
48 hours

Sungmin was now holding a knife. His hands were shaking and his tears were falling down fast. He was pointing the knife towards his wrist, ready to cut at any second.




'NOOOOO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'SUNGMIN HYUNG STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Ryeowook yelled at the top his lung at the sight of Sungmin.



He then quickly ran towards the older man and grabbed the knife in his hand. He then threw the knife onto the floor as he hugged the trembling Sungmin.







'NO HYUNG!! NO!!!!!'


'NO !! NO !! NO !! NO !!'



Ryeowook uttered in tears as he hold Sungmin tightly in his arms.



'...Please hyung please...don't do it...please....hyung......' He begged him.




The other members just stared at the whole situation. Speechless. Shocked. Horrified. They weren't able to utter a single thing. They were just in a lof of shock. Shocked at what Sungmin was about to do.








Sungmin freed himself from Ryeowook. He looked at the younger man and then at the rest of s. His heart dropped and he felt pain in his chest. He knew what he was about to say was going to hurt them. A LOT.



'Hyungs...everyone...Ryeowook......' He uttered slowly. His tears continued falling.

'Please...please....please just-just let me do this......'

'....just let me do this......'

'....for Kyuhyun.....'

'...I..I...I have to do this......'

'....I have to do this......'




They all looked at him, shocked. Unable to project his words. Unable to say anything as horror took over their body.




'NO YOU DON'T!!' Ryeowook protested. His eyes showing total disagreement.



'THERE'S ALWAYS ANOTHER SOLUTION!' He then got up and went to Heechul.


'Heechul hyung! Tell him! TELL HIM HYUNG!!!'




'HEECHUL HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!'

'HYUNG TELL HIM!!!!!!!!'

'TELL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'




Heechul looked at their eternal magnae, unsure of what to say. His heart fluttered and his eyes filled with sadness and pain.




'Ryeowook ah...I....I........' He tried to say.



'NO!!!' Ryeowook yelled out loud.



'NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'




He fell onto his knees and broke into a sob.




'...You just can't.........'










Sungmin stared at their broken magnae. His heart felt like it was torned to pieces. He hates seeing Ryeowook cry. He just hates it. He then looked around and saw that all of s were crying. They were crying for Kyuhyun and they were crying for him. But most of all, they were crying because they didn't know what to do. They didn't know how to make things better. They didn't how to fix this. They just. Didn't know. AND veritably, they didn't know whom they should pick. Should they pick Kyuhyun? Or should they pick him instead? The feeling was mix and it was eating them inside. In fact, it was killing them.


Sungmin turned his head around from s and looked at the clock hang on their kitchen's wall. 20 minutes left. He then turned his head around again and looked at the video monitor playing in their living room. Kyuhyun looked so fragile it hurt his heart so much. And that knife. That knife. It was so close to Kyuhyun's throat it sent chills running down his spines.


Sungmin stared at his wrist and knew he had to do what's right. He knew he had to this for s and for Kyuhyun.














'Teukie hyung.......' He called out for him. Leeteuk immediately went towards him.


'What is it Sungmin?' Leeteuk asked the younger.


'Hyung...I need your help.......'


'You know I'll help....what is it?'


'Hyung....please.....please take all the members to the living room........'


'I can't let them see me in that state...'



Leeteuk's eyes widen.




'SUNGMIN...YOU'RE NOT........'

'YOU'RE NOT.....'



'YOU CAN'T......'



'Hyung please.....' Sungmin cut him off. His eyes pleading for his understanding.

'Can't you see?'

'I have to do this hyung....'

'I have to......'



'No Sungmin, you don't have to do this.....'

'...we don't want you to do this......'

'I. Don't want you to do this...'




'If I don't do this then Kyuhyun....he's going to die!'

'He's going to die hyung!'



'But....we can find another way Sungmin........'



'There's not much time hyung!'

'Please hyung please....just.....just do this for me.......'

'....just this once I'm begging you........'

'I'll be's's just a cut......'

'I'll be like ant bite....'

'Really hyung......'




Leeteuk stared at Sungmin. Tears were falling down his face as he looked at him. His precious dongsaeng. His kind and selfless dongsaeng.




'Hyung please........' Sungmin begged him again.




After some time Leeteuk finally nodded. He then put his arms around Sungmin, hugging him tightly.



