
48 hours

Donghae looked down on his watch. He has exactly 10 minutes to reach the train station. He stopped his track as he came down to a road. He looked to his right, to his left and then back to his right again before crossing the road. That's right. He was on foot and he was  alone. He figured that it be easier since he can easily escape and disguise himself from fans. Plus he just wanted to get 'this' over with.

Donghae looked down to his watch again. 5 minutes. He speed up his track and went into the train station. He was practically on the verge of mental break down when he couldn't find the locker section. He was like a maniac running all over the train station, frantically. He heaved a huge sigh of relief when he finally found the locker section and without wasting any further time, he went on searching for locker no. 56.






Donghae's hands was literally shaking when he reached over to open the said locker. His whole body was trembling in fear of what was kept inside the locker for him to see. After much difficutly, he finally managed to open the locker. 

There was a small box inside the locker and a red letter that was placed neatly beside the small box. Donghae gulped down hard as he reached for the letter.






'You have 20 minutes to deliver this box to the Black Alley in Route 95 or Kyuhyun dies'  was what the letter said. 








Donghae is now running. He was running as hard as he can to the said Black Alley. He couldn't help but to look at his watch as he continued his track. He was worried. Extremely worried, that his time would run out. That Kyuhyun would be hurt or worse, KILLED. His whole body was practically trembling at the thought of Kyuhyun dying.


After 10 minutes of running Donghae finally reached the Black Alley. He looked around nervously, unsure of what to do. He had no idea to whom he was supposed to hand over the small box. He was just told to the deliver the small box in this alley and that was it. 


As he was looking around, he noticed how his body began trembling more than before. The alley was dark and it was empty. There was no source of life around and there was nothing decent. Nothing at all. There were rubbish everywhere and the alley stinks so much Donghae swear if he didn't have any strength in him, he would have vomitted right then. Donghae looked down on his feet as millions of questions began running inside his head.




What was he supposed to do now??



Why is he even there??



What's going on???



What the hell is this???




He just cannot understand why he was told to go there when there is not a single person around. There was practically nothing! He was standing there alone like an idiot. But one thing he did know, he hated being there. That's right. HE HATED IT SO MUCH. AND he wanted nothing else but to go home to s. He wanted to go home. Home. His home. But he knew he had no choice.










Eunhyuk was staring at the clock. Donghae had been gone for so long he was beginning to feel worried. The other members were sitting around him. They were also worried. They were worried about his whereabouts..



'Where could he be??' Eunhyuk blurted out. His eyes filled with worries.

'Maybe he's stuck in a traffic jam on his way back....' Shindong tried to assured him. The other members nodded in agreement.

'How can he? He went there on foot remember?' Eunhyuk uttered. His eyes rolling.

'Then maybe he had to do something and that something takes a lot of his time.'

'There must be something in that locker that is taking his time....'

'He'll be back soon...I'm sure so don't worry okay.....' Shindong said as he placed his hands on Eunhyuk's shoulder.

'....maybe.....' Eunhyuk said softly before sighing.



'...I just hope nothing bad happens to him....'








Suddenly, Eunhyuk's phone rang startling everyone. Without wasting any time, he quickly grabbed a hold of his phone.



'Hello? AH. DONGHAE AH!' 










Eunhyuk yelled out loud as his eyes flung with shock and horror.















Another chapter!

Okay right now I'm feeling really jealous cuz while I'm here writing about Donghae, my best friend actually saw him today with Siwon and Minho at a mall!

ARGHH She's SO LUCKY!! >< Do leave your comment btw!

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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..