Forget it

48 hours













You know, they say when you become a celebrity you'll get to have everything you ever wanted in life. They say that you had it easy and you don't even know what the word 'hardwork' means. That life just seems easier for you and everything just seems perfect. That you can always get away with a lot of things. That somehow things will always go your way and they way you wanted them to be. For example, when you go shopping the manager of the shop will give out free things to you or maybe give you a discount that most 'normal' people wouldn't dare dream of. And you'll always get some sort of special treatment no matter where you go. In other words, You can have everything. Simply, everything just cuz you're a celebrity.

But you know that is why the word 'fantasy' and 'reality' exists. These words don't just pop out of no where. They are here for reason. AND a good one indeed. AND that reason is to tell you that all that you see is not always what you thought it would be. That's right. Reality is not like rainbows and sunshine all over the place. Realilty doesn't care whether you're a celebrity or a freaking millionaire. They don't give a damn. Ever. They just. Don't. AND as for fantasies, they exist merely to give some sort of hopes and dreams to people. The so called 'easy way'. They kept people going, TRUE, but at the same time they just destroys them in the end. Hiding realilty and real life from the eyes of man. People need to realize that celebrities are normal human beings too. They need to ing snap out of it. We're just like them. We have two eyes. JUST LIKE THEM. A nose. JUST LIKE THEM. A mouth. JUST LIKE THEM. Everything that a normal human being has WE also have it. JUST LIKE THEM. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE'S. Note that.


Kyuhyun is tired of everyone telling him how lucky he is to be apart of Super Junior. Telling him how much they envy him and how he was lucky to be given a chance at having the easy way to success.

SERIOUSLY, none of that is true. None of it! NONE. OF. IT. He had worked his off getting to where he is now. It is not always so happy and perfect and so full of joy like what other people see. No way. Life just doesn't work that way. He had suffered countless of sleeping time, practiced every single day for GOD knows how many hours, had to suffer an excessive amount of pain and tiredness, had lost his life,  his youth, his friends, his everything, EVERYTHING just to get to his so called 'envied' perfect status he now has. And now they're telling him it's all an easy way to success? them. them all.










Kyuhyun was sitting on a sofa inside their practice room. He was lost in his own thoughts and emotions. He was too tired to even have a decent conversation with the other members. He might end up offending them in a way with his current condition. So it was better for him to just shut up and stay put to himself. Just then, as Kyuhyun was about to doze off he heard Leeteuk calling out for him.


'Kyuhyun, can you come here for awhile?' Leeteuk said. He was looking rather annoyed.

He sighed and thought, 'What now? What they did I do now?'

He walked over to Leeteuk.

'What is it hyung?' He asked, simply. Too tired to demand more.

'Nothing much. Just that I wanted to tell you to please put a little more effort during practice. You kept on making unnessesary mistakes.'

'It's really weighing everyone down so please step up your game so that we don't have to keep doing the same routine over and over again'



Kyuhyun was taken aback by his remarks. Great. Just what he needed the most when he's feeling like crap. He tried to calmed himself.



'Hyung, I really gave out my best today. I know it may not seemed much but I really did gave it my all' he replied.

'I don't think it's fair for you to put all the blame on me. Everyone else made some mistakes too. I'm not the only one'



Leeteuk looked straight into his eyes. Disbelieved at Kyuhyun's remarks.


'Really Kyuhyun? Really? You did your best? You gave it your all? Really ? Cuz I don't really see that 'my best' you're referring to right now'

'I just don't see it' Leeteuk said sharply at him. His eyes showing anger and annoyance.



Kyuhyun didn't like the tone that Leeteuk is using against him. In fact, he hated it. It sounded so annoying, so loud, so painful that it just pierced right into his ears. He felt his body getting hot.



'What does that supposed to mean?' Kyuhyun questioned. His tone geting higher.

'What the hell?!' he added.

'I don't like your tone Kyuhyun' Leeteuk answered. Getting angry at Kyuhyun's rudeness.

'Well, I don't like yours either!' Kyuhyun yelled out at Leeteuk.

'In fact, I hate it!'

'Kyuhyun, whats with you today?!' Leeteuk yelled back.

'You're just rude!'











Kyuhyun was now yelling at the top of his lungs. He was tired. NO. Exhausted. COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY EXHAUSTED. He had to endure Leeteuk's nagging every single second of the day. He had to hear the members say how terrible he is. How he was weighing them down. How he was not trying his best. How he was just terrible. AND he had to endure the fact that he was not on the same level as them anymore. That he was not how he used to be before the accident. BUT Can't they at least see? Can't at least they notice? Can't they try to understand? Can't they took the time to look at him? CAN'T THEY JUST LOOK AND see how hard he was trying? How he had given everything to do his absolute best? How he had practice nonstop to catch up with them? How he had given his all? How he had endure all the pain he felt from his body? How he did all that? ALL THAT! Can't they JUST, SEE?  That it is not as easy as it used to be. It's just not. His body is not as strong as before. He gets tired easily. He always felt weak and fragile. But never once. Not even ONCE had he complained. Not even once! Instead, He had given it his all. His all. But somehow they just never seems to understand. They never seems to notice. AND They never seems to care. NEVER. JUST. NEVER.


The other members have now gathered around them. Confused at the whole commotion.


'KYUHYUN! CALM DOWN!' Siwon said holding Kyuhyun. 'You know that's not what Teukie hyung means....'

'We would never think that, so please calm down' he continued.

'Just calm down...'

'That's right Kyuhyun ah, that's not what Teukie hyung means' Eunhyuk said.

'He was just asking you to put more effort. He knows that you're tyring your best. But maybe your best is just not good enough' he added.



Kyuhyun felt like his heart was being crushed into gazzilion pieces. Not good enough ? HAH. Brilliant. Just, Brilliant. GREAT. AWESOME. AMAZING. FANTASTIC !

He took a deep breathe trying to calm himself from yelling further more. He had enough. He needed to get out. He just HAVE to get out.



'You know what. Whatever. Forget I said anything. Sorry for yelling out like that' he said walking towards the door.

'I'm just gonna go somewhere and relax myself. I'll be back soon. Please excuse me'







AND with that, he left the members puzzled. Looking at each at other.




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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..