The Hidden Truth

48 hours

'What is he talking about Kibum???' Kangin asked the younger man. His face showing nothing but worries.


'HYUNG! EVERYONE! PLEASE STOP HIM!' Kibum yelled out loud in desperation at the other members. He then looked at the smaller man with pleading eyes.

'Ryeowook ah, please...we've talked about this before. You didn't have to do this, remember?'


'But Kibum ah.'

'We were wrong.' 

'We were absolutely wrong.' Ryeowook responded, simply. He wasn't really paying any attentions towards the other. His mind were busy wondering about what he was about to do.


'WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON???!!!!!' Leeteuk finally snapped. He had enough of confusions and puzzles. He had enough of all of this. Veritably, he had enough of Kibum and Ryeowook hiding things from him. From them. He had enough.




Ryeowook looked at their leader with pure sadness. He felt guilty for putting the members through this but he knew he had no choice. It was the right thing to do.




'I'm sorry Teukie hyung.'

'I'm sorry for keeping this away from you...'

'...and I...I'm sorry for everything....'

'...I...just know that I....I love all of you...very much....'

'...and please...please tell Kyuhyun that I, that I love him so much and I want him to be happy....'

'..I want him to keep smilling.'

'Tell him that he is my best friend in the whole entire world.'


'RYEOWOOK AH??!! WHY DO YOU..WHY DO YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE SAYING GOODBYES???!!' Eunhyuk was starting to panic. He didn't quite understand what was going on but he knew that something was wrong with their eternal magnae. Extremely wrong.


'I'm ready KEF....' Ryeowook uttered slowly at the intercom, ignoring the others' questions and demands. His eyes was closed shut as tears started running down his cheeks.

'...take me.....'




He then looked at s one last time before saying,




'I've had a great time with you guys..for all these years....I'm very grateful...that I've had the chance to meet every single one of you...'

'...thank you...for everything.....'


'RYEOWOOK! WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???!!!!!' This time, it was Yesung who had broke into a panic. His heart was beating fast as nerves took over his body.








Suddenly, everything went dark and they couldn't see anything. 




'WHAT THE HELL??!!' Heechul snorted in annoyance at the turn of event.



'I...I can't see anything....' Shindong blurted out nervously. He was trying to grab a hold of something.


'IS EVERYONE OKAY???!!!' Leeteuk yelled out loud worriedly. At the same time he was busy searching for any source of light.


'WHAT IS THIS???' Siwon said as he noticed a strange fog beneath the darkness.



'Ugh. Why do I feel so dizzy all of a sudden?' He heard Hangeng said followed by a few others. Peculiarly, he was feeling the same way. Then it hit him. This was no fog.


'EVERYONE! CLOSE YOUR...YOUR!' He tried to tell the others. But it was too late and before he knew it, he fell into a complete and utter darkness.








Siwon woke up with a heavy head. He felt dizzy and he was having a hard time remembering what had happened to him previously. He placed his fingers on his forehead, giving them light massages as he looked around his surroundings. His eyes widen as he noticed the sight in front of him. The members were all laying on the floor. Like him, they had also fainted. His head felt even more dizzy as he remembered the previous events.


They were on their way to save Kibum when they found a secret passage way. They were locked inside a room with both Kibum and Kyuhyun. They were saying something to Ryeowook when it got all dark and they noticed lots of fogs heading their way. They had then fainted ?


He wandered his eyes for the second time and noticed that they were back in their dorms. How is this possible? He thought to himself.


Siwon was about to wake Leeteuk up when the members started to wake up one by one. Like him, they were all dizzy and confused. Some of them was unable to even remember what had happened before. It took them quite some time before everything finally hit them. They were knocked out by sleeping gas and they were somehow brought here, back to their dorms.

Siwon was about to say something when he noticed two figures at the corner of their living room. 



'OMG, are those...Kyuhyun and Kibum???' He uttered in disbelief. The other members took noticed his words and looked at the same direction.


'OMG IT IS THEM!!!' Eunhyuk exclaimed happily. He was jumping up and down in excitement. 




'YOU'RE NOT.' Leeteuk replied him. He was already beside Kibum and Kyuhyun. His hands were busy cleaning their wounds.

'It's them. It's literally 100% them.'


'THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!' Eunhyuk yelled out loud cheerfully. He then ran over towards Kibum and Kyuhyun's side.




They were all sitting beside Kibum and Kyuhyun when the two started waking up.




'...Teukie hyung....everyone......' Kyuhyun was the first one to wake up. He was in tears as he looked at the other members standing in front of him. He couldn't believe it. They were here. They were in front him. They were with him. He's not alone anymore.

'...I thought...I'll never...see you guys anymore....' He uttered slowly as he broke into a sob. His whole body was shaking.

'..I was so scared....'


'Ouh't're save now....everything is over....' Leeteuk said to the younger. He then gently placed a kiss on his cheeks.

'..we were so worried about you....'

'...I'm glad you're home now....'

'...welcome home Kyuhyun ah......'




One by one, the members move forward and peck Kyuhyun's cheek. They were all in tears and they were all glad that their magnae, was finally home. He's here again, with them.




'Teukie hyung...' Shindong blurted out suddenly.

'We need to get him to the hospital.'

'He's badly injured.'

'He needs to be treated.'


'You're right...Kyuhyun ah...let's go to the hospital okay?' Leeteuk said to the taller man with a warm smile on his face.


'But I don't want to hyung...'

'I want to stay here...with all of you.'

'...I don't ever want to be apart..again....'

'...I'll be fine...I'll heal on my own...'


'We know Kyu....' Yesung placed his fingers on Kyuhyun's cheeks. Gently caressing them.

'We know.'

'But you have to go to the hospital.'

'You are so heavily injured, you need treatment.'


'But hyung...'


'Don't worry....'

'We'll be right there with you..all the way....'

'We're not going anywhere.'

'Okay ?'




Kyuhyun only nodded before he broke into another sob. Their hearts fluttered at the sight and they immediately embraced him with a hug. That's right. They had formed a group hug and they were saying words of comforts to their baby magnae, telling him that everything was going to be okay.








Their moment of happiness was suddenly crashed as Kibum spoke out those words.




'Hyungs, where's Ryeowook?' He asked them for the second time.




Their eyes widen as they finally noticed that Ryeowook was missing. He was not here with them. They began searching the whole dorm but Ryeowook was no where to be found. They began to panic. Suddenly, Kibum fell onto the ground trembling. He then broke into a sob. They were all shocked to see his sudden actions.




'I...I KNEW....I KNEW  IT!' He tried to speak as his emotions took over.


'I ! I KNEW IT!'

'I...I'VE TRIED TO PREVENT IT...I REALLY DID....BUT I...I WAS TOO LATE! I WAS TOO LATE!! I WAS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!' His sobs got even worst as his emotions began running up and down in a turmoil.


'KIBUM CALM DOWN!!' Siwon cried out to the younger as he held him tightly.








'I don't understand what you're trying to say Kibum...' Leeteuk spoke softly to the younger man, not wanting to worsen his emotions further more.

'What do you mean?'




Kibum did not utter a word of reply. Instead, he just continued to sob.




'If you don't tell me, tell us, then we would never understand Kibum ah.'

'You've been saying that we don't understand this, that we don't get that so how are we supposed to understand when you're not even telling us what's going on???'

'Kibum ah...'

'Please tell me...please tell hyung....make me understand...make me get it...make me Kibum ah....'





Kibum looked at the older man with sad eyes and nodded his head down. He then began wiping his tears away as he tried to calm himself down. After he had regained his composure he began telling them what he and Ryeowook had found out.




'Like you've previously noticed and well informed, Ryeowook and I were tryng to solve the incident with Kyuhyun's kidnapping and the orders we've been told to follow...' He began his words carefully.




They all nodded theirs head in response. 




'YEAP. We knew about that.' Kangin said to him representing the others.

'So what have you found out exactly?'




Kibum took a deep breathe as his emotions began to play with him once again. 




'AND you're all pretty much been informed that KEF stands for 'Kyuhyun's Eternal Fan' and that she is one of those sasaeng fans.




