Surprise Visit

Love at First Sight

The next day, Jongup woke the girls and Shannon made breakfast. Everyone was eating when Shannon asked, "Where's Zelo?" Jongup pointed to his room, "Oh, Zelo's still sleeping." Mylinh told her, "Shannon should go wake Zelo up~" Mylinh and Fatima hinted with their eyebrows. "Ohmygosh you guys..." Shannon said as she stood up and walked to Zelo's room.

Shannon quietly opened the door and peeked in. Zelo was completely covered from head to toe with his blanket, only some of his pink hair stuck out from the blanket. Shannon walked over to him and gently pulled the blanket off his face. He looks so adorable when he's sleeping~ she thought.

She kneeled down beside his bed and placed her chin on his bed so that she's facing Zelo. Shannon softly said, "Jello oppa, it's time to wake up~" Zelo didn't even open his eyes. He rolled to his side so now his back is facing Shannon, and moaned, "Five more minutes..." Shannon stood up and walked to the other side of his bed. She tried to wake him up again, "Jello oppa, we're going to be late for school". Zelo rolled again and lied on his back, "Yeah Jonguppie hyung I'll wake up in a few seconds..."

Shannon kept herself from laughing, Ahh Zelo is so cute. He doesn't even know who's waking him up. Shannon leaned forward so she's hovering over Zelo, "Jello oppa, Daehyun and Youngjae oppas are eating your melon ice cream." Zelo instantly opened his eyes and sat up, almost hitting Shannon's head, "WHAT?! Daehyun hyung and Youngjae hyung are not allowed near my ice cream!!" he yelled out as he kicked off his blankets to run out to the kitchen.

Shannon tried to stop him by grabbing his arm, but he got up too quickly, which made Shannon fall onto him as she let out a scream. Zelo helped her up, "Oh, Shannon! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." Shannon smiled, "It's alright. Don't worry, Daehyun and Youngjae oppas aren't eating your ice cream. I was just trying to wake you up." Zelo laughed and scratched his head, "Oh... I was so tired that I thought it was Jonguppie hyung... hehe".

Shannon laughed, "Besides, I ate all your ice cream yesterday anyway so there wouldn't be any left for Daehyun and Youngjae oppas". Zelo laughed, "Ohh... I was too tired to notice that..." Shannon gave him a look, "You're not usually this tired. I thought everyone went to bed early yesterday. What time did you sleep?" Zelo shrugged, "I don't know. Probably around midnight? I couldn't sleep..." Shannon asked, "How come?" Zelo shook his head, "It's nothing. I should go get ready now." Shannon nodded and walked out to finish her breakfast. Zelo watched as she left his room, he remembered yesterday when he saw Shannon in Jimmy's arms. Dammit Jimmy... I couldn't sleep because of you...

Everyone got ready to leave when Himchan came out from his room, "It's going to be cold today so make sure don't stay outside too long." Jongup held up his scarf, "Don't worry, we got scarves." They started walking out. "Bye umma~" Han and Gizelle waved. Fatima and Mylinh joined, "Umma, we'll miss you~" Zelo and Jongup laughed, "Bye appa~" they said as Yongguk came out from his room. Yongguk gave Himchan a look, "I'm not married to you..." he said as he went to get breakfast.

Youngjae also came to the kitchen, "Ah, umma and appa are always fighting~" Yongguk glared at him, "I'm not Himchan's husband". Himchan asked, "So you wanna be their grandmother?" Yongguk smacked the back of his head, "Aish, how many times are you going to make me related to you?" "Just until you agree to being either their father or my mother~" Himchan said. "No." Yongguk said. "Okay then it's settled. You're my grandmother! Aigoo, grandma is so old~" Himchan patted his head. Yongguk pointed at him, "Kim Himchan. You are dead to me." "I love you too~" Himchan said as he blew a kiss to Yongguk. Youngjae made a face as he slowly backed out of the kitchen.

The weather was really cold as the group walked to school, and it was lightly snowing also. Jongup held Gizelle's hand to keep her warm. Mylinh and Han were complaining, "It's so cold. Why do we still have school? We should be at home having hot chocolate right now!" Fatima shrugged, "It's not that cold".

Shannon tried to breathe into her hands to make them warm. Zelo grabbed her hand, "You shouldn't do that. It'll make you colder" he said as he held her hand. Shannon blushed, although her face was already blushed from the cold weather. She never thought she could hold Zelo's hand again because of Jimmy and Jenny.

When they got to class, Jimmy was walking down the hallway and saw the group walking towards class, but he couldn't find Shannon. He asked Zelo, "Where's Shannon?" Zelo pointed down the hallway, "She went to the bathroom." Jimmy nodded, "Oh, okay". Zelo and the girls went to their seats while Jimmy stood at the stairs waiting for Shannon. A few minutes later, Shannon walked to class and saw Jimmy standing at the stairs. "What are you doing here?" she asked. Jimmy smiled, "I just wanted to walk to class with you~ Since it's snowing outside, I had to wait here." Shannon laughed, "Okay, let's go to class then."

Shannon sat down in her seat and Jimmy sat in his. Boyan saw them walk in together and went to sit next to Jimmy and asked him, "Hey Jimmy, are you and Shannon together?" Jimmy smiled, "I guess you can say that..." Boyan gave him a look, "But I thought Shannon was with Zelo." Jimmy tilted his head in confusion, "Hm? How do you know?" Boyan lied, "Oh, Sujin," she pointed at Sujin, "and I are friends with Shannon and her group." Jimmy looked towards Shannon, "Oh really? That's nice. I thought Jenny was their only friend. I guess I was wrong." Boyan smiled and went back to her seat as the teacher came in.

During lunch, the girls and Jenny and Jimmy went to the roof to eat with Zelo and Jongup again. Shannon ran up there ahead of everyone. She opened the door leading up to the rooftop and immediately sat down next to Zelo. Zelo smiled as he gave her a hug before going back to eating his food. Gizelle ran to Jongup and hugged him. Jenny gently pushed Shannon away and squeezed in between her and Zelo. Zelo frowned and continued eating his food. Shannon pouted as Jimmy sat down next to her.

Shannon ate half of her lunch when she realized that Jimmy has just been sitting there. she turned to him, "Where's your lunch?" Jimmy shrugged, "I forgot to pack my lunch today..." "Oh..." Shannon looked at her lunch and held it out to Jimmy. He looked at her food and asked, "Are you giving the rest to me?" Shannon nodded. Jimmy shook his head, "It's alright. I can survive. You should eat your food." Shannon held it even closer to him, "Eat it. I'm still full from my breakfast." It took her more convincing before Jimmy finally accepted her food. Jimmy asked before he started eating, "Are you sure you don't want to eat anymore?" Shannon nodded.

Jimmy started eating her food as she sat there and waited for everyone to finish eating. Zelo looked up to see Shannon not eating, "Aren't you going to eat?" Shannon shook her head and pointed to her lunch in Jimmy's hands, "I gave half of my food to Jimmy because he forgot to bring lunch." Zelo looked at his lunch and held it out to Shannon, "Do you want some of my lunch?" Shannon shook her head, "It's alright. I'm still full from our breakfast."

Zelo turned to Jimmy and asked him, "Jimmy, do you want some of my lunch?" Jimmy shook his head, "No, no, it's fine. I don't want to be a burden..." Zelo smiled and held out his lunch, "It's alright. We ate a lot for breakfast this morning. You can have the rest of my lunch." Jimmy accepted the food gratefully, "Ahh, you guys are so nice to me~ Thank you~" Zelo and Shannon smiled at each other.

When the group walked back to class after finishing their food, Zelo sat in his seat and drank some water. Jenny was going to sit in Shannon's seat again, but Shannon ran to her seat before her and quickly sat down. Jenny looked at Shannon confused, then realized, "Oh, is this your seat, Shannon?" Shannon nodded. Jenny smiled, "Sorry, I didn't know yesterday." Shannon shrugged, "It's fine, Jenny unnie".

Jenny went to sit behind Zelo instead. The girls sat around Jenny. Jimmy sat behind Shannon, next to Jenny. Mylinh and Fatima squealed, "Aigoo, Jenny and Jimmy are so cute together~" Jenny and Jimmy just looked at each other and looked away. Shannon turned to Zelo, "Jello oppa, do you want to go to the market after school to buy you more ice cream?" Zelo smiled, "Yes!" Jenny gave Shannon a look, Did she just call him Jello oppa? and shook her head, "Zelo-ah needs to study." Shannon told her, "It's alright. I'm going to tutor him and Jongup later after we get back." Zelo smiled, "We're not going to take long, Jenny noona, we're just getting more melon ice cream~"

Jenny didn't want Zelo to go with Shannon, No. I can't let Shannon be alone with Zelo. I'm going to pay them a little visit later... Mylinh looked over at Jimmy, "Jenny unnie! Jimmy's being left out again! Jenny unnie should give him a kiss-eu~" Without thinking, Jenny blurted out, "Ew no." she immediately covered . Everyone looked at her. Jenny tried to think of an excuse, "Umm... maybe later..." Fatima and Mylinh hinted with their eyebrows, "Ooh la la~" Jimmy was a bit sad by what Jenny said, but he shrugged it off, I don’t need Jenny... I still have Shannon.

After school, Shannon and Zelo went to the market. Zelo was walking down the aisles while Shannon looked for ice cream. He saw boxes of pepero. Hmm, I wanna try this game with Shannon. It'll be a surprise~ he took a box and hid it behind his back as Shannon came with ice cream. "Oh, you got green tea ice cream too?" Zelo pointed into the basket. Shannon nodded, "Daehyun oppa ate all of Youngjae oppa's green tea ice cream last night."

Zelo laughed when he saw 5 tubs of melon ice cream in the basket, "I think that's a little too much." Shannon explained, "Two of them are for Daehyun and Youngjae oppas. The rest are yours." Zelo exclaimed, "Aigoo, Shannon,  you're the best!!" he said as he hugged her. Shannon blushed and smiled, “Uhm, do you want milk tea? I’ll go get some pearls.” Zelo nodded excitedly, “Yes! I love your milk tea~” Shannon got the pearls and went to the cash register to pay. When she left after paying, Zelo quickly paid for the pepero and shoved it in his backpack, and caught up with Shannon, who didn’t notice anything.

When they got back to the dorm, Zelo opened the door to see Himchan standing at the door with his hands on his hips. Himchan scolded them, “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Zelo told him, “We were at the market.” Himchan squinted his eyes at him, “You better not have done anything to Shannon.” Zelo was taken back, “WHA-? NO! We were just getting ice cream and pearls to make milk tea!” he said pointing to the bag in Shannon’s hand. Mylinh and Fatima were sitting at the couch watching TV. Right as they heard ‘milk tea’, they screamed, “MILK TEAAAAA!!!!~~”  

Shannon looked at them, “Aren’t you supposed to be doing homework right now?” Mylinh and Fatima looked at each other, “Uhh....” They turned off the TV and ran into their room. Himchan took the bag from Shannon and went to the kitchen, “Go do your homework now. I’ll deal with you two later”. Zelo rolled his eyes, “We didn’t do anything!” he yelled out as they went into Zelo’s room where Jongup was already starting on his homework.

Shannon asked him, “Jongup oppa, do you need any help?” Jongup shook his head and smiled, “I’m actually doing pretty good. Aren’t you proud?~” Shannon nodded and laughed, “Wahh, Jongup oppa is getting better~ I’m proud.” she playfully patted his head. Zelo also wanted her to praise him, so he quickly took out his books and started on the first problem, I’m going to make Shannon proud! Zelo managed to do half of his homework without asking any help from Shannon.

She looked up from her paper, “Wow, Jello oppa hasn’t asked me for any help yet. I’m so proud~” she said as she pinched his cheek. Zelo smiled, Yes! My praise~ he looked back at his paper to continue doing his work, but he was too distracted because he was still excited with receiving Shannon’s praise. He shyly looked up at Shannon, “Uhm... I need help...” Shannon giggled and patted his head, “It’s alright, I’m still proud~” Zelo couldn’t stop smiling. Shannon was helping Zelo with the problem when the bell rang.

Yongguk came out and opened the door to see Jenny and Jimmy at the door. Yongguk didn’t mean to be rude but he was curious, “Oh, what are you doing here?” Jenny held up a bag, “I brought cookies and cake~” she said with a smiled. The girls instantly popped their heads out from their room door, “COOKIES? CAKE?! JENNY UNNIE IS THE BEST!!!” Shannon and Zelo heard a muffled ‘Jenny unnie’ from outside the room. Oh no, why is she here? they both thought to themselves.

Jenny asked Yongguk, “Where are Zelo, Jongup and Shannon?” Yongguk nodded his head towards Zelo’s room, “They’re doing homework in there”. Jenny left the cookies and cake on the table before walking towards Zelo’s room. Jimmy sat at the table, “Is it alright if I do my homework here?” Yongguk nodded and went to the living room to watch TV.

Jenny came in the room to see Shannon helping Zelo with his homework. Jenny asked them, “Is there another chair here I can borrow?” Shannon nodded and pointed towards a chair at Jongup’s desk on the other side of the room, “You can take one of those chairs over there.” Jenny took a chair and shoved it between Shannon and Zelo. Jenny sat down, “I want to see how you tutor them,” she told Shannon and took out her books. Zelo tried his best not to be rude, but said, “Uhm... Can Jenny noona sit over there instead? Shannon’s helping me with a problem...” he pointed to the empty space next to Jongup. Jenny shrugged, “Nah, I’m good here.”

Shannon continued to explain the problem to Zelo, but Jenny kept interrupting her and finishing her sentences. After a short while, Shannon got tired of this and went over to kneel down next to Zelo’s seat to help him with the problem better without any interruptions from Jenny. Zelo moved over a bit on his chair, “Shannon, you can sit on my chair.” Shannon smiled and shared half of Zelo’s chair as Jenny sent death glares at her, Oh hell no! I can’t let her have Zelo all to herself!

Jenny silently went out to the dining table where Jimmy was doing his  homework. Jenny grabbed his stuff and walked into Zelo’s room. Jimmy ran after her to get back his stuff. Jenny put his books and papers on Jongup’s desk and said, “Shannon! Jimmy said he needs help with homework.” Jimmy gave her a look, “No, I didn’t”. Jenny stepped on his foot and Jimmy quickly said, “I mean, yeah, I need help...” Shannon looked up from Zelo’s paper, “Wait, I need to explain this to Zelo first.” “But Jimmy needs your help now,” Jenny said trying not to get angry.

Shannon didn’t even look up from Zelo’s paper, “I only need a minute.” Jenny tried to calm down and waited. Shannon finished helping Zelo with the problem and stood up to go help Jimmy. Zelo grabbed her hand, “Wait, I’m still confused with this part...” he pointed at a part of the problem on his paper. Actually, he already understood how to do the problem, he just didn’t want Shannon to leave. Shannon was going to sit back down and help him, but Jenny pushed her to Jimmy and said, “Go help Jimmy, I’ll help Zelo.” she said with a smile.

Shannon didn’t like how Jenny was behaving today, but she shrugged it off and sat down next to Jimmy, “So what do you need help on?” Jimmy whispered to her, “Nothing...” Shannon gave him a look, “What?” Jimmy explained to her, “Jenny is just trying to get you away from Zelo...” Shannon couldn’t believe it, she let out a sigh of frustration as she stood up to go back to tutor Zelo and Jongup. Jimmy grabbed her hand and shook his head, “Just leave it. Jenny’s crazily persistent.” Shannon sighed and said, “I have to go get my stuff”. She went over to Zelo’s desk and took her homework and walked back to work with Jimmy. Zelo frowned, Aww, I wanted Shannon to help me...

As they were doing homework, Jimmy tried to make conversation, “Oh, Boyan from our class told me that she and Sujin are your friends. I thought Jenny was your only friend. But I guess I was wrong.” Shannon looked at him, “What?” Jimmy turned to her, “Aren’t they your friends? Boyan and Sujin?” Shannon slowly shook her head in confusion, “No...” Jimmy was also confused, “What? But she said...” Shannon started telling him about the two girls trashing their dorm and Boyan punching her in the face. Jimmy looked at her wide eyed, “What?! No wonder why I saw a huge bruise on your cheek... Are you okay?” Shannon nodded, “Yeah” She remembered how Zelo would always kiss her cheek to make her feel better.

Jimmy asked, “Does it still hurt?” Shannon shook her head, “No. It was a few months ago. It healed after a couple weeks.” Jimmy sighed, “If only I had known sooner. I would take care of your bruise and make Boyan pay for what she did”. Shannon smiled, “Aww, that’s so sweet~” Jimmy grinned, “Anything for you!” Shannon blushed a bit, Jimmy really does care for me. He even saved me from the bus when we were in Japan. She leaned in and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to doing her homework.

Zelo didn’t notice anything because Jenny was in the way. She kept asking him, “Zelo-ah, do you need any help?” as if she’s begging for him to ask for her help. Zelo shook his head, “No, noona, I can do it on my own.” Zelo had actually been capable of doing his own work without help since they came back from their tour. Only a few questions would stump him and he’d only ask help for random questions when he just wanted Shannon to help. 

Fifteen minutes later, Shannon finished her homework and started putting away her stuff. “I’ll go make dinner and milk tea now”. Jimmy nodded and went back to doing his homework. Zelo quickly did the last problem in the book. He hastily shut his book and put away his papers, “I’m done too!” he said as he followed Shannon to the kitchen. Jenny stood up to follow him but Jongup shyly said, “Uhm Jenny, I need help...” Jenny didn’t want to be mean so she stayed behind to help Jongup. 

Zelo looked into the kitchen where Shannon was washing her hands, “Can I help?” Shannon smiled and nodded. Zelo was really excited YAY! I can cook with Shannon again~ Shannon turned to him, “How’s Jenny unnie’s tutoring?” Zelo shrugged, “She’s okay. But I like Shannon’s tutoring better~” Shannon blushed and looked away as she smiled to herself.

Jenny popped up between them and told Shannon, “I can help~” Shannon didn’t really want Jenny to help, “No, it’s okay. We got it.” Jenny pointed at the bag of pearls on the counter, “No, no, I can make the milk tea for you.” Shannon asked her, “Did you already finish helping Jongup?” Jenny nodded, “Yeah, he’s taking a nap right now. And Jimmy’s reading now.” Zelo peeked out to the living room, “Jenny noona can go watch TV with the hyungs.” Jenny tried to keep calm, I’m not letting you two be alone together dammit! She was literally begging, “No, I want to help.” Shannon sighed, “Okay, fine. You can make the milk tea.”

Zelo went to help Shannon get the food out from the fridge. Jenny stopped him, “Zelo-ah you should help me~” Zelo pointed towards Shannon, “But Shannon needs help making dinner...” Jenny waved a hand at him, “Nah, Shannon doesn’t need help, right Shannon?” Shannon just looked at her, “Uhh... yea...” Jenny turned to Zelo and smiled, “See? Now go boil the water for the tea and pearls.” Zelo frowned a bit and put the water in a pot and a kettle.

He left the water on the stove and went to go help Shannon make dinner. Jenny called him over, “Zelo, you can go set the table now.” Zelo just said, “I’ll do that later.” Jenny took a stack of plates and dishes and shoved them to Zelo, “No, you should do it now.” she said, pushing him to the table. Zelo sighed and quickly set the table. After he finished, he ran back to the kitchen to help Shannon. Jenny blocked his way, “You need to wash your hands” she said pointing to the sink.

He washed his hands and turned to go help Shannon again, Ahh Jenny noona isn’t letting me help Shannon at all. Shannon told him, “Jello oppa, can you cook the rice for me?” Zelo nodded, “Okay.” and went to get the rice. Jenny blocked his way again, “No, Zelo, go check if the girls are finished with their homework yet.” she said and turned to cook the rice instead. Zelo sighed, Why me??

Jimmy finished his homework and went to the kitchen. Shannon and Jenny were preparing food when Jimmy hugged Shannon from behind. "Ah! You scared me!" Shannon exclaimed. Jenny didn't say anything, Why didn't he come out here when Zelo's still around... Shannon asked, "What are you doing here?" Jimmy pecked her cheek, "Just wanted to see if you're done making dinner." Jimmy's arms were still wrapped around Shannon. It was weird for her to prepare food while he's hugging her like that, "Uhm... Can I go back to making food now?" Jimmy pulled his arms away, "Sorry" and went to watch TV. 

Zelo was in front of the girls’ room. He held his hand up to knock, but Himchan stopped him, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Zelo looked at him confused, “I have to check if they’re done with homework.” Himchan shoved him out of the way, “I’ll do it. I’m not trusting you anywhere near this room.” He opened the door and peeked in without knocking.

Suddenly, a pillow was thrown in his face, “GET OUT! WE’RE HAVING GIRL TALK!” Mylinh yelled. Himchan stared at the pillow on the floor, “Relax. I’m just checking on your homework.” Fatima pointed at the stacked books and papers on the table, “We’re already done with homework.” “Okay,” Himchan closed the door and went back to the living room to watch TV while pulling Zelo by the collar of his tshirt away from the girls’ room.

Daehyun and Youngjae came out from their room, “Zelo-ah, is the food done yet? I’m starving...” Daehyun complained. Zelo pointed towards the kitchen, “Shannon and Jenny noona are still making dinner.” “I’m going to have some of my green tea ice cream while waiting,” Youngjae said as he walked towards the kitchen. Daehyun laughed nervously, “Uhh, I kind of ate the rest of your ice cream when I sneaked into the kitchen last night...” Youngjae was going to strangle him, “WHAT?! AGAIN??” Zelo tried to calm him down, “It’s okay, Youngjae hyung, Shannon and I already bought more green tea ice cream for you. She also got extra melon ice cream for Daehyun and Youngjae hyungs.”

Daehyun hugged Zelo, almost choking him, “AHH ZELO, I CAN FINALLY HAVE SOME MELON ICE CREAM!~” Zelo laughed, “It was Shannon’s idea to buy extra melon ice cream”. Daehyun ran towards the kitchen, “Then I’ll give Shannon a BIG hug too~” Youngjae stopped him, “Yah, what are you doing? That’s Zelo’s job to hug Shannon.” Daehyun pouted, “But she gave me food!”

Youngjae and Daehyun kept arguing. Zelo came back to the kitchen to see that Shannon and Jenny were already done making dinner. Shannon turned to him, “Zelo could you help me bring the food to the table?” Jenny took the food from the counter, “Zelo-ah, go call everyone to eat dinner, I’ll help Shannon bring out the food.” Zelo went to call the girls and his hyungs to the table. 

Everyone gathered to the table and sat down in their seats. Zelo quickly sat down next to Shannon. Jenny glared at Shannon, She doesn’t even do anything. Zelo just comes to her. What does she have that makes him like her so much? she also sat down next to Zelo and silently scooted her chair closer to him. Jimmy, as usual, sat next to Shannon.

While they were eating, Yongguk asked Jenny, “So, why did you guys come here?” Jenny pointed at the cookies and cake on the counter, “I made cookies and cake, then I realized that I couldn’t finish it all on my own, so I brought them here so share with you.” Yongguk looked at Jimmy as if he’s asking why Jimmy’s here without having to say anything. Jimmy told him, “Jenny wanted me to come.” Yongguk nodded his head, “Ah, I see.”

Mylinh asked, “SHANNON!! CAN I HAVE CAKE?” Daehyun joined, “I WANT THE COOKIES!!” Shannon told them, “After you finish your food.” Fatima turned to Jenny, “What kind of cake is it?” Jenny smiled, “Strawberry cake.” Daehyun his lips, “I love strawberry cake!” Youngjae rolled his eyes, “Pfft you like all kinds of food.” Daehyun laughed, “Yeah, but cheesecake is still my favorite!”

Everyone finished eating so Shannon brought out the cake and cookies. Jenny also brought out the milk tea and gave each person a cup. Daehyun immediately stuffed his mouth with cookies and sliced a giant piece of cake for himself. Youngjae smacked the back of his head, “Yah! Share the cake you fatty!” Daehyun stuck his tongue out, “NO!” Youngjae chased Daehyun around as Daehyun ate the cake. Shannon sliced the cake into even slices for everyone else. Just as Zelo took a bite of his slice, Jenny asked him, “How’s the cake?” she was full of anticipation. Zelo just simply said, “It’s good.” Jenny was a bit disappointed with his response, but she was still satisfied, I made it JUST for you~

Shannon slowly ate her cake, I wish I could make a cake like this... Jimmy turned and asked her, “Shannon, can you bake a cake?” Shannon looked down, “no...” Zelo tried to cheer her up, “I’m sure your cake will taste delicious!” Shannon was blushing by his statement. Jimmy suggested, “You should make cake someday and we can taste test it!” Jenny didn’t like that idea at first, seeing how much more enthusiastic Zelo was with Shannon making cake, but she thought, I should sabotage her cake... Mylinh literally jumped up from her seat, “Shannon! You should make cake tomorrow!” Shannon smiled, “Okay.”

After everyone finished eating, Jimmy dragged Jenny to the door, “It’s getting pretty late, we have to go now.” The girls waved, “Bye Jenny~” Mylinh and Fatima yelled, “See you tomorrow, Jenny unnie!~” The guys waved goodbye to them. Daehyun yelled out, “I LOVE YOUR CAKE AND COOKIES!!” Before Jimmy closed the door, Jenny screamed to Shannon, “I’ll help you make the cake tomorrow~”

As the door shut, Zelo was celebrating on the inside, Yes! Now I can play the pepero game with Shannon! He grabbed Shannon’s hand and led her to his room. Himchan yelled after him, “NO! Come here and watch TV where we can see you!” Zelo pouted, “But I’m not going to do anything...” Himchan pointed at the couch and stomped his foot. Zelo pouted as he led Shannon to the couch and sat down, Next time for sure! Shannon looked at Zelo confused, What?

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I wish this story had a sequel, I loved it :(
Chapter 49: desperately looking at the comments, wondering if zelo and shannon will stay together. T________T i hope jenny gets a taste of her own medicine.
Chapter 71: I swear, I must've went crazy. Everytime something happened that pissed me off (Jenny and B&S plus the fights with Zelo and Shannon) I always wanted to throw my phone out the window. AND OMG. HIMCHAN AS AN OLD LADY. IT WAS LIKE 5AM AND I LAUGHED SO HARD. I SWEAR. Well, she's just like me. I have a Zelo shrine. Plus some signed albums (:

I enjoyed reading this! It was long as hell. But funny and dramatic. (*cough* NOOOOOOOOO MY ICEE CREAMMMMMMM) I love all the couples! Especially Sujin (: I hated her at first. But seeing as who she is now it made me happy!


jennydao13dj #4
Chapter 4: Wow it is really good
Chapter 4: AWESOME <3<3<3<3<3
xfatimaisrandom #6
OMG SHANNONN~~ MYLINH REVEALED THE "SURPRISE" YAY~~~~~ good job you guys! Well done!<3
Chapter 71: Hahah, okey ;D

xfatimaisrandom #8
Chapter 70: kya~ It was the best chapter ever

Btw, I have to tell you something....

I'm a BIG fan of Mylinh :D kekeke, we have the same bias.. Her bias is Himchan oppa right? Well he is my bias too, and I'm not a fan of Mylinh just because we have the same bias, but damn! She is so funny in this story, is she that funny in real life to? hehe..

Btw...I LOVE food too, & I eat very much and don't get fat! hahaha ;D

Bye, uptade soon please!