
48 hours

'That's right.' 


'What on earth is that??'

'Do any of you guys have any idea?' Leeteuk asked the other members.



'Hm...I'm not so sure myself.....' Hangeng replied him. The word 'confused' was clearly shown on his face.

'What about you guys???' He then said while looking at the others.



'We...we don't know either...' Eunhyuk responded. His mind was busy working out something.

'WAIT.' He suddenly said.

'Let me go get my laptop!'



'You're laptop ?' Heechul questioned the younger.



'Yeap. My laptop.'



'What for???'



'To look up online of course!'

'I think that we can definitely find something if we look it up online.'

'Well...I don't know for sure..but you know....just, maybe.....'




They all nodded in agreement.




'You know what, that's a great idea Eunhyuk! Go on then, bring your laptop over.'

'I'm sure we can at least find something.'



'Okay...just a moment ....'




Eunhyuk went to his room to grabbed his laptop. He wandered his eyes for a while before finally locating his laptop on his bed. He then took it to the living room where the others are waiting.




'Let's see....' 

'...I B K.....' He uttered those words as he typed them down.

'AH! There's one!' He exclaimed excitedly. All eyes were now on his laptop.



'Hm...this is weird.....' He said slowy, a bit confused, unsure of the new information he had found.

'...IBK stands for......'

'..Industrial Bank of Korea....?' He then looked at the other members. They were all as confused as him.



'Are you sure Eunhyuk??' Kangin asked the younger. He then went near to him to have a closer look at the screen.




Euhyuk nodded his head in respond.




'Yeap. It clearly states here that IBK stands for Industrial Bank of Korea...look....see?' He finished as he showed the statement to the others.




They all rubbed the back of their heads in confusion.




' now we know what it is....even though it's sounds utterly ridiculous......' Heechul verbalized all of a sudden while looking at everyone.


'What are we supposed to do now??'


'I mean, you know, with the whole IBK thing...' He stopped for a moment before continuing,


'Aish...this just doesn't make any sense!'


'What the hell does a bank have to do with all of this???!'


'I swear this whole thing is getting absurd by the minute!'





'Calm down Heechul...' Leeteuk said to him as he placed his hand on his shoulder. He then stared at the laptop screen.


'Hm...Industrial Bank of Korea huh...'


'Do you guys supposed....that...we have to go there or something?' He asked them.


'I mean, it is located in Seoul if I'm not mistaken.....'


' we're supposed to go there...maybe?'




At Leeteuk's words, Eunhyuk looked back on his laptop.




'You're right Teuki hyung. In fact, it is located near Jung-gu...'


'Ouh. No. In Jung-gu. It is located in Jung-gu....' He corrected.




Leeteuk nodded his head down.




'I here's what I think...'


'I think that KEF's real intention is for us to go there or something.....'


'Think about it. Why would she even gave us that riddle in the first place if we're not supposed to solve it and do as it says??'


'Even though it's not for certain that IBK really stands for Industrial Bank of Korea but for now, that's all we got so I think that we have to grab whatever chances that came along....'




He then looked at the others to see their respond before continuing,




'Of course, I'm not really sure why we're supposed to go there of all places....'



'Maybe that's where the next order will take place ?' Siwon suddenly exclaimed to him.


'You Donghae....his was at the black alley........'


'So this's there...?'



'Okay if what Teukie hyung and Siwon said are true....' Kangin blurted out to them. His hands folding near his chest.




'Do we have to go there together?? All of us??? As in....NOW???'



'I don't think we do.....' Siwon replied him. He was holding the letter in his hand.


'I know this sounds weird but I think that only one of us needs to go there...'


'Just like before...'



'Okay. So then, WHO'S GOING???'



'...I think that person knows it himself...' He answered quietly. He then turned his head around at look at Kibum.


'Don't you Kibum ah ?'




Kibum looked at the older man but said nothing. He then let out a long heaved of sigh before uttering,




''s me.....I have to go......'




'WHAT??!!' They all screamed out almost simultaneously.


'WHY KIBUM???!!'






Kibum looked at every each and one of them calmly before answering,




' was my name that was written on the letter....'


'That's right. My name was used as the clue and key. However, it was also meant for something else....'


'...And that something else is that the next order is actually directed at me.....'




'...I have to perform the next order....'















'BUT WHY???!!!'






Ryeowook, who was shocked at the turned of event, suddenly yelled out. He was staring at Kibum. His eyes showing nothing but confusion.




'WHY HIM???!!!!'


'WHY KIBUM???!!!!'








Try and Google the word IBK and you'll see what Eunhyuk meant (lol).

OUH, but you have to type it as IBK Korea since most of you don't live in South Korea so the serves are different.

Anyway, thanks for reading and subscribing! :))





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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..