Chapter 25

You Who Came From The Stars

'Ten bucks say he'll hit Kai.'

'Ten bucks say Kai'll attack first.'

'Will you two shut up? I can't hear anything!'

'Get a life, you three. Seriously.'

Luhan had arrived around ten and found Sehun and Mei taking lessons from Kai. Turned out Mei didn't know the topics well enough and Kai had 'offered' to help. He took in the fact that Mei was sitting between Sehun and Kai and Kai's shoulder was practically brushing against hers.

As if that wasn't enough, she didn’t look up when he entered but Kai saw him and smirked. Luhan narrowed his eyes at him threateningly but Kai didn't move. Luhan wanted so bad to wipe that smirk off his face that it took physical effort to restrain himself. He stalked to the kitchen instead, to find the rest of the Legends gathered there.

'Why is he with them?' He asked angrily. Suho replied. 'They couldn't make head or tail of what they were studying, so...'

Luhan chewed his bottom lip, trying to calm down. Whether he liked it or not, Kai was an ace student and if she needed help, well…

He didn't like it any better than Sehun did, though – who looked like he'd swallowed something bitter. To distract himself, he looked around and his eyes alighted on Tao whose eyes looked red-rimmed. 'What's wrong with him?'

Baekhyun told him, despite numerous protests, that Tao had walked out without his towel and Mei had seen him. If it were any other person, Luhan would've found this funny. Since it was Mei…

'You're an idiot!' He scolded Tao furiously, who'd buried his head in his arms and was crying again. 'Why does everybody keep scolding me?'

As if that wasn't enough, Baekhyun had further explained how she'd seen all of them without their shirts and how Kai had taken the chance to show off his body.

'He's pretty good, you know.' Chanyeol commented lightly. 'If I were a girl, I'd totally fall for his body even if I didn't like him.'

'Maybe you should take off your shirt as well.' Chen suggested. Baekhyun and Chanyeol wholeheartedly agreed. 'Walk out of the kitchen all casual and cool like…'

'Yup – you've got abs, show them off!'

At this point, he was beginning to feel a little desperate – enough that this sounded like a good idea. 'Don't put foolish ideas in his head!' Suho reprimanded.

'Yeah, it's not the body he needs to worry about,' D.O. stated, buttering his toast. 'Its brains – intelligence is y.'

'Ya, Kai is smart!' Chanyeol put his hands to his mouth. 'Luhan, this isn’t good for you.'

'Will you guys shut up?!?!' Luhan finally burst. Then started at the pat on his back. Lay.

'You don't need to worry, you're just as smart – if not smarter.' He told him. 'Just go out and tell them you'll help. You've studied all of this, as well, so you know it already.'

'Ya, Lay's really wise!' Baekhyun commented.

'Hmm?' Lay blinked.

'And he's back to normal.' They burst out laughing but Luhan ignored them and took Lay's advice. Went outside, said hello politely enough and pushed Sehun aside so he could sit beside Mei. Kai stared at him and he stared right back.

'Need any help?'

She looked really pleased to see him. 'I thought you wouldn't come.' She pouted a little. 'I was just going through this…' she pointed at the topic. 'It's pretty easy now that Kai's explained it.'

'That's great.' Luhan replied through gritted teeth. Kai diverted her back to study. The entire study session was an exercise in self-control for Luhan. He didn't like how Kai's shoulder brushed against hers, so he casually leaned against her, pretending to look at her notes.

When his weight got too much to bear, she pushed him off and turned so that her back was towards Luhan. 'Don't lean on me.' She reprimanded before studying again. Luhan didn't mind because now, Kai couldn't touch her without being obvious.

Not to be left behind, Kai took the opportunity to touch her hands. When she pointed at something, he'd deliberately touch her fingers, lifting them up and rearranging them. Luhan frowned at Kai's smirk, then leaned over her shoulder, placing his chin right in the nook of her neck.

She started but he didn't move, pointing at the paper. 'Shouldn't it be like…?'

His question made Mei curious and she turned her attention towards him. Luhan gave Kai a smirk. Take that.

Kai posed another question and both of them engaged in a hot debate over who had more knowledge about the topic. Mei looked from one to the other, genuinely interested in their opinions but Sehun had had enough. Enough of being pushed around and rearranged like he was furniture and enough of being ignored. He picked himself up and came to the kitchen.

