Leader's Date

Love at First Sight

tumblr_m84qw4tduv1qcjijho1_250.gif Yongguk’s POV:

Hmm, today seemed like a pretty good day. It started out really bad though, because Daehyunnie was singing in the shower REALLY LOUD. I just wanted to beat down the bathroom door with my bat! But it’s okay. It made my day when Himchannie was dressed up in a miniskirt and a pink tank top… AHAHAHAHA we had a good laugh! But that’s not as funny as Himchan wearing Jonguppie’s grandmother’s clothes! Oh dear, I don’t know whether to question why Jonguppie has those clothes or that Himchan really looked like their umma. No! I’m not his husband!  ಠ_ಠ

Aish that Himchan... At least he’s not home annoying me with his aegyo. I die everytime he does that when the younger ones are in school. Ohmygad Himchan keeps trying to hit Zelo and I have to stop him again! Seriously, these two never stop fighting. Himchan needs some anger management.

Then I remembered that Fatima wanted to spend some quality time with me today. I told her to go get dressed in warm clothes before I went into my room to change. I heard Daehyun shouting for everyone to go to their rooms so he can have some alone time with Han. Aish this kid. He always has to have his ways, if not, he's going to bother you 24/7 until he gets his ways. Seriously... he won't even let anyone use his extra extra soft toilet paper. But it's so soft! It's like wiping your with a cloud. So soft and fluffy!

Ahem, anyways, I went to the living room after I changed and saw that Fatima was already waiting for me at the door. Wow, she looks really nice in her red coat. She knows that red is my favorite color! I went to the door and put my boots on. "Yongguk hyung! Is it okay if I borrow some of your movies to watch later?" Daehyun paused his movie and asked me. My war movies? Why would he want to watch those? Unless he's talking about Himchan's love movies. But I don't think anyone knows about those... Honestly, I don't want him to accidentally scratch my precious discs. But I can't be stubborn and Daehyunnie always needs to have things go his way so... "Sure, help yourself".

I opened the door for Fatima to walk out. "Don't mess up the dorm while I'm gone" I shouted to Daehyunnie before heading out and locking the door behind me. I heard Daehyun's muffled voice, "Zelo! Jongup! You two better not make any mess in the dorm!" "Where are we going?" Fatima asked me out of curiosity as we walked down the hallway.  

Oh yea, I never told her what we were supposed to do today on our date. I was going to take her to this new ice rink downtown, but all the snow caused a lot of traffic jams, so that's no good. Then, I decided that we should go watch a movie at the mall and walk around the mall afterwards. But Youngjae is already going there and Himchan is already following him, and I don't want Youngjae to think that I'm following him so we can't go there either. Practically, all my plans are cancelled. No worries! I'm a smooth and romantic man (more than Himchan hehe) so I can make our date romantic without any planning.

I gave her one of my gummy smiles, she can never resist my adorable gummy smiles, and told her, "We're going to take a stroll in the park and get some hot chocolate at a cafe later. Isn't that so romantic for winter?" I knew she didn't like anything too fancy, and that she's happy as long as she's spending time with me. She seemed really excited about our date, "Sounds romantic~ I can't wait!" she started jumping up and down for a brief moment before she tried to walk all sophisticated-like. Aigoo she's so adorable when she acts all cute and funny.

Just as we walked out the building, the cold temperature practically smacked our unprotected faces. But we didn't even flinch. We're too cool to be cold! I bet I look real good in this coat. No cold temperature can take me down!

We walked for a few blocks when it really started to get cold. What? I thought we were too cool to be cold! Aish this weather. Why can't South Korea be warm during the winter like Vietnam or some other countries? That would be nice for once... Fatima didn't seem to mind the cold. "Aren't you cold?" I asked her. She just shrugged, "Not really". What?! I'm like starting to freeze my off and she's doing fine? What is this logic? What is wrong with me? Fatima's obviously too cool to be cold but what about me? I'm supposed to be a cool (and badass) gangster rapper! Even Zelo is influenced to be a rapper, but he's too cute to be badass like me hehehe. Whatever, I'm not going to let this cold weather make me look less cool. I'm just going to have to it up and act cool~ Yeah, that sounds good.

The date went pretty well. We walked around the park while holding hands. Obviously not because I was feeling cold and Fatima decided to give me some warmth............ Anyways, we talked about things. I can't tell you because it's personal stuff! Haha just kidding, we just talked and just get off topic here and there. It was really fun throwing rocks into the frozen lake. We could see the fish swimming under the thin layer of ice. Fatima took a stick and started poking the ice. It was thin so it broke and made a hole on the surface. A lot of the fish swam to the hole, maybe trying to find some food, then swam away afterwards.

I got curious at how thin the layer of ice is, so I broke a piece off and examined it. I think I made a look on my face because Fatima started laughing when I realized that my fingers were stuck to the ice. It was so embarrassing! It's like super gluing your fingers together. So much for being cool... ㅠㅠ But Fatima helped me free my fingers by breathing hot air into it. Ahh, it was so cold! My fingers were still cold after we took off that stupid piece of ice. I guess that's what i get for trying to be cool and scientific at the same time...

We continued to walk along the lake. It was starting to get cold so we went to a nearby cafe and ordered some hot chocolate. We talked some more while we waited. It's really interesting to talk to Fatima. Also, she gives really great advice when I tell her some of my problems. She has a really mature mind, and at times she can be a little childish, which is really cute. Whenever a Block B song comes up on the background music in the cafe, she would spazz about Zico when his part comes. I was completely fine with this. She loves Zico, but I know that she loves me more~ She's also mature about it, she stops midway through her spazzing when she remembers that I'm still here. The look on her face is just too adorable. It looked like she was a little kid who was caught by her parents while eating cookies after her bedtime.
Time went by pretty fast when we finished our 2nd order of hot chocolate. Fatima laughed, "I just realized that we didn't have lunch, but we drank 2 cups of hot chocolate instead". I leaned back on my chair to look cool, "We're cool like that. You know what I'm saying?" I knew she likes it when I say that phrase. It makes her laugh at my attempt to look cool. But we all know that I'm already badass enough to make a fool of myself and still look cool.

Wait, what time is it now? I looked at my phone, it was only 2:30pm. We still had so much time left but I don't know what else to do on our date. It would be so boring if we walked in the park again and have hot chocolate again... Fatima peeked at my phone and asked, "What are we doing next?~" I tried to think of a solution fast. What can we do on a date in the winter? If only we could go to that ice rink... or the movies... The movies! Yes, Youngjae and his date should be done watching a movie now. Plus the time it takes to walk there, he'll never find us! Ha ha! I'm a smart hyung~ Youngjae's not the only brainiac in the group. I was given scholarship to study chemistry at a University! "We're gonna watch a movie!" I gave her another one of my irresistible gummy smiles. Girls love my gummy smiles. I don't even do it on purpose. It's just how I roll~

We walked to the movie theater and bought tickets. Fatima pointed to the mall entrance across from the movie theater while trying to hold in her laugh, "Hey, isn't that Himchan oppa? And Mylinh too." I turned and saw Himchan. Ohmy- I forgot that he was still wearing his disguise. I tried so hard not to laugh. But I laughed anyway. It's just so hilarious. He even walks like a grandma! I looked around but couldn't find Youngjae and his date. Eh, it's alright. We'll meet her eventually. I took Fatima's hand and led her into the theater.

We didn't go to the mall after the movies because we might bump into Youngjae. So I took Fatima to a Korean restaurant to have an early dinner, since it was only 6pm when we got there. We just ordered our food and ate as we talked about the movie and slowly get off topic. It was a really romantic dinner, well it is to us because we just want to spend some alone time together~ Aigoo I sound so cheesy... I can be a romantic man but I can't be cheesy like Himchan. It doesn't fit my style, you know what I'm saying?

We ate really slow because most of the time we were just talking and laughing. It was already 8pm when finally finished eating. "We should get back to the dorm now. It'll get really cold on the streets if we stay out any longer" I looked at my phone. Just then, I noticed a message alert on my phone. It was sent at 2:50 from Zelo. I probably turned off my phone at that time when we got to the movie theater.

“Hyung! I can go with our plan right?”

Then I remembered the plan that I told Zelo to follow. It had nothing to do with Jimmy or Jenny, so of course he would be eager to go with my plan. I looked at my phone again and noticed that Zelo actually sent me a bunch of messages.

“HYUNG! Where are you? Answer me! ):”


“Well that didn't work...”




“No, really, hyung. My phone is dying right now.”

“Hyung! Hyung! Hyunghyunghyunghyunghyunghyung!”

“Is hyung making out with Fatima?”

“Hyung why are you ignoring me? ㅠㅠ


These were all sent within the time span of 5 minutes... Aigoo, Zelo... This kid... He's so adorable~ He actually left a lot more messages but I'll just stop quoting from there. Wait- What?! 'making out with Fatima'?! WHAT- WHERE- KIM!!! HIM!!! CHAN!!!! This guy... he's a bad influence to Zelo. I need to keep that greasy man away from this boy.

Fatima leaned over to see what I was doing in my phone, "What are you doing?" "Zelo-ah sent me a bunch of messages when my phone was off" I laughed. "What did he say?" Fatima asked. "He was just making sure that he can go with the plan" I told her. Everyone knew about this plan except Jenny, Jimmy, and Shannon. I came up with this brilliant plan of mine while watching a war movie. War movies are my motivation! They have the answer to everything we need to know. Well, maybe not everything but most of them. This plan was so ingenious I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.

I put away my phone and paid the bill before standing up, "We should head back now". Fatima nodded and followed me outside. The warm food actually kept us warm halfway back to the dorm, then it started to slowly feel colder and colder. We were only a few blocks away from the dorm, but we were freezing our butts off, so I grabbed Fatima's hand and we ran the rest of the way back. We should've done that like 10 blocks ago... Walking in the cold is not a fun thing to do...


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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!