First Check-Up Together

It Started With A Mistake




A month has passed and MinYoung and WooYoung are becoming close than ever.


It was already weekend and WooYoung had no work. So, he decided to sleep a little more. But then, he heard the shower from the bathroom, close. WooYoung opened his eyes and partly sat up from the bed, supporting himself with his arm while he rubbed his eyes. He then heard some shuffling inside of their closet.


“MinYoung-ah? Is that you?” he called. No answer. WooYoung was about to stand up when she came out of their bathroom:


“Where are you going?” he asked while he squinted his eyes.

“I’m going to the doctor’s for a check-up,” she answered while she placed her things inside her purse. WooYoung paused before he spoke.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked softly, making MinYoung stop from what she was doing.

“Are you sure?” she turned to look at him, a small smile starting to form from her lips.

“It’s a Saturday. I don’t have work,” he said.


“Please let me come,” WooYoung prayed


“I’d like that,” MinYoung smiled, showing her dimples.


Immediately, WooYoung stood up from bed and rushed to their bathroom.

“Give me ten minutes!” he shouted as he closed the bathroom door. MinYoung chuckled.

“Don’t hurry! My check-up will be at 9am!” she shouted.


As promised, WooYoung got ready in ten minutes. MinYoung insisted for an early breakfast before they went to the doctor’s. So, they ate out on a café.


“What are you going to do at the doctor’s today?” WooYoung asked as he ate.

“For a check-up of course,” MinYoung joked.

“I know that,” WooYoung rolled his eyes which made MinYoung laugh, “but what are we going to there really? Will we know its gender or something?” he asked.

“I’m just not sure. But I do want to know when I’ll be giving birth,” she said. WooYoung nodded and continued to eat.

“Yah~ eat your food,” he said with his mouth full.

“I am. I just don’t feel like eating all these,” she pushed her half finished plate away.

“Then will you finish this?” he asked as he called out to a waiter. The waiter nodded and went to the kitchen. He came out with a plate in hand and placed it in front of MinYoung. It was strawberry shortcake that she has been craving for. MinYoung’s eyes glittered in happiness.

“Thanks, oppa!” she said excitedly.

WooYoung stopped eating and looked at MinYoung who also realized what she has just said.

“What did you say?” he asked.

“I-I sa-said, th-thanks, W-wooyoung-ssi~” she didn’t look up and silently ate her cake.


“I swear, she just called me ‘oppa’,” WooYoung happily thought.

“Me and my uncontrollable mouth! Aish!” MinYoung scolded herself.


After they have finished their breakfast, WooYoung drove them to the hospital to meet Dr. Park. They both sat silently as they waited to be called. WooYoung happily waited with a smile on his face. MinYoung noticed this and frowned.


“Yah~ you look like a fool,” MinYoung whispered. WooYoung looked at her.

“Your fault,” he tapped her nose.

“What the hell happened to you? And how did it become my fault?!” she moved his hand away.

“I heard what you called me earlier,” he whispered in her ear. MinYoung blushed.

‘I-I didn’t sa-say anything,” she looked away.

“Don’t worry. I like it actually. It has been years since you called me ‘oppa’,” he said softly. MinYoung looked at him and he continued to smile. She looked down, embarrassed.


“Mr. and Mrs. Jang?” Nurse Jung came out of Dr. Park’s clinic. WooYoung and MinYoung stood up and entered the room.

“Good morning! It’s so nice to see you again!” Dr. Park greeted cheerfully.


Dr. Park had to bring MinYoung to the other room for an ultrasound, together with WooYoung. MinYoung laid on the bed and Dr. Park began to do the ultrasound while they watched the little monitor. Dr. Park pointed something on the monitor.


“That’s the baby’s heart beat,” she said softly as she smiled at the couple.


MinYoung felt very happy at that very moment that she held onto WooYoung’s hand and he gave it a squeeze.


“Would you like to know the gender of the baby right now?” she looked at the couple. MinYoung looked up at WooYoung.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“We would like to find it out right now,” he said to Dr. Park who nodded and began to identify the baby’s gender.

