Am, Who, What ??

48 hours



That thought suddenly hit Ryeowook's mind making his already dry face, wet with sweats once again. Immediately, he stood up from his bed and walked out of his room.


'Kibum...' The smaller man called out. His voice low and soft, not wanting to catch any unwanted attention.


Kibum who was sitting on the couch with Siwon, turned his head around to find Ryeowook waving his hand as a sign of 'Come here, quick!'


He nodded his head in respond. Like Ryeowook, he didn't want any unnecessary attention from the others. Therefore, he stood up carefully and quietly before making his way over to the other. Luckily, nobody seemed to have noticed him. They were all lost in their own little world. Too busy and too indulge in finding a way to save Kyuhyun and solving the connetions that they didn't even notice he was gone.


'What is it Wook?' He asked him.

'Is there something wrong??'


He noticed that Ryeowook looked a bit hesitant for a brief moment before responding,


'Umm...nothing's wrong.....'

'It's just see.....there's...there's something I need to tell more with you.....'


'Well okay then. What is it?'


'Um...can't we talk somewhere else??' Ryeowook requested. His eyes pointing  at the other members.


'Of course. Come on. Let's go to my room.'






'How many hours are left?' Hangeng blurted out suddenly breaking their silence. He was sitting next to Kangin while being surrounded by the other members.


'Somewhere around 18....' Shindong replied him. He was looking at the list Kibum made, trying to figure out the connections.


'I see...not many hours are left huh....' Hangeng then said with a sigh.

'I'm really tired...we haven't slept at feels like ages.....'

'....I wonder when will this all be over.....'

'...I...miss Kyuhyun so much....'


Leeteuk looked up at the younger man and patted his shoulder gently.


'We all do....' He said with a soft smile on his face.

'But you know what, this is something that we can definitely get through together....' He continued.

'Don't you remember?? We are stronger when we are all together....'

'We are stronger when we have each other....' He then added followed by a few nods and thumbs up from the other members.

'So, together, Hangeng ah, together, we'll get Kyuhyun back......'

'So...don't stress yourself too much okay.....' He finished.


Hangeng gave the older man a warm smile as tears welled up in his eyes, touched by Leeteuk's words. He then nodded his head.


'You're right....'

'I'm sorry...I was just worried.....'


'I know....' Leeteuk assured him.

'We all are...' He smiled again.


'But isn't this strange thou??' Eunhyuk suddenly uttered making all heads turned towards him.


'What is??' Leeteuk asked him. 


'We haven't received any letters in a while....'

'I mean...why does it suddenly stop coming??'


'Eunhyuk's right...I've been wondering why too...ugh...this is so not good....' Shindong said as he shook his head, confusing the others.


'Why is that??' Kangin questioned his statement.

'Wouldn't it be better for us not to receive any letter?'

'At least we don't have to worry about someone getting hurt.'

'For all I care, it's very damn good that we don't receive any of those stupid letters.'

'We can at least have a peace in mind.'


'Well, I disagree completely.' Shindong uttered. This time, shaking his head more than before.

'Even though those red letters bring us nothing but doom but in a way, we kinda need it to help speed up time.'

'We kinda need it to save Kyuhyun.'


'What do you mean Dong-hee hyung??' Siwon who had been quiet all this time, spoke out.

'How can it help us save Kyuhyun ?'


Shindong looked at the taller man before saying,


'It's like this, we need it so that we can get this over quickly and return things back to the way they were.'

'She, I mean, the kidnapper weirdo, NO, KEF,  ugh you know who, did say that Kyuhyun will be return to us once we finish all of her orders.'

'So that is why it is important for us to receive all those letters.'


'AND you believe her??' Kangin pointed out suddenly. His face showing complete disagreement.

'What if she's lying?? I mean, she's a total psychotic! You should never trust psychotic people, NEVER!'

'They're just, you know, PSYCHOTIC!'


'I know it sounds idiotic to believe someone like her but for now that's all the option we have to save Kyuhyun.'

'It's not like we have any other ways of saving him.'

'Therefore like it or not, we have no choice but to trust her on this matter.'

'We have no choice but to hope for that letters.'


'Even though I hate to admit this, Shindong's right.' Heechul blurted out.

'We need those letters.'

'In fact, I was getting worried myself too, why did the letters suddenly stop coming.'

'It just didn't make any sense....'



AND with that, they are once again, lost in their thoughts.






Siwon was walking into the kitchen to get something for himself and for the members. He had noticed how tired and exhausted the members looked so he decided to make something for them. They needed the energy to think. They needed to eat. In fact, they needed someone to take care of them. Everything was just full of mess.


As he thought of the members, he couldn't help but feel sad. Each time the members cross his mind, he would feel a shot of pain inside his heart as he knew that they had been missing Kyuhyun so much, it's slowly killing them inside. They couldn't even take care of themselves properly now. They would tend forget to eat, to bath, and sometimes they would even forget each other and only thought of Kyuhyun. That's right, they could only think of Kyuhyun. They could only think of their baby magnae. AND to make matters worst, they couldn't even do anything about the whole situation but to just wait. They had no idea and they had no clue how to save Kyuhyun. They couldn't even solve the ing connections let alone save him! They just, couldn't. Honestly, it's only been hours since Kyuhyun went missing but it felt like years to them. It felt like forever and it felt like it's never going to end.


Siwon sighed as he opened the refrigerator. Suddenly, his eyes got big and his heart pound with anxiety as he saw what they had all been waiting for near the window. He saw what they had all been expecting for. Their only chance of saving Kyuhyun. Their now, ironically, sense of hope, the red letter of doom.


However, what Siwon and the others failed to expect was the information that was written in the letter. The information so shocking it can make their heads explode beyond recognition. The information so confusing their minds can snap into gazillion pieces.








Was what the letter said.









If I'm in the 'mood' (lol) I'll update later tonight. Hee ~

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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..