Love at First Sight

The next morning, Jenny woke up really early to make breakfast for the girls.  About half an hour later, all the girls woke up and were sitting at the table waiting for Jenny.  Shannon and Gizelle were helping Jenny set up the table. They placed plates in front of everyone and poured the milk.  Jenny came out with a plate piled with pancakes in one hand and a bottle of syrup in the other.  Jenny sat down and cheerfully said, “Okay everyone! Let’s dig in!”

The girls ate silently because they were still a bit tired from staying up late the day before.  Jenny broke the silence, “So.... Can I come to your house tomorrow? I really want to see what it looks like!” Shannon sighed and shook her head, “Sorry, but I don’t think that’s a great idea.”

Jenny gave her a look, “How so?” Gizelle told her, “Two girls trashed our apartment and stole our stuff this week”. Jenny looked shocked, “What? Why would they do such a thing?” Fatima shrugged, “Well, they… don’t really get along with us”. Shannon silently sighed in the background, Glad she didn’t say it’s related to B.A.P…

Jenny asked them, “Do these girls cause a lot of trouble to you?” Han nodded, “They’re really mean girls! They make everyone hate us.” Mylinh added, “Jenny unnie is our only friend in school other than Jimmy…” Jenny gave them worried looks, and patted their heads, “Don’t worry, on Monday, I’ll take care of them. I’ll get them to return whatever they stole from you, too”.

Mylinh and Fatima looked at her with sparkles in their eyes, “Really? Jenny unnie would do that for us?” Jenny smiled and nodded, “Anything for you girls~” Fatima pointed to Jenny’s X-box, “Let’s play something before we leave~”

When the girls got back from the sleepover at Jenny’s house, Shannon opened the door to the dorm and sighed.  “We need to clean up this place before B.A.P gets back!” Gizelle cleaned up the table.  “Are we going to make something special for B.A.P oppas?” she asked as she wiped the table.  Shannon nodded, “What are we going to make them though?”

Mylinh and Fatima screamed from the girl’s room, “SHANNON!! WE WANT MILK TEA!!!” Shannon laughed, “I guess we’re making them milk tea then~” Han was vacuuming the floor and dancing with her headphones on.  “HAN!” Shannon screamed for her.  Han didn’t hear her over her music and the noise of the vacuum.  

Shannon walked to Han and yanked out her headphones.  “Do you want some milk tea?” Shannon asked, practically screaming over the vacuum noise.  Han slowly nodded and put her headphones back in.

A few hours later, the whole dorm was clean and Shannon was finishing making the milk tea.  She stuck the tea in the refrigerator and set out 11 cups for later.  Shannon went to take a nap because she was so tired from cleaning and making milk tea.  

Gizelle and Han were in the living room watching TV and eating cheetos.  As usual, Mylinh was on her computer and Fatima was on her bed with her laptop, typing like there was no tomorrow. Mylinh turned around and asked her, “Fattyma what are you doing? What are you typing?”  Fatima shielded her laptop, “It’s nothing!”

Mylinh got up from her seat and looked at Fatima’s laptop screen. “Asian…fanfics….” She slowly read. “You’re writing a fanfic? What is it about? Is it about Yongguk oppa? Is it about B.A.P? Why are you even writing a fanfic? I wanna read it! Lemme see what you have so far!” Mylinh was asking her a million questions.  

Fatima held the laptop away from her reach.  “No you cannot read it!  It’s about Zico from Block B.” Fatima explained.  “Whattt…. Why isn’t it about Yongguk oppa?” Mylinh asked.  “Uhh…… uhmmm….” Fatima didn’t really know how to explain.  Mylinh was going to ask more questions but she was interrupted by Shannon waking up.  “Yah you guys are so noisy!” Shannon scolded them and put her pillow over her head.  

Mylinh apologized a billion times before going back to her computer.  Mylinh kept bothering Fatima about the fanfic, so Shannon went to sleep in Zelo’s room.

In the living room, Han was teasing Gizelle, “Oh Gizelle~ Don’t these cheetos remind you of Jongup oppa and his manly cheetos?” Gizelle smacked the cheetos out of Han’s hand, “Stop eating my Jongho oppa!” Han stuck another cheeto in , “Hmm I wonder when B.A.P oppas are going to be back~” Gizelle snatched the bag of cheetos away from Han, “You monster! Stop eating Jongho oppa or I’m telling Daehyun oppa that you’ve been a bad girl!” she teased.  

