drink first,” she teased. Zelo pouted, “My kiss-eu first”. Shannon still had the cup held out in front of her, “Not with this cup in the way~” Zelo took the cup and placed it on his desk, “No more hot chocolate,” he said as he leaned in until their lips met. Their kiss was cut short when Himchan broke into the room screaming, “WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN HERE?!” Zelo held out the mistletoe. Himchan gave him a look, “Ew, no Zelo-ah, I’m not kissing you…”

Zelo laughed and shook his head, “Ahh, no Himchan hyung, this is for Shannon”. Himchan squinted his eyes at them, “I’m still watching you…” he said as he slowly backed out. Zelo thought he was gone when Himchan came back and grabbed the mistletoe away from him. Zelo looked at him surprised. “I’m confiscating this,” Himchan said as he waved the mistletoe in the air, “Finish your hot chocolate. We’re going to go play in the snow later,” he said as he walked out to the living room, “Mylinh-ah~” he called out.

Zelo pouted, “Aww, Himchan hyung took my mistletoe… It was really hard for me to find it while on tour…” Shannon smiled, “Himchan can keep the mistletoe, we don’t need it~” she said as she leaned in while tiptoeing. Zelo also leaned in and they kissed again. Their kiss was cut short again when Mylinh knocked down the door and hid behind Shannon, “Hide me, Shannon!! Himchan oppa is chasing me with a weird plant thing!!” Zelo and Shannon laughed as Himchan ran into the room, “Mylinh-ah, it’s a mistletoe! Give me a kiss-eu~”

Mylinh shook her head, “No!” she yelled out as Himchan chased her around Shannon and Zelo, who were just standing there awkwardly. Shannon grabbed Zelo’s arms and led him to his hot chocolate still sitting on his desk. She held out the cup to him, “Drink some before we go out in the snow”. Zelo smiled and took the cup, but he held it to Shannon, “You should have some”. She shook her head, “I already had some before”. Zelo laughed, “Drink a little more to keep you warm~” Shannon pouted, “What if you get cold in the snow?” Zelo smiled, “You’ll keep me warm~”

Himchan and Mylinh were standing there looking at the couple. Mylinh made a face, “That’s so cheesy...” Himchan took this chance to kiss Mylinh, but as he leaned in, she ran out of the room screaming. Himchan pouted and ran after her. Shannon took a sip of hot chocolate before giving it to Zelo. Zelo looked into the cup and frowned, “What if you get cold?” Shannon gestured him to drink, “Don’t worry about me. Drink it so we can go play in the snow”. Zelo took the cup and started drinking.

Shannon was sitting on the side of his bed, thinking about how much fun they’ll have in the snow, she couldn’t stop smiling. Zelo finished the hot chocolate and turned to her, “Let’s go snowboarding in the snow!” She looked at him in shock, “Uhm... I... don’t know how to snowboard...” Zelo laughed, “I know~ I’ll teach you~” Shannon tried to talk herself out of it, “Uhh, my cousins tried teaching me last year... I kept falling...” Zelo took out his board from his closet, “I can teach you. This will help you in skateboarding too~” Shannon tried to think of more excuses, "Umm... the hill isn't spacious enough to snowboard, besides, you only have one board, you can use it, I'll just play in the snow". Zelo took out another board, "Jongup also has one. You can use his". Shannon finally gave up, "Okay..."

Everyone had on many layers of clothing under their snowsuits. Yongguk led them to the field. Fatima looked around, "It's so empty here". Youngjae nodded, "This place is only for those who work for TS, but Secret sunbaenims are still on their tour, so we're the only ones here this year". Jongup took Gizelle's hand and led her to a spot under the trees, "Let's make snow angels!" Jongup excitedly told her. Gizelle nodded as they lied down on the snow and made snow angels. Han shivered in the winter breeze. Daehyun led her to a room with a window showing the outside view, "Let's stay in here and keep us warm with some hot chocolate". Han nodded and sipped her drink.

