Moving In

Love at First Sight


The next day, Boyan and Sujin didn't show up for class. Fatima turned to Han, "Where do you think those two are?" she asked as she pointed to the two empty seats across the room. Han shrugged, "I don't really care. At least we won't have any drama today." 

Boyan and Sujin were standing in front of apartment 315. "Okay Sujin this is it. Are you ready?" Sujin nodded unsurely. Boyan used the stolen house key and opened the door. They stepped in the apartment and looked around. "Wow this place looks pretty cool!" Sujin exclaimed.

Boyan smirked, "Not for long." she said as she flipped over the kitchen table, causing all the bowls and fruits to crash onto the floor. Sujin rubbed her tummy, "Boyan-ah I'm really hungry, we didn't even get to eat breakfast." she walked over to the fridge and started looking through it. "Oh! There’s cake!" she pointed to the leftover cake from Mylinh's birthday party. She took it out and started eating.

Boyan facepalmed, "You are unbelievable. Now come on let's check their rooms." They went into Shannon's room first. Boyan scoffed at the Zelo posters on the wall. She began ripping them off the wall and throwing it into the living room. She looked at Shannon's desk and grabbed the ipod and shoved it in her bag. She swiped all the items on Shannon's desk onto the floor. 

The next room was Han's room. Boyan opened the door and frowned. "There’s like barely any B.A.P in this room. Just a bunch of Kai. I don't even like Kai." She began ripping the posters, she didn't even rip them neatly like the Zelo posters. She ripped them to pieces.

Sujin called from the next room. "Boyan! This room doesn't even have anything! Just a poster of this really cute cat~" Boyan yelled from han's room, "Just rip it off and trash the place!" Sujin ripped the poster off the wall and started looking through Gizelle's closet. She held up a shirt, "Ohhhh! This is cute!....I'm just...gonna take it..." she said as she shoved the shirt into her bag.

She practically stole all of the clothes in Gizelle's closet. She stole a lot from Han's closet as well. She looked through their jewelry boxes and stole a few necklaces and earrings. "Ohhh! This necklace will look great on me!" Sujin exclaimed as she tried it on.

Boyan was ripping Yongguk posters from Fatima's side of the room. Boyan turned to Mylinh's side of the room and her jaw dropped to the floor. So much Himchan! She thought I have to have it all. She carefully ripped all the posters and magazine cutouts off the wall.

She smiled to herself, Himchannie oppa is going to look so pretty on my wall ♥ she noticed a lonely picture in the corner, Hmm what is this? she thought. Oh, it's just EXO M's Kris. She took a pen and drew a moustache on the picture. She laughed to herself, she wouldn't mind this would she?~~~ 

Sujin walked into the room and said, "I wonder if they have pretty clothes in their closet." She opened Mylinh's closet door and her jaw dropped. " B-boyan! You have to look at this!" she called. Boyan was still carefully removing the Himchan posters off the wall. "What is it?" she asked. Sujin pointed to the closet, "You have to see this!" Boyan walked over and she nearly fainted. "I-is this... A Himchan shrine?" Boyan could barely speak.

Sujin nodded and pointed to the signed B.A.P album placed on the shrine, "Look! It's the B.A.P Power album! And it's signed too! I would kill to get that album!" Boyan took the album and shoved it in her bag. "It's ours now," she said with a smirk. Boyan knocked over the shrine, "That loser doesn't deserve Himchan." She took the two cardboard cutouts and walked into the living room where all the posters were piled up.

"Now we can pick which posters we want." They picked out so many posters that their bags were getting really full. Sujin started emptying out her bag trying to get rid of extra weight. She shoved all the posters in and left behind a few shirts. "Are you done now?" Boyan asked her.

Sujin nodded as she stood up and adjusted the full bag on her shoulders. "It's really heavy" she complained. Boyan glared at her, "Let's just go. Don't act suspicious ok? Just walk out of here like nothing happened." She grabbed her bag and the two cardboard cutouts and headed for the door. Once they got outside the building, they ran straight for home. 

After school, Shannon’s group was on their way back to their apartment. Mylinh turned to Shannon, “MY COMPUTER!! Can we go to B.A.P’s dorm today? I want to see Himchan oppa~ AND MY COMPUTER~” Shannon chuckled, “Okay, we’ll go after we finish homework.” Mylinh, Fatima, and Han got excited, “YAAAAAAYYYYYY~~”.

As they were waiting in the elevator, Shannon turned to her group and asked, “What do you guys want for dinner?” Mylinh exclaimed, “Make some kimchi stew!~” Fatima told her, “But we don’t have any kimchi left”. Gizelle volunteered, “I’ll go to the market to get some more”. Han and Mylinh smiled at each other, “Yay~ Kimchi stew~”.

The girls walked up to their door and Shannon opened the door with her key. They were shocked by what they saw. Some of their posters and clothes were all over the floor. The kitchen table was flipped over and there were fruits squashed on the floor.

They didn’t know what to do. “Who...?” Fatima was too overwhelmed to speak. Shannon ran into her room to see all the Zelo posters ripped off. Her room was a mess. “They took my ipod!” she yelled out to the others. The four girls ran into their rooms. Han screamed, “They completely ripped Kai in pieces!!”

Gizelle searched her jewelry boxes, “They took our jewelry! Even my favorite necklace...” she frowned. Fatima looked at Mylinh’s picture of Kris on the wall, “And they drew a moustache on Kris...” Mylinh screamed, “THEY DESTROYED MY SHRINE AND TOOK THE POWER ALBUM AND MY CARDBOARD CUTOUTS!!!!” Han was furious, “WHAT?!  I’M NOT ALLOWED BACK TO THE MALL JUST TO GET YOU THAT HIMCHAN CUTOUT AND NOW THEY STOLE IT?!”

Shannon couldn’t believe all this, “Who would do such a thing...?” Fatima looked at Han and Gizelle, they all said at the same time, “Boyan and Sujin”. Mylinh and Shannon looked at them, “How do you know?” Fatima pointed out, “They didn’t come to class today”. Han added, “And they always cause us trouble”.

Gizelle walked towards a card that was dropped near the front door and picked it up, “And they dropped their school ID card too,” she said and handed the card to Fatima. She took the card and read the name, “Sujin...” Han snatched the card out of her hand, “Sujin and Boyan are always together, so it’s definitely them”.

Shannon thought for a moment, “How did they find out where we live? And how did they get in?”  Fatima snapped her fingers, “Those two were with us in the elevator yesterday! I knew it was odd to walk while reading the newspaper... But I don’t know how they got in...” Han asked, “Check for your keys. They might’ve taken the keys from one of us”. The girls searched their backpacks.

Shannon already had her keys in her hands, “Mine’s here”. Fatima, Gizelle, and Han took out theirs, “Ours is here”. They turned to Mylinh. Mylinh blinked at them, “What? I’m too lazy to look in my backpack... I have to take it off and look through all my stuff...” Fatima took her backpack and they looked through it. They took out a whole pile of food from her backpack, “It’s not in here...,” Gizelle said. Han crossed her arms and sighed, “What do we do now...?” Shannon looked around their apartment, “We move into B.A.P’s dorm, then”.

Shannon called Zelo while the girls were packing whatever was left of their stuff.
Zelo was taking a break in the TS practice room when Shannon called. He picked up his phone and answered.  The other members were sitting around him and teasing, “Who is it?” Jongup asked.  “I bet it’s Shannon.” Yongguk answered him.  Himchan started speaking in a high pitched voice, “Oh Jello oppa~ I missed you so much! How will I ever go on!” He tried to look distressed, but Yongguk smacked him on the back of the head. “Yah what are you doing...” he scolded Himchan. Zelo was trying to listen to what Shannon was saying, “Shhhh. I’m trying to listen, but hyungs are too noisy. I think it’s something urgent.”  The other members immediately quieted down and leaned closer in attempt to hear what was going on.  

Zelo dropped his phone when Shannon told him everything.  He was in complete shock.  “Well? What did she say?” Youngjae asked.  “Did she make us food? I’m getting pretty hungry.” Daehyun said as she rubbed his tummy.  Himchan looked at Zelo who was still sitting in absolute shock. “Oh! I know!” Himchan said as he clapped his hands together. The group turned to him to listen to what he had to say.  Himchan leaned in and whispered, “Shannon........ PROPOSED to Zelo!”

Zelo broke out of his daze and shook his head, “No no that’s not it.” He quickly got up and ran for the door gesturing everyone to follow him.  Outside the building Zelo turned to the other members. “We have to go to the girl’s apartment right now!” he said with an urgent tone.  “Why? Did something happen?” Yongguk asked.  Zelo was already taking off down the street, “NO TIME! I’LL TELL YOU ON THE WAY! JUST FOLLOW ME!” he yelled.  The other members just shrugged and ran after their maknae.  

The girls were sitting in the living room with their suitcases.  They were going through the pile of ripped posters, trying to salvage what was left of it. Mylinh was helping Han tape together a Kai poster.  “There.” she finished taping one poster together, “It looks good as new..... kind of...” Han grabbed the poster, “It looks fine. Thank you.” she said as she messed up Mylinh’s hair.  

Fatima was rolling up her many posters that Boyan and Sujin didn’t even touch.  “No fair.” Han pointed out, “How come they ripped up my posters and didn’t even touch your non-B.A.P related ones.” Shannon scolded her, “Yah. Be grateful that you even have posters left.  They took every single one of Mylinh’s posters.” Gizelle tried to cheer them up, “Let’s go shopping for new things this weekend then!” The other girls just looked away, they weren’t in the mood.

B.A.P came bursting through the door. They were all screaming at the same time, “IS IT TRUE?! IS IT TRUE THAT YOU’RE GOING TO BE MOVING IN WITH US?” They stopped to see the 5 girls sitting on the floor in the living room.  B.A.P looked around and they were shocked by what they saw.

Yongguk turned to Shannon, “What happened here?” Shannon handed him Sujin’s ID card that they found near the door.  Yongguk looked at the card, he recognized the picture almost immediately,  “This girl.... Was it those two girls? They did this?” Shannon slowly nodded.  Zelo was really mad, “AHHHH! Those girls are nothing but trouble!”

Shannon walked up to Zelo and hugged him, “At least we’re moving in to your dorm” Daehyun sighed, “But we didn’t think this would be the reason…” Youngjae looked around the room, “I can’t believe they would do such a thing…” Himchan crossed his arms, “We really need to teach these two girls a lesson!” Yongguk shook his head and turned towards the door, “We’ll take care of them later. Let’s go back to our dorm. There’s no use staying here any longer”. The girls got up and followed B.A.P out of their apartment building.

Yongguk opened the door to their dorm. The girls walked in. Shannon stopped, "Wait, don't we have to inform the landlord about our apartment?" Yongguk gestured her in, "Don't worry, I already took care of it". Shannon smiled, "Thanks," she said and walked in after the others. 

Himchan gave the girls a tour around their dorm. Mylinh kept asking him, "Where's my computer? Where did you set it up? Is it in this room? My brand new computer!!" Himchan laughed, "It's in your room". 

He showed them the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, Yongguk and his room, Daehyun and Youngjae's room, then Zelo and Jongup's room.
**Note: We know B.A.P share the same bedroom, but it's easier to write the story if they're separated**

Shannon peeked into Zelo and Jongup's bedroom and turned to Himchan, “Where are we going to sleep?” He pointed to the next room, “You girls will sleep in that room”. Mylinh screamed, "MY COMPUTER!!~~". Mylinh and Fatima opened the door and ran in the room. 

There were 2 bunk beds on either side of the walls and a twin bed in between. “I CALL THE TOP BUNK!” Mylinh exclaimed as she climbed to her bed. “Fattyma can have the bottom bunk because she’s fat~” Mylinh pointed to Fatima. Fatima scowled, “Hey! That’s not fair! I’m taking the other top bunk!” she said as she walked towards the other bed. Mylinh threw her pillow at Fatima, “NO! That top bunk is for Gizelle~ and the twin bed is for Shannon! You and Han are taking the bottom bunks!”

“NO! I do what I want!” Fatima said as she stuck out her tongue and ran across the room. Mylinh got off her bunk and started chasing Fatima, occasionally hitting Fatima with her pillow. Soon everyone was running around and hitting each other with pillows.  They all stopped when they saw Himchan in the doorway.  Himchan walked into the room and grabbed Mylinh’s hand.  “You can’t sleep here.” He told her.  Mylinh gave him a confused look, “Huh? Why not?” Himchan gave her a creepy smile, “Because you’re going to sleep in my bed tonight~”

“Ah Seriously!” She yelled and smacked him in the face with her pillow. He ran out of the room laughing.  All the girls chased him and attacked him with their pillows. “I’m sorry! It was just a joke!” He said as he was being attacked.  Yongguk and Zelo were sitting on the couch watching Himchan get beaten by 5 girls.  Yongguk stood up and told Zelo, “I’m going to make some popcorn.  This is too funny.”

Zelo decided to stop the girls, so he grabbed Shannon’s hand.  Everyone stopped and turned to him.  Zelo gave Shannon a creepy smile, “Do you want to sleep with me tonight?~” “Not you too!” Shannon exclaimed.  Yongguk came back with a bowl of popcorn, “Yah Kim Himchan! What are you teaching our maknae!?” He turned to the girls, “I suggest that you beat him up some more!~” Himchan ran out of the living room screaming. 

The girls all followed him with their pillows.  Zelo ran to his room and grabbed a pillow to join.  Jongup, Daehyun, and Youngjae were lying in their beds. “What are you doing Zelo?” Jongup asked him.  Zelo pointed out the door, “We’re beating up Himchan hyung.” Jongup, Daehyun and Youngjae instantly got up, “We want to join!” They all grabbed their pillows and took off after Zelo. 

Yongguk was sitting on the couch eating popcorn as he watched them gang up on Himchan.  He chuckled.  Things are so much more interesting with them… 

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!