'Sungmin...I.....I wish I could fix this.....'

'..I....I'm so sorry......'

'...I'm sorry that you have to do this........'

'I'm so sorry Sungmin.....'



Sungmin smiled at Leeteuk's remarks. He was trying hard to hold back his tears.



'It's okay hyung it's not your fault......'

'This is my own call.....'



'Just..just promise me you won't hurt yourself too much......' Leeteuk then told him.

'Promise me you won't cut too deep........'



'....I promise.......'

'I promise hyung........'




Leeteuk then gently kissed Sungmin's cheek before standing up. He looked at the other members and said,




'Alright guys, let's give Sungmin some space.'

'Let's go to the living room.'



'Space? What space?' Kibum questioned. His eyes filled with worries.




Leeteuk looked down for a brief moment before continuing,




'Sungmin has decided to do what's.....what's right..........' He managed. He was trying hard no to cry.



'WHAT???!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Ryeowook immediately yelled out loud followed by the other members.








'TEUKIE HYUNG!!! YOU CAN'T LET HIM DO THIS!!!!!' Donghae yelled to the older man.




AND soon, the kitchen was filled with yells and screams of protest. None of them was pleased with the idea of Sungmin cutting himself. NONE OF THEM.










'EVERYONE PLEASE BE QUIET.' Sungmin spoke out suddenly. All heads immedietely turned to him.



He then looked at s. He gave them a huge smile before uttering,



'It's okay everyone...really.......'

'I'm alright........'

'I want to do this...for Kyuhyun....for everyone.....for us........'

' please understand........'

'...please respect my decision......'



'But-but Sungmin hyung!' Donghae tried to protest.



'It's okay...'

'IT'S OKAY...' He smiled.

'It's okay everyone.....'



After Sungmin explained everything they finally agreed to his decision. It was hard for them and they hated having to go through with it but they had to respect his decision. He was their friend, their brother. AND so, one by one, they stood up and went to the living room to give Sungmin some space.



'NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Ryeowook screamed at the top his lungs once again. Kangin was holding him tightly.

'NO HYUNG YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


'LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'HYUNG DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!'

'SUNGMIN HYUNG NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'DON'T!!!! NO HYUNG NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


'NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'



Heechul immediately went to Ryeowook and help Kangin pulled him out of the kitchen.



'Ryeowook please......'



'NO!!!!!! DON'T DO IT HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'DON'T!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'NO!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!! NO!!!!!!'



Ryeowook continued yelling and struggling that Kangin had no choice but to punched him causing him to faint.



'...I...HAD TO......' Kangin said to the others who then nodded their heads.










Sungmin was now sitting in the kitchen alone, all by himself. He looked at the clock one again. 2 minutes left. Without wasting any time, he immediately grabbed a hold of the knife that was thrown onto the floor earlier by Ryeowook.


He looked at his wrist and placed the knife gently on it. Suddenly, his hands started shaking and his tears began to fall. To make things worse, his whole body started trembling and he felt scared. Really scared. In fact, he was terrified. He was so terrified that he couldn't even breathe. He couldn't even stop himself from falling apart. Who knew he would do something like this to himself. Who knew.



'Shut up Sungmin SHUT UP!' He said to himself.

'Don't be such a baby!'

'What the hell are you doing???'

'This for Kyuhyun....and for the members......'

'This will save them.....'

'This will save Kyuhyun.......'

'So pull yourself together!'









The other members were sitting in the living room. Everything was quiet and they were all looking at the kitchen's door, thinking about Sungmin. Their hearts felt heavy and their chest was in so much pain. They couldn't help but cry as hard as they can at the whole situation.


Suddenly, they heard a loud cry of pain coming from the kitchen. It sounded so painful that it pierced them right in the heart. It sounded so unbearable that they just wanted to run to the kitchen and stop him. Save him. But they knew they can't. In fact, they couldn't even if they wanted to. Sungmin had warned them about coming to the kitchen. He had forbidden them from stopping him no matter what happen. He told them to be strong for him. He told them to wait for him patiently. They placed their hands onto their ears, closing them tight, unable to stand the sound any longer, the sound of pain, the sound of hurt, the cries of their brother, Sungmin.










I played with your emotions again. Sorry.... *bows down*

P/s: Since some of you are getting anxious I'm reassuring this, no one will die in this fic. At least not the boys ~ 







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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..