Yongguk and Fatima were having a snowball fight against Mylinh and Himchan. They already made snowballs and were throwing them at each other. Mylinh snuck up on Fatima and put one in her hood before running away. "Hey! Get back here!" Fatima yelled as she ran after Mylinh, trying to get the snow out of her hood. Youngjae stared at the pile of now next to him and sighed, "I need a girlfriend..." he said to himself and started playing with the snow.

Zelo had led Shannon to a small hill. He helped her get on his board. "I'm scared..." Shannon admitted. Zelo looked up, "I'll be right here with you. I won't let you fall~" he said as he stood up and held Shannon's hands, slowly leading her down the hill. Shannon tightly held onto his hands as she slowly tried to turn left and right on the board. They got to the bottom of the hill, but she didn't know how to stop, so she fell. Zelo caught her as Shannon held onto him for her life. "Snowboarding is scary..." Shannon said, trying to stand back up, "Is skateboarding also like this?" she asked. Zelo helped her balance back on the board, "Snowboarding is a little trickier than skateboarding."

Youngjae ran up to them, "Zelo! Shannon! Come look!" Shannon held on Zelo's arm as he pulled her on the board following after Youngjae. "This is fun~" Shannon smiled. Zelo smiled back and started running. "Ahh! Wait! Jello oppa! I'm gonna fall!!!" she yelled out as her grip on his arm tightened. Zelo stopped when he was standing in front of Youngjae's snow art. Shannon looked at it and turned to Youngjae, "Youngjae oppa, who is this?" "My new girlfriend~ My ice princess~" he told them. Zelo teased Youngjae, "I think she should be a pineapple princess instead, so she can date a pineapple~"

Youngjae gave him a look, "I'm perfectly happy with my ice princess!" he said and went to hug the snow figure, but he forgot that it was made of snow and the figure's head was knocked off. Zelo and Shannon stared at the pile of snow of what used to be the head of the figure, "You shouldn't murder your girlfriend," Zelo told him. Youngjae pouted and fell on his knees, "WHY?? SHE WAS SO YOUNG!!!" Zelo put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry hyung, you'll find someone~" he said and ran off with Shannon, who was still on the board, screaming, "Jello oppa!! You're going too fast!!"

Later, Yongguk and Fatima gathered everyone on the field, "Let's build a huge snowman!" he told them, "As tall as Zelo!" he pointed towards Zelo. Fatima pointed to Shannon, Mylinh, and Gizelle, "You guys make the bottom part with Zelo, Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup" she said and pointed to Han and Daehyun, "You guys make the middle part, Yongguk and I will make the head. Let's go!!!" she yelled out.

Mylinh and Himchan didn’t even care to help with the snowman. They just played among themselves in the pile of snow. “Look, Mylinh-ah! I made a bunny~” Himchan exclaimed as he held up a head shape of a Matoki made of snow. “Psh, look at my awesome snowball!” she said as she threw her snowball at him. “Aish, my bunny is better!” he said as he threw his bunny at Mylinh as revenge. “Himchan hyung! Mylinh! Come over here and help us!” Jongup yelled at them as he dumped a pile of snow on the giant snowball they made. Gizelle dumped another pile of snow on the ball, “Mylinh! Help us make this bigger.” “I’m kinda busy~” Mylinh said and she made another snowball to throw at Himchan.

Shannon and Zelo were trying to even out the lumps of snow that Gizelle and Jongup kept making. “Jonguppie hyung, you can’t just dump snow on here and make us even it out,” Zelo complained. Jongup blinked at him, “Oh? I thought the snow melted and evened itself out…” Zelo facepalmed at him, “No, hyung…” Gizelle laughed, “Ahh Jongho oppa is so funny.” Shannon got tired and started playing with the pile of snow next to her. Zelo got curious and looked over her shoulder, “Hm? What are you making?” Shannon turned around and held out a snow Matoki shaped like Totomato, it had lines where the eyes and mask and other features should be, “It’s your matoki, Totomato~” Zelo laughed, “Aigoo it looks so cute!” Youngjae was making a rocket out of snow. Shannon looked at the rocket, “Wow Youngjae oppa, maybe you can launch the rocket when you’re done~” Youngjae laughed, “Like Jokomato and Kekemato with their rocket”.



