New Tutor

Love at First Sight

Shannon got all the food she needed from the market and was walking back to the dorm, I wonder if Jenny unnie is almost done tutoring... she thought as she looked at the time on her phone.

When she got to the front door, she searched her backpack for the key. Where is it? Did I lose it?... she thought as she couldn't find her key. She suddenly remembered and facepalmed at herself, I left the keys in the room. She rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. She heard a lot of footsteps but no one opened the door for her yet.

A minute later, the door opened, and Shannon was surprised to see Jimmy. "Jimmy? What are you doing here?" Jimmy shrugged, "Jenny dragged me here after school". Shannon took the bags of food and walked to the kitchen. "Let me help you with that," Jimmy offered. He took two bags and brought it to the counter before Shannon could say anything. Jimmy took out the ice cream and put it in the freezer. Shannon looked around, "Where's Jenny?" Jimmy put the bags of cheetos in the cupboard, "She's in Zelo's room tutoring him and Jongup hyung." "And the girls?" she asked. "I don't know, they were in the living room watching TV until you came, then they ran in their room and shut the door."

Shannon let the rice cook before walking to the girls' room. She knocked on the door, Mylinh yelled out, "We're doing homework!" Shannon opened the door to see the girls sitting at their desks; their papers were blank except for their names and the date. Shannon crossed her arms, "What have you been doing in the past hour?" Mylinh told her, "We were doing homework~ Like good students!" Shannon pointed at her paper, "Then why is your paper blank?" Mylinh stared at her paper, "We were doing homework with a pen with invisible ink!~ You should try it." Shannon rolled her eyes, "Are you sure you didn't watch TV?"

Fatima turned to her, "How did you know?" "Jimmy told me," Shannon said as she walked out the room. “Jimmy you traitor!!” Mylinh yelled out. "Finish your homework or no bibimbap!" she told them before she closed the door. She walked back to the kitchen and started making bibimbap. Jimmy asked her, "Need any help?" Shannon shook her head, "It's alright, I can make it by myself". She reached for the tomatoes on the counter to dice them, but Jimmy grabbed them away, "Go cook the meat. I'll cut these". Shannon nodded and took the meat from the fridge.

In Jongup and Zelo's room, Jenny was helping Zelo with math. The way she explained the problems was almost identical to Shannon's. Zelo only had a few questions left for homework when he stood up and walked towards the door, "I'm going to get some water" he said as he closed the door behind him. Jenny turned to Jongup, "So how did I do?" Jongup smiled, "You did great! Shannon's going to be so proud of us when she sees that we make less mistakes!"

This wasn't really the response the Jenny was hoping for, but it was good enough. She smiled, "You two will be math geniuses once I'm done with your tutoring". Jongup laughed, "Maybe for now, but later we'll most likely forget everything and we'll be back to the beginning. That's why Youngjae didn't like it when we ask him questions. We would ask the same questions over and over and over again no matter how many times he'd gone over it." Jenny laughed, "Don't worry, I've tutored many underclass students in school. They all passed their classes with the highest scores." Jongup was amazed, "Wow, Jenny is so amazing!"

Zelo got to the kitchen and saw Shannon and Jimmy cooking together. Shannon turned and saw Zelo; she blushed when she remembered their kiss from before. Zelo smiled when he saw her blush and poured some water into his cup, "I just needed some water." Shannon nodded and went back to making dinner. Jimmy was too busy cutting tomatoes to notice anything. Zelo went over to Shannon and gave a quick kiss on her cheek before running back to his room. She could feel her face turn really red. Jimmy turned to Shannon and saw her blushing, "What did Zelo do?" he asked. "He... kissed me... again...," Shannon said, blushing even more.

Jimmy looked towards Zelo's room, Kiss? I guess my plan really is working. But... he looked at Shannon, I think I'm falling for her again... He cleaned his hands and walked towards her. He lifted her chin up and leaned down to kiss her. Jimmy wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. Shannon was really confused, What is he doing? This isn't part of the plan. Neither Jenny nor Zelo are here... Her heart beat faster and faster. ... Am I really falling for Jimmy...?

A few seconds later, Shannon pulled away. She looked at Jimmy, "This isn't part of the plan..." "I know," he said and went back to cutting the vegetables. Shannon stared at the cooking meat, Jimmy likes me?... and Zelo too... part of her liked Zelo, but the other part liked Jimmy. She was having conflicted feelings. So did Jimmy, This plan was to get Jenny back, but it doesn't seem like I'm following that plan anymore...

Zelo had just finished his homework. Jenny pinched his cheek, "Aigoo, you're such a good student". Jongup smiled, "What about me?" Jenny turned to him and gave him a thumb up, "Jongup was a good student too!" Zelo rubbed his cheek where Jenny pinched him and stood up, "I'm going to go check on the food." Jenny also stood up and grabbed Zelo's arm, "I'll come with you". Jongup pointed to his bed, "I'll go take a quick nap," he said as he threw himself on his bed.

Daehyun walked into the kitchen, "Is dinner ready yet?" Shannon turned to him, "Oh, it's almost done." Daehyun took out spoons and chopsticks to set up the table. Zelo and Jenny came into the kitchen. Daehyun looked at them, "Dinner's almost ready~" he said excitedly. "What are we having?" Jenny asked. "Bibimbap," Shannon told her. Jenny saw Jimmy helping Shannon make the bibimbap, "Oh, Jimmy's cooking with Shannon? That's so cute~" Daehyun gave her a weird look, What did she say? but he shrugged it off and sat down to wait for his food.

Zelo frowned, he wanted to cook with Shannon again, but Jimmy helped her instead. Zelo sat down with Daehyun. Jenny pointed to the girls' room, "I'll go get the girls". Youngjae came out to the table, "Is the food done yet?" Zelo pointed to the kitchen, "Almost." Youngjae sat down next to Daehyun, "You better not try to eat my food again". Daehyun laughed, "Psh, I don't need your food. Shannon already knows to put more food in my bowl~" he stuck his tongue out.

Youngjae scoffed, "Whatever. At least she keeps you away from my ice cream so you don't eat it all." Daehyun waved a hand at him, "Ahh, Youngjae babo. I sneak out at night to eat your ice cream." Youngjae almost screamed, "WHAT?!" Daehyun looked away, "Oh, nothing, nothing~" Zelo kept staring into the kitchen, I want to help... Just as he was going to walk to the kitchen, Yongguk and Himchan came to the table. Yongguk placed a hand on Zelo's shoulder, "Zelo-ah, how was Jenny's tutoring?" Zelo shrugged, "She did okay". Yongguk raised an eyebrow, "Really? Jongup said she was really good." Zelo muttered, “I like Shannon’s tutoring better…”

Jenny and the girls came out from their room just as Shannon and Jimmy came out from the kitchen with food. Daehyun started eating his food just as Shannon gave his bowl to him. Youngjae slapped his arm, "Yah! Wait until everyone gets their food!" Daehyun laughed, "You're just jealous that Shannon gave me more rice than you~" Youngjae glared at their bowls, 'Shannon really did give him more food...' he thought. Shannon was going to sit in the seat next to Zelo, but Jenny cut in front of her and sat in the seat. Zelo frowned, I wanted to sit with Shannon...

Jenny smiled at him, "I've never had bibimbap before. Could you show me how to eat it?" Zelo gave her a look, "Just eat the rice with the meat and vegetables..." Jenny held out her spoon, "That's not descriptive enough for me. Show me~" Zelo sighed and took her spoon. He scooped some bibimbap and held it for Jenny to grab the spoon. Jenny shook her head, "Feed it to noona~" she said as she opened . Zelo muttered, "But I don't want to..." Yongguk, who sat next to Zelo, gave him a nudge, and whispered, "Zelo-ah, you have to do what a noona tells you." Zelo pouted, "But I don't want to..." Yongguk nodded towards Jenny, "Just do it!"

Zelo sighed and fed Jenny. Jenny ate the bibimbap and exclaimed, “Wow! This bibimbap tastes so good! Shannon and Jimmy should cook together more often~” Zelo frowned and looked over to Shannon, who was talking to Jimmy as she ate, But I like cooking with her… Zelo looked at the cut vegetables in his bowl; Jimmy diced them better than Zelo could. Zelo stabbed the diced tomatoes and chewed on them violently. Jenny turned to him, “Zelo-ah, what’s wrong?” Zelo looked at her and shook his head, “Nothing” he said and continued eating.

Daehyun already finished his bibimbap and asked Shannon, "Shannon! Can I have ice cream for dessert?" Shannon nodded, "Just don't eat all of Youngjae's green tea ice cream." Youngjae pointed at Daehyun, "Watching you..." Mylinh waved her hand at Shannon trying to get her attention, "Shannon! Shannon! I want some ice cream too~" Shannon finished her bowl, "Once you're done with your rice, then you may have ice cream".

Himchan stood up and grabbed Mylinh's hand, "Let's go get ice cream!" he yelled as he pointed towards the kitchen. Youngjae ran to the kitchen, "Yah! Jung Daehyun! You better keep your hands off my green tea ice cream!!"  Daehyun , "What are you gonna do? Sit on me?" Youngjae slapped his arm and took his green tea ice cream out and held it away from Daehyun, "Mine!!" Daehyun took out some chocolate ice cream, "I'll eat choco ice cream instead." Youngjae started singing his ice cream song, "Choco Ice cream Say~ I say Choco. You say Ice cream. Choco!" "Shikkeuro," Daehyun answered and walked away. Youngjae pouted, "But you're supposed to say 'Ice cream'..."

Himchan shoved him out of the way, "Yah, Youngjae, you're blocking the freezer!" Himchan reached in for the vanilla ice cream and Youngjae sang his song again, "I say Vanilla. You say Ice cream. Vanilla!" "Shikkeuro" Himchan copied Daehyun and ran out to the table with Mylinh. Youngjae yelled after him, "You're supposed to say 'Ice cream'!!!"

Jimmy turned to Shannon, "I want some ice cream too~" he gave her the puppy dog eyes. Zelo scowled disgustedly. Shannon laughed, "Okay, what kind do you like?" she asked as she walked towards the kitchen. Jimmy followed after her and asked, "Do you have strawberry ice cream?" Shannon shrugged as she opened the freezer and searched for strawberry flavored ice cream. Jenny grabbed Zelo's arm, "Zelo-ah, let's get some ice cream!" Zelo looked at her, "But I'm not done with my rice yet. Shannon sai-" "Forget what she said. She's not the boss of you. Come on, let's go~" Jenny tugged on his arm.

Zelo sighed, "Okay..." He stood up and brought his bowl with him. He tried to finish his bibimbap as they walked into the kitchen. Shannon took out some Neapolitan ice cream, "We ran out of strawberry, but we have this." Jimmy smiled, "I also love Neapolitan ice cream!" Shannon looked at the picture of the ice cream on the box, which reminded her of Zelo, Youngjae, and Jongup's hair. She looked up and saw Zelo with his mouth full, and his bowl in his hands. "You wanted ice cream?" she asked. Zelo nodded as he tried to chew the food in his mouth.

Shannon pointed to the bowl, "I'll put that away for you." Zelo looked at the bowl and held it out for Shannon, but Jenny took it and put it in the sink. She turned to Zelo, "Zelo-ah, what kind of ice cream do you want?" she asked as she walked over to the freezer. Zelo shrugged, he couldn't say anything because he still has food in his mouth. Shannon pointed to a box of ice cream, "Zelo likes melon ice cream" she turned to him and smiled. Zelo couldn't smile back with all the food in his mouth, so he nodded and gave her a thumbs up instead. Jenny took out the ice cream, "I haven't had melon ice cream before. I should try some!"

Shannon knew it was a bad idea because Zelo never shares his melon ice cream to anyone but her, "Jenny unnie, um... Zelo doesn't really share his melon ice cream to anyone..." she felt kind of rude to say such a thing to Jenny. Jenny frowned, "Aww, but Zelo can share just this once..." she looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. Zelo finally swallowed his food and said, "Um, well..." "That's great! We'll share then~" Jenny said as she took two spoons and ran out to the table with Zelo. Jimmy asked Shannon curiously, "Zelo doesn't share his ice cream to anyone?" Shannon nodded, "He only shares it with me though..." Jimmy looked at her, who was looking at Zelo eating his ice cream. Jimmy put an arm around her, "Let's go eat this ice cream." Shannon nodded and they walked back to the table.

Jenny held up the spoon full of melon ice cream to Zelo to feed him. Zelo looked at the spoon and slowly reached out to grab the spoon instead of letting her feed him. Jenny pulled the spoon away and shook her head, "Just eat it, Zelo-ah~" She held the spoon closer and closer to Zelo as he leaned away farther and farther back. Yongguk rolled his eyes, "Ah, Zelo, don't be rude to your noona" he said as he stopped Zelo from leaning back any farther.

Shannon frowned as she saw Zelo trying desperately to eat his melon ice cream without Jenny trying to feed him, Poor Zelo, he can't even eat his favorite ice cream in peace.... She suddenly felt something cold on her lips. She turned to see Jimmy holding a spoonful of ice cream to her lips, "Eat it" he told her. Shannon looked at the ice cream on the spoon; it was entirely strawberry, which reminded her of Zelo's pink hair. She smiled as she ate the ice cream. Jimmy also smiled and scooped out more ice cream for himself. Zelo turned to see them sharing the same spoon, Indirect kissing... he thought before Jenny tried to feed him again.

Jimmy held out another spoon to Shannon. She leaned in to take a bite, but Jimmy pulled it back. Just like with my phone... Shannon thought as she tried to lean in more to eat the ice cream. Jimmy kept pulling back the spoon until he realized how close he was from Shannon. They were merely inches away from each other. Shannon looked away and took her bowl, "I'll go put this in the sink," she said as she hurried into the kitchen. Jimmy ate the ice cream and got up to put away the ice cream.

Shannon put her bowl in the sink and was walking back to the table. Jimmy was standing in front of the freezer putting away the ice cream. He grabbed her hand as she walked by. She looked at him as he pulled her into a hug. Shannon put her hands on his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. Jimmy was her hair as Zelo came in to put away his ice cream while drinking water. He spit out his water when he saw Shannon in Jimmy's arm. Shannon was facing away from Zelo so she didn't know who it was. She turned to look but Jimmy held onto her really tight.

She couldn't pull away either because Jimmy has her wrapped in his arms. She was afraid that it was Zelo, she hated herself for getting herself into this situation. Jimmy and Zelo glared at each other. Zelo walked to the sink to put away his spoon. Shannon's heart dropped when she saw a part of Zelo's pink hair uncovered by Jimmy’s arm in front of her. Zelo walked over to them and put the ice cream next to the fridge, because Jimmy and Shannon were blocking the freezer door. Zelo looked at Shannon before walking back to the table. Jimmy's arms loosened around her and Shannon turned and worriedly looked at Zelo walking to the table. Jimmy whispered into her ear, "Everything is going to be fine" he said before giving her a quick peck on her forehead and led her out to the table.

Everyone was done eating so they got up to put away the dishes and went into the living room to watch TV. Jimmy was going to stand up up put away his bowl, but Shannon stopped him, "I'll put that away and wash the dishes." she said and motioned him to follow the others to the living room. Jenny was also going to follow Shannon to put away her bowl. Zelo stopped her and took her bowl, "Noona can go watch TV with the others.” Jimmy grabbed Jenny’s hand and led her to the living room as she tried to peel his hand off and go to Zelo.

Zelo came in the kitchen where Shannon was washing the dishes. He placed his bowl in the sink and Shannon turned to look at him. There was an awkward tension between them. She looked behind him to see his melon ice cream still sitting on the counter. Shannon cleaned her hands and pointed to the ice cream, “I’ll go put this away”. Zelo grabbed her hand before she could get the ice cream and shook his head. Shannon frowned as Zelo took the ice cream, He won’t even let me get close to his ice cream... Zelo took out a spoon and started eating his ice cream, “I still want to eat some more,” he told her. Shannon sighed in relief, Oh, so that’s why, she nodded and went back to washing the dishes.

Shannon was halfway done with the dishes when she noticed that Zelo was still standing in the kitchen. She turned to tell him to go sit at the table, but she saw a spoonful of melon ice cream right in front of her. Shannon looked up at Zelo, who motioned her to eat the ice cream. She smiled and ate the ice cream. It reminded her of the times when Zelo would feed her some of his melon ice cream while Daehyun and Youngjae were begging him for some. Zelo smiled as he fed Shannon his melon ice cream. Shannon continued to wash the dishes as Zelo fed her his ice cream.

When she finished his ice cream, Zelo threw away the box and helped her with the dishes. Shannon asked, “Do you still have any melon ice cream left?” Zelo shook his head, “That was the last one”. Shannon frowned, “Oh... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” “It’s fine. I’d share my melon ice cream with you anytime.” Zelo interrupted her. They smiled at each other as they finished washing the dishes. Yongguk came in the kitchen to get some water, but he stopped and hid behind the refrigerator when he saw Zelo and Shannon washing dishes together. Yongguk laughed and whispered to himself, “Aigoo they look so cute together~”. Himchan popped up behind him, “Who looks cute together?”

Yongguk smacked his head and pulled him behind the refrigerator, “Zelo and Shannon. They’re doing the dishes together. Don’t they look so cute together?” Himchan laughed, “I think me and Mylinh make a cuter couple~” Yongguk smacked him again, “Aish, this guy.” he said as he quickly grabbed a water bottle from the counter and walked back out to the living room. Himchan kept an eye on Zelo, “He better not be doing anything suspicious...” he whispered to himself. Zelo took a stack of bowls and walked to the cupboard to put them away. He looked up to see Himchan, “Oh! Himchan hyung?” Himchan panicked and ran back to the living room. Shannon turned around, “Hm? What is it?” Zelo shrugged and put the bowls into the cupboard.

After they were done, they came out to the living room. Shannon looked around, “Where are Jenny and Jimmy?” Jongup pointed out the door, “Jimmy dragged Jenny home because they needed to finish their homework.” Youngjae pointed at Shannon, “Don’t you have to do homework too?” Shannon remembered that she hasn’t even touched her homework yet, “Oh! I forgot!” she said as she ran into the girls’ room with her backpack. Zelo was going to follow her when Himchan stopped him, “Oh no you don’t Zelo. You’re not going anywhere near the girls’ room when Shannon’s in there alone.”

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!