Han laughed, “Daehyunnie oppa will probably eat the whole bag by himself!~” Gizelle grabbed a banana off the counter and handed it to Han.  “Here eat this instead. It’s much healthier.” She said.  Han burst out laughing and grabbed the banana.  “Daehyunnie oppa doesn’t like it when I eat bananas.  He says that I am dirty minded….. What does he mean by that?~” Han said as she stuck the banana in .

Just then B.A.P practically kicked down the door and screamed, “WE’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gizelle immediately got up and ran straight into Jongup’s arms.  “Oh Gizelle! I missed you so much! No one would feed me like you did! I even asked Zelo to feed me, but he said that I am a strange person and I nearly starved!” Jongup exclaimed as he threw his arms around Gizelle.  

Gizelle laughed and gently slapped his arm, “You’re old enough to feed yourself! Why do I have to feed you?!” Jongup giggled, “Because it’s more romantic when you feed me~” Gizelle laughed and hugged Jongup, “You are seriously unbelievable.” She said.

Daehyun ran into the living room to see Han eating a banana in a nasty fashion.  “Seriously! What is up with you and bananas?” he exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air.  Han laughed and continued eating her banana, “It’s not my fault you think wrong.” Daehyun pointed at her, “I won’t hug you until you stop eating bananas like that!” Han shrugged and took a bite of the banana, making Daehyun feel really uncomfortable.  

Finally, Daehyun gave up and gave Han a big hug,  “I really missed you!……. And your nasty banana eating habits.” Han laughed and returned his hug, “I missed you too…. And the way you would always scold me about bananas.” Daehyun chuckled and said, “I’m never buying bananas from the store ever again.”

Himchan looked around and asked, “Where’s Mylinh?” Gizelle pointed to the girl’s room and said, “Fatima and Mylinh are in there and I think Shannon is taking a nap in Zelo’s room.” Before Gizelle finished explaining, Himchan was already running towards the girl’s room screaming for Mylinh.  

Mylinh was sitting on her chair staring at her computer screen and Fatima was lying on her back with her laptop on her stomach. "GAHH! I can't think of anything to write!" she exclaimed. Mylinh did not take her eyes off the computer screen and answered, "You won't let me read it, so I won't help you with it."

Just then Himchan barged into the room, still screaming for Mylinh.  He ran over to Mylinh and gave her a big hug. "OH MY GOSH! I missed you so much! I almost died because you girls didn't video chat with us yesterday!" he exclaimed. "I'm sorry. We were at a friend's house. Her name is Jenny and she's like the best unnie ever!" Mylinh as she threw her hands in the air.  

Himchan smiled, "I want to meet this Jenny one day~ Is she really pretty?" Yongguk walked into the room and scoffed, "Yah Kim Himchan! It sounds like you want to flirt with this Jenny girl." Himchan frantically shook his head and wrapped his arms around Mylinh. "I didn't mean it like that! You know that Mylinh is the only one for me!" he tried to explain.

Yongguk wasn't listening, he walked over to Fatima who was still lying on her bed typing stuff on her laptop. He sat down on the bed next to her. "Whatcha doing?" he asked curiously, trying to look at what she was typing.  Fatima quickly closed her laptop and looked at him, "Nothing..." she responded. Yongguk looked at Mylinh and asked what Fatima was doing.

Fatima frantically shook her head as Mylinh explained, "Fattyma was writing a fanfic about Zico oppa from Block B and she told me that she was stuck and didn't know what to write." Yongguk chuckled, "You know I read a fanfic once. I know how it goes." Fatima slightly smiled, "So you'll help me with my fanfic?" Yongguk leaned in closer to her face and whispered seductively, "After I'm done with you, you'll have a lot to write about."

Himchan covered Mylinh's eyes and dragged her out of the room. "You are too young to see that kind of stuff." he said as he closed the door. "What kind of stuff?" Mylinh asked innocently. Himchan facepalmed, "Ack uh I can't really explain it, you just can't see it."

Gizelle overheard them as she got out of the bathroom, "Mylinh can't see what?" she asked them. Mylinh pointed to the girls room and said, "Channie oppa said that Yongguk oppa and Fattyma are getting it on and I'm not supposed to see it." Himchan put his hand over , "JESUS. You are not as innocent as you look!"