Daehyun fell into the snow next to Shannon and Zelo. Zelo gave him a look, “Daehyunnie hyung? What are you doing?” Daehyun complained, “I’m so hungry! And tired! I want to go back into the dorm to eat!” Han pulled him back up to the snowball that they’ve been working on, “You can eat after we finish the giant snowman!” Daehyun complained some more, “But I’m hungry…” Shannon held up a mug made out of snow, “Here’s some hot chocolate~” Zelo laughed, “Wow, Shannon. That really looks like a mug of hot chocolate~” Daehyun took the mug and pretended to drink from it, then he pouted, “There’s no more hot chocolate!” Han laughed, “Ahh, Daehyunnie oppa… What are we going to do with you…”

Just then, Fatima and Yongguk were hovering over them, “What are you doing?!” Fatima yelled. “We’re playing with snow~” Zelo said as he threw snow all around him. Fatima and Yongguk crossed their arms, “We’re supposed to make a giant snowman! Mylinh, Himchan! Stop throwing snowballs at each other! Gizelle, Jongup! Make that snowball prettier! Shannon, Zelo! Stop making stuff out of the snow! Daehyun, Han! Get back to work!!!” they both yelled as they went back to work. Everyone else silently went back to making their parts for the snowman.

Several minutes later, Jongup’s group is done with the bottom part of the snowman. Zelo was going to tell Yongguk that they’re done, but Himchan stopped him, “Wait. We need to see if it’s strong enough to hold the weight of the other parts!” he said. Himchan patted the snowball a few times and it broke in half. Everyone looked at the broken snowball in front of them, then they all glared at Himchan, “That took us forever to make!” “Himchan hyung keeps ruining things!” “Yah! Kim Himchan! We worked our butts off for that!”

Himchan tried to fix it, “Wait, wait! I can fix it!” he placed the halves together and let go, then the snow broke in half again. Zelo facepalmed, “Did hyung really think that would work?” Himchan laughed awkwardly, “Ehehe… no…” Shannon told Himchan to hold the halves together again and patted on extra snow in the cracks. Several minutes later, they fixed the giant snowball. Jongup and Mylinh fell onto the snow, “Ahh, we’re finally done!!” Zelo hugged Shannon, “Shannon is our lifesaver~” he said and looked at Himchan, “Hyung is not allowed to touch the snowman ever.” Himchan pouted, “Ah, fine.”

Daehyun and Han also finished their part of the snowman. Afterwards, Fatima and Yongguk made everyone stack the parts on each other. It took forever because they were afraid to make the bottom part break again, but they were finally done. Yongguk made Zelo stand next to the snowman so he can compare the height. “Aigoo, the snowman is even taller than Zelo!!” he exclaimed. Fatima exclaimed, “Let’s make some more snowmen!! Smaller this time. They’ll be the snowchildren~” Yongguk and Fatima started on making the small snowmen.

Mylinh whispered to the others, “They’re gonna make us work again! We need to do something!!” Himchan asked, “What are we going to do?” Mylinh immediately thought of it and whispered eagerly, “Let’s destroy the giant snowman!!” Shannon and Jongup almost fell into the snow, “But it took us forever to make it!!” she told Mylinh. “They’re going to make us make even more snowmen if we don’t do it,” Mylinh explained. After lots of convincing, the group finally decided to go with Mylinh’s plan.

When Fatima and Yongguk weren’t looking, Mylinh ran to the snowman and kicked it. Himchan ripped off its head and threw it on the ground. Jongup and Zelo were barely attacking the snowman


Shannon and Gizelle helped Mylinh kick the snowman down. Daehyun and Han stomped on the broken pieces. Youngjae threw snow at the snowman as if he’s throwing rocks at it.
Yongguk and Fatima were just sitting there in the snow, their jaws dropped, looking at the group completely destroy the giant snowman.

After several minutes, when they were done murdering the snowman, they turned to look at Fatima and Yongguk. Zelo and Jongup was scared of Yongguk’s response, Ahh Yongguk’s going to kill us… Zelo thought worriedly. Fatima started yelling at them, “Yah! Why did you guys destroy our snowman?! It took us forever to make that!!!” Mylinh protested, “You guys were being so bossy and stuff!! And you guys did the least work out of all of us!!!” Yongguk laughed, “Ahh, it’s alright. The snowman would melt eventually once spring comes anyway.”