They all nodded their heads for the second time.




'OKAY. So now, I will tell you everything that we've found out and during that time, I want you to listen to me properly until I'm finished since you haven't been really paying attention to anything I've said before.' He said strictly as he stared at them. They nodded their heads for the third time.




'Alright then, I will tell you everything.'

'So it's like this, Ryeowook and I have wondering about these weird connections between Kyuhyun and the members that was chosen for an order.'

'It took us quite some time before we finally realized the true connections between all of this. The true reasons. .the real truth I mean...' He stopped his words for a second before continuining,

'Other than our music, our styles and our features, what does the fans like?'

'What do they enjoy other than that?' He suddenly asked to no one inparticular.




The changes in their face hinted him that they've finally figured out the answer.




'BINGO.' He said softly.

'It's exactly as you think.'



'AND so now, let me ask you, among the couples that existed which are some of the most famous?' He then reached down his pocket and took out a piece of paper.










'If you guys look at this list I've made, I've listed some of the most famous couples in Super Junior.' 

'Kyumin, Yewook, KangTeuk, Eunhae, Hanchul.'

'AND since Kyuhyun was the one who was kidnap I'm going to erase those who are not involve with him leaving us with....'


'However, if we take a look at the other list I've made before regarding the orders of the members, Kangin was the first one to be ordered followed by Sungmin and Donghae which gives as some a new line of couple.'

'KYUHAE.' They all gasped at his words.


'THEN YOU MEAN?!' Shindong uttered in shocked at the younger man.



'Those who have been ordered are none other than the people that are paired up with Kyuhyun.'


'But what about Kangin hyung???' Eunhyuk questioned him.

'He is not part of Kyuhyun's couplings!'


'TRUE.' Kibum replied the other calmly.

'But he wasn't the one injured was he ?'

'The one who was injured was....SNSD's magnae, Seohyun....'

'AND may I remind you that Kyuhyun and Seohyun are also a favorite to many?'




Their jaws basically dropped at Kibum's words. How had they not realized this?




'BUT THEN! WHAT ABOUT RYEOWOOK??' Yesung asked the taller man. His tone notifying how worried he was about the other.

'Eventhough he was part of the Kyuhyun's couplings but we...we.....'

'We never received any letter about him getting ordered! SO WHY?? AND...AND what about YOU???'

'You had been ordered as well!'




Kibum's eyes flickered with pain at Yesung's word as sadness took over. He tried to calmed himself down from breaking into another turmoil.




'You see hyung....I was just a decoy.....' He answered in a sad tone.

'...a decoy to something even bigger.....'


'A DECOY ?' They said almost simultaneously.

'What do you mean, a DECOY??'


'I don't really understand what KEF's true intentions are but I think that her real target was actually Ryeowook.'

'It was Kyuhyun, it was not Seohyun, it was not Sungmin, and it clearly it was not Donghae.'

'Her real target  was all along..had been...Ryeowook.'




Their eyes widen at the new information.




'But I thought you said she was Kyuhyun's sasaeng fan?' Kangin questioned him. He still hasn't fully endorsed with the whole thing.



'Which is why her target is Ryeowook.'


'AISH. CAN YOU GET TO THE POINT ALREADY??!' Heechul was about to lose his patience with the younger man. He was tottaly confused by the whole ordeal.




Kibum ignored the older man and looked at Kyuhyun who was sitting at the end of their half-moon circle. He noticed how frightened and confused Kyuhyun look. He couldn't blame him. Kyuhyun was not informed of everything that had happened while he was gone.




'Kyuhyun ah....' Kibum called out to the magnae.




Kyuhyun looked at Kibum in surprised.








'Tell me.'

'TELL US...'




'Who is the closest member to you in Super Junior?'





Kyuhyun eyes immediately went big as realization took over his mind and body.






So yeah, I'm finally unfolding the mystery bit by bit ;)

Ouh and I would like to thank all of you for reading, subscribing and commenting.

I want you guys to know that I really appreciate every single comment you post.

I'm really grateful to have you guys as my readers.

Thank you for everything.


Much love,


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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..