To find his elders, the ones supposed to act more sensibly than him, leaning over the kitchen table, spying on Kai and Luhan and placing bets.

'Get a life, you three. Seriously.' He suggested, throwing his weight back to tilt the chair.

They ignored him, completely focused on the hot debate going on in the living room. 'Ya,' Sehun banged his foot on the table. 'I'm hungry!'

Chen got up, taking out cereals and bowl. 'Here you go.' He placed the things in front of him, then poured milk in the bowl.

'It's not warm.' Sehun complained, pushing the bowl back at him. 'Heat it.'

'This cub…' Chen muttered. Chanyeol shushed him again. 'Wow, I think Mei's realized this is not about studies.'

'Ha, that's even better!' Baekhyun leaned over his shoulder, peeking out. 'Oooh, I wonder who she'll pick?'

'I don't understand!' Sehun complained to Chen who was putting the heat up milk in front of him. 'Why are you even considering Kai? Mei's obviously Luhan's mate – and Kai's a backstabbing traitor.'

'That's harsh.' Chen said mildly. 'She could be his, for all you know – it all comes down to who'll claim her first.'

'But… isn't the mate supposed to be yours and only yours???'

'Apparently not.' Chen replied, pouring cereals in his bowl. He started explaining what Suho had told them about mating and Kris's theory of Shadows having the same mate. Sehun frowned. 'Does that mean me and Tao could…?'

'End up in the same situation? Yes.' Chen nodded. 'Eat your food.'

Sehun chewed on cereal thoughtfully, going over what Chen had told him. His brain short-circuited, already overloaded with early-morning study and now this. 'I don't care – I still support Luhan.'

'That's my boy!' Baekhyun thumped his back, now back in his seat. 'I support Luhan too.'

'Well, I think we should give Kai a chance as well.' Chen replied. 'He's going through way more trouble than Luhan.'

'We don't keep an eye of our friend's girl. That's not how we do things.' Sehun muttered, confused. He wasn't sure but he was feeling a little guilty for getting so angry at Kai. If Kai was going through what Luhan had been…

'Argh! I can't think about this stuff anymore!'

'Don't worry yourself about it.' Chanyeol patted his head. 'The fight's between those two – they'll settle it themselves. I don't think they'll mind if you keep your friendship with both of them.'

Sehun nodded, feeling grateful that his elders were being sensible for once.

'And if they kill each other in the process, you can get Mei for yourself!' Baekhyun ended cheerfully.

Nope, they haven't changed. Smiling a little and more at ease than he'd been for the past week, he ate his cereal. Then made a face.

'This is cold. Make me something else!' He whined.

Shaking his head, Chen started making a new breakfast.


Wow, Luhan's so smart. Mei thought wonderingly.

Since they were always so non-serious during their time together, she'd never appreciated that. Now, listening to him debate with Kai, she was in awe.

Of Kai, as well. Whatever argument Luhan presented, Kai brought up a quick comeback and she was fast becoming immersed in the talk, looking from Kai to Luhan to Kai and back to Luhan. It seemed like their debate wouldn't end.

They'd do great at declamations, she thought for the nth time.

She was really glad that Luhan had come; she honestly hadn’t expected him to show up – though she was just the teensy bit disappointed that he was wearing a shirt. Maybe it was the after-effect of seeing so many shirtless guys.

As it was, she tried to see beyond his shirt – which stuck conveniently to his torso – to see if he had abs. His pecs were obviously well defined and she could see the valley in between, thanks to his V-neck. His abs, however – she could only guess.  

Because of the intensity of their debate, Luhan's chest was rising and falling, rising and falling and well, it was kind of hot. She looked up because it was too tempting to keep going down. Her eyes fixed on his neck instead – the veins stood out ily as he conversed. Hotter. She went higher. Sharp, knife-edged jaw. Even hotter. Face. Eyes narrowed, eyebrows raised in a sophisticated manner, and lips – yeah, the lips… she her own.

Okay this was too hot.

Ya, you're supposed to be studying. Snap out of it! She reprimanded herself, giving herself a hard mental shake. Taking a deep breathe, she turned to look at Kai – at least he wouldn't distract her with his tempting body.

She was wrong because Kai, with his deep eyes and pouty lips and defined jaw and lean, muscled body was no less on the hotness scale. She swallowed, turned and stared straight ahead, trying to ignore the fact that there were two extremely hot guys on either side of her.

Staring straight ahead, she listened to what both of them were saying. And realized that this wasn't a debate anymore – just a dissing match. They'd been showing off their knowledge for her benefit – at least, she hoped it was for her benefit – but now, it was fast turning towards a fist-fight.

Luhan and Kai were poised on either side as if ready to launch at each other at a moment's notice. And their debate wasn't making any sense.

'You mind your place cub or you'll regret it.' Huh. She didn't think this had anything to do with the subject.

'Call me a cub again and I'll make you regret it.' Nope, this really had nothing to do with it.

'Guys…' she began, unsure how to in.

'You really don't want to mess with me right now.' Luhan stood up, towering over them.

'Oh, save that crap for Sehun and Tao.' Kai snorted, standing up and glaring at Luhan.

'That's it! You're on!'

'Come at me!

They were both going to attack each other... nope, they had attacked.

'Guys!' she fairly screamed.

Luhan and Kai, who had their arms around each other, looked at her.

'Don't fight.' She pleaded. 'It was just a stupid question anyway…'

Reluctantly – and she did mean reluctantly because they kept staring as if daring the other to give in first – they let go. She saw red marks on Kai's shoulders, exposed in his tank top and a matching set around Luhan's neck.

Kai smiled, though it was obviously forced.

'You're right. It's a stupid question anyway – we'll see who's right when it's time.' He directed his comment to Luhan, who pursed his lips.

'Oh, we'll see alright.' Luhan forced a smile as well. Somehow, Mei didn't think they were talking about their debate at all. 'Mei, you want to grab a drink or something?'

'Huh? Okay.' She stood up as well, feeling very awkward. Like this whole fight was her fault. Which was stupid because she had no idea what they were even fighting about. 'Um, where's Sehun?'

They looked around in surprise, noticing for the first time that Sehun wasn't around. 'Sehun?' Luhan called, going to his room.

'So you noticed, huh?' Sehun sounded irritated, coming out of the kitchen.

'I'm sorry!' Mei rushed to his side. 'They were going on about…'

'I heard.' Sehun stopped her. 'I was eating.'

'Oh… cool.'

Luhan came out of his room. 'There you are! Wanna go have a drink?'

Sehun shook his head. 'You two go, I have to study.' Then, to Mei's surprise and relief, he called to Kai who was going back to his room. 'Kai, will you help me?'

Kai looked surprised at first, then he smiled – looking every bit like the old, less-y, more-dorky Kai. 'Sure.'

'Kay, thanks. Mei, thanks for coming over, I owe you.' Sehun told her, then pushed her and Luhan away. 'Now get out. We'll hang out later.'

Saying goodbye, Mei left with Luhan.



Can we all take time to appreciate Sehun's awesomeness? That kid's brattiness breathes life into my story - and Tao's cuteness! <3

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double update and the story is complete!!! YAAY!!!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 47: sehun you lil flirt xD
Chapter 13: this story is not good for my health ㅠㅠ too much sekai and hunho sjdjsjfjsjfsjfjsj
Silencedshadow #4
I really enjoyed the story. :)
I honestly dislike love triangles, but somehow, I didn't mind it that much in this story. It had plenty of funny moments to compensate for the frustration with the shadows-claming-mate drama going on between Luhan and Kai.
I also like the characters and how you have them concepts, and stick to them. I really enjoy the humour of it too.
It was very difficult to put the story down and focus on daily responsibilities once i started reading it. It became quite addictive. :)
I already finished the sequel too, but I decided that I needed to leave a comment on this one as well, since I enjoyed it so much and it made my days brighter. :)
Chapter 58: im so stressed with this love triangle/multiple love interests im crying inside i gtg
Chapter 1: So your description/foreword intrigued me to read this story, but I'm wondering, how come you use ' ' instead of " " for dialogue? I don't know much about the "rules" for writing stories so I'm asking. Or does your style of writing change later on and I should have continued reading before posting this comment? Lol
Babbie #8
Chapter 90: Omg ashfgd too funny