Mylinh laughed as she pushed his hand away, "Living with Fattyma and Han made me really dirty minded~" she said as she smiled innocently. Han heard her name and ran into the hallway. "I heard my name. What's going on?" she asked them. Gizelle and Mylinh explained everything to her.

After a while, Han and Gizelle kicked the door open and screamed, "ARE YOU GUYS BANGING YET?" To everyone's surprise, Yongguk and Fatima were just sitting side by side on her bed talking about what to write for the fanfic. Yongguk and Fatima looked up from the laptop and waved at the people crowded in the doorway. Yongguk grabbed Fatima's hand and said, "Let's go get a snack. It'll help us think of more ideas."

Fatima nodded and he led her out the door past the 4 totally speechless people. Han and Gizelle smacked Mylinh on the head, "You said that they were getting it on! We would've totally ed that!" Mylinh pouted and rubbed her head, "It's a good thing that they didn't right?" "Whatever" they scoffed as they went to reunite with Jongup and Daehyun in the living room.

Zelo slowly opened the door to his room. Gizelle said that Shannon was sleeping in here he thought. He looked around and saw Shannon on his bed sleeping peacefully. Aww she looks so adorable. She must be pretty tired from cleaning up. The dorm looks spotless! He sat on the bed next to her trying not to wake her up. He gently ran his fingers across her face and smiled a little to himself before leaning in to kiss her. A few seconds later he leaned back and giggled. It's just like the prince kissing sleeping beauty to wake her up!!!~ I'm so romantical~

After a while, Shannon slowly opened her eyes to see Zelo smiling at her. She smiled a bit despite the fact that she was still kind of tired from her nap. She yawned and sat up, Zelo helped her sit up and proceeded to sit next to her. Shannon rubbed her eyes before asking him, "So how was Japan?" Zelo pouted and wrapped his arms around Shannon, "It was so boring because Shannon wasn't there.  There was nothing to do."

Shannon giggled and asked, "How was your performance?" "It was alright, it would've been so much better if you were there in the crowded cheering for me." Zelo said with a sparkle in his eyes. He turned to Shannon and leaned his forehead on hers, "As you can see, I really missed you." He told her.

Shannon smiled and said, "I missed you too..." They both leaned in closer until their lips met.   A few seconds later, Zelo leaned in even closer to deepen the kiss.  Shannon opened her eyes in shock because they have never went this far, but she closed her eyes and returned his kiss.  

After what felt like forever, Fatima, Han, and Gizelle kicked the door open and screamed, "ARE YOU GUYS BANGING YET?!"

Shannon and Zelo broke away immediately and awkwardly sat on the bed. The girls were all standing in the doorway hinting with their eyebrows. "Oh well... we'll just let you two have your alone time~~~" they said as they slowly closed the door, still hinting with their eyebrows and giggling like a bunch of kids.

Mylinh and Himchan ran into the room.  Mylinh was screaming, “SHANNON!!! WHERE’S MY MILK TE—“She stopped when she saw the couple on the bed together.  Himchan covered her eyes and yelled at Zelo, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! YOU’RE ONLY 15 YOU SHOULDN’T BE DOING THESE KINDS OF THINGS! OH MY GOD. WHAT IS YONGGUK TEACHING YOU? I SWEAR I’M GOING TO SLAP YOU SO HARD IF SHANNON GETS PREGNANT!”

Shannon and Zelo frantically shook their heads, “We weren’t doing anything!”  Mylinh smiled and said, “Like an movie~” Himchan dragged her out of the room, “I swear you have got to stop listening to Han and Daehyun…..” Mylinh tried to hold on to the door, “But Shannon! My milk tea!!!”

Shannon remembered that the milk tea was still in the fridge. She quickly got off the bed and ran to the kitchen. She prepared the milk tea and went around distributing it to the girls and BAP. They were all in the living room listening to Himchan go on and on about what happened with Zelo.  

Han and Daehyun looked at each other and nodded, “Like an movie~~~” Himchan quickly covered Mylinh’s ears, “Shh! Don’t say that in front of Mylinh! She’s still an innocent child!” Fatima and Han almost choked on their milk tea as they started cracking up.  “Mylinh? Innocent? Oh my gosh. You got it all wrong, she’s one of us.  To be honest, Shannon is the most innocent despite the fact that she’s the oldest girl out of all of us.” Fatima explained trying not to laugh.  Mylinh nodded in agreement as she happily drank her milk tea.

