Sweetest Mistake

It Started With A Mistake


Only U – As One (feat. Donghae)





Four Years Later.




Little YoungHee, who was just wearing a pink bathrobe, ran down the stairs once she saw WooYoung.

“What is it, princess?” he knelt down in front of her.

“I couldn’t find, umma,” she pouted.




“Umma’s looking for you as well,” WooYoung smiled and ruffled her hair.


“Babe, YoungHee’s here downstairs!” he shouted. Soon, MinYoung came downstairs and found YoungHee.

“Where did you disappeared to, honey?” MinYoung asked as she wiped YoungHee’s hair with a towel.

“When I came out of the bathroom, you weren’t there so I went out to look for you. But our house is too big,” YoungHee said as she raised her hands to emphasize how big their house is.

“I know, honey,” MinYoung smiled. She stood up and looked at WooYoung.


“We’ve been living here for four years already and we still get lost,” she complained.

“I didn’t get this house on the first place,” he said.

“For a small family like us, this house is seriously big, oppa,” she said as she carried YoungHee.

“But we’re going to have a big family soon. YoungHee’s going to be a big sister, soon,” WooYoung said and kissed YoungHee’s cheek.

“I want a sister!” YoungHee cheered.


“Before we get you any sibling, let’s get you dressed first before we start your party,” MinYoung said and climbed the stairs.

“Then we can give YoungHee a sister?” WooYoung asked cutely.

“You wish, oppa,” MinYoung laughed.


“Oh, I will. And I’ll grant my wish instead,” WooYoung thought mischievously.


WooYoung was grilling meat by the backyard when everyone started to arrive. As usual, their parents always came together.


“Where’s hyung?” WooYoung looked for his brother.

“He’s on his way. He’s just fetching ShinHye,” Mrs. Jang said as she prepared the paper plates by the table together with Mrs. Shin.


After MinYoung and YoungHee were discharged from the hospital, GeunSuk made a move and asked ShinHye on a proper date. One proper date led to another one and then another and another and finally, GeunSuk asked ShinHye to become his girlfriend. They’ve been dating for almost four years and they’re planning to get married later this year.

“Where’s the birthday girl?” GeunSuk asked loudly once he arrived with ShinHye.

“I’m right here, uncle!” YoungHee squealed who was standing behind him: http://www.happyfotos.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/0827lovelygirl1.jpg


“Hey there lovely!” GeunSuk greeted and carried her.

“Happy birthday!” he kissed her cheek and YoungHee giggled.

“Thank you!” she said cheerfully.


“Happy birthday, sweetie!” ShinHye greeted.

“Thank you, auntie~” YoungHee hugged her.

“I’ve got something for you,” ShinHye handed her a small box. YoungHee’s eyes glittered in excitement.


“Umma! I’ve got something from Aunt ShinHye!!” she waved the box in the air.

“What are you going to tell aunt ShinHye?” MinYoung asked. YoungHee turned to ShinHye.

“Thank you!!” she squealed and hugged her once again.


Then, Nichkhun and HaRin came, with their hands laced together.


After a few persuasions and contemplating, HaRin finally said yes to Nichkhun and they’ve been going out for almost a year. MinYoung and WooYoung were happy for the couple and gave them their blessing.


“Where’s our little princess?” Nichkhun asked sweetly.

“My uncle prince!” YoungHee ran to Nichkhun who gave a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi, aunt HaRin!” she waved excitedly at HaRin.

“Happy birthday, honey!” HaRin kissed her other cheek and handed her a gift.

“Thank you, auntie!” she hugged HaRin and placed the gift together with her other gifts.


“Let’s blow your candles, shall we?” Nichkhun suggested as he held the box of cake in his hands.


WooYoung and Nichkhun brought the cake out and lighted four candles for YoungHee. Everyone sang happy birthday to her.


“Make a wish,” MinYoung whispered once they were done singing. YoungHee tightly closed her eyes and made a wish. Once done, YoungHee blew out the candles and everyone clapped.


“Can I eat a piece now?” YoungHee practically jumped. MinYoung gave her a piece and so was everyone else.


While YoungHee played with Nichkhun and HaRin, Mrs. Jang and Mrs. Shin chatted with MinYoung.

“So, do you plan on having another baby soon?” Mrs. Jang randomly asked. MinYoung almost spilled her drink.

“E-excuse me?” MinYoung blinked.

“Oh come on, honey. We didn’t buy this mansion for you and WooYoung just to have a small family,” Mrs. Shin said and MinYoung nervously laughed.

“We-we haven’t talked about it,” MinYoung sipped her drink.

“Well just to let you know, we’re waiting for more,” Mrs. Shin winked and Mrs. Jang laughed.


MinYoung excused herself from her mom and Mrs. Jang for a while. She silently watched everyone by the side. WooYoung saw her and quietly approached her. Seeing that she didn’t felt his presence, he suddenly wrapped his arms around her thin waist. MinYoung jumped.


“Oppa! You surprised me!” she slapped his arm.

“You were thinking so deeply that I don’t know how to get your attention,” he said as he rested his chin on top of her head. “What were you thinking?” he asked and MinYoung sighed.

“I’m just happy that now, everything has fallen into place and everyone’s happy,” she said softly.


WooYoung turned MinYoung around and he wrapped her arms around him.

“Well, I’m happy you’re mine and that we have YoungHee,” he said in contentment.

“I’m happy for that, too,” she mumbled.

“But you know what would make me even happier?” he asked.

“What?” MinYoung looked up.

“If we gave YoungHee a sibling,” he grinned. MinYoung blushed and slapped his chest.

“And what?! Make me go on labor again?! You should try getting pregnant. By then, you wouldn’t suggest on having another baby, again,” she glared at him.

“But YoungHee said she wanted one a while ago~” he whined.

“You’re just being a ert!” she said.


“If I have to make you drunk just to make you agree then I’ll do that,” he jokingly threatened.

“And then what? Create the same mistake that we did four years ago?” she taunted.

“YoungHee’s the sweetest mistake that we ever had,” he whispered huskily.

“But she’s not a mistake. She’s a gift,” she said and WooYoung softened. He leaned in and gave MinYoung a peck.

“You’re right. She is a gift,” he pecked once more.

“Oppa, stop. We’ve got visitors,” she tried to escape from WooYoung’s arms but he wouldn’t let her and continued to peck her.

“They don’t have to see it. We could go inside,” he whispered huskily.

“Right now?” MinYoung raised an eyebrow and he nodded.

“Let’s do the same sweet mistake that we did four years ago,” he suggested in a low voice.

“But how about them?” she glanced at the visitors.


“They can manage on their own,” he said and nodded towards the house. MinYoung tried to decide but she was pulled by WooYoung inside.




The End. ♥

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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: