The Puzzle Piece

48 hours

'Ryeowook, look at this.' Kibum uttered to the smaller man.

'What?' Ryeowook replied him, turning his body towards the other.

'I've listed down everything we had to do, every order we had to obey, and every person that was involved in this order.'

'Okay, then...what's your point? I'm not really getting it...'

'Well, for starters, I'm not really sure if I'm right about this but somehow I feel like there's a connection between everything I've listed down.'

'A connection???'

'You mean like there is actually a reason why these people were chosen and those orders were made?'

'Exactly. I mean, think about it. Why Kangin hyung? Sungmin hyung? Donghae hyung? Why them and not us?? WHY IS THAT????'

'You know what. I think you're right Kibum! So now, what we have to do is to find that missing puzzle and put a stop to all of this and maybe if we're lucky enough, we would be able to rescue Kyuhyun!'

'I was thinking the same thing however, there's a problem. How are we supposed to find the missing piece?'

'I've been thinking about this for hours and I still can't figure it out.'

'Don't worry Kibum. Let's figure this out together and I'm sure if we work really hard we would be able to find it.'

'Hmm....I hope so........'






Kibum was walking down the hospital hall. His head was heavy with thoughts. No matter how hard he tried. He just couldn't figure out the connection. He had no idea why Kangin, Sungmin and Donghae were chosen for those orders. AND most importantly, he couldn't figure out who KEF really is.



Is he an old enemy to his hyungs?


Did something happen between them that made him act this way?


Or maybe he holds a grudge with Kyuhyun?


What is he-she?


A male?


A female?


An anti-fan?


Why would he/she harm Super Junior?


Maybe Kyuhyun had said something that offended him?


Or maybe he's really just, a pyscho?


Maybe he just got out of the mental hospital?


Maybe he's a serial killer?


The company's enemy?


Did hyungs do something in the past?



Ugh...this is killing me......




Kibum leaned on the wall as he felt pain inside his head. He was under a lot of pressure and his body were in a lot of stressed.




'Calm down Kibum....calm down.....'







Ryeowook was looking at the sky. Like Kibum, he too was heavy with thoughts. Ryeowook tried to connect his hyungs with all the orders they got and the possibility of the KEF's identity but nothing came to his mind.

Ryeowook cursed himself for being such a slow case at a time like this. He can't afford to be such a person when they have so little time. He just can't afford to. He turned his head around and looked at the list Kibum made earlier.



KEF --> Kyuhyun ---> Kangin ---> Sungmin ---> Donghae


Kidnap --> Push ---> Cut ---> Drug



He sighed.






He just, couldn't figure it out.











So yeah, I'm cracking the mystery bit by bit ~ hm





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Can't wait to finish this but still got a long way to go lol ~


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Chapter 59: BEST , love your stories ? btw i would like you to update on one of ryeowook's story , is about the secret thingy , im very excited for that ?
Rayshun #2
Chapter 59: Hey...... Daebak.... Ur so talented ... This fic kept me on the edged all through...... One of the best....
Chapter 59: This is so freaking awesome!!! You are really a genius author-nim.. I'm just... Wow! Who knows that you can make an awesome story like this..
Author-nim, I hope you can make a lot of fanfiction about friendship since it's hard to find fanfiction like this.. and don't worry.. I will always support ur stories..
i want to start reading this....but i saw in the tag section kyuwook and i wanted to ask will there be romantic love between then or only brotherly love?
Deboome #5
Chapter 59: The most most most perfect story I've ever read in my life!!!!!
Deboome #6
Chapter 31: Wow u soooo smaarrtt and mysterious and i like it
Chapter 59: ,!i love the.mystery!!i love super!
Chapter 52: ,go.Kyuhyun!,,cut.her body parts!!!!
Chapter 25: .i love Wookie.hahaha..he.cant lie properly..