Himchan flung his arms around her, “NOOOOOO! Mylinh you’re supposed to be pure!” He pointed to everyone, “You are all bad influences! Always teaching her these bad things!” Youngjae and Yongguk scoffed.  “You’re the greasiest out of all of us. Even Daehyun and Zelo are learning from you.” Yongguk said.  “And hyung! Remember when we were filming the last episode of Tadah It’s B.A.P? When we were asked to dance in front of the window?” Youngjae asked, in an attempt to help his hyung remember the incident.



Himchan bit his lip, “Oh yeahh……huh…..” Daehyun laughed and lightly punched Himchan on the arm. “Who’s the bad influence now?” he teased.  Everyone laughed, except for Shannon who was awkwardly sipping on her milk tea.  Zelo noticed that she was uncomfortable in this type of situation so he changed the subject, “Yonggukie hyung! Let’s all watch a movie!”

Yongguk ran over to the shelf and grabbed a war movie, “Let’s watch this one!” Fatima snatched the movie out of his hand and examined it, “It says that this movie is not for minors, people who are squeamish, and pregnant women.”

Yongguk grabbed the movie back and said, “Well you girls aren’t any of those, right? So there won’t be any problems!” Youngjae butted in, “Hyung! I want to watch Dora the Explorer!” Yongguk and Fatima turned to glare at him.  “Dora is for little kids…..” Yongguk said.  After many arguments about what to watch, they decided to watch Mulan, because Mylinh wanted to sing to the songs.

Yongguk was taking a nap in the corner of the living room because he didn’t want to watch such a childish movie.  Shannon and Zelo were curled up on the couch next to Jongup and Gizelle. Mylinh, Fatima, and Himchan were lying on their stomachs in front of the TV because there was no more room on the couch.  Daehyun and Han were in the kitchen raiding the fridge for movie snacks. Youngjae was in the lonely corner of the living room eating ice cream and quietly sobbing to himself because he doesn’t have a girlfriend to cuddle with.

Half way through the movie, Shannon got really tired and fell asleep on Zelo’s lap.  Zelo her hair as he continued to watch the movie.  


After the movie was finished, Fatima went to wake Yongguk up from his nap and they continued to write her fanfic in the girls’ room. Youngjae went to get more ice cream, but there weren’t any left. Daehyun, Han, Mylinh, and Himchan were sitting at the table finishing the snacks. 

Daehyun waved Youngjae over, “Have some popcorn instead. We’ll buy more ice cream for you tomorrow”. Gizelle and Jongup went to eat some popcorn. Zelo was still on the couch, with Shannon still asleep on his lap.

He looked at her and his heart fluttered when he remembered the kiss. He picked her up and went to the girls’ room. But Fatima had closed the door, so he went to his room instead. Zelo gently lay Shannon down on his bed, trying not to wake her up. He pulled the blanket over her before going to get some water for himself.

Right as he got out from his room, Himchan was already glaring at him. “What is it, hyung?” he asked. “I’m watching you…” Himchan threatened him, “If I see you doing anything with Shannon, I’m going to ground you for life and take your skateboard away”. Zelo shook his head frantically, “No, hyung, we weren’t doing anything! I swear!”

Daehyun and Han laughed, “Like an movie~” they both said at the same time. Himchan glared at them, Not helping! Jongup changed the subject, “What are we going to have for dinner?” “Pizza delivery!!” Daehyun shouted out. Himchan took the phone and dialed Pizza Hut.

Zelo got some water and headed back to his room. Himchan yelled out to him, “Don’t be doing any funny business, I’m watching you!!” Zelo yelled back, “We’re not doing anything!!!” The employee from the other end of the line was really confused, “Uhm… Excuse me?” “Oh, oh, sorry, I wasn’t talking about you,” Himchan said and started ordering the pizza.

Zelo drank the water and set the cup on his desk. He turned to see Shannon already waking up. “Why were you yelling?” she asked as she rubbed her eyes. Zelo sat down next to her, “Sorry, Himchan hyung was being silly again”. Shannon laughed and looked around the room, We’re in Zelo’s room? I thought we were watching a movie…, she thought and turned to Zelo, “Did you carry me here?”

Zelo smiled and rubbed his neck, “Yeah, since you were still asleep, I figured you should sleep in your room, but Fatima and Yongguk hyung closed the door, so here you are.” Shannon smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, “But I like sleeping on your lap~” Zelo smiled and wrapped his arms around her, “Then, you can sleep on my lap anytime~”

Himchan busted through the door and pointed at them, “You better not do anything! I’m watching you!!” Zelo and Shannon sat up straight in surprise, “Hyung! We weren’t doing anything!!” The pizza delivery guy was waiting awkwardly at the front door, “Uhm… sir? Your pizza?”

Himchan ran out to him, “Oh, sorry!!” he apologized as he took the pizza and set it on the table before running back into Zelo’s room. Zelo pointed towards the front door. Himchan raised an eyebrow, “What?” he turned around and the pizza delivery guy was yelling, “Uhm, sir! You still need to pay!”

Himchan facepalmed at himself and ran to get the money. Shannon laughed, “Oh, Himchan oppa…” Zelo laughed, “He’s always like that when he overreacts”.  

Himchan set the pizza on the table and turned to Jongup, “Go tell Yongguk and Fatima that dinner is ready.” “YES SIR!” Jongup exclaimed and ran for the girl’s room.  A few seconds later, Jongup walked back into the dining room. “Yonggukkie hyung said that they’re busy.” He said with a smile.  Han and Daehyun exchanged looks and nodded, “LIKE AN MOVIE!!~” Youngjae slapped Daehyun’s arm and Gizelle slapped Han’s, “Will you stop saying that!?!?!?” they screamed.

Daehyun and Han laughed as they grabbed a slice of pizza and headed to the living room to watch TV. Jongup placed a slice of pizza on Gizelle’s plate and one on his own.  He grabbed her hand and dragged her into the living room.  “Gizelle-ah! You have to feed me!” Jongup exclaimed as he opened his mouth. Gizelle patted his cheek, “Yah why do I have to feed you? Are you a baby?” Jongup pouted and picked up his pizza.  Before he took a bite he thought of something.  He shoved the pizza in front of Gizelle’s face, “You’re the baby!” he exclaimed.  Gizelle took a bite and laughed, “What?” “Fans of B.A.P are called BABY~ you’re the baby!” Jongup explained.

Daehyun laughed, “Ew Jongup. That’s so cheesy.” Jongup teased, “At least it’s not an movie!” Daehyun was about to grab Jongup, but Han slapped him in the face with a piece of pizza.  Daehyun turned around; he gave Han a confused look. Han stuck the pizza in his face gesturing him to take a bite.  Daehyun slowly took a bite, “Are you…..  feeding me?” Han laughed, “What else would I be doing?” Daehyun happily ate the pizza as Han fed it to him.  He put his arm around Han and said, “It does taste a little bit better when someone you love is feeding you!” Jongup and Gizelle looked at each other and nodded, “LIKE AN MOVIE!~” Han and Daehyun yelled at them, “HEY! That’s our thing!”

Zelo came out of the room and grabbed some pizza.  “Ooooh! It smells so good!” Zelo said as he placed a slice on Shannon’s plate.  He took some pizza for himself and walked back to his room.  Himchan followed him, “Where do you think you’re going?!”

Zelo shrugged and pointed to his room, “We’re going to eat in here because you guys are too loud.” Himchan squinted his eyes and slowly backed away from him, “I GOT MY EYES ON YOU. ANY FUNNY BUSINESS AND YOU SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR LIFE! CHOI JUNHONG DO YOU HEAR ME?!” Zelo stuck his tongue at Himchan before closing the door.  Himchan almost kicked the door down, “AH SERIOUSLY THIS KID! He has no manners!”

Shannon was sitting on Zelo’s bed when he came in with 2 plates of pizza. He gave her a plate and sat in front of her. Shannon was going to take a bite when Zelo grabbed her hand to stop her from eating it. She gave him a confused look. “That’s my pizza,” he said, and held up the plate in his other hand, “This is yours”. Shannon was even more confused, “Why
did you give me your plate?”

“So you can feed me~ and I can feed you~” he said. Shannon laughed and held out the pizza in front of Zelo, “Say ahh~” Zelo took a bite and held up Shannon’s pizza. She leaned in and took a bite. After a while, they were down to the last piece. Zelo finished chewing his and it was Shannon’s turn to finish her pizza. He held out the piece of crust and Shannon leaned in to eat it, but Zelo playfully pulled it away. Shannon leaned in some more and Zelo leaned back some more. Shannon tried to grab the crust, but Zelo held it even farther. As Shannon leaned forward further and further, she let out a little scream when she lost balance and fell on Zelo.

Himchan kicked the door down and yelled, “I KNEW I SHOULDN’T TRUST YOU GUYS ALONE IN THE ROOM”. Both Shannon and Zelo immediately sat up and Zelo handed Shannon the crust. Himchan stood there with his arms crossed. Zelo tried to explain, “Hyung, it’s not what it looks like! I was just feeding Shannon and I was just playing around” “And I lost balance…” Shannon continued. Himchan shook his head, “I’m never going to leave you guys alone! You two are still too young to do that kind of thing!!!” Daehyun peeked in the room, “Like an movie~” he said before running back to the others. Himchan turned and yelled after him, “Yah! I’m going to get you later!” and turned back to Zelo and Shannon.

“We were just feeding each other pizza!!” Zelo tried to convince Himchan. Himchan glared at them, “I’ll let you go… THIS TIME.” “But we really didn’t do anything!” Shannon protested. Himchan was going to scold them even more, but Youngjae yelled out, “Himchan hyung! The pizza is going to get cold if you don’t come and eat it now!” Himchan pointed at Zelo, “Watching you…” he said and ran back out, “Coming~”.  Zelo and Shannon laughed as Shannon ate the crust. Zelo turned to her and pointed, “You have something…” Shannon looked around for a napkin and stood up, “I’ll go get a napkin”. Zelo pulled her back down, “It’s okay, I’ll get it for you”. Shannon smiled and closed her eyes, thinking he would just simply wipe it off with his finger. She didn’t expect to feel his lips on hers. She opened her eyes in surprise, but closed them and kissed him back. They broke away when they heard footsteps. Himchan kicked the door open again. He was checking up on them, “Still watching you…” he said as he slowly went back out.

Himchan returned to the kitchen to see Mylinh sitting all by herself eating pizza.  “Where did everyone go?” he asked her.  She pointed to the living room, “They wanted to watch TV while they’re eating.” Himchan tilted his head, “And you didn’t follow them? Were you waiting for me? Did you want to eat all alone with me?~” Mylinh took a bite of her pizza and shrugged, “Nah, if I ate in the living room, that would mean that I would have to get up for seconds…..” Himchan pouted and sat down next to her.  He grabbed a slice of pizza as he muttered, “Such a lazy …”

Mylinh smacked his arm and yelled, “I AM NOT LAZY!” Himchan crossed his arms in disbelief. “Alright then. Can you please get me a napkin?” he asked he pointed to the pile of napkins across the table. Mylinh barely stretched her arm and then gave up.  “Ahh it’s too far….”she said as she returned to enjoying her pizza.  Himchan face-tabled, “You are seriously so unbelievable.” Mylinh pointed at him, “It’s not like you needed napkins anyway! You didn’t even start eating yet!” Himchan grabbed a napkin and said, “I was getting one for you. You got some food on your face.” He carefully wiped Mylinh’s mouth as she still continued chewing.  She stopped chewing when she noticed Himchan staring at her and leaning in closer.  Her eyes widened as he closed his eyes and puckered up his lips.

Before Himchan could kiss her, she grabbed a pizza box and ran to the girl’s room.  Himchan opened his eyes and pouted.  He got up to follow her.  “Yongguk oppa and Fattyma need to eat their pizza. It’s getting cold!” she barely managed to say as she nervously knocked on the door.  Fatima opened the door.  Mylinh shoved the box in her face, “Here have some pizza!” Fatima grabbed the box and closed the door again.  Mylinh banged on the door and yelled, “Can I come in? I really miss my computer! What are you guys doing anyway? Why do you have to close the door? MY COMPUTERRR!”

Himchan laughed and put his hand on her shoulder.  “Why are you laughing?” she asked as she pushed his hand off.  Himchan held up a key, “It’s the key to this room.  We were going to throw it away so you girls can have your privacy, but I’m glad I kept it!~” Mylinh smiled and nodded.  Himchan put the key in the lock and they both burst into the room screaming, “AHA! YOU GUYS ARE BANGING!”

Yongguk and Fatima were sitting on the floor with the pizza box open.  They gave Himchan and Mylinh a weird look, but they continued eating their pizza.  Himchan and Mylinh went to sit down next to them on the floor.  “Were you guys really writing this whole time?” Himchan asked them. Yongguk and Fatima exchanged glances and Yongguk shook his head.
“Nah we didn’t write anything. We wrote nothing at all!” Yongguk said.  Mylinh looked confused, “Huh? Then what were you guys doing this whole time? Why didn’t you let me in?” Yongguk gestured them to get closer.  Himchan and Mylinh leaned in and he whispered, “We were…… GETTING IT ON.”

Himchan screamed and put his hands over Mylinh’s ears.  He grabbed her hand and ran out the door, still screaming.  Yongguk laughed to himself as he took a bite of his pizza.  Fatima looked at him, “Why did you tell them that? We were writing this whole time!” Yongguk shrugged, “They would’ve never left us alone if we told them the truth.” Fatima thought about it for a minute, “That’s true..” She just shrugged it off and enjoyed her pizza.

Youngjae was sitting at the table all by himself eating pizza.  He stared into the living room and miserably scoffed, “Ew couples. Who needs a girlfriend when you’re a top idol and great singer like me? I don’t need no woman to tie me down!” Youngjae took a bite of his pizza and continued his rant, “The other members think that they’re soooo cool now that they have girlfriends. They’re always doing aegyo and trying to be all cheesy and greasy to impress their girls and it’s so disgusting. Yuck!” He took another bite and continued talking to himself, “I don’t need grease or cheese to get a girl. I don’t need a girlfriend at all!” Then he facepalmed, “Ah who am I kidding?! I’m going to die all alone with three hundred cats.” He stared lovingly at the pizza and said, “Oh pizza you really understand me. We’re going to be together forever!”

Himchan was still screaming as he dragged Mylinh into the kitchen. They both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Youngjae with his lips pressed against a piece of pizza.  “Is….. Youngjae oppa….. making out with a piece of pizza?” Mylinh slowly asked as she pointed to Youngjae and the pizza having a little intimate moment.   

Himchan slowly nodded in absolute shock. Youngjae was passionately kissing the pizza. Mylinh and Himchan cringed at the sight of this. "I think all that hair dye went to his straight to his head. He's completely lost it," Mylinh pointed out. Himchan shook his head, "That's not it. I just think that our poor Youngjae is just lonely." He walked over to Youngjae and smacked the pizza out of his hand and said, "Yoo Youngjae! You need to get a girlfriend!"

Youngjae slowly reached for the pizza and Himchan smacked his hand away, "No Youngjae don't touch that. That's nasty." Mylinh took the pizza away and gave it to Daehyun. He ate it peacefully without knowing what Youngjae did to it earlier.

 Himchan put his arm around Youngjae and said, "We should all go to the club this weekend! You can look for a girlfriend there!" Youngjae miserably pushed him off, "I don't wanna go to a club. I don't need a girlfriend. I already have the love of my life right here." he said as he opened the pizza box. Himchan giggled, "Oh Youngjae-ah the box is empty." Youngjae stared at the empty box and then stared at Mylinh eating the last piece. Mylinh stopped chewing when she saw the two guys staring at her. "What?" she asked with full. Himchan laughed and turned to Youngjae, "Looks like the love of your life is cheating on you~" 

Youngjae sat down and pouted, "I really need a girlfriend." Himchan put his hand on Youngjae's shoulder, "Don't worry! Hyung will help you! I'm really good with the ladies~ I didn’t want to tell you this, but when I was an MC, the female MCs changed 4 times!" Youngjae laughed, “Is it because hyung was bad at it?” Himchan nearly flipped the table, “Fine! I’m not going to help you then!” He stormed out of the kitchen dragging Mylinh behind him.

 Youngjae hugged the empty pizza box and whispered, “I love you pizza box.  We're going to have a beautiful life together.  We’re going to get married and have tons of little baby pineapple pizzas~ yay~” Han and Gizelle walked into the kitchen to get some water, but instead they saw the sight of Youngjae embracing a pizza box. 

Han grabbed the pizza box away from him, “We have got to get you a girlfriend…..” Gizelle turned to Han, “Maybe he’s just tired.” They dragged Youngjae to his bed and tucked him in.  Youngjae passed out once they laid him on his bed.  “Goodnight Youngjae oppa!~ Sweet dreams~ You’ll get a girlfriend one day!~ I know it!” Han whispered as they turned off the lights and closed the door. 

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!