“Hmmm,” Dr. Park started which made the couple look worriedly at her.

“It seems like you’ll be having a healthy baby girl,” Dr. Park smiled. When they heard the word “healthy”, MinYoung and WooYoung let out a sigh of relief.

“Have you been eating and resting well?” Dr. Park asked as she wiped off the gel from MinYoung’s tummy.

“I have,” she said softly.

“Yeah. All she wants to eat is strawberry shortcakes,” WooYoung added.

“That’s normal for any pregnant woman. Sometimes, the only food that they eat all day is the food that they’re craving for,” Dr. Park smiled. “But don’t forget to eat those healthy foods. You’ll need it,” she added. WooYoung helped MinYoung stand up.

“Would you like to have a copy of the baby’s picture?” Dr. Park asked.

“YES PLEASE!” WooYoung answered enthusiastically which surprised MinYoung.

“I see a very excited father here,” Dr. Park chuckled. MinYoung joined in.

“I’ll have Nurse Jung get two copies of the picture,” she said.

“Please make it four copies,” WooYoung spoke.

“Four?” MinYoung asked in confusion.

“Well, yeah. Our parents will be looking for one,” he blinked.

“Alright, four it is,” Dr. Park listed on the clipboard and handed it to Nurse Jung.

“Do you have a wash room in here?” MinYoung suddenly asked.

“It’s right over here,” Dr. Park pointed to the door behind her. MinYoung excused herself.


While MinYoung was in the wash room, Dr. Park wanted to have a private talk with WooYoung.

“Mr. Jang, I’ve wanted to say ‘thank you’ to you for helping me stop your wife from going through the abortion,” Dr. Park said gratefully. WooYoung smiled shyly.

“Well, I wanted to stop her from doing it, too. She’s carrying my baby,” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I don’t think the baby is the only reason that made you stop her,” Dr. Park chuckled.

“What do you mean?” he tilted his head on the side.

“It’s obvious Mr. Jang. The both of you might’ve looked like you’re about to kill each other when you entered the operating room but when I observed you today, I can see that somehow, you love your wife,” she said softly.

“Well, she is someone special to me since we were kids,” he placed his hands on his pocket.

“Nevertheless, you love her,” she smiled. WooYoung chuckled.

“MinYoung is already on her fifth month of pregnancy and she needs to be taken care of. Your full attention is a must on her condition right now,” Dr. Park said seriously. WooYoung frowned.

“I thought you said the baby was healthy?” he asked.

“It is. But you see Mr. Jang, you wife is carrying your daughter. A baby girl. When the mother becomes depressed, she may lose the baby because a baby girl doesn’t have a strong grip. So I’m asking you, please take care of her. Show her love, protect her, give her what she wants, and be there for her. For short, always make her happy,” Dr. Park said. WooYoung nodded in understanding.

“Thanks, Dr. Park,” WooYoung shook her hand.

“My pleasure, Mr. Jang. The babies and their mothers are very special to me. I don’t want any of them to lose each other,” Dr. Park smiled. Then, MinYoung came out of the wash room.

“Are you feeling fine?” Dr. Park asked MinYoung.

“I’m feeling great, thank you,” MinYoung smiled. Suddenly, Nurse Jang came in. She handed the couple four copies of the baby’s picture and some vitamins for MinYoung to take.


MinYoung and WooYoung went out of the hospital. Absentmindedly, they walked to the car park hand in hand.

“Do you want to go somewhere today?” WooYoung asked. MinYoung thought for a second.

“Since we already know the gender of the baby, I was thinking of shopping things for her,” she smiled.

“To the mall we go,” WooYoung announced.

“Are you sure you want to come? It’s your day off. You should be resting,” MinYoung said.

“I’m sure,” WooYoung smiled as they approached their car. He opened the door for her before he went to his side.




Seems like Dr. Park is becoming Dr. Love. Kkk~ I’m not sure if baby girls really don’t have a strong grip but that’s what my aunts told me. :)

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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: