
Love at First Sight

When they got back to the dorm, Shannon set the bags on the kitchen counter and called Zelo and Jongup to get their homework out. Youngjae followed them to the dining table, “Let’s see how Shannon teaches better than me”. Zelo and Jongup looked at Youngjae, “Hyung should just accept that hyung is bad at explaining.” Youngjae shot glares at them, “You two just don’t pay attention. And you, Zelo! You just want to be with Shannon!~”

Shannon slapped Youngjae's arm and put a finger to her lips, "Shh they need to study!" Youngjae pouted as he watched the maknaes concentrate on their homework. Youngjae was really surprised, because the maknaes could never pay attention to him when he's explaining the problem to them.

They finished all their work and Shannon looked at the clock, it was 6pm.  Everyone was gathered in the living room watching tv. Mylinh and Fatima were laying on their stomachs in front of the tv like little kids. They all turned to Shannon when she entered the room. "Shannon! I'm hungry! What's for dinner?" Fatima asked. "Zelo and I are going to be making fried rice for dinner today." Shannon answered as Zelo quickly followed her to the kitchen.

The rest of BAP stood up and headed to the kitchen as well. Han stopped them, "Where are you guys going?" "It's a surprise!" Daehyun said before running to the kitchen. Shannon and Zelo were taking out ingredients for the fried rice. Zelo looked at them, "What are the hyungs doing in the kitchen?" Shannon turned to them, "Do you guys need anything?" Himchan shook his head, "Don't mind us. Continue making the fried rice~".

Shannon nodded and turned around to have Zelo cut the ingredients. Daehyun and Youngjae took their ingredients from the cupboard and quickly returned to the others. Yongguk took some milk, butter, and measuring cups. Jongup took out the cake mix that he secretly got from the market earlier. The 5 boys were gathered around their corner of the kitchen counter.

Youngjae gave Himchan a weird look, "Hyung, are you sure you know how to make a cake?" Himchan brushed him off, "Of course I know how to make cake." Youngjae and Yongguk gave him an unsure look. "Things will definitely go smoothly because I'm smooth like cappuccino." Himchan said.  Youngjae facepalmed, "We're screwed." Daehyun started his lips, "You better make this cake really tasty hyung!"  

Zelo tried to peek in to see what they were doing, but Yongguk saw this and told him to get back to work. Shannon was frying the cooked rice at the stove so she didn't pay attention to what the boys were doing. Youngjae ran to the cupboard to get an electric mixer for Himchan.

Zelo was really curious, "What are hyungs doing?" Youngjae covered Zelo's mouth with his hand, "Shh it's a surprise". "But I wanna know," Zelo pleaded. Youngjae sighed as he gave the electric mixer to Himchan and whispered to Zelo, "We're going to make a cake for the girls. They wanted to do something special for the girls before we go to Japan over the weekend".
Zelo gave him a look, "Why didn't hyungs tell me?" "We were going to tell you after school but you went to the market with Shannon instead..." Youngjae told him.

Zelo teased, "Youngjae hyung is just jealous because I have a girlfriend before hyung~" Youngjae was going to tease Zelo back when Shannon called out for Zelo, "Zelo oppa, I need the cut vegetables and meat". Zelo quickly cut the rest of the meat and brought them to Shannon.

"You're getting better at cutting food~" she praised. Zelo smiled, "Because I have the best teacher in the world~". Youngjae laughed, Shannon and Zelo glared at him, "What's so funny, hyung?" Zelo asked.

Himchan covered the cake batter as he walked to the oven and turned up the heat. Shannon still had her attention on Youngjae. He kept laughing, "Zelo-ah, one day you're going to be just as greasy as Himchan right here~".

Zelo made a face and back, "At least I won't be a lonely pineapple~" Youngjae kept himself from laughing and tried to sound angry, "Yah! At least I don't need grease to get a girl". Zelo and Youngjae kept going on and on. Their goal was to distract Shannon from the cake in the oven.

Himchan shoved the cake into the oven and turned to Yongguk, “What temperature are we supposed to set it as?” Yongguk shrugged, “I thought you knew how to make a cake.” He turned the oven to 450°F, “I think that this is the right temperature....” Everyone shrugged and walked to the living room to watch some more TV.

Shannon turned around and asked Zelo, “What did they put in the oven?” Zelo panicked and tried to avert her attention, “Oh! You finished making the fried rice. Let’s go eat!~” he said as he took the large bowl of fried rice and headed to the dining room.

Shannon blocked his way, “Not until you tell me!” Zelo turned to Youngjae for help. While Zelo was looking for Youngjae, Shannon ran past him and checked in the oven, “Are you guys making cake?”

Youngjae covered the oven, “No we’re not! We’re not making anything!” Shannon looked on the counter, “Then what’s the cake mix for?” she pointed at the empty bag. Youngjae facepalmed, Those idiots... they didn’t even clean up the evidence.

Zelo sighed, “Truth is, we’re making cake for you girls before we leave for Japan.  It was supposed to be a surprise.” Shannon smiled and took the bowl of fried rice from Zelo, “Let’s go eat~ You guys help me set up the table,” she said as she walked to the dining room. Zelo and Youngjae looked at each other and went to get plates and spoons.

While everyone was eating, Shannon kept glancing towards the kitchen, Shouldn’t the cake be ready by now? It’s been almost half an hour… she can’t tell the guys or they’ll know that Zelo told her everything.

Yongguk nudged Himchan, “Shouldn’t you take the cake out of the oven by now?” he whispered. Himchan whispered back, “How long has it been in there?” Yongguk gave him a look, “I thought you’re supposed to keep track of the time”. Himchan looked at the clock, “I think it’s been fifteen minutes…”

Just then, the fire detector went off. Everyone ran into the kitchen and Youngjae turned off the fire detector. Yongguk opened the oven and black smoke came out. The cake was on fire. Shannon sprayed the oven with the fire extinguisher and told Himchan, “Take the cake out and close the oven!” Oh shoot they’re not supposed to know that I know about the cake… Shannon mentally slapped herself. Himchan quickly took out the cake and closed the oven door before he realized what Shannon said, Wait… she knows about the cake?

Shannon looked at the cake, she can see that the batter overflowed and the cake on the sides of the pan was burnt black, “You put in too much cake batter so it overflowed and caused the oven fire…” she told Himchan. Yongguk slapped him on the back of his head, “You told us you knew how to make a cake!” Himchan pouted, “What did I do wrong…?”

Youngjae poked the burnt cake, “It’s not even soft,” he said. Shannon took out a knife and cut out a piece of the cake, “You put in too much flour…” Daehyun took the piece of cake and ate it. Han gave him a look, “Why would you eat burnt cake?” Daehyun shrugged, “It’s still food…”

Jongup was confused, “How did Shannon know that we were making cake?” Shannon tried to lie, “Uhm… I just saw it when Yongguk opened the oven and I assumed it was cake…” Jongup looked behind her to see Zelo pointing to the empty bag of cake mix still sitting on the counter.

Jongup laughed, “Himchan hyung, you didn’t even throw away the bag of cake mix”. Himchan looked at the bag and pointed to Yongguk, “You were supposed to throw it away!”

Yongguk made a face at him, “You didn’t say anything about it. Besides, Daehyun was the one who tore the bag open, he should be the one to throw it away”. Daehyun shook his head, “Nuh-uh. Youngjae was supposed to throw it away. He barely did anything!” Youngjae pointed at Jongup, “Zelo and I were busy distracting Shannon! Jongup was the one who bought it; he should’ve thrown it away!”

B.A.P kept arguing about who should’ve thrown the bag away, while Zelo just stood there facepalming at his hyungs. Fatima stopped their bickering by snatching the bag from Zelo and threw it away, “There! I threw it away. Jesus, now stop fighting.” Gizelle poked the burnt cake with her fork, “Why were you guys making cake anyway?”

“We were going to surprise you with a cake before we leave for Japan!” Jongup explained.  “But we trusted Himchan with the cake and look what happened!” Yongguk exclaimed.  “Yeah hyung, what happened to ‘things will go smoothly because I’m smooth like cappuccino’?” Youngjae teased.  

Himchan laughed and tossed the cake into the trash, “It was going smooth, but you guys were all crowding around me. Cramping my style ya know~” Yongguk glared at him, “You are seriously unbelievable.  We’re never letting you cook ever again.” Himchan pouted and put his arm around Mylinh.  “When Mylinh and I get married, I won’t need to cook! Mylinh will cook for me~” he said.  

Fatima burst out laughing, “Mylinh burns food too. One time, she set our whole stove on fire.  If Shannon wasn’t there, our whole apartment building would’ve burned down.” Mylinh nodded, “It’s true! Now Shannon won’t let me go near anything that has to do with fire!” Everyone laughed as Shannon pushed her away from the oven.  

Yongguk turned to smile at Zelo, “Well then, I think that Shannon and Zelo should cook for us all the time! They cook really good food and they look so cute making it together!~” “They should make another cake together. I was really looking forward to eating some delicious cake!” Daehyun said as he rubbed his tummy.  

Zelo turned to Shannon and asked her, “Would you like to help me make cake?” Shannon nodded and said, “Cooking is really fun with you Jello oppa~ Let’s go!” They grabbed all the ingredients from the cupboards and immediately got to work.  

The rest of the group went to the living room to watch TV.  Himchan peeked into the kitchen and asked them, “Uhh do you guys need any help?” Zelo threw the towel at him, “No, go away hyung! You’re going to burn the cake again!”

Himchan pouted as he returned to the living room. Yongguk went to the kitchen and peeked in. Shannon was mixing the batter while Zelo scooped in the flour. Daehyun and Youngjae also peeked in. Jongup and Gizelle joined them. Later, everyone was peeking into the kitchen.

Yongguk waited until Shannon put the cake batter into the over before saying, “Aigoo you two are just too cute when you’re in the kitchen together~” Jongup looked at the cake in the oven, “It looks better than the one Himchan hyung made~” Himchan pushed Jongup, “Yah! I’m not the best cook in the world!”

Zelo put an arm around Shannon, “That’s because Shannon is~” Daehyun thought out loud, “Han and I should live next door to Shannon and Zelo so I can just come over and have some of her food…” Yongguk hit him in the back of his head, “Yah, you can’t just pig off of other’s girlfriend’s cooking”.

Youngjae stared at the cake in the oven, “Hmm the cake looks plain”. Shannon went to the fridge and took out some milk, “We’ll make the icing then”. She told Zelo, “Zelo oppa, could you get me the electric mixer and some sugar?” Zelo went to get the stuff while everyone else went back to watch more TV.

Ten minutes later, Shannon and Zelo came out from the kitchen with a fully decorated cake.  Everyone was amazed. “WOW! That cake looks beautiful!” Yongguk told them. “Mmm looks yummy~” Daehyun his lips. Youngjae chan, “I bet you still couldn’t make a cake like that even if it took you a million years~” Himchan slapped his arm, “Yah! I’m still smooth like cappuccino~” he said, but no one was listening, they all gathered around the cake.

Himchan pouted and followed them. Zelo placed the cake on the table and they cut the cake. Daehyun cut out a huge piece for himself. Youngjae was yelling at him, “Yah! Save some for the rest! You took a whole quarter of the cake!” Everyone had a piece of cake except Youngjae. Yongguk told Daehyun, “Cut some of yours and share it with Youngjae”. Daehyun nodded, “Okay~” He took the knife and cut a really thin slice of cake and moved it to Youngjae’s plate.

Youngjae slapped his arm, “Yah! At least cut me half of your slice! Don’t be a fatty!” Daehyun laughed, “Fatty? Who’s the one with the stomach fat?” he said as he poked Youngjae’s stomach. Youngjae covered his stomach defensively and glared at Daehyun, “I’ll go get some ice cream instead. None for you!” Daehyun laughed again, “Who’s the fatty now?~” Youngjae yelled out from the kitchen, “SHUT UP!”  

"Wah! This cake is so delicious!" Daehyun said as he happily ate his cake. Han poked his stomach, "Don't eat too much or else you'll end up like Youngjae oppa." Youngjae yelled from the kitchen, "I HEARD THAT!" "Yah Youngjae oppa! You've been in the kitchen for quite a while! How many scoops of ice cream are you even getting?" Mylinh teased.

Youngjae came out of the kitchen with a bowl of ice-cream, "I only got 3 scoops......" Himchan patted Youngjae's stomach, "I think that's 3 scoops too many~" Youngjae slapped his hand away. Zelo poked Himchan's stomach, "Hyung! You shouldn't be making fun of Youngjae hyung, your stomach is the same!" Himchan smacked his hand away.

Mylinh started poking his tummy.  Himchan immediately pushed her hand away and covered his tummy, “YAH Why are you guys touching me?”  Mylinh was laughing so hard, “Oh my gosh, it’s like poking a bag of pudding.” Everyone tried to poke him but he kept covering his stomach, "Stop it you're hurting my feelings!"  Mylinh whispered, "That's okay. Fattyma is like that too. Her legs are bags of pudding hehe~"

Fatima slammed her hands on the table, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Mylinh stuck out her tongue at Fatima and ran off. Fatima chased her while screaming, "YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" "What are you gonna do? Sit on me?" Mylinh teased and ran into the room, locking the door. Shannon sighed, Mylinh-ah what are we going to do with you.

Zelo stood up and took Shannon's and his plates to the sink. Then, he took her hand and walked to his room, "I'm gonna go pack my stuff for tomorrow". "Like an movie~" Han and Daehyun said at the same time. Yongguk choked on his water. Everyone looked at Daehyun and Han with wide eyes, then they looked at Zelo and Shannon. They frantically shook their heads, "H-hyung!! How could you say such a thing?!" "Han! Why would you even think that?!" they exclaimed. 

Zelo led Shannon to his room, "I'm just packing my stuff! And Shannon's just going to help!" he yelled out and shut the door behind him. Daehyun turned to Youngjae, "We should go pack too. I will reveal Youngjae’s to the public~" Youngjae slapped his arm, "I'll show them a picture of you half ". Everyone looked at them, "Woah there," Han told them, "TMI". 

I can't believe they would think that way... Zelo thought. Shannon sat on the side of his bed as he took out his suitcase and started packing his clothes. Shannon looked around his room. She saw a skateboard behind the door. "You can skateboard?" she asked.

Zelo looked at his skateboard and nodded, "I'm just at the stage of liking skateboarding~" Shannon laughed, "I've always wanted to try skateboarding, but I'm always afraid to fall..." Zelo laughed, "Don't worry, I'll catch you~" he said as he finished packing his stuff.

He went over to Shannon and sat next to her. He put an arm around her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm going to miss you when we're in Japan," Zelo told her. "I'll miss you too," she said. She leaned up and kissed Zelo on the cheek, "Good luck in Japan~" Zelo smiled, "I'll need some more good luck," he said as he stared into her eyes. Zelo leaned in closer and kissed Shannon on the lips.

They had to break away shortly after when Daehyun kicked the door open, he was holding up Youngjae's bag and his other hand was reaching in. "I will show you Youngjae's ~" he amusingly said without knowing that he had ruined their moment.

Youngjae grabbed his bag back and yelled at Daehyun, "Yah! If you don't stop trying to show people my personal stuff, I'm going to have Yongguk put you on a diet!" "NOOOOO NOT THE FOOD!!!!" Daehyun pleaded. "Then stop!" Youngjae yelled at him before storming back into his room.

Fatima returned to the table and sat down. Yongguk put an arm around her, “Promise me you and Mylinh won’t fight while we’re gone?” Fatima rolled her eyes, “Sure.” Yongguk leaned in and kissed her cheek, “You should text me so I don’t feel lonely and bored when I’m in Japan”. Fatima nodded, “I will~”


Gizelle was full before she finished her cake, so she fed it to Jongup. He happily ate the piece of cake and smiled, “Who’s going to feed me while I’m in Japan?~” he asked. Gizelle pinched his cheek, “You’re old enough to feed yourself~” Jongup pouted, “Aww but I like it when you feed me~” Gizelle laughed, “You can make Zelo feed you instead.” 

Daehyun took a banana and returned to the table. He sat down next to Han and started eating. Han couldn’t keep from laughing. Daehyun gave her a look, “No, Han, don’t think wrong…” Han tried to keep in her laugh, “How do you know what I was thinking?~” Daehyun pointed the banana at her, “Don’t lie. I know youuu~~” Han finally laughed, “Don’t miss me too much in Japan~” 

Himchan ran to the girls’ room and knocked on the door, “Mylinh-ah Please open the door~” Mylinh yelled out, “Is Fattyma with you?” Himchan replied, “Nope.” Mylinh looked under the door before unlocking it. Himchan came in with his arms opened wide, “Mylinh-ah! Give Himchannie a hug~” Mylinh by avoiding his hugs, “No merong~” she stuck out her tongue at him. Himchan pouted, “Aww how about a kiss-eu?~” Mylinh shook her head, “Nope~” Himchan looked at her computer in the corner, “Fine, then. I’ll have to take away your computer while we’re in Japan~”

Mylinh gasped, “NO!!! NOT MY COMPUTER!!!” Mylinh yelled as she ran to her computer. Himchan blocked her way and tapped his cheek, “Not until you give me a kiss-eu~” Mylinh chuckled and leaned in to kiss him. Himchan turned and he kissed Mylinh on the lips. Mylinh was surprised by this, but closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss. A few seconds later, Himchan pulled away and hugged Mylinh, “I’ll miss you over the weekend~” Mylinh laughed, “I’ll video chat with you every night~” she said and ran to her computer and hugged it. Himchan laughed, “Don’t get too attached to your computer, or I’ll have to take it away from you”. Mylinh shook her head frantically, “NOOOO!!! MY COMPUTER!!!” 

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!