Fatima pouted, “But we didn’t even take a picture of it…” Yongguk messed up her hair, “We still have plenty of other days to make another snowman.” Fatima pointed at the others, “You guys better not destroy the snowman again!!!” Mylinh stuck her tongue out, “Only if you guys stop being lazy butts and start working on the snowman!” Fatima rolled her eyes, “Ah, fine.” Everyone looked at Youngjae who finished making his snow rocket, “Let’s go to Planet Mato!!” he yelled out, holding out his rocket. Himchan joked, “Yah! You’re going to crash into our spaceship again!”



Shannon’s hands were frozen cold. She took off her gloves and placed her hands on her cheeks in attempt to warm them, but it didn’t make any difference, it only made her cheeks colder. Zelo took off his gloves and held her hands, “We should go inside now, it’s getting cold.” Shannon nodded and they walked back to the dorm. Jongup turned to Gizelle, “Are you cold? Let’s follow them to the dorm”. Gizelle smiled, “Okay”. Jongup took her hand and they followed after Zelo and Shannon. Daehyun grabbed Han’s hand and followed after them, “Let’s go inside! It’s getting cold!” Yongguk and Himchan took Fatima and Mylinh’s hands and ran inside after the others.

Everyone got back to the dorm and they were warming themselves up. “I’m hungry,” Daehyun kept complaining. “We should eat something warm,” Yongguk suggested. “Cup noodles!” Himchan yelled out. Shannon ran to the kitchen, “I’ll make cup noodles, then”. Zelo ran in after her, “I wanna help~” he turned and saw his mistletoe sitting on the counter. A grin crept on his face as he grabbed it.

Shannon had just finished pouring the boiled water into the cups and she’s waiting for the noodles to be done. She turned around and saw Zelo holding up the mistletoe. She laughed, “This again?” Zelo pouted, “You never gave me a kiss under the mistletoe,” he said as he waved the mistletoe in the air. He leaned down and kissed Shannon. They were cut off by Daehyun yelling from the living room, “Where’s the food?! I’m starving!!” Zelo helped Shannon set up the table and everyone came in to eat.

Himchan was glaring at Zelo and Shannon the whole time. “What is it, hyung?” Zelo asked him. Himchan saw the mistletoe next to Zelo’s bowl; he pointed to it and exclaimed, “Aha! You two were doing something in the kitchen!” Both Zelo and Shannon looked at him, “We were just making noodles,” Zelo said innocently. Himchan squinted his eyes at him, “Then what’s that mistletoe for?” Zelo laughed, “My kiss-eu~” Himchan crossed his arms, “Doesn’t sound like ‘just making noodles’ to me”.

Zelo was going to chan, but Jongup took the mistletoe and examined it, “Is this what Western countries use to get a kiss for Christmas?” Gizelle nodded and held up two fingers, “Two people stand under it and they kiss~” Jongup smiled and held up the mistletoe above them, “We’re under the mistletoe~” Gizelle laughed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Daehyun reached for it and did the same with Han, “My kiss-eu~” Han laughed as he gave her a quick kiss before Yongguk took it away from him and held it over him and Fatima, “It’s our turn now,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her.

Himchan grabbed the mistletoe back and turned to Mylinh, “I still need my kiss-eu Mylinh-ah~” he said as he puckered his lips and leaned in. Mylinh ran out of her seat to the fridge. Himchan pouted, “Wae?” Mylinh smiled, “I’m getting some water~” she said as she grabbed her cup and filled it with water. Zelo took back his mistletoe, but Himchan snatched it back and waved a finger at him, “You are too young, Zelo. The only affection I allow for you and Shannon is hugs”. Zelo pouted, “But hyung, that’s not fair! Jongup gets to kiss Gizelle, why can’t I do the same with Shannon?” Yongguk put an arm around Zelo, “It’s alright, Zelo. Himchan is just being overprotective of our maknae.” Zelo stirred his noodles around and muttered, “Himchan is such an overprotective umma…”

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!