
48 hours

Ryeowook led out a soft cough as KEF grabbed for his neck. She then placed the knife that was on his throat earlier onto his cheek, much to his relief, but still, he knew it was all still tense. He was still not out of danger.


'You should know better than anyone, Kim Ryeowook, that you, are in no position to tick me.' She snorted at him in disgust, pressing his neck harder.

'Everything you said was true.'

'Extremely true.'

'I hate your guts.'

'I hate everything about you.'

'I've hated you since the first time I saw you, Kim Ryeowook.'


'Hmph. Doesn't that make the two of us?' Ryeowook replied in a sarcastic tone.

'I hate your guts too.'


'You're very brave, Kim Ryeowook.'

'And that bravery will soon bring you down.'




Suddenly, Ryeowook led out a chuckle.




'What's so funny?' She questioned him. Puzzled by his sudden behaviour.


'You're quite slow aren't you?' Ryeowook answered, simply.






Ryeowook looked straight at her face with a small smirk. 




'Did you really think that I am scared of you?'

'Did you really think that you have won?'

'Did you really think that I have come here without thinking?' 

'Did you really think that I never planned my action?'

'My dear KEF, if I wasn't ready to die, I would have never step into this dump in the first place.'

'I would have never even made the sacrifice I did.'

'I am here to fullfill your wish.'

'I am here to make you win and lose all at the same time.'

'I am here to make a deal with you.'

'A deal of life and death.'

'I, Kim Ryeowook, am ready to die.'

'For the freedom of my members.'












Leeteuk was on his way to the bank that had kept Kibum and Kyuhyun earlier. Along with him was Kibum, Kangin, Heechul, Yesung, Shindong and Hangeng. If his instinct was right, he was sure that Ryeowook was still at the bank. It was a risky thing to decide really, but it was not like they have any other choice. They needed to save Ryeowook, and they needed to save him fast.




'Are you Wookie is still there Teukie hyung?' Shindong asked the older man, breaking their silence.

'I mean, why would he still be there??'

'Wouldn't it be too easy for us to go there and save him?'

'It just doesn't make any any sense to me.'

'Well. If Ryeowook is still there then she must have been really dumb for not moving him elsewhere'


'To be honest, Shindong I'm not sure so myself.' Leeteuk replied the younger man.

'I'm just basically following my instinct.'

'I know it's a risk but, it's a risk I'm willing to take.'

'At least, we'd be sure if Ryeowook is still there or not.'

'Besides..' Yesung suddenly joined in their conversation.

'If that KEF girl is really dumb then wouldn't be lucky for us?'

'It will give us the opportunity to save Wookie.'

'For all I know, I'd be really thankful if she was really dumb.'


'But I doubt the case.' This time, it was Kibum who step in. They all focused their attention to him.

'Think about it, if she was really dumb then she wouldn't even have it in her to come up with all of this.'

'She would have never thought of the red letter, the tape, the twist, the riddle, the trap, the bank, everything....'

'So I doubt that she's dumb. In fact, she's practically a genius.'

'AND, knowing that, she could even be waiting for us as in right now.'

'Maybe, what if, this was all part of her plan.'

'Maybe she planned that we go there and save Ryeowook.'

'Her mind is corrupted after all, that girl.'




They all remained silent at Kibum's words. It wasn't that they disagreed with the younger that made them shut down, in fact, they agreed with him completely. They were just too indulged with their own emotions to say any form of reply. They were feeling scared, anxious, afraid, worried, of what would happen to them next. What would KEF do next. What would she plan next.

Suddenly, Leeteuk's phone rang breaking their silence which immediately brought them back to reality. Leeteuk reached out his hand to grabbed his phone. He then pressed the answering button and turned to loud speaker so the rest of them would be able to hear to the conversation.




'What is it Hyukjae?' Leeteuk said to the other line, knowing it was Eunhyuk that called him.


'Um...' He could hear Eunhyuk hesitated for a bit before saying,

'Where..where are you right now hyung?'


'We're on our way to save Ryeowook. All of us.'


'YOU WHAT???!' Eunhyuk was totally surprised by the new information.


'Sorry Hyukjae ah, I know we should have waited for you and Siwon but we needed to save Ryeowook fast.'

'We can't risk letting him be kept long by KEF.'

'Who knows what she'll do to him.'

'Besides, we also need someone to stay by Kyuhyun's side.'

'I don't him to be left alone.'




Eunhyuk let out a small sigh.




'It's okay hyung, I understand.'


'Thanks Hyukkie. Btw, why did you call me?'

'Is there something the matter?'


'' Eunhyuk was having a hard time telling their leader that their magnae, Kyuhyun, had ran off GOD knows where.

'...I um....'


'What is it Hyukjae? You're making me anxious.'

'Did something happen to Kyuhyun??'


'I a...I'm really sorry Teukie hyung....'

'...really sorry....'


'What do you mean???'


' and Siwon, we went to the cafeteria to buy him something to eat but then when we returned, he was.....'

'..he was....'




'He was gone. He wasn't there on his bed. We...we don't know where he ran off too!!'

'I! I'm really sorry!'

'I'm sorry hyung!'


'HE WHAT????!!!!!!' They all yelled out almost simulteneously, shocked at the turn of event.


'OMG HYUKJAE WHY DID YOU GUYS LEAVE HIM ALONE???!!!' Leeteuk shouted at the younger man in frustration, making him flipped.







'I....I'm really sorry hyung....' Eunhyuk could only say that. He was crying.

'We're really sorry....'

'...we...we don't know what we were thinking....'

'...sorry hyung...everyone....'

'...please..please forgive us....'




Hearing this, Leeteuk immediately softened. At the same time, he felt bad for yelling at his dongsaeng. For being too carried away with his emotions. He should have known better that it wasn't their intention to leave Kyuhyun alone. Things, just happen.




'I'm sorry.' He said to him.

'I shouldn't have yelled at you.'

'I was being too emotional just now.'



'It's okay hyung, I understand.' Eunhyuk said softly. He was wiping of his tears.

'We kinda deserve it.'

'We were careless.'


'No. You don't.'

'It's not your fault. You didn't know it would turned out this way'

'So, I'm sorry for yelling at you.'



'Okay hyung....'

'I forgive you.'


'Thanks Hyukkie.'


'You're welcome hyung.'



'Was is it ??'


'What are we supposed to do now??'

'Where do you think Kyuhyun might be??'

'Do you think...something bad happened to him??'


'Don't worry Hyukjae ah, I think I know where he is.'

'Don't worry I'll handle this.'

'You two just stay put at the hospital in case he came back.'



'Okay hyung, I understand.'


'Okay then, we'll let you know if we found him.'




AND with that, their conversation ended. Leeteuk put his phone inside his pocket and let out a sigh. Right now, at this point, he was afraid of his own thoughts. He was afraid that Kyuhyun was really at the place he had in mind.












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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..