It Started With A Mistake


Step By Me – f(x)



“Good Morning Vice President.”


Employees greeted brightly at MinYoung as she passed by the office stalls.


“Good Morning,” she greeted back.


Shin MinYoung is the only and only daughter and heir to Shin Corporation, one of the biggest and richest companies in Seoul, making her family the richest in the elite society. She had just graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management and now she’s the vice president of Shin Corporation.


“Good Morning Ma’am,” her secretary greeted as she entered the office.


“Harin-ah, I told you to not call me ‘ma’am’ OR ‘vice president’ even if we’re in the office,” MinYoung reminded her.

“I know, but I work for you,” HaRin reasoned.


HaRin is MinYoung’s best friend since high school and went in the same university and got the same bachelor’s degree.


“Dongsaeng, even if you work for me, I don’t want you to treat me differently,” MinYoung said as she sat on her chair. [Office:]


“But I’m not treating you differently,” HaRin protested, “I’m just simply doing my job. I’m placing myself on my position,” she added.

“Uh-huh. And you’re position here is to not work FOR me but to work WITH me. There’s a difference between that. You’re my right hand, my psychic,” MinYoung told her.

“AND!” MinYoung raised a finger when HaRin was about to talk.

“You’re OTHER position here is to continue to be my one and only best friend,” MinYoung smiled cheekily as she placed her arms on her desk.

“Unnie, you’re one psycho boss,” HaRin laughed,

“I know,” MinYoung agreed.

“So what is my schedule for today?” MinYoung opened her laptop and HaRin opened her organizer.

“You’re lucky today. You only have three major meetings for the entire day,” HaRin smiled while she stood in front of MinYoung’s desk.

“I have three only?” MinYoung shifted her eyes away from her laptop in surprise. Usually, she goes to eight to ten different meetings a day and she’s been only in the position for less than a month.

“Three only,” HaRin raised three fingers.

“That’s a new one,” MinYoung went back to typing on her laptop.

“That’s because I’m a good secretary. I made sure that you’ll have an easy day today,” HaRin smiled happily and so did MinYoung.


“Mr. President called for a meeting with you and said it is very important,” HaRin reported.

“Appa?” MinYoung asked with a hint of surprise in her voice. HaRin nodded.

“What would he want?” MinYoung asked and HaRin only shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know. His secretary said that is was important,” HaRin said.


“Your next meeting will be at lunch. You’ll meet the vice president of one of the company’s business partners. It’s supposed to be Mr. President’s work but he wanted to give the job to you since he’s always full packed,” HaRin continued.

“Who would it be?” MinYoung thought out loud.

“I know but I won’t tell,” HaRin teased. MinYoung looked at HaRin who had an ‘I-won’t-tell-you’ look. Knowing her best friend, she knew HaRin won’t tell her.

“Fine, just tell me where I should meet this vice president,” MinYoung didn’t go on persisting HaRin.


“So what time does my last meeting end?” MinYoung asked.

“Actually, it’s a dinner date,” HaRin grinned.

“A dinner date with whom?” MinYoung asked.

“Who else?” HaRIn didn’t have to say who the person was. MinYoung perfectly knew who it was and smiled when she thought of him.

“So after your second meeting, you have all the time to get ready,” HaRIn informed her.

“My schedule sounds good,” MinYoung smiled happily as she leaned back on her seat.

“So what time do I have to meet the president?” she asked as she closed her laptop. HaRin looked at her watch.

“You should be in his office in exactly five minutes,” HaRin said.

“Then I guess I better get going,” MinYoung stood up and grabbed her bag. She went out of her office and made way to the elevator with HaRin following her behind.


In the elevator, MinYoung thought of something in return to HaRin, for giving her time to spend with her boyfriend.


“Dongsaeng,” MinYoung called her.

“Hmm?” HaRin turned to her.

“Since I’ll be going off early today, I think you should get off early, too, and go on a date with you boyfriend as well,” MinYoung suggested, “even though I still couldn’t understand why you’re still with him,” she added.

“Thanks, unnie. In case you don’t know, that’s what you call love,” HaRin said.

“I can’t believe I let you be his girlfriend,” MinYoung shook her head in disbelief.

“That’s because you love me and you want me to be happy,” HaRin leaned on MinYoung’s shoulder and smiled while looking up to her.

“I know,” they both laughed.



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: